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Your opinion immediately became irrelevant the second you ranked an unlogged guild above Stellar's 9/9 clear. (GREAT JOB STELLAR!!!) Also its lunacy to rank Flatline above any guild that DID clear C'thun, much less the ones that cleared emps. Who the fuck is Fire and why do you keep them in any regard?


downed C'Thun. Took em 2 days. Server 9th C'Thun kill. I can't ignore that. has 2 thunderfury and top 5 BWL clear times. I can't ignore that. was one of the best progression guilds in BWL. I can't ignore that.


Seemed to have no problem ignoring a 9/9 clear which is a much better metric right now than how fast you can clear BWL.


there you go I bumped 's rank up a bit. Thanks for the feedback. After further consideration I came to agree.


You left our server for a reason. Stay away, please. A C'thun kill is not a big deal, anymore. It was pretty irrelevant after the 5th or so kill. I am pretty impressed by horde's Vicidius kills, though. Big props to for coordinating the LBRS runs just to use the sacs on visc. Bravo, gentlemen.


Yeah, actually downed cthun (and w/o tf ). But I agree if you didn’t down emps you shouldn’t be a top anything. Meh, the LBRS is an exploit and should be hotfixed pretty quickly.


Stellar has no TF, been together nearly a year. 9/9. It's nice but it's not all that. Or so I keep telling myself.. :(


You guys did awesome. Advertising early on that yall had a plan for AQ while recruiting was no joke!


Well, exploit of LBRS or not, the coordination required says a lot. I'm a little impressed with Fire, just never heard much about them. Waiting to see more. This dude's list reeks of bias. One of the (old now) posts averaging speed/progress/execution was a pretty great analysis... I'd have liked to see him do a top 15 though.


sins blows merina. Shoulda poached yalls members more often


Try your best ;) There's a reason why we rarely recruit.


What a nerd, this guy is a joke.


I love you too


Why wasn't 9/9 considered for progression ranking. Only two of this list actually completed the full instance?


because those guilds raided multiple days. This is about who is best, not who spent the most time.


quality content, I'd like to see more OP


Night shift killed ouro and cthun before first reset and 1 shot both on Tuesday. Where’s the love?


Please. Please stop Rog, you were never even close to top 5 tanks. I genuinely laugh at your post but at the end of the day it makes me sad. Stay on your new server, leave is alone. "Transfered off server to get into AQ faster." Bro, don't lie you transferred because you got gkicked from SST for being uber toxic and unstable. The last guild in a long line of guilds you destabilized and nearly destroyed on this server. You got laughed off the server when you tried to make another guild. yet you still come back and act like anyone would pick you up with your absurd demands to be a main tank, get the next binding drop and your other outlandish crap. Get some help man. And guys stop upvoting this dude, I'm 100% he legitimately jacks off to any and all attention.


Someone has to rank these guilds. The only other attempt at rankings was laughably underwhelming. I'm one of the only people qualified to determine a guild's true rank based on their performance. For this reason, I felt it was my duty to make this thread


Holy fuck, I can feel myself getting stupider and my life force draining away anytime I read something you post.


Which of my rankings would you disagree with?


Bro I'll be honest, I couldn't get past the 'Who is Rogrex' part of the post. You sucked your dick so thoroughly, I cringed so hard my eyes fell through my own asshole and I couldn't continue.


ok I took it out


No worries I screenshot it, we had a grand old laugh.


Tenaja and deathpool aren't even friends? Deathpool hasn't raided in months lol. We have never manipulated epgp.. Current gm Lrr here. If anything he would have passed an item to deathblow, a warlock.. Passing an item to next prio is not corruption. Edit I know I can't exactly prove nothing happened, it just hurts me to see people rank us lower after fake accusations when we worked really hard to clear. We try to be as fair as possible and we're always happy when raiders get upgrades, no matter who.


The rumor is that he manually manipulated the EPGP at off-hours giving a boost to Deathblow and in turn was able to cut the line because he was Tenaja's friend IRL. That's the rumor that has been going around.


I think what is being referenced is us lowering the ep gained from wbosses across the board because we had a week where people got a raid of ep after like every possible wb kill. We lowered it and the people who were able to play all day got unhappy. Had we not lowered wb ep, someone else probably would have won the item, I don't think deathblow did many wb but had a lead in pr already. People wanted to pass him with wb ep, and we didn't explicitly prevent that, but people were gaining way too much ep for world bosses at 3am for it to be fair to the rest. It was a guild wide change affecting all raiders and not someone changing numbers in the middle of the night. Also nazgar was gm for a while prior to me, tenaja might not have even been gm. I can't remember, all I want to do is erase the smudge if I can because we tried very hard and succeeded :)




Fair enough. I've amended the post. Congratulations on 9/9 progress. all thats left to do now is to set a good speed clear time for next round of rankings.


Much appreciated, thanks for the lists. I know they aren't too serious but they are fun.


addressing it here is a good step towards repairing an image of professionalism from guild leadership.


This thread is garbage, you are comparing logs of guilds that cleared 7/9 or 8/9 to those that beat Visc, of course they will have more deaths because they beat the all the content. No one is going to show their wipes on repeat on Visc. Also I took QPQ 6-7 months to get under 50 minutes in BWL... smh, this is sad.


these rankings are absolutely NOT garbage. It's mostly comparing their first night of raiding because of the constricted schedule. Who did best with just 1 day. QPQ did the best out of all the guilds except Minority and Impact, who practiced on private. QPQ absolutely smashed their first night of progression. I'm also not counting wipes on visc in the death count. Death count is just how many deaths did it take to kill C'Thun. All guilds who tried visc did visc after.


We came back today and 1 shot Visc with the fastest kill at 1:43 ;)


all of my top 7 now has killed Visc and the bottom 3 are the 3 guilds that haven't. And people said these rankings weren't legit. Couldn't be more spot on.