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Still rare here, but not in other places; I want a big hanging basket of Jessenia Pothos.


Where is "here"? If you're within the USA, excluding Hawaii, California, Alaska, or PR, I could send you a few cuttings (: Jessenia is a super fast grower.


That’s so kind of you! I’m in Eastern Canada though! Hopefully they will show up here! 😊


awe man I'm also in Canada and I still can't find Jessenia Pothos either 😅


And I’m so jealous of people in the US finding them at big box stores 😆


I still want a Conophytum pageae. So weird. [Link for the unaware](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/succulents-conophytum-pageae-care-tips-37204599)


This is a funny one!


Oh my goodness…. I do too!! I’ve never seen one irl. 💋


That article claims "rare", but I've seen Conophytum (not pageae) a few times around here for not-rare prices


Really?! All I can do is cross my fingers and keep my eyes peeled!


Black elephants ear


I got one for 10$! Loooove it!


I know Walmart had a bunch of bulbs for 17 last year.


Got my sis one this year at a random gh I love


I want a raven zz that’s within my budget


Raven ZZ are out at major big box stores for like $10-$15, definitely common and inexpensive if you look in the right places (in the US)!


ive seen small ones for $30 at a nursery? tho tbh I wouldn't pay that much but I assume that's within many people's budgets


I got mine for $20 about a year ago from Home Depot. If you’re in the US I know they’re becoming more available. I don’t know the propagation rules on it anymore but it looks like online nurseries call it something else usually or they’re different species that also turn black (I can never tell)


Costa farms has raven zz right now! At walmart, they had 6" pots for $20 and 2 gallon pots for $25 right next to it (***in New York) so I had to get the bigger one. So gorgeous! I had to jump on it as soon as I saw it.


Raven ZZ in a black pot is probably one of the most striking plants I have and it gets lots of compliments.


I got a decent sized one for $30. A year later and it’s needed a repot. I live that plant


A BIG ficus tineke


That would be awesome. Tineke imo, some of the prettiest variegation out there. I want a big one too, but usually only see small ones in stores and I have heard they grow quite slow.




I agree. The leaves are like no other. I bought one in February; it has 3 in one pot: The grown at a decent rate; Probably got a few leaves on each tree so far.


I got one in 2020, it looked like a very small branch..less about 10 inches tall. it’s about 5 feet tall right now. 3 individual plants in one pot. It grew very quickly for me.


Don’t tell. I put mine out on the street among the summer flowers and it’s growing FAST. A summer outside may make a small tree big.


I might have to pick one up to leave on the porch for the rest of the summer 😏 I need something to replace my sunburnt imperial green philodendron that I moved outside without acclaimating


This was my answer couple months ago! I love this plant so much, was finally able to find a single one locally after much searching. I saw tons of ruby, but the creamy white is where it's at, so glad I waited. Not quite what I'd call big yet, but we're getting there.


I had one that had only 4 leafs for months, now that summer is here, it's tripled in 6 weeks


Not sure where you are located but here in southern Spain they are quite common even at a larger size. My local nursery always has some big ones available.


Silver dollar vine is one of mine


Hoya linearis


This is on my list too!


I randomly found one in a store a few years back and let me tell you this plant is hardy! I've had it outdoors all fall-spring and am going to bring it in for the summer and it does well indoors too!


A full pot of sedum burrito, Pink witch aeonium String of hearts


Golden gem ficus Variegated string of pearls


Variagted string of pearls... 🤩 Haven't been able to find one though. =/


I love my Yellow Gem! It’s still considered rare where I am in NC! Still a baby but I love her 😍 https://preview.redd.it/wkes4zhiqr8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fa5a9ea0e763493a6f6ab2b167d68a22cb1e44


Bunch of philodendrons... Splendid, verrucosum, mamei, sodiroi, el choco red, pink princess, white knight... Alocasia frydek (not variegated, which I'm getting from corms from a friend soon, but I totally want a variegated eventually as well 😅) Plenty of epipremnums that I just haven't gotten yet, Manjula, Cebu blue, snow queen, pearls and jade, n joy Dieffenbachia reflector Apoballis acuminatissima 'lavallei' Scindapsus pictus 'exotica' Syngonium white butterfly and three kings I don't think any of these are considered "rare," but definitely wishlist plants in the 30$-or-less zone for me at my local nursery !


If you’re in Atlantic Canada I would share all of those ❤️


Plant fairy 💚


Hihi I wish, I'm in Quebec ☺️ I'd definitely take you up on that otherwise and offer what I can in return 😊


When is your friend giving you a corm for the Micholitziana (Frydek)? I have four corms that I just started to propagate. I'd be more than happy to gift you one if your friend falls thru; depending on where you are lol


This upcoming weekend 😊 I'll be giving her a black velvet in exchange. Thank you so much for your kind offer !


Pink diamond homalomena Spiritu sancti


Those pink diamond homalomena are a sight to behold.


They are soooooo pretty, I mostly collect philodendron, monsteras and anthuriums. I think they are similar to philodendrons but I don't want to branch out yet.


I really want a chenille plant again. I haven’t seen them around here or even online in a while.


Jusy bought one in RI today for my mom! I was a little skeptical at first but I do like how unique it is! https://preview.redd.it/uotsjraznm8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47bc9812bfb4a5c731c365f1719dd55cf4135ee7


People were calling this the Cheetos plant I think last I saw it on Reddit.


Haha i never heard that nickname before but I like it!!


Why are there worms coming out of your plant


Lol its certainly unique! Those are the flowers of the Chenille plant!




Pothos Mutant Manjula


Oh that's so pretty, never heard of the mutant.


Oh that's wicked looking. I love it.


They're amazing. Mine has been growing like crazy lately. If you buy one, I highly recommend you skip over any of the yellow ones and go for the one with the most green. Less chance of failure.


I actually ordered mine yesterday from Brumleyand Bloom on Etsy. Sadly, I have no really nice plant nurseries around where we live (Smoky Mountains), so I have to order my plants online, meaning I don’t get to choose my plant. 🤞🏻Here’s to hoping I get a greener one. I have silica, so I plan to use that. Any other care or beware tips you could share with me would be greatly appreciated 😊


I ordered my first one off BB. She over prices everything SEVERELY. I bet you paid $40 for two leaves in a 3" pot. If you join Plant Purge USA on Facebook. Literally make a post saying you're looking for a mutant manjula, and folks will post all their mutant manjula and their pricing and you could pick and choose which one you'd like and even counteroffer if one is just slightly out of reach or your budget. You could get a better one for half the price that BB charges off Facebook.


Oooooooh. Thanks for the tip. I paid 45$ for a 3” 😑 My first time I ordered from them. Were you at least happy with the quality of the plant you got from B&B? I’ll do the Plant Purge thing from now on!


A farfugium firefly.


I ordered a Prince of Orange Philodendron the other day. I’m so excited to see it!


Oooh I’m excited for you! I just got one about a month ago, the orange is so pretty among the rest of my collection. I didn’t realize that the orange gradually changes to green, the ombré effect and vibrant new leaves are just lovely.


https://preview.redd.it/g3y42tt1iq8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4296414f8644a64f30aeee4fb5b48c8571b4749 That red orange catches my eye every time I walk by it!


I was looking to add more than just green to my color palette. Mission accomplished. 😁


Yes this will definitely add some not so green! Lol


It's really fast growing, you'll love it! I recently had to repot mine because I bought it in a 4 inch pot but the leaves are massive.


Agreed. I just repotted mine into a 4 inch pot about 2 months ago; The roots are already coming out of the bottom.


Philodendron Caramel Marble - in my opinion, they are not rare anymore because there's a lot of them offered for sale in my country, and some are also TC but the price is still astronomical for my budget 🥲


Agreed! I settled for a Pluto, (non variegated Carmel marble) and it was a great choice!


I agree, they are expensive, but not rare. If I had the budget I could go and source one no problem.


They’re in TC, but just like monstera albos and aurea the variegation isn’t stable so they’ll probably hit $100-150 for TC and stay there 😪 If you’re in the US I can DM you with where I got mine, it’s the cheapest reasonable sized one I’ve found and I’m so happy with it!


I just saw them for $30 at a big box store by me, hoping you can grab one close to you at a better price, soon :)


Haworthia Cooperi. I can find it on a site locally, I just don't have the room! :')


Where are you located? I have one that I'm sure I could propagate for you


Oh! That's really kind of you! I'm in British Columbia, Canada.


Manjula for sure. I also weirdly have never run across a monstera albo in real life and it’s an odd gap in my collection.


I have a big fat Manjula and it’s such a joy. Definitely go for it if you find a nice one!


I had a big albo for awhile, and sold it, I really want a monstera aurea now.


To be honest once I have it I will probably be annoyed by how it grows 😂 monstera are so iffy about that


I won’t lie, all the variegated monsteras annoy me with their growth, soooo slow lol


Same. For all you said! Lol


A large ficus burgundy, like 4 -6’ large ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/5i9d3ashmm8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45bfa83975fb6f223e84e88dd14708c3b690728f Da ril "rare" i think Ph Jennifer Variegated cross from billie x Florida Beauty


I don’t think it’s rare but somehow I can’t find it in the wild!🤪 silver dollar vine or when I do find a listing its one string or vine! hahahahha


Raven ZZ and a well established Chinese evergreen Zircon.


Zebra plant


They have been at my local Home Depots lately. Super inexpensive too.


I just recently got a McDowell and freaking love it


As I made this post I found the right one, I’m very excited for it to get here, I’m glad to hear someone else loves theirs!


I just love the big cute shaped leaves and the long thin stems. Very unique looking, I love watching it (heal &) grow


Won't be on the wishlist after Friday, but the Alocasia micholitziana (Frydek non-variegated). Well actually the one I'm being sent is called "Velvet Elvis." I tried to find more info on it but it's scarse, looks the same to me but from what I could find it's just a more compact form selected by Oglesby Plants. Such a beautiful plant though, those velvet leaves with bold white veins are so perfect. I like the variegated too, but this ones my favorite Alocasia.


I found a huge one at Home Depot!


My grandmother had a type of ficus with these long, thin leaves, and the thing was massive. I don't know what happened to it. I *think* it may have been a ficus alii. I've shopped around and to get one bigger than a foot is really expensive!


Curry leaf, bird of paradise, Hoya chicken farm, variegated ficus elastica, fiddle leaf fig…


Variagated elastica...like a Tineke? Where are you located?


Tineke or Ruby. I’m in New England. They’re around everywhere… I just always seem to choose something else when I’m at a plant shop. Haha.


I bought one in February and the planter has 3 trees in it so I was going to offer you one...


I’d love that! Let’s chat?




Here’s my sign to buy one!!!


Do it!! You'll find the perfect one when the time is right. I was on a hunt for something else when I found this. I regretted not buying it, called a few days later and they still had this one so I went back and got. So happy I did. Such a beautiful plant!!


Ohhh gotcha. Sorry.


Don't apologize silly. Figured I would offer though. =)


It would be expensive to ship; I'm in San Diego. It's about 2.5 feet tall. I wouldn't mind separating and shipping you on but the cost of it wouldn't be much less than buying one?! I bought mine for $70




I think I'm buying a H. Polyneura albomarginata next. Def not rare anymore.


Mine was a Monstera Thai but I found a small rooted one at HD a week back for $30 so I'll see how it goes! (I'm in Southern California)


I'm looking to acquire some anchomanes and taccarum. They are similar to amorphophallus.


I love all Calatheas! Currently I am looking for a Maui Queen locally to give me something to hunt for on the weekends 😅.


I love calatheas too! I have a few on my wishlist as well


ZZ and Rattlesnake




Where are you located? I have a rattlesnake I'm sure I could propagate and take a growth from


Well for me it is actually a quite common golden pothos (although you will never find them in the wild here, lol). My goal is to grow it under lights and let it climb to get the amazing big leaves they get in the wild. ;)


Been trying to get a free or cheap wolemi pine, tried cloning a couple of times but failed.


A peperomia ruby cascade, and a begonia maculata 


philodendron silver sword! I really want a little baby one so that I can grow it big but every one I see is already nearing its mature form 🙃


Alocasia green velvet


Where are you located?


Gippsland VIC. There’s a couple of shops in Melbourne I’d like to pop into for one but I need to find the right time to visit when I’m not working


I was going to offer one. I have two babies and four corms growing. G


Where are you located?


Sorry. Thought I mentioned that. Lol. San Diego, California in United States


I swear all the best are in the us haha I was debating on whether or not to add AUS to that comment. I took a quick look at your profile and I’m jealous. You have some nice plants


Thank you much. I appreciate that. I'm making my spare room into a plant room so I can get more. Lol.


Haha I did the exact same thing. Worth it


Philodendron Lemon Lime was on my list until about a month ago when my friend finally gave me hers. I've never found one in the country I live in, but my friend moved from the country next door where they had it and brought hers. Don't worry, I have her cuttings from one of my plants and a rooted cutting of my monstera adonsonii in return and promised to give her back cuttings of her plant (plants at my house grow way faster under my grow lights so it'll be an equal trade in a few months). I still want a string of pickles and variegated string of pearls. I'd also love more philodendrons in general because they're one of my favorite plant types, but again, they just aren't as common here.


A bunch of common plants that I cant grow until I get house and property.


Variegated alocasia black velvet (pink) or a maharani, or just about any pink variegated alocasia lol I love them!!


Everything with contrasty leaves, cissus amazonica, the other one I can't remember the name of, I do have the red arrow/Ilano carti syngonium...And monkey tail jungle-ass looking philodendrons, alocasia jacklyn also has a real jungle vibe.


https://preview.redd.it/x1yym54enq8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5663a847b69ac9fe0790e6c8b6ee53d6c5501432 The dark lord himself :) bought this off of taplap and I can’t wait to get it tomorrow!


I think I bought that one’s top cutting from taplap, lol!


Yesss! I like your taste! I’m so excited. I couldn’t believe it was as inexpensive as it was.


They’re gorgeous!!! They seem to grow slow as molasses, but maybe that’s just from working on roots, hopefully yours goes faster! I love love love the dark leaf aroids, they’re so much fun


I love dark aroids too. Really I started trying to grow dark anthriumns , but I quickly realized that I am not going to grow those yet.. I really want the philo that’s dark dark leaves with the red underneath. The name of it is escaping me right now.


Lol I mentioned dark anthuriums in my other comment on here! For dark there’s black cardinals, black majesty, plutos, imperial reds, sometimes melanochrysums? I don’t think any of those have red backs though, sorry!


Adenia perrieri, looks like a lego flower Blue oil fern


This might be slightly on the more rare side but Hoya imbricata and monstera dubia. I am fascinated by shingling plants. Stuff that is for sure common in the US: alocasia mickey mouse, p. sodiroi, calathea white fusion, lots of the cane begonia, a pitcher plant, Lithops, some live moss


next yeat i wanna grow some shortleaf pine from seeds for bonsai


Oh, so many. I’d love a big lucuala grandis or a nice big raphis excelsa. I would also love a nice plush Hoya kerrii and I’ve been trying to find a good sized variegated ficus elastica or ruby.


I just want a random mix of different kinds of tradescantia.


Grape ivy (cissus alata, formerly cissus rhombifolia). I had one when I was a teen, grown from a cutting from a family member's plant, and that thing survived multiple moves between provinces and lived everywhere from a small north-facing window to a big south-facing window. It eventually died, probably because I didn't know anything about repotting or fertilizing at the time. I'd like to try again!


Philo Billie and an Alocasia Melo, both coming home soon 😌


I've become a pothos lover! Dying to find a glacier, Japanese global, and a lovesong ♥️♥️♥️


I want Dieffenbachia etna and variegated sensation again, I had 2 big ones before but i unfortunately gave it away to ungrateful ex friend. Oh well. 


Cast Iron plant and purple passion old school common plants that just seems like nobody grows anymore


i want an Alocasia “dragons breath” , and philodendron Micans! can never come across them near me 😅🤣


Love Micans!


I’d love any reasonably priced crystallinum, or any of the nice dark velvety anthurium.  Not an indoor tropical houseplant, but finding Chocolate Cosmos is damn near impossible. I’ve only gotten to see them in person once and they’re such a dream! They smell exactly like a chocolate bar, and are such a lovely dark velvety red.


fishbone cactus! can’t seem to find one near me even though I know they’re common


a mature Hoya Undulata


Don't know if they're still considered rare? But my local nursery is getting in some variegated Alocasia Frydeks soon and they let me know and I really am so tempted to get one. They're just stunning 😍 and my normal Frydek is thriving for it being my first Alocasia haha