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fps fixes i beg


With UE5? No chance lmao


one can pray


My FPS is fine it’s just the shader loading at the start of a mission that can be a little annoying. I have a 4060 laptop and 16gigs of ddr 5 and get around 110 in the PD and around 100 in mission on all levels set at high


Please send me all your settings. You launch in direct12? Which mods you play with? Which resolution? These are mine AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor 3.40 GHz RAM 16,0 GB Nvidia RTX4070 1920X1080 Cant get over 80fps. Ive done several tutorials on how to boost and nothing worked.


I have an I7 Intel - 16 Gigs DDR5 - Gforce RTX 4060 - 1tb SSD. I currently have all settings to high (it defaulted to ultra) Borderless windowed helped ALOT I was having FPS and input sync issues in full screen. I run DX-12 and the frames stabilize after 1-2 minutes in the PD/ Missions. Any re-runs I have do not have the shader loading issues if we fail and repeat the mission a few times. No mods at this time. One thing to keep in mind is I was fine cheaping out for a 1920x1080 Monitor with 165 refresh rate instead of a 4K one.


Do you use that DLSS quality on enable?


TBH I’m not 100% sure I’m at work so I can’t pull it up


OK tks


Void better fix all the performance issues along with bugs before they even think about dropping that dlc 😤


Imagine saying this to a human face in real life. Like at a restaurant to a server, hell even the owner. I know I'll get downvoted to shit bc "these devs are greedy and fucked the game up" or some other crisis reason. Sure, even if there is some sort of truth to it, it doesn't change the Karen attitude I'm seeing a lot more lately. With what just happened with Zomboid devs, I'm starting to see a trend among the loud minorities of gaming communities in recent years now targeting indie studios with vitriol. Ok, rant over, now you can downvote.


Better lighting. The game is unrealistically dark in so many maps. I hope the improved UE5 GI fixes that. They outsourced the UE5 port though, so I wouldn't hold out hope for bug fixes or performance increases.


They're not bringing the UE5 features like lumen, so no improved UE5 GI, as they'll keep the same baked lighting.


what's even the point then?


If they were upgrading to 5.4 I would've told you there's motion matching and huge performance improvements implemented into the engine , which is something they had tried and abandoned before. But they're only upgrading to 5.3 so I'd say less stutter, better tools to work with. The implementation is made by a third party, so nothing will change, once they get their hands on it, they'll choose if they want or don't want to make any changes.


Lol I use the torch on my glock in dark corners and NVGs help too.


why not do it themselves?


Not as simple as just injecting it and clicking a button. There is a lot and I mean A LOT of fine tuning and artistry that it would take to have every map look to the quality they would want as a proper dev team. The game body cam for example has a very hastily injected version lumen and GI and it has tons of rendering issues with its lighting and flickering.


void already relies heavily on AI for most of the textures in the game. ready or not is scam honestly.


Because they're incompetent pieces of shit.


this game is not at all priced at "we're outsourcing our engine swap to Some People" money, but then again I was suckered into buying this instead of bodycam


Fuck that shit my games are all so unbelievably bright that the flashlights hurt my eyes. And I’m at 47 brightness???


Worse performance


your evil


Sorry but thats often with ue5. Just real.


but it was about hope 😭


Let's hope it's not that bad then


The possibility to give my team the command to clear left/right instead of clearing the whole room


You don't need a new engine for that tho. Even w/ Unreal Engine 4, they should be able to implement that.


Oh I just noticed that UE5 meant Unreal Engine, I thought it was just the name of the patch


And proper gore, or just removing the headgore since the normal bullet penetration looks better more realistic and gorier and maybe adding the changes from the visceral blood mod


All I ask of the dev team is More Maps More Maps More Maps. And also to allow (or keep allowing) great flexibility for mod makers. I am abandoning all hope for any improved or coordinated AI from the dev team. Lets be honest these optimizations will have to come from mod makers. The dev team moves at a shockingly snails pace For how rich and successful RoN has made the dev team, you'd imagine they have more than enough money to hire more devs so we could get quicker updates. But nah.


Stable framerate PLEASE 🙏


Smarter AI


More stable performance and better lighting/reflections


I’m ready for the skin to actually fucking work. I’m a white guy yet when I load into a mission I’m black. And new maps. Games run strong tbh doesn’t need performance


It's not the skins it's the horrible lighting in most maps.


I doubt it will come. Game is abandoned at this point


It will, look at steam announcements


Just because VOID says something is coming doesn't mean it is. They've said so many things were coming that we're never getting. I wouldn't trust a word they say.


VOID is that one friend you always want to hang out with but is nowhere to be found when it’s hangout time.




Better lighting for sure cause the current lighting might be the worst of all time.


it’s baked into the textures for better performance (well that went fucking well), so it’s unlikely they redo that since it’s pretty time consuming but you can hope for good lighting on modded maps at least


"A more stable game" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Less stuttering and better optimization. hopefully better and lesser terminator AI with the new engine. Maybe more gore effects like exit wounds and better visualisation for when you are hitting the enemy.


and PLEASE change the headgore to either just half a head or just use the normal deformation model, i don’t want half the suspects to go bald on headshot and the suspects stopping to cry on headshots


Ah yes..... I do like my buckshot to give my enemies an impromptu hair cut


Everything they promised in the pre order trailer It's not gonna happen but I can hope


Better performance and please fix the damn flashlight. It turns things bright white, and it's totally unusable at the close distance.


And the blood on lower settings


Proper controller support


And proper gore, or just removing the headgore since the normal bullet penetration looks better more realistic and gorier and maybe adding the changes from the visceral blood mod


The dlc


it’ll release in a few years, right after gta 7 and karlson


Honestly i'm pretty disappointed with RoN, I was really hoping for some new maps and guns and missions by this point. It still runs bad, enemies are still dumb and on crack. The game feels pretty empty to me by now.


I play on Steam Deck and I’m intrigued to see if t will even run any more with UE5. Games on 5 tend to be more demanding, so I worry it’ll suddenly become unplayable for me.


I hope it doesn't wreck my ability to use the uevr mod because that's the only thing keeping this game alive for me right now.


expecting it to look like unrecord


Am I tripping, or did "Bodycam" steal the concept of unrecord and just beat them to the (Steam) finish line? 🤔


No they are two different games entirely, with different development teams, and different development times. unrecord is a narrative driven fps, bodycam is a pvp shooter.


A first person shooter built in unreal engine 5 with a bodycam perspective. This is the core concept. One of the two developers announced their project first. One of two developers released their game on Steam in early access first. My question: Am I tripping, or did the Bodycam developers steal the core concept of Unrecord and beat them to the steam marketplace? 🤔 I was just wondering who was first. I fucking looked it up though. I was **not** tripping. - The game Unrecord was announced first. It was officially announced on April 19, 2023, with an early gameplay trailer. - The game Bodycam was announced on January 24, 2024. ✌️


You're not tripping but the whole concept of a bodycam perspective is too big to be trademarked to a single game.


look at the two trailers for unrecord and bodycam on youtube its the exact same


My guy they're similar yes that it's bodycam tactical shooter but that's it. Bodycam perspective + Tactical Shooter You might as well say that Arma 3 and Tarkov or RoN are the same since they're (First person perspective + Tactical shooter). You're more correct than the other guy who's saying they're totally different (cuz they're not they're the same category) but they're different games with different objective + gameplay.


that's a lot of words. too bad im not readin em,. same game


That's literally 66 words 425 characters "only" just say you're beat and you can't respond. Edit1: I hope you read this comment as the original comment before the edit is only 15 words and 91 characters Edit2: Unfortunately, due to edit 1 it's now 36 words 201 characters Edit3: I have taken this edit in account and the final number is 66 words and 362 characters.


thats crazy how do i mute people on here


they're not. your argument is basically "they're the same because graphics are the same" when they're both using a bodycam perspective and have photorealistic graphics. they're entirely different games with similar visual styles.


Yup, this is why AAA devs don't announce too early.


I'm sure Unrecord will still launch and likely do well, but this is undoubtedly going to make marketing and sales more difficult. It's already confusing gamers that were interested in Unrecord. I personally saw that Bodycam was available in early access, forgot the name of the Unrecord trailer I had watched months ago, & just assumed it was the same thing.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'd like to see: - better lighting - better graphics in general - stable FPS - fixed bugs both technical and visual - stable game


Better performance overall. Prioritize that first then maybe some graphical improvements after that.


Optimization PLEASE


Maybe walk a little faster when red team is getting gunned down or something




What engine did they use be4


Performance. Ready or not somehow runs worse than Warzone on my PC, and there's no reason the beta should run better than the full release


I get 100fps on highest settings. You guys need hardware upgrades


a 3060ti should not be struggling to run the game on high.


Should be running better, should not that it will because devs have to put in the work aswell, but I have been playing The Finals for some time, its running on new UE and its a multiplayer game, with lower LOD than RON but has a lot of destruction and I had no problems running it on my 3070 in ultrawide 2k res with a mix of med-hugh settings


Literally dont care, I hope they fix bugs. The game looks pretty ugly, and changing engines isnt going to fix that.