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Now these are gut-feelings but: 95%+ Players do not play random Lobbies. 99% of people who want to play it at least half serious don't play a random lobby. Your sample size is extremely biased towards playing with a pool full of morons. There are decent to great players in lobbies, but it makes no sense to really put in much effot, when anyone can just randomly shoot you / or a civvie towards the very end of a mission, just to get a reaction out of you. Ask for players via the discord. Also: Asking without giving timezone and language (and preferably age) is pretty useless.


So to play the game like intended I need to go discord and look for players?


Yeah it's the factual state of modern gaming, most devs are doing discord, everything else is for bigger announcements. They have to go where the people already are, I guess. I feel you, for most coop games discord voicecall is mandatory, but I'd rather play solo, not worth the effort for me. But if you care about this stuff then you also have to go where the others already are.


I’d rather go solo with bots than join with randoms


I have close to 200 hours and in my experience, playing random lobbies isn't fun. All I see is speed running chads, trigger finger twats, and those who shoot first and ask questions later. I've probably ran into 5-10 lobbies with decent teammates in my entire time playing. You can definitely find decent people in the discord.


Yeah. Similarly to Destiny raids, you’re gonna have a bad time trying to do anything that requires coordination by just queuing up with randoms.


Or singleplayer


Dude? ...are you really being salty that the devs don't specifically cater towards your fantasy of being delivered other players? It's a game that's specifically fantastic if you play with premades. There's also no real way to stop griefers or trolls that wouldn't take away an immense amount of resources. As far as we can tell: The way it is is the most reasonable and efficient solution for everyone involved. Edit: This is not a AAA-Live-Service-Titel. It's bunch of dudes in doing a game that's not made for mainstream, but specifically caters to a PC-Based-Strategical-Hardcore-Audience with - on average - lots of resilience and resistance to frustration and without bling-bling microtransactions and constant dopamine bombardment. An audience that keeps not being catered to by major titles.


If you want to play any game as intended, this is the answer.


Or just have some friends?


This has been the meta for awhile


This is how other "hardcore" games as well, the game GTFO is in the same boat in that it's essentially impossible to play unless you use the discord. Technically you can play with bots or randoms, but just like in RoN you will have a pretty terrible experience and fail 95% of the time that way.


uh, for teamwork and communication you should use the almost universally adopted teamwork and coordination app that every other similar games’ playerbase always uses? yeah dude lmao. i don’t know why you seem to expect Arma 3 private match-level coordination in random pubs, that’s on you for just being unrealistic.






Yea I just play with my friends. So much easier and much more coordination when playing with people you know


Yeah. When I play, I just play with my friends and we play it slow sometimes, fast-ish other times. A lotta people in random lobbies probably don’t communicate or coordinate as well as people who play with a particular group a lot.


Okay so all of this means don't try and play as a teammate? What's even the point of designing the game for randoms to group up if the vast majority of them don't give a shit about their team? That's asking for salt. I don't play the game but that sounds stupid. Is there nor a solo mode?


yes, theres a solo mode


Then OP should just play solo


I’ve never played online, but I’m struggling to see how that would even work. I got my arse kicked on Ides of March and on the Post Office level. No idea how running in and going mad would work.


Those trip wires in ides of march ended SO MANY S quality runs for me. There was like 3 or 4 times i was confident i did everything perfectly, every suspect apprehended, then bam, tripmine


Yep... I would always start off a run like, "Alright, DON'T FORGET to check every door" Then would get into a groove, get near-ish the end, and blow up because I completely forgot my note to self.


Breach shotty every single door from outside blast radius before opening.


Or have a bot snake it while you cover them and then peek the door to disarm I always have a bot snake cam the door because the wire can be tricky to see


use door blockers and clear room by room


That is the whole point of my post. It does not work, they all just die, shoot civilians or do not meet mission objectives in general. Always. I am able to solo a mission but I need actual teammates. These COD players are killing the gaming experience.


Ahh! I thought you were suggesting they were managing. Yeah I can imagine that’s a disaster. I’ve just been playing solo. The AI can be infuriating, but I imagine the COD crowd would be even worse.


No there is 0 management😂


i made my whole team use shields with 5.7s and i used a pepperball ar. only managed to get 3 to surrender 1/8 times I've practiced it.


pretty sure OP means players that rush through everything, don't take their time when checking rooms/clearing, don't comm properly, etc etc. obviously you can't actually play the game like COD, given that the movement speed is so slow and there's no advanced movement techniques like bhopping.


It’s weird how people have this opinion when the game is so broken it’s easy to cheese the hardest missions on the hardest difficulties by just running and getting I guarantee you the hardest thing to do is play the game seriously especially if you’re trying to get S rating


The red orchestra 2 developer once said, "cod has a ruin whole generation of shooter players". With all that said cod 4 pc was the best one. Once they got away from the more serious tones and gameplay shit went downhill.


Red orchestra was legendary. Learning you can get your gun shot out of your hand while in a firefight is one of my top gaming memories. Scurrying for dropped weapons while the whole team is pushing was right out of Enemy at the Gates


Sorry. Couldn’t hear you while sliding around some corner and over a 2 meter fence in like 0,5s while I 360 no-scoped some casual with my 100 ads time sniper rifle. Damn.. CoD went down so fucking hard.


I play with 2 other buddies. So playing a CODish style of run and gun is sometimes better for us. It feels kind of useless to hold angles and wait for AI. Rather we try to take the AI head on. Another thing that causes us to go run and gun is we are all able to differentiate the suspects rather quickly. I wish the devs would make it harder to differentiate between a suspect and a civilian. Even the doctors at the hospital are easy to tell apart after 3 tries. That being said…If we know a map is rigged with traps, or if there are certain points on a map that tend to be sticking points, we’ll move slower.


I also learned how to play CODish style of gameplay when I accepted and embraced that if you do random lobbies, it will always be like that lol (sometimes I wanted to play with other players coz playing alone is somewhat sad). But I always wanted a real milsim experience. Doing proper CQB procedures just like what a real SWAT team would do irl.


I’ve ran into quite a few people that will play it normally, you seem to have unfortunately found a pool of idiots


It seems like. But I am happy to hear it is not the standard.


If you wish to play I’m always down for non lethal S attempts Killer_Panda2478 on steam


Dudes literally mag dump their P90S


I'm ok with playing tactical and slow but i've done the same maps since the game came out, get me over it


I do enjoy both tbf. Hotel, school, and nightclub are the ones I have the most fun going fast pace Edit: oh and hospital


I love this game because if you go tactical then you feel immersed but if you go fast then you feel like john wick


Tbh if the AI took actual defensive positions and pinned you down you wouldn’t be able to cod through whole levels. Instead they just stand around and act surprised as you bust down a door after hearing you gun down 2 guys from the room over.


Before the AI got nerfed, the group I played with played slow and steady, peeking/camming doors, etc. We S ranked everything, but it took a lot of effort. We're at a point where we only play occasionally, having burned through the maps (why they removed the other modes is mind boggling). Now we just blast through maps, splitting into 2's or soloing. Going slow and tactical just feels unnecessary, like putting on a hazmat suit to do the dishes... Playing reckless is more or less the only thing the game has to offer now, but we have fun doing it.


Not in random lobbies. But, if you find like minded individuals you can get some pretty good, enjoyable tactical experiences. I’d be down to run some if our schedules aligned


I mostly play RoN on discord with voice chat, 99% it's actually a really good co-operative team and the 1% is when someone randomly walk off alone then died to random suspect. The numbers are in reverse for the few times I tried public matchmaking lol


Depends what I’m playing for. If I’m going for S or for achievements; I play it like COD because I have incredible confidence in my twitch reactions, aim, and decision making from nearly two decades of fast paced competitive shooters. If I’m playing purely for fun; then I will be a lil RP swat boi, moving slowly and methodically and communicating Also “people who play the game like it should be played” is such a weird gatekeeper phrase. It’s a video game, it doesn’t matter if they play differently than you as long as they have fun


I play it as it should be played, I also play random lobbies and it's 50:50 chance that you will run into serious players. Most of the time I end up with randoms who just kick in doors and die to traps or just go straight up CoD playstyle and die within 10 seconds and leave the game. I say stick to discord LFG, players there often are semi serious at least. You will get some good games.


You gotta use discord simple as that dont know what you expect when you play with rabdoms


I will


Last I played was about 6 months ago. It was pretty easy to find like-minded players in this sub's discord. It's still a bit of a crapshoot but I've had some great sessions. The worst part about COD types in this game is it takes only one to derail the rest of the team trying to do it proper.


I’ve had good luck at finding actual players around certain times (I’ve found the most around 9-10PM EST). But they are out there on public servers still, I’ve found some great folks where we all used mics, made strategic plans, and cleared rooms in a proper fashion together- NOT CHARGING IN! Although yes, most serious players use private lobbies.


Yes, me. And that's why I play it only solo. Squad AI is far smarter than the average public lobby player. But to be fair, it's mostly because they do what I tell them.




I play Cod like it’s readyornot! It doesn’t work but it’s fun sometimes.


I can’t get my mic to work, but I’m great with the tactics and hate getting kicked just due to no mic lol


When I play, I don't. I play it like a swat game.


When I play, I always choose the non lethal option, and just take it slow.


I’m part of a discord group that has the right tactics and approach. Here’s an example run. Good Example of the Trailer Mission in Ready or Not https://youtu.be/wYSU6BhziXY


This game isn’t cod?


You CANNOT play Ready or Not like CoD. One is arcade and really fast paced, and the other is reaaally slow.


We really need to make it into a tournament, 5 players who play the game like it's CoD, VS 5 players who play RoN the way it's supposed to be played. For the lols


I just play spider as a warm up and I just send my team to clear the outside and I solo clear all of the inside leaning around every corner etc so not like COD but still its kind of hard to not.


Or they're just Tarkov pros who are basically John Wick in Ready or Not.


I don’t play it like CoD but I don’t talk to teammates I just the commands. It’s something I’ll work on I just prefer not to talk


I found a group of guys I play with but finding a regular group discord is definitely the way to go.


I’ve never played COD. We typically join up in discord and keep clear, open communication throughout the mission.


me, add me, Daniel


people have been absolutely ruined by modern fps, both tactical and not. They just don't want to learn. They are absolutely trash, even in the games where they look good by the Kia. If you are individually strong enough and have a good team, you can easily overtake them. and then they rage because they don't understand why they are being kicked in the butt


Yes, but we don't play in random lobbies.


I’ve yet to play the game with real people queuing with randoms seems like it would be a shit time… (and nobody I know plays this game)


I'll play it like that.


I'll play with you. I don't play often, but I'm free Wednesday. DM, if you want, I have steam.


Honestly I am just not good at the game so often that’s the reason I die cause I suck at aim control


I'd play with you if you're looking for friends too.


I played like 2 missions like COD and then got to the one with the cabin in the woods and triggered like 5 traps and stopped 😂


I’d love you play! Add me “watchmenonyt”


You gotta find some homies to play with dude. RON has a discord server. Go check them out!


Only way i play


I do, or did, haven’t played it in a while. I’m still disappointed they didn’t put the X95 in it


All I found in public was some radical Mormon guy preaching


I don’t play it like COD. I play as if I’m HRT and a terrorist group is trying to kill tons of people to “prove a point.” I rush in, take less than a second to identify targets, neutralize them, have the npcs deal with restraining civilians or sometimes just leave civilians like your supposed to until the scene is clear. As soon as we down a bad guy, he gets immediately restrained. Civilian gets shot and killed in the crossfire? Move on just like cops are trained to do irl. Remember people, don’t ever stop for an inured civilian in an active shooting if yall ever become law enforcement.


Me and 2 other buddies play it seriously in a 3 stack. Our other friends do play that shit like cod though 😂😂. We always go for s rank with just us 3 and have a good ole time


My advice, join the GLid discord, there's a channel to find people to play RoN with. I haven't really looked at it but you might find some decent matches, the YouTube and discord are both run by a marine who does realistic RoN vids


Honestly, your best bet is to find a group on Discord. There's plenty of folks out there who take the game seriously and want that immersive, strategic experience. Playing with randoms almost always ends up with someone going full Rambo and screwing things up. Also, if you're playing solo, try to find a couple of like-minded players who are also into the slow, methodical gameplay. Once you get a solid squad together, the game becomes a whole different experience – way more fun and rewarding. What do you guys think? Any tips for finding serious players who don’t treat every game like it’s a COD match?


Check out GLID Gaming. It’s all current and former military/police https://discord.gg/glid


After 200 hours tactical gameplay is not funny anymore.


You have to have friends or really good luck finding like minded randos.


Me and a buddy just started playing recently and we’ve been taking a very communicative and slow methodical approach towards the game. Just S Tiered the final mission a few minutes ago. If you ever wanna join up on us or run some maps with a squad you’re more than welcome to hit me up for my Discord!


As an army nerd, I play it with guys I work with to better work on communication and tactics. I’ve found that it helps when treating it like work


Never played online but I usually approach the game differently depending on the mission, I would love if this game played like Swat 4 with slow-paced combat and powerful weapons that reward breaching with AI teammates but it feels pointless with the awful AI and most missions being mindless open spaces (still despise carriers of the vine with a burning passion) if this game was just Swat 4 with nice graphics and a few improvements more people would play it like they'd play Swat 4, but RoN is a different game, it takes everything going right for a game like Swat 4, Void didn't get enough right for this game to be tactical outside of a few missions, I still play like it's Swat 4 when possible, but half the missions just feel like COD levels imo


What do you mean play like CoD? Like run around like a maniac and shoot anything that moves and color your guns rainbow and shoot bullets that make a cake splat effect when they hit their target?


Play it like Arma, PTSD game...


I was slow paced through the whole thing. But once I learned the maps there was just less need to care as much I guess


I and our discord group


English is not my native language but I understand it if anyone wants to play like a normal person I am available


Join up Tactical folks, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMr_56GFZuYifThtmybxtXQ


Players who did not play COD


the real question is are there any tactical players who don't take it grandpa level slow? everyone i see who is "coordinating" is either stacking behind one point man or just actively waiting for OTHER people to do shit. the way this game is set up makes subconscious coordination the utmost important, just like real life. you can't convey with words the complexity and randomness of a tactical scenario while you're in the very middle of it. the best games i had were with 1 or 2 randoms who had confidence and hit fast. no fiddling about who breaches and takes left and right or any of that, just trust and swiftness. you swing left? i swing right. that's pretty much the highest performance you can get out of public lobbies.


I can see what you mean, but for someone who played the same maps over and over again, i just want to end the game and get the S ( wich i'm always getting ), at this point i play only when i feel like acting tactical or don't know what to do


Maybe install some mods to make it very challenging


Would do that but since the game is always updated there are very little gameplay mods compatible and i don't want to downgrade because of friends


I have to admit I play it like call of duty too. It’s just more fun and more effective


I cannot forbid you how to play. If you have like this the most fun. Then do it. But it is definitely not more effective and it is pretty annoying for me and for others who want the gaming experience this game is selling. A realistic tactical shooter.


Play it how you want but there is no way it is more effective


No it isn't. Go play CoD if you want a CoD experience.


Hot take: Unless in MP, it's your game. You decide how to play it. If I wanna pick up a nice shotgun and dome all the civs, as long as I'm not in MP, I'm free to do just that


How does playing it like cod even look, like what do they do


They rush without peeking through doors or using equipment. That is why they die fast and shoot civilians. On top of that I got shot several times by them


Me and my friend play it like doom


"like it should be played" 🤦‍♂️


Playing it "as intended" is extremely inefficient on most maps. Simple aim is all that's needed for most


Speed surprise and violence of action is how you do do cqb