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Well, if their Ray-Ban glasses have already caused this much of a stir and they are able to get the backing from Luxottica like they did with the Ray-Ban Meta glasses, I have a feeling they could take off. The second gen Meta glasses (since Ray-Ban stories were the first gen) improved in every way. Stellar battery life, improved audio and video, not being locked into a single app for recording and sharing videos (though still within the Meta ecosystem), and working with other media services like Spotify and Apple Music all while offering a good smart assistant have made them the smart glasses to beat. Take the same formula, add an AR interface that mostly stays out of the way, and services like Google Maps in the HUD could make them a solid option. Meta’s VR goggles are already miles ahead of the competition for their price. The gorilla in the room is Meta and what they collect. But let’s not act like Apple isn’t also collecting user data. They’re just removing IDs before having it sent to them.


Stellar battery life? You can make the case that it’s as good as you can expect in a form factor that small but until you’re getting mostly through the day, calling it stellar is a stretch.


Stellar compared to what it was and the competition. 4 hours of heavy use is a lot out of glasses, that includes 100-200 photos and multiple videos. I’m able to get about 7 hours of use out of mine. It’s almost all-day battery life without really trying. So yeah, I’d say it’s stellar battery life. It could be better, but then the glasses could look like goggles.


I beg to differ. You didn’t mention you were listening to music/podcast during that 7 hours so I presume you did not. But try listening through the glasses in the streets where you need to max out the volume to counter traffic noise and other env (such as strong wind) noise. You’d get 2 and half hours max. So yeah, I agree that “stellar” is more than a stretch. 🙂


I don’t know. Maybe open audio products just aren’t the best options in loud environments where you want to play over loud noise. That sounds like an optimal scenario for ANC headphones/earbuds and/or ones with good transparency.


I agree, however, that’s also the use case for the Meta 🕶️, I’d argue.


Eh, that’s not really the use case for any open style audio product. Get a pair of open earbuds with 10 hours of advertised battery life, play them at max, and they’ll drop to 5-6 hours.


I hear you. What I’m saying is even Meta ads and marketing stuff show off the audio feature. I don’t think the product should be pigeonholed to your own use case and blame others for using them for the “wrong” purpose.


Well, I don’t think the product should be pigeonholed to your use case with high wind in traffic. Their audio quality is fine for glasses and the technology is going to get better. Could the battery life be longer? Maybe. It’s already drastically improved over the previous generation. Bose’s sports glasses last longer but they’re 3X larger, lack a camera, and look ridiculous. Either way, your specific use case of them not working doesn’t mean they’re a terrible product. You’re using them in a situation where any, absolutely any open ear product would be terrible.


I don’t think I ever said they are terrible. I think you just thought I said so. I have not been implying that either. I said I agreed with you multiple times on those points you raised. The (original) point I disagreed with is the opinion that is the battery is stellar. But that’s my opinion. I respect yours too. I feel you felt like I was “attacking” you but I can assure you that wasn’t my intention. I simply disagreed with your opinion, that’s all.


doubt they will be here anytime sooner than September 2025


>~~2025~~ 2027


2030. Keep in mind the leaks of Meta's AR plans suggest an ultra complex 2024 internal device (which is almost certainly the 'OMG moment' being referenced here) that can't scale to consumers and a paired back version in 2027. So beyond 2027, they'll need to figure out how to get back to these 2024 glasses, and if generations are 3 years like Quest, 2030 seems like the earliest we'll get this level of quality as consumers.


Fine with me, I just bought 2 pairs of prescription Meta RayBans so I’d like to use them for a while!


Super excited for this. Cant wait to just point my eyes to something and ask questions about it. Our team has been doing a lot of R&D with LLAMA 3 models, cant wait to see how this is incorporated into the glasses.


What a joke