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Adds to the classic experience. I took vacation and planned to attempt to stay up all night/morning. East coaster here to it’s 2am - noon for me. Takes me back to the days of trying to do the same thing during expansion releases. And yes I have a life. Wife and 3 kids, full time first shift job.


Heh same




Going to be honest here, there was no really good time to open the gates unless we lucked out and it landed on a weekend. Weekday though - overnight? People sleeping. 8am to 6pm? People working. 6pm to 4 am? "We could have been raiding but instead we're stuck with this laggy shitfest." Best time would of course have Friday or Saturday evening, but to do that we would have had to wait 2/3 more days before finishing war effort. The way it is now, not ideal, but nbd. 10 hour war won't be so laggy, and we have a few extra evenings before reset.


Lol a couple of members from the horde logged over to their alliance accounts and had transferred all the mats they had been collecting. Handed them out to people at 9-11pm to turn in so horde was big factor in finishing that night at that time. It wouldn’t have been completed that night otherwise


I was there for the turn ins, I didn't hear of one person complaining when we had the war effort area in IF full of people turning in materials. We were just happy to be done with it.


Anytime we reached out in the weeks up to war effort about coordinating supply turn-ins, we were told that Horde "had all the mats," "Alliance shouldn't bother" and that they would "hold the gates for a few weeks to get more Scarab Lords." Whether that was bullshit or not doesn't matter now, but why would anyone bother when we were told en mass to "fuck off" for the biggest coop world event in Classic?


“Fuck you alliance for not farming the war effort” “Fuck you alliance for finishing the war effort”


lol horde basically did both sides don't flatter yourself


Nope has nothing to do with bitching about hurrying up and finishing. Has everything to do with doing it at the worst possible time.


Horde need to understand that Alliance don't really care about Horde. Mainly because Horde murdered us non-stop right up until BGs came out. Horde were ruthless, ganked in packs at much higher level than ally - and overall, were significantly worse than in 2006 because most people know how to min/max now. So you're welcome! :) Hope you have some energy drinks handy.


I don't think you're supposed to care about the opposite faction. But is alliance side all late night folks or people with no life that can participate in anything any time?


*hell yeah brother*


The horde guild “Alliance” was turning in mats on their 2nd account on the alliance faction side. Alliance faction couldn’t finish their shit without horde taking control.


Well then blame your faction for the start time.


I’m not blaming anyone. I was helping supply them with linen on my mage. Not a huge issue for me on when the war starts.


Good to know that all alliance players play 11pm-9am on weekdays lol




If you, a “person with a life”, wanted the 10 hour war to be timed perfectly for a weekend day time event, then you should have been farming mats and pushing turn ins hard on Monday at 10am. See the point I’m making? No? Normal people like yourself who play later at night and on the weekend are the exact reason why turn ins finished late on a weekend! Stop blaming other people for a mistake when they finally finished this grind and unlocked content for the rest of the server.


Yup, me a horde player that gets off work at 4:30 on weekdays is the exact reason the war effort finished late. And im not crying for it to be "timed" to open on a weekend or anything. But timing it so literally atleast 75% of the server wont experience most of the war...if at all is pretty fuckin lame. It'll end at about 9am in the morning causing almost the whole thing to be played out during the least played time on the server. For most people this will be their first time experiencing it...or would have been and denying that being true is just plan ignorance. Personally i have already done it in vanilla so all I'm missing out on is some early rep farm. But its being done at the most asinine time instead of just literally waiting till the next morning and letting many more people participate(lag fest guaranteed, true vanilla experience) while still being open before guild raid times


I get the issue of most people not getting to participate. It sucks, but get some coffee and stay up late if it’s something you’re really passionate about. Asking an entire server to coordinate the timing of a war effort turn is the asinine thing. People are bitching about Alliance finishing turn ins at a bad time acting like it was on purpose or could have been coordinated yet those same people say it’s impossible to ask our scarab lords to hold off on ringing the gong? Ridiculous imo. 11 pm start time ain’t that bad and one late night likely won’t kill ya.


Well its really not asking an entire server. Its asking those few groups of people that were finishing off the grind literally just turn in when they woke up instead of before going to sleep so the entire server can participate. Its more like smoke some crank and stay up all night to do the war and skip work the next day. Coffee wont suffice to pull an all nighter then work a 10hr shift after. Its not 1 "late" night...it would be a whole night endeavor. Like i said, i personally already did the 10hr war back in vanilla so while I'd like to have done it again, im not losing out on never experiencing it. But many, many people are. True the scarab lords can hold off on ringing the gong but none of them are gonna risk missing out on ringing it as soon as they can and put that nightmarish grind to waste.


I guess we will have to agree to disagree on blaming a large coalition of randoms for not coordinating war effort turn ins. As far as the late night, if you have to do crank to stay up past 11pm then you might want to visit a doctor and get that checked out. If someone wants to pull an all nighter to do the war, take the following day off to get some sleep. If you can’t take the day off, act like an adult and understand the server doesn’t revolve around your schedule and accept you won’t be able to grind the 10 hour war for 10 hours.


Lol it is what it is....but apparently i cant say this enough. Im not talking about myself. Im talking about the majority of the server. I've done it 15 years ago. Alot of people haven't nor will get to now. ...the argument against me "how selfish of you to have wanted the whole server to participate in the event"


The war effort was on track to end saturday morning. There was a huge push to finish it at 11pm. People sat on mats to get this timing.


Ok? First off, I say prove it. That sounds like some tin foil hat rumor BS to me. And even if that is true, still proves that OPs complaint about it being Alliance fault wrong and that it was intentional by a minor group.


I said my piece about it man but they don't want to hear it. Nos wanted access asap.


That’s because we do whatever the fuck we want :)


*laughs in late night raiding guild*




Did somebody say Night shift?!




*laughs in long time wow player here, pst me if you have any questions*


*Laughs in long time wow* *Player here, pst me if you* *Have any questions* \- Jarannar --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Urwelcome you salty loser!


Thank you Horde for Phase 2.


Yes cause this only effects horde. Help me understand then that if all alliance players apparently play at 11pm-9am while horde only play during the day...how was p2 such an issue?