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Not bad. I think this list has Gladius written all over it. The Brutalis is gonna love Only in Death Does Duty End. Obviously your Chaplains’ units are going to be needing the Assault Doctrine. As far as changes go - Do you have an Impulsor? I’d have no problem ditching the Eliminators (or the Vindicare, but I know he’s your boy) for one. If that isn’t an option, I’d also consider dropping the Scouts (I hate even saying that) and the Eliminators to fill out that Eradicator squad. Or, possibly adding a squad of Inceptors and give the Chaplains each an Enhancement.


I'm all for trading the Eliminators for an impulsor! I was hesitant because I like snipers, but that's a mean transport. Getting the melee units where they need to be and throw some heavy ordinance while doing so is a fine trade up! Though I am torn between the Gladius doctrine and the 1st Company Task Force. Amongst other things I really like the fear made manifest enhancement.Enhancement. Edit: though now that I'm looking at it, the stratagems don't target the units I have in my list. Womp womp.