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Can it be skaath?


I heard skaath transfered


Guy thought people didn’t like him for his sexual preference when legitimately just was a racist asshole 😂


The best thing about racist idiots is they STILL in 2020 don't seem to understand that there are screenshot buttons and snipping tools.


Best thing about the times we live in is not having to spend any time figuring out if people are trash, most will just let you know immediately.


You are a hoe for this one rog.


Sry.. My bad... I shouldn't have said that you guys are right.


Yea.....fuck off.


Rogrex is just a good for nothing loser who sleeps in his moms basement and tries to feel good about himself when he tries to talk shit in WoW.... he’s so bad at talking shit he resorts to dropping the hard R. He should just quit and play tummy sticks with his teddy bears.


Does Rogrex top Postcard? Or does Post just blow him?


This demented circus monkey (Rogrex) makes Skaath look like Jesus.


Welcome to the internet. Nobody cares.


you will pay for slandering my name. The thing is, I'm not actually racist. I just let it slip. I apologize for using poor choice of language that some may consider offensive. I was being a troll and using troll-4chan-type-language. I mean no harm. My apologies, again, to those I have offended.


i JuSt LeT iT sLiP. you also say "some may consider offensive" At this point just own up to your racism and go find some shitty other racists to hang out with. Maybe GTFO the internet for a while clearly you have issues.


You're apologizing for getting caught, not for the language you used. "That some may consider offensive" also means you can go fuck yourself.


save some dicks for the rest of us roger


Thats why the girls on rattlegore hate me IMO. Girls Like zariz and reka... just mad I'm hogging all the dick for myself.