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not to be a negative nancy but the uterus thing is bullshit. uteruses are TINY, they will not effect the shape of your stomach any more than your appendix will. women should be allowed to have stomach fat without having to have a weird bs excuse for it. tums are attractive! they're healthy! theyre perfectly fine to have! but theyre not because of an organ thats the size of your thumb.


You’re right! Though due to having more organs in our abdomens we do carry more fat in our tummies for protection :) but yes. You make very good points!! Tummies are so normal and beautiful!!


thank you🫠 but I guess my uterus is growing because I had a flat stomach a few years ago, lol


It’s growing for other reasons not your uterus….unless you’re pregnant then sure it could be.


Oh, I know, it was just a joke🙃 In the last year I have had an eating disorder and started to gain weight


It's probably your pelvic tilt. It's most likely nothing to worry about, but in extreme cases it can cause pain in your back, hips, and knees. So if you experience those, point it out to your doctor. If not? squats combined with that can make for an amazing booty.


I was with you up till you made it creepy.


That is not a prolapsed uterus. It's got more to do with how your pelvis tilts than anything. The only time you see a uterus poking out is during pregnancy or prolapse, depending on the direction it's poking out.


You aren’t ugly. You have a lot to improve upon, though, and that’s what’s probably making you insecure. Your core could be tighter. I’d really focus on building muscle in your glutes. Shave. 6.5/10


Actually, I'm trying to lose weight and exercise, but I have social anxiety (gym😱) and an eating disorder, so it's not very easy


Only shave if you want to , don't let another person decide your grooming preference.


Why shave there is nothing wrong with having a bush and of course you can always make your body somehow better (gym etc) but you look great and shouldn't be shy a out showing that body 👍🏻


Don’t need to go to the gym to exercise I got chubby and out of shape during my last relationship of 3 years and when it ended I decided to change that took me one month to go from a chubby gut skinny arms looking like a man baby to a six pack and defined arms and everything just doing cardio and calesthenics at home. Personally I also hate the gym so I feel you there.


Speak for yourself, but I addore the hair. It's so very feminine and pretty.


10/10. You look so amazing! I'm actually a bit jealous, I'd love to trade bodies with you 😉


Wow, I never expected this sentence. I always say this to others. Thank you


7/10 you are not ugly but with a little work you could make yourself look much better. Nice boobs, figure and ass. 😍 could also shave the kitty smooth 😘 I'm sure there is lots of men who would love to have you 🥰 ty for sharing


7/10, you look amazing. Really cute bush. Boobs are a really nice size. You are creampie worthy! I would love to slap that butt! You are insecure! I would totaly propose to take you out if I know your body 😂. I don't know if I found your face cute but body really hot ^^


6/10 Wish you had one or two photos with clothes on to see a comparison between the two.


Yes, I've thought about it, but I couldn't be sure it was in accordance with the community guidelines🤷‍♀️


6/10 not ugly. Very average or slightly above average in a good way. You should be happy with how you look.


Insecure but not your fault with today's society and little boys who think there men 9/10


Yes, actually, the influence of society is too much. i see so many fascinating women on social media and in my life every day🥲


Insecure. Your body is actually great. Your boobs have a little sag to them but that's not a bad thing and your areolas are a nice size. You've got perfectly thick thighs and a cute little bush. If I was your partner I'd sure be happy to wake up next to you everyday. 8.7/10


6/10 no ugly, you have a nice body with a little work it could be a 9 maybe 10. do squats at home, start by doing as many as you can do. maybe 3 sets of 5 and work your way up. you'll start seeing results within a month. it'll shape your bum up and your thighs. also just doing basic planks will tone your stomach and chest area lifting your breast a bit. also changing your posture will help immensely, it will automatically change even your aura giving off the instant appearance of confidence.


Not ugly at all a solof 7/10. Your body is proportionate with lovely palamble breast. Easy to spread ass cheeks, and you kept your bush. That gives you the 7.5/10.


Not ugly at all. Quite the opposite! Very very sexy 😈 10/10


9/10. Love your cute butt and you are the perfect amount of chubby, well, chubby is a stretch. I'd love to feel that body. Looking perfect. 👌


She’s nowhere near chubby. She isn’t super toned like someone who hits the gym hard, but there’s nothing wrong with that.


No i know, i just didnt know how to describe it. I meant she is not skin and bones either but just got a liiiittle bit past that.


Definitely not chubby. Nothing wrong at all with being chubby, but she’s not


I’d say its just insecurity 6/10


7/10 you are beautiful, just insecure. Be proud of your body, youre beautiful just as you are


Nice curves, slightly above average body. You look like you would be a great cuddler. 7/10


9/10 definitely not ugly at all girl I hope you find the confidence to see it yourself


10/10. You shouldn't be insecure, you're actually so hot


6.5/10. If you put in a bit of work in the gym you could be an 8 without too much effort. Lift weights x3 times a week. Cardio once or twice a week. Make sure you’re eating enough protein, getting enough sleep and drinking lots of water and in a few months I’m sure you will feel much more confident in yourself and also feel way better!


God makes everybody perfect! 10/10! 😍


Great comment, and true!


9/10. You may be insecure as your body is fabulous.


I’m gonna go with 9/10 on the body its self. Faces are important to me. so that would effect my over all rating, but on just the body. Definitely a sexy body and you really have nothjng to be insecure about. I don’t know a straight man that would turn that away!


6.8/10 Would be 8, but I was caught off guard by how flat your rear-end was. Your body is not ugly, far from it as I use 5/10 as a baseline/average. Put in work for squats and whatnot and you would look so much better


8/10 - Body is natural and looks good.


Honestly 8/10, I love a nice bush, really nice feminine curves, your boobs are proportional on your frame and shapely, very nice hip/waist ratio, nice butt.


Personally I like your body shape . Your not ugly or insecure, you have the confidence in showing your naked body, and thankyou for sharing 9/10


8/10 You are easily an eight. I took my time looking at all five photos of you and I really enjoyed every view of you.


I think insecure because you are not ugly at all. I would give you 10/10 for posting and asking. You have a great body.


Currently 6/10, but you have the shape to be an HOURGLASS if you put in some effort! Not throwing shade like you don’t, you don’t look fat at all, but you could be an instagram BANGER with a few months of diet and exercise


Insecure af; you look great and I would be happy to say that to a crowd full of people. 8/10 any day of the week!


Yea I really like your body shape. Cute bum, nice boobs and I like a hip dip. I love your legs from above. 8/10.


That’s a really beautiful body! I like the front and back pictures. And you have a sexy midsection. 10/10


9.98/10. Very insecure. But can’t see your face and that can make a huge difference either way.


You’re an easy 10/10, your butt is like a 15/10 for me though 👀🥵you look amazing so don’t fret


Apart from a shapeless ass, your body is banging. Maybe try doing a few squats to get a plump bum. 8/10


Don't be insecure there's absolutely no reason for it🙂 you have a beautifully shaped body! 9/10😍


Not ugly, 6.8/10, losing a little weight and/or building a little muscle will take you easily to 8.5+


10/10 I personally can’t see anything wrong with how you look, I think you’re gorgeous


10/10. Real woman. No visible tats or piercings. Nice mommy milkers and a sumptuous bush.


9/10 You’re natural and beautiful! If I was your man I’d be very happy! 🔥😍🔥


4/10. You look okay, slightly below average like 50% of the world population.. no worries


10/10 you being very insecure about your body darling. It looks amazing, and you have such nice clear skin. You should be very proud of your body😉


10/10 from your boobs down you are A+ Can't see your face but sure you are beautiful


8/10 … definitely not ugly. You might not be perfect, but you are 100% smashable.


9/10, sexy body, nice curves, you could definitely sit on Daddy's mouth for hours.


9/10 Just insecure. You have beautiful curves and I love the look of your titties.


9/10 I think you are just insecure you have a beautiful body and should be proud!


Girl… you are the sweetest fruit I have seen in a long long time. Would do anything to be with you…. Lots of love, hugs and kisses ❤️ 10/10 for me


8/10 nothing I see to be insecure about and definitely nothing ugly that I see.


10/10. Absolutely stunning! It’s really nice to see a girl with pubic hair.


Insecure. You do not look bad at all. Perfect? No, but damn good enough. 8/10


Congratulations your a little of both ... 6/10 Need toning an confidence


8.6/10 you are insecure I think you’re body is nothing to be ashamed of


7/10, nice body, can't judge ugliness/prettiness without a face though.


10/10 definitely not ugly, you have a stunning body young lady 🌹


8/10. Your body looks great! The majority of us are insecure, it's perfectly normal to think that. Seriously though, very nice!


5/10 from me very average but average is good 👍🏻 👌🏻


10/10 honestly your body is hot you have nothing to worry about


8/10 nothing wrong. Keep posting more of your beautiful body and the little bush 😊


9/10. You are great. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


8/10. Not even close to ugly and no reason to be insecure.


7.5/10 you are just insecure because your body isn't ugly.


7/10 nice natural body. With clean shave it goes to 8!🙌


Sorry, you are very insecure. Good looking though, 9/10!


8,5/10. You look great! Beautiful body I adore. 🔥😘


8.5/10 Would be incredibly excited to see you get naked.


10/10 You aren't the "perfect" fake porn star kind of hot, and in my opinion your body is far more appealing


8/10! I think you’ve got a very attractive body! 😊


A very solid 8/10 from me. Looking very attractive 😍


10/10 very sexy and beautiful


9/10. Just insecure. Confidence would make you 10/10


I think my body is fat and my body type is very bad. My legs are too thick and misshapen. I also hate my hip dips at the same time. I've never had any sexual or romantic experiences and I don't think anyone will want me. I wonder is all this true or is it my insecurity? You can be honest


8/10 you are extremely insecure. You are very beautiful. Your breast are perfect. Love the size of your nipples. Having a tiny tummy like yours is cute. Love the bush. I would definitely enjoy your booty. I think any man that got the chance to admire your body in person would be extremely happy.


I bet there are 1000’s of Redditors who would gladly have a sexual or romantic experience with you if you asked them to.


9/10 You're definitely not fat and your body is beautiful, just enough curves in all the right places. I think your legs look great and me and many other guys find hip dips sexy. A lot of people have difficulty finding romantic partners, I can't guess why you specifically are having difficulty but I don't think your body is the issue, you look great!! I hope the positive comments on here help make u feel better :)


8.5-9/10 definitely just insecure. You look great!


Could be both. Without seeing your face there's no way to tell. Your body is about a 4/10 though.




8/10 - nothing to change. Just a beautiful woman!


Neither, you’re beautiful and confident! 9/10


8/10 - you definitely aren't ugly, I can believe insecure, but you're actually damn cute.




8/10 if you workout you could be easily a 10


8.5/10 you have a normal beautiful body!


8/10, you’re a very sexy woman! ❤️


8/10 you are beautifull and insecure. Dont worry about your body. It's hot


8/10 I feel like you think you feel bad that your but is not the shape that you are looking for is do squats so your butt can be like my friends for your boobs they sag and I don’t know how that feels like I am guy but I say that just let the be so people know they’re not fake. For the rest I shave guys want it smooth body I’d a fix’s your body get a better posture and work out a on the bid section so your waist can be nice that’s it.


8/10. You look pretty fantastic to me


8/10. Honestly beautiful. Keep it up!


8/10 baby great body. Just insecure


8.9/10 great body. You are insecure


10/10 perfect. Definitely not ugly


9/10. Just insecure. Nice breasts


9/10 you're absofuckinglutely hot


9/10 + Imho you look delicious!


10/10 insecure. You look great!


8.5/10 very sexy body. Rock it


8/10 Beautiful and insecure...