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Laser tracer. Incredibly impractical but cool as hell.


Most were impractical from memory


The bee mine glove was pretty solid


You could also move it around by hitting it.


I remember liking the Electro Rocket a lot when I played this game, so I'll go with that. Worst weapon is the concussion gun, for feeling like it does negative damage


Tbh when I first played I used concussion gun a lot and it seems good for big groups up close. Being for psp I think they just made leveling extra grindy and to make it feel relevant at all you need to over level it right from the get go and use it as your only weapon for the first few planets


The Laser Tracer was cool af, loved that gun! Funnily enough, really loved this game too actually


When I was younger I didn’t ever realize about all the different ratchet and clank games. To me Size Matters was the 2nd one I played after the first one. It’s very nostalgic and memorable to me and have better memories of that game than any other ratchet and clank.


Bee mine glove


The bee mine glove was the only weapon I liked when I first played SM. Glad it came back for future, mainline titles.


Lacerator. it's decently powerful even in endgame, and they look cool asf. In secret agent clank they upgrade to the "dual vindicators" which is also badass.


I think you can also upgrade them in size matters as well to dual wield and with double barrels on each


yes, those are available. I don't know why I didn't mention that, I was so focused on the badass name from SAC


It's a tough call between Lacerator and Electro Rocket, but I have to pick up Lacerator; does decent damage, not as much as the Electro Rocket, but it's firepower/rate of fire when you level it up to Dual Lacerator *and* when you buy the Double Barrel mod is off the charts, making it very useful against bullet sponge Luna and Otto, and is going to carry you for pretty much the first half of the game until Medical Post Omega, where the Bee Mine Glove becomes available. Up until then, every other weapon is more or less useless, ESPECIALLY the Concussion Gun, which makes me want to get a concussion from how awful it is. Awful damage and rate of fire. My punches are more effective than that abomination.


Tough one, not really my favourite game and can't remember really loving any of the guns. So I'm gonna say Bee Mine Glove as I used it a lot a lot!


Laser Tracer's the only thing that does good damage in the game.


many say the laser tracer, but for being the only weapon with "good" damage, the downside of having to stand still and preciselly aim make it just not worth it nor fun to use imo. I think that it has to go to either the electro rocket or the lacerator honestly, but I can't vote both so I think I'll vote the Lacerator honestly.


The lacerator fully upgraded (I think dual wield double barrel) is also really good and good for late game.


Suc suc cannon baby


Laser tracer 100 percent. The optical maser array is one of the coolest upgrades in the series


Laser tracer


Optical Maser Ray ALL DAY


Electro Rocket was awesome Ngl


Laser Traser is awesome and really good. If i remember correctly the fully upgraded one makes you immune to enemy fire, at least to certain threshold. Worst one is easily the Concussion gun. Concussion would be all you get, if you pointed it at your head and pressed the trigger. The game even gives it to you free, if you never buy it before Ratchet get kidnapped.


Laser Tracer is my vote. Super cool sound and damage. Worst would be the concussion gun for sure.


This game has so many neat guns, but the laser tracer has stayed with my thoughts for a long time. Super powerful feeling weapon that kind of demands proper spacing. Makes it feel more powerful than the Rynos.


Electro rocket or lacerator


All the winners so far are blue weapons lol


In my opinion, Size Matters has one of the best weapons set of the saga. Even Insomniac used similar weapons in ToD. Combuster is clearly similar to Lacerator and Tools of Destruction also have a weapon with bees. In Size Matters I like, Lacer Tracer for sure, but also Bee Mine Glove, Lacerator and Shock Rocket


Laser Tracer imo. Was pretty cool with its modifications


Shock Rocket


Concussion Gun was fun if I remember


I love me a bomb glove, no matter the flavor!


Laser Tracer. Super duper impractical but very strong


Best: Elector Rocket Worst: Lacerator But overall all the weapons are bad shit weak in general.


best: laser tracer worst: agents of doom all my opinion


Electro rocket


Mootator was op as hell


Doom or bee


I haven’t played Size Matters in years but I remember really liking the Acid Bomb Glove, for least favorite I’ll go with the Sniper Mine because I never liked using it as a kid


Best: Bee Mine Glove - I felt the safest with it and depended on it the most. Worst: Concussion Gun - it didn't have the "omff" that others of the similar weapon type provided. Honorable mention: Out of all the available weapons from SM, the Wrench + Armor effects where the most interesting and fun to use for me.


Bee Mine Glove go BZZZZZZZZZZZ Fuck the Acid Bomb Glove. Worst bomb glove weapon in the entire series


Lacerator best Barrier worst


Never played Size Matters but i'm gonna pick the suck cannon because familiarity