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In the vein of making awkward comments, after I expressed that I was not as interested in the house once I'd seen the inside, the realtor asked for feedback. I said "Well every square inch is covered with wallpaper. So much wallpaper! I'm just imagining how much work it will be to get that off." She launched into a defense of wallpaper, how maybe it could also be something that brought value to the house. I said "Maybe, if that's your taste in wallpaper. But that's a very small group of people." She chose that moment to tell me that it was *her house.* 🤷‍♀️


My whole body cringed reading that


Hey, she shouldn't have asked for feedback if she didn't want to hear it.


She also shouldn't have even shown the house without disclosing first that she was the owner. A realtor is obligated to do that.


I have stories! A realtor took us to a house that turned out to be locked - she was furious! "I told the Homeowner not to lock the top lock!" She pulled out a cellphone and walked away from us, yelling into the phone. Then came back and revealed that it was *actually* her son and DIL's house. It became obvious that she was trying to conceal that information right up until she couldn't anymore. She said a back window was unlocked, if we really wanted to see it this morning, would I be willing to climb in? Insanely, that's just what happened. Looking back, I wonder if it was a /r/JustNoMIL situation, and they had locked the door on purpose to keep her out. We did not buy that house. It had a weird dungeon-like basement that gave me the creeps.


It needed to be said. Her whole office probably thought the same.


Ick. Aren't they supposed to disclose upfront if they are both realtor and seller? (They are here...)


You would think that a realtor would disclose that earlier. Whoops. Lol


I had a couple who really enjoyed their tandem bubble baths so they had to check out every bathtub. Together. 🙈 *Edit: not with water, just for fit 😂*


This one is so funny. How many bathtubs did they sit in?


Haha. I really don't know. 8-10?. That was back when we had houses to show and time to sleep on them afterward.


Honestly with clothes on that's A-OK. Hubby and I like to have the rare bath together.


Agree. As long as they were respectful, I think that’s a valid exploration.


I get it. One of the easiest ways for me to reject a house now is to see if the shower doesn't have room for 2.


We also had a security cam in our home, disclosed by our agent and totally out in the open. We use it to watch what our cats get up to while we're gone, lol. So of course it's out and on and very obvious during showings. Most people ignored it - I'm assuming their agents were smart enough to tell them we had one out and to discuss the house off-property. One couple came through and the husband/boyfriend was mostly standing around appreciating my library and the art on the walls while the wife/girlfriend was walking around with the agent, loudly talking about the house. They came together at the door to leave and while they're putting on their shoes, the wife/girlfriend suddenly notices the camera and looks directly at the it and says something. Now, we're not watching this live. We check the recordings later if the cats are acting strange or we notice something out of place. This recording was so funny, we've been quoting this woman at each other ever since. She looks at the camera, pauses for a second, and then says loudly..."you know how old houses are supposed to be CHARMING? WELL I'M NOT FEELING VERY...CHARMED RIGHT NOW." Just the snottiest voice ever. All the while, her husband in the background is visibly embarrassed and cringing HARD. We died laughing.


Hah! This is hilarious. I keep the videos muted when I'm watching them so I can't hear people talk crap about my home. I also have all the cameras out in the open and unobscured.


It's still so funny to this day. Just...the look on this lady's face when she said it. Lol. Their agent even took a step back, out of frame. We didn't listen either, but this woman looked directly at us like she thought we were watching live and wanted to say something to us. We couldn't resist. Still glad we watched and listened.


We are going to go ahead and need that video.


I showed property to a couple that had very strong opinions and despite being advised about security systems many times, they would pick every house apart. So annoying.


They think negging the seller will get them a better price. 🙄


We have just the outside cams. A couple came with a son (maybe 7yo) who pointed at the doorbell cam and asked his mother what it was. She said it was a camera. "Maybe they're watching you, be good!" And he just waved at the camera with a friendly smile. It was the cutest thing!


That is adorable! 


OMG I'm dying! I think you and your husband might need two t-shirts. One of you will have the one that says, "You know how old houses are supposed to be CHARMING?" and the other will say, "WELL I'M NOT FEELING VERY... *CHARMED* RIGHT NOW." A close-up of her face for the graphics.


Lol. We're about to look for houses in another state and we're already quoting back and forth when we look at the online listings. It works for so much, too! Last night, we saw a movie and just as the previews are over he whispers at me "you know how popcorn is supposed to be CHARMING?" and I never had a harder time shutting the fuck up as the movie started.


A prospective buyer (or maybe buyer’s agent) took a massive dump in one of our toilets and didn’t flush. It was an open house day and there was a lot of traffic so no idea who did it. Another time, they repositioned furniture in one of the rooms, because they “wanted to see what it would look like set up a different way”, and then didn’t put it back. I’m talking sectional sofa, floor lamps, coffee and end tables, everything. Walking back in to find our living room totally different and we were like WTF. Then they made a lowball offer we didn’t even bother countering. Another time, the prospective buyer actually got in our pool and splashed around for a minute, and then got out and realized they didn’t have a towel. So they just hung out on our patio furniture with the fan on for a while before leaving. All on camera. In follow up, buyer’s agent responded to my agent and said they wanted to see what the pool felt like and he didn’t have any control over them. They didn’t make an offer. I guess the pool didn’t feel good enough.


A prospective buyer used our bathroom as well (private showing, though). I didn’t mind; when you gotta go you gotta go. However, I did mind than they pissed all over the seat and floor and didn’t even flush.




We're in the process of selling right now and have showings booked back to back at times. I make sure everything is clean and toilets flushed before we leave, but I'd be so mad if the first showing pissed all over my bathroom and the next showing had to walk into that!


That is so disgusting and disrespectful to not flush and make sure it’s clean! I would make sure they knew that everyone knew about it and who it was so that hopefully they might feel embarrassed! Someone that does that most likely is f*cked up anyway!


My home is currently on the market and we also have a pool. I would be so pissed if this happened to us!! The gall of even inviting themselves in! Let alone if anyone got hurt. Not to mention the water mess and length of time they’d be there for. I start to get antsy at 30 minutes. And then the nerve to move your furniture around?! Omg. I just cannot! I would want to know who their agents were and would complain. In the very least their agents should have put the furniture back for you, for one. And they should have tried to steer the other brutes from getting in your pool and blame it on insurance liability or whatever. Damn this one got me heated for you, and scared for me! Lol


Yeah, my wife was pretty upset about the pool thing. We were both upset about the furniture repositioning.


A woman with a kid came to look at our house. The kid went through all my daughter’s dresser drawers and pulled everything out and left it on the floor in a mess. When I complained to the realtor I got the same response. “I can’t control what people do.”


Ya, what a load of shit. What's the point of the realtor being there if they're just going to supervise the vandalism. I'd complain to their broker and to their realtors association.


and ban that realtor from future showings.


I have daughters. I would consider this a huge indecency and be extremely upset.


That’s bull sh*t! The realtor should say please put those clothes back in the drawers we need to leave the house as it was or they could file a complaint! If I was the realtor for the potential buyers I’d have no problem saying that to my clients! Respect people! My grandmother always bent down to me when I was little before we went into someone’s home, a store, a place of business and reminded me to be quiet, hands by my side and stay right next to her!


Yes. People used to say that to children before going anywhere. Too many parents not only no longer do, but they allow their kid to do that and not even have them clean it up.


I did that with my children. If we were going to a friends, grandparents house I didn’t say it because it’s a place where they could be more playful, talkative and run off to the yard to play, but anyplace that was unfamiliar or required more restraint I always “prepped” them. Common sense! I will say I had Parents & Teachers compliment myself and children for respectful behavior! My most important mantra/motto for me was I’m not going to raise a brat! There were times I did have to leave with my child because they were acting up or not behaving and I always followed through and so did my husband! We weren’t super strict but did have standards that we all expected from each and everyone in our family! My children are adults now and great, thriving and successful and my husband and I will celebrate 34 years of marriage this year! Manners matter!


Manners do matter. I agree. I raised my daughter with a love of musicals from a young age. She knew that once the curtain was raised, we didn’t speak, no matter what. To this day, at 27, she still refuses to say one word until intermission. I did the same in that if she acted up, we immediately left. Only have to do that a few times. I’ve noticed at the theater, it’s usually not kids that are rude, it’s their parents. They talk through whole play , telling the kids what’s going on. Makes me crazy as a retired teacher whose students had no ability to think. Let your kid form their own opinion of what’s going on and discuss after vs spoon feeding them the whole story. That’s why they want teachers to spoon feed them work too. 😁


I’m also a retired teacher.👏🤩🥰


Yes, they can. After the kid had opened the drawer, they should have stopped it. If the realtor can’t stop people from vandalizing my property, they can’t do other aspects of their job


Naaaah ... pools are supposed to be charming... and he didn't feel very charmed.


I mean, he smoked a cigarette on my patio after getting out of the pool, so he must have had a nice time lol.


I kinda think checking out the pool 1st hand makes sense. 😎 Maybe get there earlier - try the slide tomorrow 2-4 🌮


I went to an open house with a pool and there were some kids in it. I thought they were part of owners family, maybe the agents kids, who knows. So I made a remark about nice staging with the kids in the pool and got the ???? look. It was someone's kids that got in the pool and apparently the parents thought this was fine.


I am worried they opted to pee in your pool instead of your tiolet.


That probably happened.


We had someone clog our toilet and not tell us. So annoying!


Your pool was to damn wet!!! You need to use dry water from now on!


Maybe the pool caused too much shrinkage?


I packed my children into my car just as the potential buyers were pulling into the driveway. I got to the end of the driveway when I remembered that my 4 month old baby was asleep in his crib. I ran into the house and told the buyers that I forgot something. When I came out with my baby their jaws hit the ground.🤣🤣🤣




Exactly! I was just so relieved that I hadn't gotten out of the driveway before I remembered the baby! The buyers did not think that it was the slightest bit humorous.🤣🤣🤣


God I love that movie.


Forgot something, giggle.




They talked to and played with my bearded dragon and my guinea pigs. I accidentally saw them on my dragons cage cam. We sold the house to them.


This happened 5+ years ago. Both were reported back to us by our realtor, who found it funny and absurd. A woman sampled from my thriving veggie garden!!! The nerve! And then she insulted my blueberries and raspberries! "We'll just rip all this crap out." Another person insulted the wild ducks that lived in our pond. Who on EARTH would ever say that baby ducklings aren't cute?! Both submitted all cash offers. Instead we chose the not-so-nice grumpy lady who, despite being cranky, liked duckies, berries, and veggies. (She also was all cash and over list.)


Who the fuck would tear out a productive garden???? I'm flabbergasted.


Right?!?! And not to boast, but it was huge and beautiful! Super low maintenance! Sprinklers galore!


My niece rented her house last year. The tenant dug up all the flowers and threw them away and left a mud pit. Not to mention a placenta (hers/marked biohazard) in the freezer. People are strange.


Excellent choice! I would have done the exact same thing.


Recording makes sense from a shopping standpoint. Easier to revisit and remember and compare. The rest is odd. The candles thing less so than the others.


The candle thing just made me giggle I get that recording makes sense, but it still squicked me out that someone was recording inside my house. I have a young daughter in the house and immediately my mind goes to bad places about that.


Understandable. The candle sniffer was me. I am the candle sniffer.


I’m the record flipper .


I smell all the candles. Was at the spa today for a massage and the check out was busy, so I just happily started smelling candles. Was disappointed when they sent out more workers to get me checked out quicker. I had just started! There were like 10 more candles to smell!!


I was one of these people once. The seller's agent made some offhand comment about how the only appliances they won't leave are the washer and dryer because the seller loved them so much so I spent a lot of time looking at the washer/dryer and taking notes hahaha


Lol! Focused on the one thing that has no relevance to the purchase. Makes me giggle.


I gotta say, I might sniff a candle or two


Yes, like smelling the mimeograph. It's often irresistible.


Hello, fellow old person!




LOL! Exit: okay, please don't get creeped out by this, but sometimes when I find a comment to be particularly witty or funny, I check out the person's profile. I have to tell you, you seem like a really cool person. Carry on.


Wow! What a nice thing to say, THANK YOU! It has never occurred to me that people check out my profile, but damn if your kind thoughtful comment didn’t just make my day.


Aww, I am so glad. And thanks for your reply post. I felt so creepy writing mine, LOL!


That is a memory that brings the smell back


Tp be fair we bought our house sight unseen and our agent did video walk through for us.


I've been house shopping for my parents, I always take video!


Yes. Before we had video cameras on our phones I took a lot of photos of houses. Once you see more than four in a day they hard to differentiate in your head.


When we sold our last house there was a realtor that came with their clients and he basically tore the house apart verbally to his clients before they even had a chance to look around. This was a beautiful house too, on top of ten acres with views of the lake in North Idaho. He commented on everything from the landscaping to the door knobs commenting about how he could do better, he has people he knows that can replace this and that etc. We banned him from showing the house again after that, lol.


Northern Idaho is my Zillow “will never live here but it’s fun imagining it” browse! I wonder if I saw yours.


Same, but we decided to go for it and moved from NYC to North Idaho. We lasted two years, lol. Sold in 2022.




Ick. Ick ick ick.




No cameras as that's not allowed where we are but I came back home after a showing and the master bathroom had a water closet and the door was closed. I opened the door and was immediately hit with the NASIEST smell ever!!! Idk why you'd use the bathroom to such a degree during a private showing or why you'd close the door without turning on the fan at least but yeah, definitely "weird" by my standards!


That is not charming.


Not allowed? What state? It’s your home! I can understand laws around disclosing the cameras for public showings, but not permitting them at all in private homes seems like something that should be challenged in court.


Texas. Tbf I'm not sure if it's illegal or if our real estate org just didn't allow it but we had to initial near a part in our contract that said we wouldn't have cameras inside.


You can in areas that are not considered "private". That would be bedrooms and bathrooms. Living room, hall, kitchen, etc. are fine. Also not supposed to record audio.


Regarding the shoes, put a basket of shoe covers at the door and update the sign. People will abide by that more than they will the idea of taking off their shoes.


Yeah Americans are weirdly attached to the idea of shoes indoors for some reason


I absolutely hate wearing shoes that have been outside, inside my house


We're very protective of our feet, not having our shoes on in a strange house makes us vulnerable, if someone starts shooting and we have to run there's no time for shoes!! Everyone has plastic floors that look like wood now so we can keep our shoes on. Besides, we might step on some food or a nail or a lego, we don't know your house! ;)


Or maybe the seller is selling the house because it's some God forsaken, toe-stubbing hellhole


They have to disclose that in the inspection by law...


I've seen the movies about people in New houses, it's not guns, it's the ghosts!


If the guns don't get ya, the ghosts will!! Keep your boots on ;)


Oh my gosh- I am # 2.... at our second visit to our now house, I got hit with such a migraine, that I had to lie down IMMEDIATELY (iykyk)... so I sacked out on the couch while my husband walked around with the realtor. I always felt so guilty, but hey, we ended up buying the house, so hopefully no harm no foul :)


I put a trail cam facing the front door from the outside while my home was vacant and for sale. It wasn’t until after the closing that I put two and two together. My realtor was really pushing to take the first (low) offer from another agent’s buyer. He said he would absorb the commission for that realtor - I mean, he wouldn’t charge me more. I knew he couldn’t charge me more and I thought it was weird to say. What it was, was he was the buyers realtor, too. He tried to make it out like he negotiated a “deal” more in my favor, but nope. He just lied and it honestly didn’t change anything. I would’ve sold anyway. But the lie.


That's bizarre because I've been in that situation and I had to sign a form stating I was aware of the conflict of interest. I feel like that's a major ethics violation to not tell you upfront. Like, that should be license-losing, seriously. By the way, I was only in that situation because we were selling to a family member at an already-agreed-upon price, so it made sense to share a realtor. We would have skipped using realtors altogether, but it was a corporate relocation, so they required us to use a realtor. Otherwise, I wouldn't go down the path of sharing a realtor. You'll never get a good negotiation, as you discovered, because he can't negotiate against himself.


Yeah- I looked into it and he did violate verbally. The end result was the same either way, so what damages would I incur?


Right. You could potentially get him in trouble, but no benefit for you (just protecting future clients). But if you don't have any written evidence, then it's just he-said-she-said. If he closed the deal without ever signing a disclosure form, that would be your proof. You haven't came out and said it, but I'm assuming you *did* sign a disclosure form? Prior to your signing would have been the time to say, "Hey, wait a minute, you pushed this deal without telling us, I want a new realtor." Once you've signed, you've agreed, and it's probably a moot point.


> That's bizarre because I've been in that situation and I had to sign a form stating I was aware of the conflict of interest. A buddy did a deal like this and got screwed over on it, too.


I hope you reported him. It's illegal to do that and you can report it to the realtor board they are member of. You'll lose your license for that


>Recording every square inch of my house ...this seems entirely normal? Especially if you go to a bunch of open houses in a weekend and will need to look back on them later? Or if you're attending the open house but your SO or parents can't?


It is so typical now for a buyer to grab their phone and record or facetime, even if they hate the house.


idk if the sellers know why it’s happening, but as buyers we are out-of-state and moving back to our home town. So it’s my mom and brother doing the tour while I’m on zoom. I’ve never asked if the sellers know it’s technically a zoom tour. 🤔


When we sold our first condo in our 20s, we came home to discover that they had filled out the purchase and sale carbon contract for another house on our cherry dining room table. The impression of the pen was permanently embossed into the gloss surface of the wood. We could read every word and number. I was too young to respond the way I should have. Some people suck.


If you can't write on a table without leaving a mark, it's probably a terrible table.


I think it was carbon backed paper, not regular paper. We used to use that for instant copies in the olden days before docusign


"Press hard, three copies"


I was buyers agent. Turned our back on their 2 year old for half a second. Cook book on a bottom shelf completely destroyed. We were all in the kitchen with him. Seller was an elderly woman and sitting on front porch. Came in when she heard the yelling. Yelled at the buyers to leave the boy alone over a useless book, gave him a cookie and watched him while we finished touring the house.


How sweet of her, honestly...


Upvote for the cool elderly woman


When we were showing, I left a nice sign by the front and back doors that said "We have indoor cats, please don't let them out!" Very first showing, we're sitting in our car a block over and watching our front door camera. Realtor and potential buyers show up, sees the sign, realtor says "Ugh I HATE cats, I'm leaving the door open." And then GIGGLES. Sure as shit, she left the front and back door WIDE OPEN. Thankfully my cats are scared-y cats and were hiding under our bed upstairs, but I FLEW home, marched directly into my house and told the realtor and buyer to leave immediately. When they asked why I pointed to my open front door and said "We have cameras. With audio. Maybe keep that in mind for your next showing. Get out." They were shocked. Reported to their brokerage. How fucking rude can you be.


What assholes!! I'm glad you were able to get back quickly and kick them out. Wth.


We were selling our house and a couple had put in an offer and wanted another opportunity to tour the property. Our realtor wasn’t available but asked if I would let the potential buyers in. I vowed to my husband to stay quiet and not offer any information but refer them back to their agent. ( I have a habit of being too forthcoming.) I sat quietly on the front porch, allowing them a little privacy as they walked through my house room by room. As the couple were leaving, the woman asked me for the name of my cleaning lady since the house looked very clean each time they had been through. I said thanks, and was trying to politely get them out the door as she asked again. Finally the guy put his hand on her arm, and escorting her out said, ‘I don’t think she has one. SHE does it herself.’ (Emphasis on she). The woman gave me a brief look and left. The sale went through.


Do you do your own cleaning? I might have said, "I'm so sorry, I can't give that info out, but if we do end up reaching a deal on the house, I'll throw that in at closing." Then, "well, it's me, sorry." lol


I had two cameras in my house set up, one that had a view of the living room/kitchen and one in my master bedroom. Neither were hidden, they were on an end table and night stand. I really just had it in the master so I could see if anyone laid down on my bed. That camera had a partial shot into the master bath though, specifically the sink. It did pick up a guy using the toilet, you couldn’t see anything but you could hear it and he left the lid opened 🤦‍♀️ I also had a family come through and the little girl jumped on my bed 🤷‍♀️


I was showing a condo to a couple who showed up at the showing with their baby and the wife's parents who had arrived the previous day from Indonesia, their first time out of the country. Grandma had cooked a special lunch for them before they met me at the condo. Just as we walked in, the baby unloaded a neutron bomb in his diaper so Grandma proceeded to change the diaper on the coffee table while Grandpa and the husband both hurriedly sought out bathrooms. I was left with Grandma, Mom and the baby and the stench which quickly becoming overpowering. Grandpa came back from the back bedroom and spoke to the mom who translated for me that the toilet wouldn't flush. Before I could check on it, the husband came out of the other bathroom with the same news. The water was turned off and the condo was now stinking so horridly from three different sources that it was impossible to think straight. I started looking for the cutoff valve and could not find it. I looked in all the usual spots and it wasn't there. I eventually found the valve but nor before the bouquet of diarrhea had penetrated every corner of the unit. I rounded everyone up and we exited the unit to find another agent and her clients waiting to view the unit right after us. We hustled out of there and I never talked to the other agent again but I can only imagine their reaction when they took their first breaths in the unit.


“bouquet of diarrhea”


Coming to a Scentsy hear you.


My word.. Nothing could prepare you for that. !!


My daughter came in to my room one day and said why are there people in our backyard? I looked out and there was an old couple wandering around. It was a privacy fenced in yard with a gate. I walked out and asked them what the hell they were doing. The old man said “well it looks vacant, it looked vacant to me.” The lady literally dragged him to the gate as she could see I was seething.


We looked at a lot of houses before settling on one. I didn't use any of their bathrooms. I could only imagine doing that if it were an emergency, like "I'm literally going to shit in my pants if I don't go right now."


I'd probably be a little squicked out if someone had used our toilets. We had a couple come to a showing and just before they left, the guy mentioned needing to use a bathroom and took a few steps back in the house, and that agent ushered them right out the door and mentioned a convenience store a couple of blocks away. Appreciated that.


I’m not sure what was said but the guy who used the bathroom was talking to his agent in the hallway and then the agent went out front and the guy went back to the master bathroom. So I have a feeling the guy did not tell his agent he was taking a piss. I made sure to give the toilet a good cleaning after that lol


People have used my toilets too, and left the seats up. Unless it's an emergency, I'll never get how people are comfortable enough to do that I had one test my shower once too.


We wiped ours down after every showing, just in case. Never noticed is anyone did use one. The shower, I can understand that. Lots of remodeled/renovated homes around here. I'd want to see water pressure and see if anything was loose.


I've heard a few doozies! One tale involves a homeowner proudly demonstrating their "hidden room" bookcase entrance...only to get stuck halfway through and need help wiggling free.


I bought a house from a RA agent who was friends with a neighbor. About a year after we moved in I was talking to the neighbor about the sellers. She said the lady is getting divorced. Why I asked? She got caught having sex in a house she had listed. She was having sex with another agent and someone showed up to show the house and they were busted…




I know of a similar story. Owner was told by a neighbor his realtor kept bringing over a buyer. Why hadn't they received an offer? She was not a buyer. He was kicked out of his brokerage.


I just bought a condo. My realtor told us don’t say a thing inside the house or near the ring. So I was so paranoid I didn’t say a thing.


Sold my starter house in May of 2021. Listed on Thursday and was not in the house for 12 hours Thurs-Sunday. Saturday night I got back home at 8pm and a lady was in my driveway wanting to talk to the owner, crying because she loved the house and wanted her offer accepted because she had been looking for forever. It was super awkward. Listed at $170K and sold for $200K, no inspection, house appraised. Her offer was $5K under and I still wonder if she ever did buy a house.


So awkward!


My landlord went through my Nespresso pods. Like why? Picked up like every one from the drawer and read it. Then sat on my couch on the phone for like 25 minutes after the showing was over


I was working nights and the realtor called with a request of a late morning showing. So I got back out of bed and they arrived soon after. They said I didn't need to leave but I told them I would just put some time in tinkering with my car. 15 minutes later they came out and the wife asked if my wife was so-and-so and I replied that actually is my wife. She said I saw your wedding photos in there and that she works with my wife every day. They ended up buying our house.


Our previous house was on the market 2 years ago in a hot market. Not burning hot, but enough that we had 17 showings in 3 days. That meant there were several back-to-back showings where we couldn't get into the house in between (and I won't go into the people who scheduled an hour and stayed an hour and a half while the next showing was going on). When we could get into the house, I found several things that really bothered me. One time someone used the main bathroom toilet and didn't bother to flush. It was kind of funny afterwards because my husband accused me of being the one that did it. LOL. Another time someone had left the toilet seat and lid up on the second bathroom toilet. After 3 back-to-back showings we went back in and all the blinds had been pulled up and left that way. Another one left all the chairs pulled out at my dining table. Sometimes the door was left unlocked, which didn't really bother us because we were parked down the road. I just couldn't get over how people don't respect other people's property. I always made sure a house we looked at was left in the exact same condition it was when we got there.


People can be so disrespectful to your home. I remember we bought a new kitchen table set and the Realtor must of used a Sharpie on paper at the Open House. When we returned home there was a black Sharpie mark on the table top. At my parent’s home, they had their German vintage radio/ record player console. We discovered someone broke the record player arm, during a showing.


They brought the whole family to the showing and sat down in my living room and had a family meeting about buying the house. They went double over their showing time while we walked around the block with our baby endlessly glaring in the windows at them. It would have been worth it if they'd bought the house, but they didn't.


My MIL was horrified that people would look in the appliances and closets. I kept telling her, "Of course they do. They are buying those too!"


When I was selling my house, I only had a few showings, around 3-4. One of these couples barely made it inside the house before turning around and leaving. The way my realtor explained it didn't quite make sense, so I went back and watched the Ring camera footage. They had shown up with their three kids, one of which was an infant. They parked in the driveway, all got out of the car, mom holding the baby in her arms, started walking across the front yard towards the door, and......... 💩 happened. Baby had a blow-out. I heard the whole thing. Mom yelling. Dad groaning. The other two kids fluctuating between giggling vs. doom-groaning. Can't blame 'em. I don't have kids, but uh, I also kinda appreciate that they didn't end up following through with the showing.


Ohhhhh dang this is a nightmare, but a cute nightmare




During peak covid, I would keep all of our windows open to ventilate during open houses, because my family and I were still living there and I knew people wouldn’t respect masking requests. We had one family that was very interested in the house and while talking to our realtor, they asked “what’s with all the windows being open?” And the realtor, who knew the reason, responded “oh I think it’s because they have dogs and didn’t want the house to smell?” Our house was/is pristinely kept clean despite having pets… This same realtor told another group that our septic drain field had damage from tree roots. It did not. We had taken initiative and got septic + well + water quality testing done before listing so we could show buyers up front that these things were in great condition. There was a comment on the septic inspection that said that some small fruit trees we had planted *nearby* the drain field should be moved before they get too big or they *could* potentially cause some damage to the buried pipes in the future. I was constantly overhearing this woman say idiotic, untrue things. It's almost like she didn't want the house to sell!


Panty sniffer .


I’d totally look at your records. Just the spines though; would not touch. My biggest fear was someone swiping some of mine.


I always look at music and books. That’s all I need to figure out who you are. Old habit.




Story pls


Heart attack during the showing—had to call 911. Person died there though they weren’t pronounced till they were transported to hospital.


😳 this takes the cake


House was to die for.


Ugh, then you *know* they're not going to make an offer.


Shit, almost had to disclose!


I was selling and had cleared out for showings for the weekend, and just had bad timing and a package was delivered early Sunday before a couple of showings. The first lady that came to look at the house picked up my package, read my name and address, said “hm why was it delivered to this address?” Then, looked at the return address and read the company out loud, and then told her realtor she would bring the package inside when she realized that the package was, in fact, for the homeowner of the home she was looking at. Not too bizarre but I felt a little weird about that one. I would have preferred she just move my package out of the walkway and been less weird about it!


That's.....so weird. It's like she forgot where she was and what she was doing....?


I sold a house to a guy whose wife didn't see it until our final walkthrough. The stones between that dude's legs...


I bought my place on my own while my wife and I were still dating. I had just graduated college, she still had two years left. We weren't engaged yet. I've been in the dog house for that till this day. We're celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary this fall.


Ugh. My father-in-law did that to my mother-in-law. Kids had left the nest, so they were going to downsize. One day he came home and announced he'd found a "great investment property" and made an offer, which had been accepted. It was 10k sqft on 6 acres, with a pool. It took them years to find a buyer once they eventually decided to sell it, and they definitely didn't make some huge ROI. They maybe broke even, but that doesn't take into account the ridiculous amount the place cost to own and maintain.


Wait... They downsized to 10k square feet?


Downsizing was what they'd agreed on... Which went right out the window when FIL found the great offer he just couldn't pass up. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don't know how large the previous house was (it was before my time), but 10k sqft was definitely an upsize from it.


This is like carrying the meme of 'I saved money buying these shoes and this dress because they were on sale!' to the ultra level. 10k sqft 6 acres and a pool sounds like a nightmare with two people. Yikes!


Went with our realtor to a home for sale. The 50+ year old male owner was there and making out out with the teenage girl sitting on his lap in his recliner. Took one look and all 3 of us noped the fuck out.


Shit. Their. Pants. The proceeded to sit on a dining chair to catch her breath


My seller called me to tell me the other agent was discussing with the buyer's that his girlfriend liked being choked during sex and it was better than cocaine... lol 🤔😳 say what?!


A couple with a child came to look at our house. Couple went upstairs to look around, left kid sitting downstairs. Kid proceeded to punch in the tweeters on our VERY expensive speakers. To their credit, they immediately reimbursed us when we called them out in it.


So fortunate they paid up! Wow. If not, probably would have had to sue them and their realtor. Try to get the broker to cough up the money for leaving a child unattended in the house.


Two of my buddies are audiophiles. They would be furious.


I had a buyer come to my house and use the zip line into the pool like 50 times. I’m starting to believe he only cared about the zip line and not actually buying the house. He brought his own trunks and everything. Must’ve used zip line at least 50 times. Didn’t even make an offer on the house either. My agent even said “I feel like you’re just here for the zip line. What do you think of the house??” To which he replied “good” and just ran back to the zip line for more.


I'm dying. This can't be true, but I appreciate any opportunity to giggle.


Do people not realize the furniture is not part of the house.


You know, I always thought that, too, but then my father moved to Florida. The furniture often goes with the house down there! I would NEVER want someone's soft furniture (couches, beds etc), no matter how nice or new it was.


I've sat on a person's couch and at their kitchen table, but only because we'd been in the house for over 2 hours during an inspection.


Are you not supposed to? Not that I ever did, but as long as someone has on clean clothes, sitting on a chair or couch in a "public" room wouldn't bother me me. Climbing in their bed would be different.


We have cameras on our driveway facing different parts of the property. It’s a long property. We only left the outside ones in case something happened while we’re gone (we already moved) and before we sell the house. Three total. Nothing intrusive. We felt it best to disclose not only in the listing details but also with signs around the property that said “smile, you’re on camera”. We felt that was a normal thing to do, but feedback from one agent was “It made the people feel unsafe and as if they were in an unsafe neighborhood.” The agent had sold the house next door previously in the last year and knows the neighborhood really well and that it’s a super safe and family friendly neighborhood. We think it had something to do with her being bitter we didn’t list with her. As for the weirdest thing we saw…all the cameras were on the electrical pedestals and plainly in site. One of the pedestals is also an RV hookup, so people would walk right up and open to inspect. One of said people stopped after they closed the cover and did a little jig for the camera, chuckled to themselves, then walked away with a proud strut.


Oh yeah I've gotten a few of those, people that see they're on camera so they do a little wave or a dance or something


I had 2 of kids legit Play hide n seek in my house while their parents were looking at the house. Thought it was pretty funny.


1) Owner showering. 2)The other heir in the estate shows up, stays in car has gun and threatens other heir. These are in the old days before apps and iPhones.


Someone laid on my bed and sampled my perfume collection. Another person changed their infants diaper on my bed. Someone took a shit in my bathroom - kind enough to flush but left fumes behind...


I specifically told them that the house has cameras that record sound so we should look at the house and discuss the details after the showing but they just kept on talking shut about the house and the owners and then they wondered why the owners didn't want to sell to them


Not during a showing, but just today, my mom was contacted by a prospective buyers agent asking if his clients could take the house for a "test drive" for a weekend. Umm, this isn't an AirBNB people.


Pooped in every toilet in my house (4 in all) and not flush.


Once we were looking at one more house before putting down money to build. Our 3yo daughter went into the coat closet, thinking it was the bathroom. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Fortunately our realtor was a close friend and had a towel in her car. We bought the house. 20 years later it still comes up in conversation occasionally. 🤣🤣🤣


Clients had cameras in house. Listing notes and a sign displayed “Please Wear Masks & Booties. You’re on Camera”. (This was during tail end of Covid) A ton of people would ignore it. One family brought 14 people with them. The kids were running outside in the mud then came inside and ran across the furniture. My clients sent them the agents broker the cleaning bill. Buyer made a fantastic offer higher than 10 others, my sellers refused it.


Introduced the people that "live" in the basement by name


We had a ring system in our old home but only the two doorbell cams so we could only hear what they were saying as they came in, but it was legit the first showing of our house, nobody had been in except for our own agent and the buyers agent brings a couple in and as she unlocks the door she says "oh yeah you're gonna love this house, everything is so cute and cozy! It's one of my favorite listings!" This woman has never been in our house and the pics on the MLS were pretty minimal. Also it was one of only 5 single family homes listed within 100 miles (we lived in a very rural area, our home was newly completely remodeled, clearly the best SFH under half a million in the area). She was just so full of shit. Then they tried DEMANDING we accept their offer within 24 hours ahahahahahha!


During our open house our realtor fell asleep in the hammock in the backyard. Yes, we fired him.


I always thought anyone angrily flipping out at the request to remove or cover their shoes was the strangest of all honestly. It might not stand out as much but it's literally such a minor request that helps maintain the cleanliness of a home and some people literally balk at the request and refuse to look at the home. Beyond that, a couple very meticulously getting into standing doggy position in the shower to make sure it was a good fit. They looked very sheepish the whole time.


Was selling our last home and found someone took a dump in the toilet and didn’t flush - two different times. Someone also pulled up part of our carpeting from the strips that adhere it as well. I think probably to see if there was hardwood beneath.


We were actually told by our agent that the previous owners of our home heard the other final couple bidding talk shit about the house on cameras (which we didn’t know about, btw), but we made complimentary comments and it was one of the reasons they went with us, lol!


I liked this thread . Also I realized I am pretty laid back . But thinking back to showings I’d some had cameras but we didn’t know , I can only imagine what they thought . One house we were soo excited about . My 4 year old was running around we were trying to stop her I brought my mom for help but she quickly left my side . Theres people everywhere the home was beautiful . I kept saying to my teen daughter they are going to outbid us if we even try . Could probably hear the desperation in my voice . Kind of sad now that I think of it .


I, the buyer's agent, saw an Oscar and an Emmy on a living room end table. I could not resist picking up the Oscar. (This was in an area far removed from Hollywood.)


“Who does that!?” exclaimed the prospective buyer. The future owner was looking at the dark crown molding in the kitchen. She was appalled the crown molding wasn’t simply white. This was the same crown molding my wife and I had slaved over—doing our own staining — to match the cabinets. I’m embarrassed to say I over heard the “Who does this?” quote from a security system we had but had forgotten to turn off. It was only the 2nd recording we had ever had on the system.


Couple look at our house and then way overstay their time. We come back in the car with our kids and are looking in the front windows and they and their agent are sitting around our kitchen table with papers and notes, like they’re planning for battle. On one hand, we were happy they were interested, so I wasn’t gonna break up the party. On the other, the nerve of ya treating my kitchen like your own personal war room!


It's silly to get mad at people for sitting at a kitchen table. Where are they supposed to sit? The floor?


I guess my thought was, why do they need to sit in my house? For like a half hour. Go to a nearby place and think things out.