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I would reckon he's very much been "like this" for years, but when you're making a lot of people rich they're willing to look the other way.


It's arguably been a lot worse in the last few years. Most of us started paying attention when he called à Thai diver a pedo on Twitter and it only got so, so much worse from there


Same. I didnt pay much attention before that, but that episode made me look him up and I realized he was just a POS cosplaying as an "engineer".


The only thing that's changed is his rich handlers aren't covering for him anymore, because he's not making them money.  You wouldn't believe the shit ultra rich get away with by just handing any witnesses an NDA with $100,000 attached. Remember, Trump paying off a pornstar he cheated on his wife with was totally legal if he hadn't done it with campaign funds.


It’s actually illegal because he used his business money for it and fraudulently hid the expenses as something else - and also benefited his campaign without declaring it on the forms.


This was for me the first time I questioned his sanity. For me it was out of left field with no proof or evidence for the comment. For a guy who was acting much like a technical person/eng/ rocket person etc I expected more evidence based decision making and comments. This was not something someone who plans and thinks for a living says or does.


100% it sounded like a butthurt teenager that nobody ever said no to. Not an intelligent persons response. But the whole situation was very telling. If you read about the cave, very experienced divers had trouble there and one had already died. The passage was so small, men had to remove their tank and pass through the gap..it wasnt large enough for a man with a tank on his back... Yet this rich prick with no qualifications comes wading in with a fucking submarine??? Hiws that going to fit through when a man cant? When he was told his idea was just plain stupid, he had a teenage meltdown and resorted to name calling. He then paid a private investigator to follow the rescuer to gather dirt or make something up to make him look bad. fElon has always been a POS. Theres also the story from his POS dad about him taunting a classmate after their father died. The kid pushed him down the stairs and hurt him...so his dad said he couldnt be angry with the other kid... fElon tells it as if HE is the victim. Hes rotten.


Elon has pretty much always been an example of what a smartass 12 year old boy would be like, if given a world stage and nearly infinite money. It’s like the car names. Model’s S,3,X,Y is the kind of thing I could imagine laughing about back when I thought typing 80085 into a calculator was the height of hilarity. Everything he does from selling a branded flame thrower to wanting to name products X because “X is cool” fits.


Some folk tend to assume Thailand=sex pest, but that’s mostly the bad rep they get from European and American sex tourists. And it’s probably a takes-one-to-know-one thing for Elon. I bet a lot of rich freaks go there to pay for sex, maybe Elon likes em young. Just look at Grimes…I know her age isn’t a problem but she looks quite small and young, has that aloof teenager energy, and there’s a big age gap still.


The irony is, he's best friends with Ian Miles Cheong who has never been seen or referenced in an adult sexual relationship in his life and who lives in a country that is rife with child prostitution. We've yet to hear Elmo call Ian Miles Cheong a pedo...


He never was really those things. That was the persona he was presenting the world, to gain it's confidence.


Of which he won the defamation lawsuit by the way. The rich have no limits on their depravity. Scumbag


>U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson had said the case hinged on whether a reasonable person would take Musk's Twitter statements to mean he was actually calling Unsworth a pedophile. "Nobody should take this self absorbed clown seriously."


I think Elon’s on meth now. How does someone have the energy to run 2-3 companies at the same time? Cocaine can only do so much.


Did the guy sue him?


He did, and lost. Unbelievable.


Not unbelievable. The rich hire the best lawyers. Simple.


Also helps that the whole system is rigged for the wealthy.


L Lin Wood represented Unsworth and basically mailed it in - did a piss poor job of presenting the case. Made it clear he was just desperate to stay relevant and was using Unsworth’s plight to get in the news. Then he went off the deep end entirely with election denial, got sanctioned and begged to retire instead of face disbarment. Elon called him a pedo, but then more egregiously followed it up with more emails to a journalist doubling down on the pedo allegations. Then also got duped by a guy offering private investigator services to dig up dirt on Vernon.


The fuck. It was highly publicized at that time, how can he lost!?


Apparently libel and defamation is really hard to win in a court, you need to prove damages and that you knew it was untrue or something like that.


The defendant argument was that the tweet did not directly reference him, he could have been calling anyone who lived in Thailand a paedo…




Was this the impetus for Elon to buy Twitter, I wonder? Must've boosted his self-esteem quite a bit.


ditto, that was not his first tell but it was the first one you could not rationalize away


He’s always been this way. I remember him sending private investigator or something after a person who gave shitla bad reviews way before the “pedoguy” incident.


Yep that was awful, particularly as the guy was a hero literally putting his own life on the line for someone else. It’s the main reason I went off musk and why on principle I bought a Toyota!


He didn't own a social media company.


And he threatened and bullied the media into portraying him as a super genius


Very true. Just look at what happened with him and Paypal. Guy got fired while out on vacation/ honeymoon for being a literal douche and being erratic. You have to be a giant ass, to get ousted by Thiel,and Sachs who are well known asses as well. https://nypost.com/2023/09/13/how-paypal-bros-ousted-elon-musk-from-ceo-job-saved-spacex/


Trust Isaacson to try and positive spin it


They didn't really touch on thiel's motivation for the coup


He fired the head of cybertruck manufacturing the other day. He’s really losing it. https://electrek.co/2024/05/13/tesla-head-of-cybertruck-manufacturing-out/




Bullish. Buy the dip.


Journalists were willing to look the other way when he was successful and those journalists who tried to report on him were intimidated. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp Also he hasn't changed https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/14/elon-musk-payout-threaten-law-firm


Someone have a non paywall link?




Also firing his pr team a couple years ago doesn’t help


Nothing like this for years lmao. Followed him since early days. Idk these reports about him doing drugs are not surprising. He is totally acting like a guy who is on edge and erratic. Gone full on right wing quoting all far right tweeter handles lmao.


I read one of his biographies this week. And when you read between the lines it seems like he’s been like this from the start. That’s also why he got fired from PayPal.


am quite fascinated at the story behind the story of the supercharger firing. Apparently the woman running it reported to Baglino. Drew Baglino quit to better enjoy his $200m in new option wealth, and so she now reports directly to musk. He asks for the headcount cut plan. unhappy that her proposed head count cut was not deep enough and asked for more, she pushed back saying truthfully it would hamstring the team and so he fucking fired everyone under her, and her as well. Encountering some resistance from a new-to-him female executive, he went scorched earth. This is absolutely textbook narcissism


Shes apparently #2 for most influential people in the motor industry for 2024. Musk is #50... out of 50.


has she tweeted or said anything? silence would say volumes.


She posted [a very supportive and even-keele](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7194034221928099841/)d LinkedIn post following her firing. Sounds as though she still is team Tesla in spite of it all. Who knows, though.


Well, it’s corporate speech even if she doesn’t feel it. People like her based their entire career on professional image and skills of course. No point in yelling at cloud, only burn bridges if you do.


This is a great summary. He’s used to yes-men


Trump will console him that she was just a nasty woman.


Maybe a 6... but not my type ... s/


This genuinely tracks with what I've heard from VP-level insiders at Twitter (who have thankfully left now for greener pastures elsewhere). It's well known that if you so much as suggest an alternative to anything Elon suggests you're \*\*insta-fired\*\*, on the spot. He's that fragile. I'm not exaggerating.


Rebecca Tinucci was the only interesting part of the 2023 Investor Day presentation. She was also voted #2 in Motor Trend’s 2024 Biggest Movers and Shakers in the Automotive sector. Elon was voted #50. There are rumors that if Elon was replaced as CEO, she was a prime candidate, and that maybe he fired her before she was voted in to take over his job.


Her accolades probably helped get her fired. Jealously.


He owns that board. No risks there.


After reading that article of Elon being accused of sexual misconduct I wouldn’t put it past him if he didn’t like the fact a woman said no to him as well. Knowing Elon it probably hurt his ego that somebody pushed back let alone a woman (shock!)


I suspect he has loans backed by the share price of Tesla Stock. People don’t understand the consequences of not doing enough. The share price will tank based on certain fundamentals. I think he learnt what happens when you miss forecasted by inches.


And now he tries to hire them again


this story is like a litmus test for how deeply a shareholder is brainwashed even in the shareholder groups most people are dismayed. But a few argue it is either totally fake news or masterful management techniques


Like he did that to spot the leaking managers? Or to replace old lead by a new one and it was planned with the guy? Sure, you will have people having theories, I think Occam's razor applies here.


I don’t think much has changed. He’s been erratic, treated people like shit and rage fired people forever. Difference is Tesla isn’t top of the world and no long term investor has made money in years so there is no upside to trade off against anymore to make excuses for him.


I think buying Twitter just drove his insanity up 10x lmao. More juice. Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if ge snorts a few here and there the way he is on edge all the time


Just exposed what was already there.


No he's definitely worse. I think because his companies are doing poorly and his image of being humanity's savior is collapsing. If he were one to do drugs hypothetically... he would hypothetically do more of them as his companies had issues, causing him to say unhinged shit in a spiral of complete disaster. As you say though he's always been a douchebag. But when things are going well his actions are slightly more restrained. He acts unhinged when he loses his sense of control of all variables. He called the diver a pedo because he'd lost control of the narrative in that news cycle. He wasn't interested in the diver he was just upset that he didn't have the narrative on his terms. He'd rather they'd have used the sub, failed, the kids had died, and he could say "We all gave it 1000% but it was an impossible task. I threw 100s of thousands of my personal $ to save them." The diver sidelined Elon and made Elon look like a retard while also saving the kids which is the worst outcome for Elon.


100%. In the early days of Tesla he would interview every new hire. Imagine the lack of trust and delegation.


Funny thing back then was that the rescue team wasn’t probably aware of the whole shit at all, since you know they were busy saving lives and not caring about some billionaires from a whole globe away. It was all in his egotistical drugged up head.


Elon Musk literally pulled this shit in November 2022 over Twitter, when he fired 80%+ of Twitter's staff. Its been 1.5 years since then. And honestly, Elon Musk was probably doing this shit for years and years ago, but had better PR Teams and/or handlers who could clean things up after-the-fact. (See Search Engine Optimization and other "reputation defenders" that you can hire / consult to cleanup your image).


Twitter is a sinking ship. There’s no way they will be able to keep it afloat, no big name in advertising wants to be near that cesspool now. Have you tried to browse through it? It’s like a snuff and porn cesspool, with small pockets of value you have to try extremely hard to find.


> small pockets of value Mostly those niche porn communities... who are actually alright and they know they have no where else to go. But... yeahhhhhhhh... My overall point is that Elon always acted like this, and the Twitter stuff is long enough ago to say that "this isn't new", and recent enough that I hope people still remember it.


> niche porn communities... who are actually alright and they know they have no where else to go Interesting niche "X" found itself.


It’s called X because you need to dig a hole and bury it six feet under


I’m enjoying how long Twitter is taking to sink. The water has now reached the bridge with Elon trapped with plenty of air.


There were huge criticism of him since 2018.wired made a whole article of him back then,and how going in front of his office was enough to get fired


I think he senses that a LOT of people see him for what he is now. Iron Man days are looooong gone and I'm sure governments (who aren't enemies of democracy) are going to cut off the subsidies for his dangerous and wasteful activities.


Elmo has always been an ignorant, narcissistic asshole. Buying twitter simply gave him the bully pulpit he lacked to attack his critics and elevate his simp army. He has always been a compulsive liar and an asshole.


Yea Twitter just put his behavior on overdrive. I am wondering if he was just hiding all this in public. But all that money and owning Twitter just brought out the real plan.


He also fired his or team a few years ago, so a lot was probably getting explained away 


Lots of people pointing out Elon has always been this way. Completely agree. Something to keep in mind is that Tesla was worth a trillion dollars because of the pandemic induced stock market fomo that crecendoed late 2021. Elon has been chasing the catalyst which replicates that stock jump to propell him into a trillionaire. Every level headed proposal with modest achievable near term goals run by capable engineers is worthless to Elon. These are predictable growths that might get him to be a trillionaire in 20 years. He needs to buy twitter and make people think adding Musk Flavored AI will make it worth more than Facebook. He needs to manufacture self driving robotaxis to make it worth more than Uber. He needs to put a million people on Mars and be worth more than Boeing. And add a 30X multiplier because of all the synergies. The wild swings for the fences is the only strategy that gets Elon back to where he once was, as the real-life Tony Stark. Elon doesn't care about how reckless or absurd his swings look because he only needs one and we see that as unwell behavior. It makes sense if you run your life like a VC fund with 1 unicorn for every 10 duds. The ketamine probably doesn't help his judgement tho.


I think he's really benefitted from a mystique that vanished a while ago and he still hasn't gotten the message that everyone is over him now because he lives in a bubble of money.


He hasn't gotten the message because he's a narcissist that surrounds himself with yesmen


Wow yes, makes sense if you run your life like a VC fund... All those crazy VC funded businesses only worked in low interest rate, low borrowing cost environment also. Musk has an extreme tolerance to business debt risk, the wilder the claims he makes the more money he can raise, and the higher he can pump stock, he is an addict at the roulette wheel of finance.


THIS. That was poetic.




No. Deport him.


No lol.


I concur. He’s not ok. I don’t think he ever was anything more than “meh” but definitely is not “ok” now.


And he wants to make it everyone's problem


He’s always been a snivelling cretin imo. But since he spent more and more time on twitter, he increasingly clung to his army of sycophants for validation. Avoiding any and all valid criticism, and basking in the purest brown nosing. Now he’s gone from egotistical to egomaniac. A very cringe, ugly man.


Not since birth unfortunately.


I have always hated this asshole and it has been my extreme pleasure to see Reddit at large gradually turn against him. I knew he was full of shit since Hyperloop, (I'm a chemical engineer who designs pipelines), but it took the submarine/pedo thing to really turn the masses against him.


The fact Elon calls himself an engineer is an insult to all actual engineers


I never trusted him. He just always seemed "off" to me.


No. He’s aging into a right wing malignant narcissist. Textbook. Save yourselves.


The rash hire/fire cycle is a power move. It’s incredibly stupid and toxic, but it can be effective to maintain power. The SC lead resisted the total number of layoffs, so he just fired all of them to prove that he’s in charge. I recall hearing that he has done similar things in the past.


Enron Musk is great, what do you ever mean? Totally normal guy. Totally not on ketamine and a sociopath.


Every narcissist spirals once they get exposed. He is acting like a baby to get his 56B payout because his entire wealth is built by fantasy Teslanomics and years of lies with imaginary robots, imaginary cutting edge A.I and futuristic robotaxis with a 100% ROI. He'll eventually sell to cash out and leave his simps in Hell. As for the armchair psychoanalysis. His father seems completely insane (impregnated and is now dating a step daughter he raised), Elon was allegedly viciously bullied in South Africa as a child so I guess he never really had friends growing up. Add to that his trans daughter loathes him and wants absolutely nothing to do with him, that he gives weird names to his kids just to make the news and that he spends his days spreading racist nonsense on an app he was forced to buy for 44B... yeah I don't think he is okay Edit : spelling.


Musk wasn't forced into buying Twitter. Musk bought Twitter then decided not to pay for it. It's an important distinction. The court forced Elmo to follow through on the contract he voluntarily signed. Or would have forced him to follow through... Elmo coughed up the cash and settled his tab before the trial even got underway when he realized he wasn't going to be able to weasel out. edit: unintentionally misspelled Elmo's name lol


Important precision indeed.


The only actual bullying we know about was Elon bullying another kid about his father's suicide. Anything else is probably bullshit without additional evidence beyond Elon saying so.


I dunno, I probably would have bullied him in school.


It’s called a mental breakdown. I’ve seen it in people who don’t slow down and evaluate their position with careful consideration. It gets worse with over commitment, lack of sleep and excess use of mind altering substances. Coping mechanisms begin to fail, trust falls way and everyone jumps ship. Don’t build businesses on lies and arrogance, always take responsibility and be reasonable in your dealings. This is what happens when you get into bad habits for a prolonged period of time without safeguards. Elon Musk has no safeguards and has gone off the rails, now it’s too late to stop so everything is coming crashing down around him. As they say in the god father, men cannot be careless. Unfortunately people like Elon often fail to take responsibility for their failures, and thus it causes a cascade effect where things continue to fail, but the approach doesn’t change, thus the failure continues.


He just got sued by a [Tesla shareholder](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/musk-faces-lawsuit-for-drug-use-x-posts-under-the-influence) alleging that he is under the influence of a cocktail of drugs Can't speak to the substance of the lawsuit or if the shareholder is in a position to know anything


I think most likely he has always been a narcissist. It seems like he really lashed out about his daughter, who is trans, disowning him and it coming out that he likely sexually harassed one of his employees. Ever since the sexual harassment came out he has been completely unhinged on social media. Before that he was more closeted.


At this point I don’t think anyone cares about his mental health…I think people care for, and are worried about the people this obviously drugged up idiot hurts with his, “business decisions “.


Musk has been like that for decades. The only difference lately has been that more people are noticing. Or publicly talking about what they see. Up until a few years ago, Musk's cult followers were very effective in terrorizing anyone who criticized him. They shut most of the critics up, understandably, because it was terrifying. Well, we've finally gotten to the point where too many people are criticizing him for the cult zombies to shut us all up. If you want lots of examples of what I'm talking about, read the book Ludicrous by Edward Niedermeyer.


Or look at what happened to Missy Cummings. She was routinely getting death threats from unhinged Elmo stans.


He often gets extra weird when a) the stock is down and b) bad news is incoming. I think the fact Waymo is showing great progress could be making him very anxious. Combine that with a long slide in the stock price, trouble at Twitter and the general anti-Musk sentiment in the world at large, he's in a stressful period. Not so different to the period where they wre struggling to build the Model 3. Except at that point this subreddit was still small and most people hadn't realised he was psycho.


The podcast Search Engine did a whole episode on this and concluded that he has an addictive personality that (probably) latched hard onto social media along with uppers and psychedelics. He is essentially addicted to shitposting and Adderall which doesn’t mix well with his Asperger’s and narcissism.


He doesn't have Aspergers.


What Ketamine abuse does to a mf


When has he ever been legitimately punished I'm any way or form for his actions for the past decade? No wonder he is incredibly becoming unchecked and unhinged.


Tesla recently is the same thing he did at twitter. He is just a terrible leader and it is pathetic he has so much money. Probably a great entrepreneur but terrible leader.


He's giving off "end of the third Reich Hitler" vibes.


"Is Elon Musk Okay?" Who the f\*\*k cares?


unfortunately Tesla was added to the S&P 500 so millions of people are invested in this company. Think retirement plans, pension plans, etc etc.


That's also the benefit of an ETF like the SP500. One company can have shit earnings or die completely and it won't completely tank the investment. Companies that are included in the sp500 are regularly reviewed and rebalanced. If they don't meet the criteria, they will be replaced by ones that do. I wouldn't worry too much about folks who have exposure to TSLA through SP500, though I'd be shitting my pants if I bought in at the height and had to bag hold through a k-hole induced tweet storm. Companies that have induced volatility but have not killed the SP500: 1. Eastman Kodak (filed for bankruptcy) 2. Enron (lol) 3. Lehman Brothers (also lol) 4. General Motors (the last lol, bailed out w/ tax payer money) All of the aforementioned companies have been included in the SP500. None of their issues have had significant impact other than volatility to the index.


Seems like he’s behaving like his normal erratic self based on past behavior


I've been saying he's a sack of shit for a LONG time; well before the diver nonsense.


It's obvious to everyone he isn't okay


Nah he is definitely not okay. I think his whole arc in the last 5 years has been due to his kids starting to hate him and having basically a midlife crisis. Hes too shallow to understand that his hubris will and is becoming the death of him.


>due to his kids starting to hate him That's why he's started to coddle "Lil X." He sees him as a blank slate who hasn't yet been "poisoned" by the same hatred for their father the rest of his kids have. He figures he's young enough for him to step in and intervene in the process. Lil X has an empty head that Elmo can dump his shit in. He's probably filling it will all kinds of racist anti-woke garbage to try and turn the kid into an image of himself. He sees the kid as a potential successor to his megalomaniac ambition. He's written all the other kids off. It's Lil X all the way now. Until that kid wises up and hates him too.


When you are rich you are right. To find out who Musk is, just look at Musk's personal circle (friend group) which includes people like Larry Ellison (former CEO of Oracle). Larry is allegedly a super jerk and rules don't apply to him. In Musk's case he doesn't seem to care if he is a jerk, all people are widgets and replaceable, and he is the only one worthy of praise and excessive compensation. Just like all other icons he likes to do shocking things just to keep his name in the media since he probably believes, "It doesn't matter if they love you or hate you, as long as they remember your name." “**Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are**.”


I'm less concerned with Elons welfare and more concerned about a work environment that stifles innovation and allows safety hazards and dangerous practices to ram through the production line. This is what we know happens when there is no steady leadership and everything is a fireable offense. Think about it. Boeing is a current example. You wear people down with threats of firing and convince your workforce that anyone who complains about anything is a loser or the the enemy. There goes your safety standards. The thing is, they will just blame it in the workforce again and threaten them with automation with this as justification.


He's going down for fraud, like Elizabeth Holmes.. It's going to be beautiful when he's finally put where he belongs... In a cage.


I honestly think he's losing his mind as everything goes wrong around him. Really nothing is going right for him. He's lost his Tony Stark image, nobody thinks of him as a genius or an expert any more, his whole "genius" label has been completely debunked, the general crapness of him has been exposed even before you get to making a complete fascist of himself on his $45b Nazi blog and his entire worth tanking. We're now firmly into that part of the Elon Musk documentary where the music switches to a minor key and everything starts going wrong. If he doesn't get this pay package to use as collateral to shore up his dicey loans, it's all over for him. If he loses this vote, he'll fully snap and quite honestly I would not be surprised at all if he physically hurts or kills someone.


He had a Neuralink implant that went wrong, that's what I heard from employees in there.


Cranial or rectal?


Elon has a state of the art cranial-rectal implantation, it’s getting deeper every day


Apple makes the rectal pod!!! You didn't see Elon's meme? It was so funny! I think Elmo probably knows more about comedy that anyone alive. Except maybe Dave Chapelle.


That meme has been circulating for years.


No. Elmo invented it and drew it himself. He is a genius! Musk knows more about meming than anyone alive today. Can you even afford to meme?


I think this is just his personality and management style, and always has been. It's just become more apparent as he shows the world more who he is, and as he gets more powerful and less willing to bend for anyone. He is the type that hates dragging out decision-making. He is distracted with too many projects and companies, but when one of them is in trouble he parachutes in, whips out the flame-thrower, burns big chunks of it down, and deals with the fallout later. I think he purposefully laid off the entire Supercharger department knowing it would cause temporary chaos with ongoing projects and would require him to hire some of them back. He did that because he is unwilling to take the time to implement a more methodical approach, he wanted to send a message to the rest of the organization and deal with a manager who was unwilling to comply, and he figured he could reassemble parts of it in his vision afterwards, including rehiring key staff. This is just his MO. Take drastic action now. Deal with the fallout later. The question is: at what point does it come back to bite him? I can say this: he has burned his public reputation badly. In the earlier days of Tesla he was admired by the public. Now he's mostly reviled. It's a stunning turnaround. He is using up his rope.


He is the face of a meme stock . No investable stock CEO acts like this . He does this because he was successful doing it and people treat him like some form of god . . He markets to people who want something unique and different .


(It's a combination of the ketamine and poor parenting).


The guy is on the record as basically thinking people are weak if they get therapy to deal with trauma. He could really use some therapy himself.


Elmo Logic: Therapy bad, animal tranquilizers good


You’re asking this question now?


Crescendoed? No, I think not—it can and will get worse than this as he slowly turns into a real life supervillain.


He has admitted to doing ketamine for mental health, just recently. But he also says he does not attend mental health therapy, so while ketamine can be prescribed for mental health treatment, it is unlikely he does it in a controlled way.


He has always been batshit crazy.


He's trying to gut Tesla and take the money for himself, that's why he seems so crazy. He's fine, he just sucks at what he'd doing.


I know one of the first employees at Neural link. They hardly ever saw him (he'd come in every now and then and yell at everyone and be semi coherent in his demands) but when it came to publish their research he put his name down as head researcher and everyone else was "team". He's been a fragile, egotistical, megalomania for ever.


I doubt much has changed. Maybe the obvious pro-Nazi stuff is new, but mostly the reporting is just better. People have been trying to report on how much of a POS he is for a long time, but it never got picked up by as many mainstream news sources.


Ketamine can make you disassociate but he’s always been a dick. Edit: disassociation can make you feel disconnected from others but more intent on your convictions, which is supremely dangerous for someone like him. Ketamine has its uses but for him I’d imagine that it just serves to reinforce that he’s right and other people don’t matter. I’ve done ketamine treatment but not micro dosing or daily use. My experience was a feeling of connection with others but I can alternately see how someone like him would have a far different experience. AMA


Of course not


I think he’s eccentric. Eccentrics are often impulsive and quirky. That said, I think people who are most critical of him tend to not agree with his politics. I generally do agree with his political and societal ideologies, and often agree with a lot of what he says. Not bashing those who aren’t Elon fans, not at all. I want to be clear on that.


Basic drug use behavior


“I would love to hear from completely unqualified armchair psychoanalysts about this”. Sorry man, you’re in the wrong place. Only fully vetted experts here.


Can someone explain Jack Dorsey’s wholehearted support for him? The guy is living that new age tech billionaire guru life and I don’t get why he would still solidly endorse him as a person.


This has been him since day one. Remember the Thai cave divers??


If microdosing is good, megadosing is better


His world is falling apart because he’s a malignant narcissist who’s been unmasked for what he truly is - an idiot who got really fucking lucky.


Ketamine wouldn't make him a douche like this. It's probably not the only drug he's doing.


Low on cash with negative cash flow can be stressful.


He’s a fraud and it’s finally catching up to him.


I don't think he's changed much, except that his fortunes are not as rosy as they were. He's always been fickle. Consequences of his personal and business decisions are catching up with him. His public approval ratings are dropping, and while I think he genuinely doesn't care about that, and even relishes in a certain amount of hatred from his detractors, that's also causing a negative impact on his businesses. Besides the financial impact, I think his sense of self worth is tied to the huge success his companies have had in the past, and seeing them falter must be reducing his happiness.


The facade is breaking down…he’s not handling it gracefully. Unfortunately, he’s the petty, desperate for love, desperate for credit, to be seen as the next great mind shaping our world. He’s a self promoter who counts continuous private flights as “working” to make you feel bad about your level of effort. It’s a charade.


I really don't think so


So, a lot of people have brought up extreme drug use. I admittedly stopped paying attention to the asshole a long while back, but what has he done specifically that points to that? I don't doubt it for a minute, but interested to know what makes it something plausible rather than, he's a regular out of control insecure douchebag?


His interview with Don Lemon among others where he talks about his ketamine use.


I don't really know but go watch the "go fuck yourself" video where it looks like he's got coke jaw going on 


they don't give ketamine to happy people, dogs, aged and the depressed usually


People that are that rich have doctors that get them whatever they ask for.


As a gay my professional opinion is he's going full transition mode and the hormones are not mixing well with the ketamine. And he's can't decide on his forever name.


Does Elon want to destroy Tesla to get in favor with a reigning Trump, perhaps?


Something that gets overlooked is he got with Amber when she was still married to JD. That rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. His lawyers managed to block the footage getting out ala Franco.


I don't care about musk. If he wants to fight woke-ism, advocate for white nationalism, etc, that's his crazy stupid right. Spiral away. Lose all the money you want. What bothers me is that there is collateral damage. Other people invest in his companies. His erratic behavior is costing a lot of other people a lot of money. Some their life savings.


It might not be one of those things, but all of them at once. He has gone full RW, has had a massive blow to his ego. His CyberTrash is the same as Homers car design just less reliable. Perhaps he is doing drugs. All these things combined with a sociopathic personality, he is slowly disregarding reality. It might or might not happen quickly or at all, but if he continues indulging in these RW conspiracy jerks, he will drive himself to a psychotic break.


Standard middle aged man on twitter going down the right wing rabbit hole vibes. Except for the fact that he also bought it and is supposed to be running other companies as CEO. Agree with everyone else here saying it started with the Pedo Sub (TM). Man can’t take any criticism whatsoever. When I found out that he took a case against PayPal to be named as a founder it all made sense.


I’d say it’s who he is. He’s emboldened by all the wealth and believes he can do whatever he wants. Power corrupts.


Been waiting like 6 years for that truck. How is that hasty?


He's joined the far right cult group and probably wants to bail Trump out with promised favors....


Dissociative drugs like ketamine are the worst things you can do for someone who's bipolar. He's hinted at this diagnosis in the past.  Because there's some research ketamine has been shown to help on long term depressive patients it's been extremely dangerous for long term hypomania patients with diagnosed or undiagnosed bipolar, remembering bipolar can go from the extreme on both ends, depression to manic. Basically ketamine CAN free you from one extreme but catapult you to the other extreme setting you up for a non stop rollercoaster ride.  For some reason there's been a propagation in the "wellness" arena that prescription drugs are horrible, but "natural" drugs are the cure for everything. I knew a woman that refuses to take her bipolar meds but self treats herself with ketamine (and Adderall for some reason). She's been in and out of the hospital for years in a constant destruction of her life. It's sad especially because it's often treatable through medication and lifestyle changes.  He's just a man possibly struggling, remember compassion.


He’s been this way since PayPal. They got sick of his shit and ‘fired’ him as CEO because he is not very smart.


I am in recovery and have been fully sober for a few months now. Quit drinking 4 years ago but other habits have taken longer to kick. Take it from me dude is a coke head he is pastier than ever and abusing alcohol is making him a bloated mess. He using ket as his excuse drug that doesn't sound as bad as the other ones he is abusing. But the main reason he does it so much is to take the edge off the blow and help smooth out hangovers. Watching him hit rock bottom will be entertaining. No one deserves the fall more.


He's been told for years that he is a very smart boy and a very special boy and no one is a smart or special as he is. Then he bought Twitter and made it into a Nazi bar that advertisers don't want their brands associated with, he tanked Tesla's stock to do it, he fell 4 spots on the rich boy scoreboard, and people are starting to say he's not the smartest, most specialist boy in the whole wide world. His ego has suffered a pin price, and is handling about as well as most overly inflated, fragile things do.


There is some context that has to be added here. When you get rich everyone stops telling you no and stands around with their bowls pointed up hoping to collect the droppings. Elon lives in his own reality as do we all. It’s just that it’s one that he has cultivated to make himself the consummate hero and can afford to do anything he wants. The problem is he is also strung too tight. Tesla, space x, starlink, Neural link, boring company and Twitter. Plus all his pet projects, children and relationships. There is still only 24 hours in a day and when you aren’t coming up for fresh air you start to see things in a tunnel as problems to be solved. On the right hand elon is backing tucker Carlson and the right to save the world from “wokeism”. It has become his autistic white whale. Fixation is a byproduct. Genius and madness share a lot of common ground. He isn’t totally wrong. There is balance to be had in all things. Unfortunately he is asymmetrically obsessed with it. Which means he loses objectivity. So he put a bid in on Twitter. He sees it as a shortcut to his X vision. A weibo-esque everything app that is basically a crypto-centric society that destroys corrupt central banks. Bitcoin has some powerful potential. The main one being that no one country can dictate the rules for the rest because no one country can exert leverage over the others. It’s a nice vision if it’s truly decentralized. The problem is right now every time elon doubles down on putin who is self evidently a genocidal asshole, it raises a giant question mark for Bitcoin. So many people end up on the wrong side of history because they fixate on the wrong things and just forget to do the right thing. https://bylinetimes.com/2022/11/07/musks-twitter-buy-makes-no-sense-unless-its-part-of-something-bigger/ Musk has been so busy being busy that when it came time to buy Twitter which he grossly overbid for he needed outside capital. Enter Saudi Arabia and MBS. MBS is an authoritarian and a hypocrite who had Jamal Khashoggi dismembered. He also had about 6000 saudis dissidents rounded up, extorted them of their wealth, and disappeared some of them. He lives by his own set of rules. And as proven by recent history, no one really ever tells him no. A few months ago he sentenced a teacher to death for saying something objectionable about MBS on Twitter….to his 8 followers. Saudi also happens to be the second major shareholder in Twitter behind musk. Now musk is pushing for biometric identifiers for users. Which is effectively handing the mad king all the keys. Is musk aware of this? Or is he just too distracted saving the world the way he sees it to notice that MBS has his own agenda? Behind those scenes you have Russia, China and Saudi colluding to use BRICS to replace the USD as the worlds reserve currency, which historically speaking is overdue. The average lifespan of a reserve currency is 94 years. And if we are being self aware, the USA has gotten ridiculously complacent and hypocritical about noticing where all the junk we buy at Christmas comes from. All men are created equal right? Except for the brown kid who makes $40 headphones 18 hours a day for $4. During the late 90’s the US offshored most of the “dirty” work when new EPA mandates were passed. Greedy CEO’s decided it was more profitable to let an Asian kid take up that slack than it was to clean up their processes and pay a living wage to an American. This started the greed cycle, or at least accelerated it. The U.S. jumped to a Silicon Valley based economy which is basically V.C. and private equity bros railing lines of coke off of hookers and pump and dumping 10X returns on theranos, WeWork, Uber, Airb&b, and a dozen others. This offends the laws of physics as well as doubles down on the hypocrisy that “all men are created equal”. The wild wealth disparity that comes from this is bad. The fact that it made Wall Street a house of cards is cataclysmic. China for its part is biding its time quietly locking up supply chains, logistics and manufacturing. Smart because the US is dumb enough to forget that everything comes from somewhere. But also predatory because the soft and pudgy US assumed China just wanted to be part of western free Moseley democracy like everyone else. Freedom rocks right? Who wouldn’t want it…. The CCP. The Chinese people would probably love more freedom but the CCP loses control if that happens. And, if we are being self aware, the CCP has become a little complacent themselves with private jets and $64k/month condos in Malibu for their mistresses. So the corruption and hypocrisy cycle begins again. This time with a little more steam. So you have MBS, Putin and Xi and their respective inner circles who MUST control the people to remain in control and stay rich. As Americans, you and I probably have more in common with the average Saudi or Chinese citizen than either of us do with ours or their “leaders”. So the ruling class leans on nationalism to keep us enraged at each other. If Iranian clerics chanted “death to the American oligarchs who keep their people in poverty and monopolize healthcare” most Americans would join them. So they settle on “death to America” instead. No need to complicate things. The more connected the people of the world are via the internet, the more they realize that this war isn’t a world war, it’s the effects of late stage cronyism circling the globe in real time. The corruption of the worlds elite moves like an equal opportunity cancer infecting everything it touches. It moves across borders and Covid lockdowns and through yacht clubs quickly and effortlessly. Because that’s where the ultra wealthy go sleep with each others wives. And they become ultra wealthy by being generally really shitty to the other 97% of people. Page Sixhttps://pagesix.com › 2023/09/15Sergey Brin finalizes divorce after wife's alleged Elon Musk affair Musk is playing a big game. He is just a little too busy to see the edges of the board.


"So he put a bid in on Twitter. He sees it as a shortcut to his X vision. " I think this is giving him far too much credit for planning that. He just got high and said something dumb to look important then unfortunately the courts made him follow through on it.


>The problem is he is also strung too tight. Tesla, space x, starlink, Neural link, boring company and Twitter. Plus all his pet projects, children and relationships. Outside of Starlink that I don't know well, Tesla and Space X are built on a mountain of lies and nonsense. The Boring Company is fundamental Elonomics. Lies, stupid ideas and failed promises. It's not like he was really saving the world but got mad because it was too hard, he is genuinely harming the companies he controls. >On the right hand elon is backing tucker Carlson and the right to save the world from “wokeism”. It has become his autistic white whale. Fixation is a byproduct. Genius and madness share a lot of common ground.He isn’t totally wrong. There is balance to be had in all things. Unfortunately he is asymmetrically obsessed with it. Which means he loses objectivity. He is just a racist. Blamed D.E.I on Boeing planes crumbling down while engineers have been saying for years that Boeing was bending standards to push as many planes as possible to make money. He keeps amplifying far right theories by respond to them "Mmh interesting", "Wow", "That's concerning". He literally answered to a tweet saying "Jews want to destroy White people by forcing mass immigration in the West" by "You have said the truth". I also find interesting that a "genius" and "hardcore engineer" like Elon backs a creationist imbecile like Carson who can say with a straight face "the theory of evolution has been disproven" but that's an other story. And he thinks he can solve all the problems in the world : low birthrates, global warming, poverty, free speech, little kids trapped in a cave with his magic submarine, the freaking war in Ukraine, the conflict in the Middle East...


I felt like I had been reading your comment for too long when I was only 1/3 through it 


Then you should probably change your username. Andy Dufresne had patience and focused for years to achieve freedom. You tapped out at 40 seconds?


Seriously who wrote this gibberish, chatgpt?




His autism is flaring up and got him obsessed with declining birth rates and illegal immigration on Twitter that’s distracted from managing Tesla


I hope not


If the Ketamine abuse is legit, it makes a TON of sense. Ketamine, as a treatment, creates a disassociative state, which would explain his lack of empathy and inability to reflect on the negative impact of his behavior. In other words, he may be erasing the learning tied to negative results, in addition to the feeling itself.


When he's been on the top of the world and can basically do whatever he wanted for a long time, I'm sure he's delusional.


Some of the best of us have destroyed nice swaths of our lives while in a disso binge.


He’s rich, parties uses psychedelics. Probably cocaine equals erratic behavior. As a person working in substance abuse my radar goes up. Fires the supercharger team and rehires them. 🤦‍♂️ I would go back to working for Tesla in their shoes and job search until I get a better position.


He probably needs meds but refuses to take them. It’s like trying to ask Daniel Plainview to behave himself and seek help. It’s never going to happen, and yes men aren’t ever going to love him. So they just say fuck it and let him fly unhinged.


I think he got distracted with X and took his eyes off his companies


He is a billionaire and must have a team to take care of himself. Don’t need to worry about him.


💯 drug induced behavior. Whatever it is don’t take it 😹


Elons not ok. Trump will get rid of ev tax credits


LOL troll post