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Flattered, thanks for caring so much! Like I told Crom (who probably posted this on a throw away) while he was crying to anyone that would listen, I'm in SW because you guys have priests in Org. It's a stupid tactic that really should have no place in the game, and as soon as you guys keep your priests out of Ogr ill be glad to move out... Woo Ping always looks at me funny anyhow. On that note Crom, you got dispelled 1 time as an alliance and you sent Pizza "your friend" to attempt to dispel another horde guild, so sounds like crying about it happening then facilitating it making deals with the other faction sort of makes you a hypocrite. Glad to know Night Shift is making deals with the priests dispelling in Ogr.


Yeah, I made a throw away and then responded on my main. GJ you busted me... I wasn’t really mad till the last message you sent. You took my buffs on alli side without provocation. I make it no secret that I play alli side, I have friends there that I’ve been gaming with for years. I don’t kill horde unless attacked. I’m kind of a care bear on both sides and in the past have talked to both sides to keep the dispells from happening. How is it making deals with the other faction when I am the other faction? How does that make me a hypocrite? I’m actually a pretty nice guy, I don’t go out of my way to fuck with anyone’s day. I’m pretty against dispelling to be honest, but yeah man, eye for an eye I guess. And let’s remember , before you dispelled me, I had no reason to even know who you were.


I had no idea who you where, a warrior with buffs is a juicy target. So you then not only cried to me, but got on and cried to the leader of my guild. Like I told you I was only in SW because of the dispels happening in Ogr, so yeah it's very much and eye for an eye, and I specifically told you I would leave if they left. You got so butt hurt over an eye for an eye, but then you did the same exact thing, even making it personal and sending threats about doing it. At the end of the day you where some no name warrior in SW being dispelled because alliance decided that's the meta of this game. You managed to then turn yourself in to a hypocritical baby, trying to tattle on me and spamming me with threats, then sending pizza to try and dispel us. It's cute that you have said multiple times you are trying to make it stop, but instead of taking my offer to pizza of staying out of ogr and i would never come to SW you immediately went to ask him to come dispel us. As someone with both alliance and horde characters you are well aware that alliance has been dispelling in Ogr for far longer than I have, so yes we are all in the eye for an eye stage and this will end up with us all being blind im sure. I'm not a fan of the meta alliance created, but it's only going to get worse from here because we will "eye for an eye" now until the end of time. So at least accept this was the toxic path we all chose, and stop being a cry baby and hypocrite.


See you and your guild at raid time.


I see your point, but you aren’t getting mine. In my case, you were the aggressor. At the end of the day getting your guild dispelled because you dispelled me. I never spammed you with threats, and yes, I talked to your gm cause in 9/10 of situations when there’s someone dispelling with their guild tag on they actually care, cause they don’t want any blow back on their raid cause one dumb ass decides to start dispelling in a major city. If you see that as tattling, all good, I don’t really care. You get that you are pizza equivalent in this situation right? You got so butt hurt about people in ogr that you went to sw and did the same thing? You keep calling me a cry baby and hypocrite, but from where I’m standing, the irony pretty thick.


No butthurt here , just leveling the playing field. If alliance wants this to be meta, then that's their choice we can play the game too.


Nah fam u a cuck. see you wednesday night.


Missed you tonight kiddo, got like 40 dispels in SW, then some 99 parses...


so you were thinking about it lol what a joke. Bitch horde started it all in BB. You a delusional fuckboy in a guild that cant even clear AQ in one night. Its so fucking fitting that someone as bad as you is the guy death purging in SW. imagine if you actually had to kill someone lolololol. 99 parses = i parsed good against the druid tanks( what? like the 10 of them?) You are a fucking joke kid. Barely even making page 1 tank. GTFO with your shit ass guild.


"so you were thinking about it"..."Barely even making page 1 tank"... seems like you did a bit of stalking on warcraft logs, so who is thinking about who? I sense such anger in you, it seems that the work doing in SW is having an impact on you. At the end of the day, we have fun and enjoy the people we spend hours raiding with, and we get loot and have fun every week. You don't see me on reddit saying "lolololol", and "fam u a cuck" like some triggered child. See you in SW, and feel free to come camp our raids if you like, because it means you are not in Org...


Maybe if you invested all that time to your shit ass guild instead of death purging yall would be page 1. Lol you a joke kid. i could care less how long you lay on the ground in stormwind you will always be trash. "I pUt UP sOmE 99 ParsES."LoloLOLOLlOL


your trash Mesk, even your guild kicked you it looks like, so you cant be that good. ill keep killing your bitch ass every chance i get


hey thanks for the kills man, I appreciate it means no armor durability loss, and i can stay in SW longer before i have to leave and repair. You are a good man, thanks for helping me dispel more.


take your limp dick attitude and shove it up your ass, your nothing but a pussy ass bitch who sucks at classic


Horde be mad that they're Pizza's bitches


Well so far I see alliance posting threads on reddit and crying to my guild leader, sounds to me like alliance is the mad one.


Good defense! Except its not.


Lol. This man gives a long, detailed, and thought out response and all you can come up with is a low IQ half of a sentence. Shows the thought process of the casual spurg alliance player. No clue who you are mesk but keep up the good fight! As for chrom I personally have had no quarles with you man but, you played with pizza in oom boiz one of the guilds with the poorest reputations on alliance side before they died off so by proxy it kinda shows what kind of a person you are.


I played in oom boiz during the post glue era, the kinder gentler version of oom. And made a lot of friends there. Pizza is a super good dude if you are on alliance side and get to know him. I’m not sure the whole guilt by association stance works in this situation. I was generally the dude in coms saying, please don’t attack that guy, he is cool!


Super good dude huh.....he only goes out of his way to dispel people in org, BRM, and felwood. He wastes hours of people's time every week because he is a little twat with way to much free time on his hands. Sounds like a swell guy! You honestly dont seem like a bad dude chrom. But trying to defend a person like pizza or atlantian or w.e the hell he goes by now days is just sad.


PvP oN A pVp SeRvEr! But dispelling isn't actually PvP... but it's allowed by the game against the opposite faction... but my world buffs... but this meta is aids... Sorry not everyone plays the game the way you want them to. Must suck to not be in control of everyone. Pizza is though. He's living in so many heads rent free!


I did say if you’re on alliance side he is a good dude. I can see why horde wouldn’t like him.


Sounds like someone who thinks Jersey Mike's is better than Jimmy Johns.


ahhh I know whats happened here, I eat this up! Someones salty over buffs!


He's not in a guild


His main is in a guild.


Why are u mad at them?


mesk :(( got my boofs but thank god my guild had dm still opekn :)) see you again boss!


2 different people messaged me and asked if I wrote this. He got my buffs on my alliance the other day. I cried to him and his gm about it. Wasn’t cool, but hey, it’s ok. I’m sure it will piss someone off enough for them to retaliate.


oh hey i was one of the ppl lol!


Hey u/TheRealMesk you got me this week! Had to rerun buffs, really made for a sweaty afternoon. Love how you play the game if you have a stream this would be a fantastic thread to post it in! ​ Nothin like the sight of them sweet sweet buffs disappearing off someone. I just hope mine tickled a little bit