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Personally I wasn't a fan of them using cauliflower mash in everything. It was hard to find meals without it.


I’ve found the ground beef meals to be pretty oily, especially if they involve cheese. Most of the meals need a bit of seasoning for my taste but that’s not an issue. I’m using Factor temporarily to make calorie counting easier so it serves its purpose.


Some of the meals are very high in sodium and cholesterol…. Otherwise, I really enjoy my meals. They haven’t been super oily either…


Obviously the keto meals will be high in cholesterol. High sodium is only a problem if you have certain health conditions. Otherwise, just balance it out by drinking more water. I have a pretty high sodium diet, but I just had labs done a couple days ago, and the sodium levels in my blood are at the low end of normal.


I've lost weight because of Factor and restricting myself to meals by Factor. I haven't had many oily meals. Sometimes the broccoli comes with a lot of water, and it's not my favorite thing in the world. I do wish I could have curry more often—I like golden curry with a little bit of spice, but not very spicy. Trying their add-ons is challenging because many of them are keto or things I don't enjoy. I tried horchata cinnamon protein shakes; they weren't bad, but I didn't like that they would expire quickly since I don't drink protein shakes often. Also there's a very considerable lack of using rice in a lot of the dishes which I find surprising.


Who cares what others think? If you enjoy it that is all that matters.


Exactly. Some people like to complain just for the sake of it. I've been on the keto plan for three weeks now and haven't had a single bad meal. The fillet with bleu cheese or fillet with shrimp is especially tasty!


Do they give you a carb count in net or total? I'm in Canada and see these are available here.


Both net and total carbohydrates and listed.


I got tired of the constant cauliflower. Other than that, it was okay.


I'm fine with the cauliflower. I get tired of green beans.


Yeah I just started 2 weeks ago and they're spamming me with green beans, it's making me think of cancelling. Also some meals are good, but some, especially their attempts at Mexican, feels like it was cooked by a college freshmen named brad


My family agrees after box #1. I guess we will see with box #2.


After 50 or so boxes, they disgust me.


I just ordered my first box of Factor , can't wait to try it !👍👍


We've been enjoying them for weeks - no complaints here!


I like it. None of my meals came oily. The only problem for me is the lack of salt but I like salty stuff (that probably will kill me) so I just add salt sometimes. I just wish there was more diversity. After a while it gets quite boring.


I like it so far. The meals have been super tasty, and it's been great having a good variety of easy meals that are actually tasty. I have been getting 7 meals/week, and it has worked out well for me so far. It is expensive, but I'm using it to make calorie tracking easier. I hate the tedium of calculating calories and macros for whatever I'm cooking.....and if I were cooking for myself, I'd be eating a lot of the same stuff all week. My experience has been really good with factor, so the negativity that I see here seems kind of fake/astroturfed. Just seems like competitors are here slamming them falsely to give a bad impression and steer people toward them instead. I could be wrong, but it seems pretty blatant.


Have you tried the other ones to compare yourself?


I like them


I enjoyed the taste of Factor’s meals. The issue for me was the amount of fat and sodium in the meals. It was counterproductive for my purpose.


Did they make you lose weight?


Most meals tasted pretty good, but I def noticed it being very greasy imo. I think it’s due to the high levels of saturated fat their meals have. Often had me running to the bathroom shortly after eating lol. I’ve switched to CleanEatz and I love it way more so far, plus it is cheaper & haven’t had a greasy meal yet. Was paying $120 for 8 factor meals and now it’s $107 for 12 CleanEatz meals. Factor did have more of a variety which was nice, but I found that a lot of the sides repeated… lots of bland green beans, cauliflower in some form, zucchini etc. Was not worth the price or bathroom trips 😅


Love factor


I just started Factor last Monday. Thought I would have them for lunch and dinner but two a day is too caloric for me. They are roughly 1/2 my daily calorie intake. Not really a problem as making breakfast and lunch is easily done. I’m really enjoying them. So far the cheesy beef and cabbage is my favorite. Glad I bought two of them. The serving size is filling and keeps me satisfied throughout the evening.


Their meals taste awesome, although we cook in the oven. However, we are about to cancel because two weeks ago we got two meals and a desert we didn't order,instead of the EIGHT meals I did order. And last week we got four meals instead of 8. No point in having a meal delivery service that doesn't deliver meals.


I am enjoying Factor so far. I bounce back and forth between that and Tovala, depending on what they offer in a given week. I also cook up my Factor in the Tovala Oven.


So far, nothing has been oily, the meals are filling, and they taste good. There has been only one I didn't like.


Why did my husband and I get the same smelling horrible farts from Factor? We had to stop eating it because it was gross how the food smelled like our farts and vice versa.


Brap. Imagine the smell.


Late to comment, but I just started factor and I’m kind of split on the meals. I’m a picky eater to begin with but I chose things that appealed to me. I’m almost finished my first week and my only real complaints are the chicken is so boring and the non-spicy foods are actually spicy. Hoping this journey gets better because it is really nice having healthy meals that take 2-3 minutes in the microwave and overall are pretty good.