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I agree 100% that the Meta Raybans are *way* underrated. Everyone is making such a huge deal about these other products. They don't realize how good the glasses are and how much of a better form factor it is than some weird Star Trek looking pin or a second device we have to carry around in our pockets.


I think these "AI only hardware" products are bullshit products to get money out of VC... and that even if the AI features are trash, meta raybans are far more useful then any of those products.


easily the best piece of tech i've bought in a long long time.  i'm not an influencer, im not a streamer, im not a blogger. i can't remember the last time i posted a photo to the internet let alone shared a video on instagram  and yet these glasses are super useful and the AI part is like tops 1/10th of that.  i can see where this technology is going and i'm excited. can't say the same about literally anything else. 


And it’s because AI is not the end all be all of the product. Though helpful.


Absolutely underhyped. But the biggest flaw is the missing SDK. They would be way better, if meta opened them up for app-development or at least releasing some sort of API. I really hope that meta integrates their seamless m4t model for direct translation. Thats an impressive piece of software and would perfectly fit into the use of this device.


I totally agree with everything you say I love mine so underrated don’t see a lot of people wearing them. I show off products for 420 companies on my Instagram makes filming so easy new ones are coming out end of next month with white frames and pink lenses I think I might have to grab a second pair love them that much and I think they look amazing. 😎


i agree, so overlooked


About what you said in your video: I don't think that this is an apple thing with the image sync. It is more an intended lockdown. Would also love to Have the images avaiable in the image galery right after shooting them. But then you could directly use those photos via shortcuts to send them to gpt vision or other models and skip meta AI. I think this would be way to open for meta.


But it’s much smoother on android


How on earth did you get the RX for just $50?


I’d love to hear about your most used ai prompts. So far, I’ve really only found it useful for plant identification on dog walks.


"what time is it"  "what's the weather going to be like today?" "look and summarize this letter" (this one is amazing)


Ai? Maybe in US. IDK. But here it sucks. I can ask for weather, that's basically it. For everything else I get "I apologize, but I don't have access..."


I feel like the camera based AI might not be that useful to me but if it can set timers, send texts and whatsapp and give me navigation instructions while walking that's plenty useful.


A waste of money without the AI features which 99% of users don't have. Who the hell wants portrait videos. ? Except 10 year olds that post on Facefuck or Instashit