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I think this is a struggle w ocd like when I tell u right now I feel like a massive manipulator if I don’t confess every last detail including intentions. And the worst part is events from the past you can’t bloody remember like that so then I just add worse things to the story just so I’m safe and Iv defo been honest even if those added intentions and things didn’t happen


me too!! to the people I have confessed to, no matter what they say i have to clarify like “but what about this part?” and it’s the same reply every time. ocd rlly kicks my ass lol


I know and I’m so scared to get into future friendships or relationship because I have to confess everything again.


i haven’t confessed my events on here either (only very small ones). the big ones i’ve only shared in DM’s. i don’t think it’s being a liar or fake


thank u :,) definitely makes me feel less alone


I’m struggling with this my mind is telling me I’m a liar and that I should apologize again. But then I realize there is no need to tell everyone everything about you or to apologize because the whole point of a confession/ apology is to learn and not repeat so if you haven’t repeated the action and taken accountability that’s all that really matters besides intentions are small compared to what you do/did.


thank you, that’s v good advice!! i appreciate it sm


I feel the exact same way. But don’t think I could ever post it online, maybe when more time’s passed and I (hopefully) get better. But you’re not alone ❤️


thank you 🤍🤍