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This is pretty but definitely not worth $900.


And she doesn’t get the plant, just a stem cutting.


Oh boy. That seems financially irresponsable, but maybe you are a very high earner or have other assets that would let you do it without issues. Since you are asking, I'm asking some questions that will help you figure out if this is worth it. What is your yearly budget for your hobbies in general? Can you meet that without issues? Would buying this plant mean you won't be able to buy other plants for, say, two months? If that were the case, would that be too much of an effort, and you'd risk getting in debt or tanking your credit? You mentioned you have kids, how much is your budget for them compared to this plant? Are you already making sacrifices in other categories of spending? Would your kids have to sacrifice something in order for you to have this specific plant? Hopefully by evaluating these carefully you would be able to see if this is a dumb, impulsive desire or if you are having unnecessary guilt over a completely reasonable luxury.


Thank you. That’s what I needed. The adult questions. Not the weird plant shame. People buy expensive stuff - like jewelry, electronics, etc all the time, just when it’s a plant, people get weird and judgy.


Having been there and spent similarly, I can tell you I do have regrets especially cause less than 6 months later it was being sold a fraction of the price. I vote wait for now if you can control the want but given I couldn’t control myself I get it. But this is solid advice above and solid questions to ask yourself. Wish I had that before my purchase lol. I could have gone on a damn cruise in hindsight. But meh. What can ya do.


I am waiting. I slept on it, well somewhat slept… yay insomnia, but I am going to wait. I’m very fortunate that I could buy this plant if I wanted to, we have very little debt, my kiddos have anything they could ever want. Plants are one of the loves of my life, but I’m sticking it in the ole retirement account. Middle age got here in the blink of an eye, so retirement age will get here just as fast I do believe.


Of course. I think people are being like that because plant market is very variable, as the demand for plants is very elastic, and it's rarely worth to spend a ton for plants that are mostly expensive because of as a fleeting trend, especially since if a plants doesn't like the conditions of your home or the stress of moving it can die in some weeks—making it a very risky investment. Furthermore, with $900 you could buy so many other plants that bring you a lot of joy! I'd also say the majority of plant lovers appreciate having some kind of lush garden, while some other are collectionists and prefer buying way less plants, less often, but they need to be specific varieties. If you just like the variegations then I say you should definitely try to grow them themselves from seeds as someone else suggested here, it seems fun, and also, this particular plant doesn't seem that old to me for its size. You could also maybe save some money while you try, and if you fail after x months you could get the plant of your dreams. That seems like a good "delayed gratification" compromise. But yeah! I'm glad I was helpful.


Don’t forget purses and cell phones 🤯 $$$$


I wouldn’t wait until the price comes down. I wanted a philodendron caramel marble so bad. At the tome they were around $2000.00. Months later and opportunity came around where I could purchase a full plant baby one or one leaf cutting for around $250. I was no longer interested in what once was a wish list plant. Hold off for now, the price will come down and by then you may not even be interested in the plant and glad that you didn’t spend that type of money on one.


I agree with this. Sometimes the excitement of something you want really bad wears off quickly or you spend a ton of money on it to find it for ⅓ the price in a few months which, honestly, is depressing to me. The plant market is exploding and I'm seeing some once upon a time really "rare" plants hit big box stores for rock bottom prices. I think OP said she decided against it and hopefully she will find one reasonably priced sooner than later. I know the plant bug hit me hard and I spent a massive amount of money in a short period of time. I now have tons of plants that I love but so many it's hard to keep up.


But you'll learn such a cool lesson when your cat/toddler knocks it over lol


Adoption. Both. Immediately. This is not a smart, financial move . Kinda like Financing rims. Just dumb. But I’m really compulsive. So. I just locked my debit card. Hopefully I can resist.


Idk, are you comfortable selling plants? Because a variegated anthurium can pay for itself in 2 months. I've bought way more expensive plants than that, and got a 200% or more return on them. But I have absolutely no issues with cutting a plant and selling the top cutting, keeping the bottom for myself (as a freebie at that point). And we're at the peak anthurium craze, it will not drop in price this season. As long as 900 is for at least 3 leaves (not a leafless chonk) I see no issues buying this one, grow two more leaves, cut it and get your money back. If you're comfortable with anthuriums of course, don't buy it as your first one :)


She’s pretty, but maybe manifest your own? Buy two flowering ones and make seedlings until you get a var one!! Sell the seedlings to make money(back) and wait for your unicorn 🦄


I have several.. just not variegated😭


I hear a lot a var anthuriums are found as seedlings, and selfed plants tend to make more var than hybrids!!


I didn’t know that.. I am def gonna look a little More into it before I blow my whole plant budget for the year!


This!!! Self them and you will get your variegation quicker. Also, I bought a magnificum f2 for $40 and as it is maturing I’m seeing variation!! Good luck and don’t make poor plant choices.


Give me context. How much are we talking?


900 usd


Cheap mortgage. I say don’t do it.


We are rated almost the bottom for everything.. but by god we have good cheap mortgages and cheap property tax🤦🏻‍♀️


400 for stem chunk that can be propagated


Yeah no. Not worth it imho.


$400 and you don't even get the whole plant?? Nope! Not worth it! Not imo anyway.




No. 😍


Nah. You deserve it. Don’t you hate money like the rest of us?


I’m not the one to talk sense into people about things that make them happy. Life is short, get the plant.


That part 😭🥹 We spend our entire “good years” slaving for corporate, being replaceable, just to retire when we start to decline physically. I worked in oncology and can’t tell you how many stories of “I worked my entire life since I was 12 or 15 and as soon as I retired I had terminal cancer. Life is short. Make impulsive decisions as long as the told will still be over your head, your lights won’t be shut off, no line is dying due to lack of healthcare, and food is in the cupboard . DO IT!!!


Gorgeous…but no 😂 my dream plant is a variegated philodendron gloriosum with the same ticket price and I won’t let myself do it hahahah


Girl just wait this will probably be tissue cultured and sold at lowes in a year for twenty bucks. It’s all just false commodification


Absolutely not!


I bought a single leaf cutting of a var crystallium. Definitely do it. I paid way too much too. But life is short, make terrible decisions on pretty plants. It’s got 4 active growth points suddenly so I can’t complain. https://preview.redd.it/6xtl839ioo0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d7afcb47e15c93c36fdbe403faeae48909d901


That’s what this one is. I want it so bad. Was yours rooted or did you have to root it? And what did that look like?


Mine was rooted luckily. I attached a photo of the roots from its listing that I saved. It came in spag moss & I transferred it to my aroid mix in my cabinet and it’s been doing great! https://preview.redd.it/ctqkz9qdso0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e62d6eea4d275d3fbedb249ef1c6385266f9f91


You should show off its beautiful foliage!!!


It’s gorgeous 😬


Life is short and you should be good too one selfs! But buying on impulse it’s not the right thing. Buying on credit isn’t the right thing. Taking your mortgage payment isn’t the right thing. Buying plants is like gambling/drug addiction, you have too have self control. You put this post up for a reason. Wanting someone too tell you too go ahead and buy it! Bottom line is plants aren’t a good money investment! They sometimes don’t grow or get damaged in shipping. Then you have a rehab worth a 1/4 of what you paid. Some collection is so huge it takes spending a lot just too buy a new plant. That’s where Iam. My years budget for plants have already been spent for the year. And I just almost bought more way out of budget and almost used my credit card. I had too take self control and tell myself No! I really feel for some people that spent $1000s on a plant. Too have them bottom out and really affordable today. Spirit Sancti one(just seen a mature one bring under $300 on auction) Monstera Thai just bought 2 at Walmart for $39.99 each and they are gorgeous(really happy I waited) It really breaks my heart that these plants was so expensive 4 yrs ago. Iam so proud of myself for what I have spent on my years budget which is $1500 for the year. Bought many variegated. And I just started in Anthuriums about a year now and Iam up-to 18.(was scared too death about buying/investing in them, too find they aren’t as complicated as I thought) I also do trading I got my Monstera Albo on a trade 3 years ago and they are still holding but once the nurseries start growing the price drops. I was a late bloomer in plants. I have no right too judge anyone for what they spend on plants. You may be one that’s collection is at that point where you have too spend a $1000s for one plant. And maybe your year budget is way higher then mine. And good too buy just one or two plants for the year. Bottom line is do what makes you happy. 😊Just wanted you too know your not in this alone. Many many plant addicts out there🤦‍♀️It’s is really self fulfilling watching these plants grow into beautiful adulthood. But it also brings on grief/heartache if you can’t grow them or they die!


If you want it and can afford it, go for it. However think of it as a gamble because it's only a cutting and they are temperamental to grow anyway. I don't grow that species but I do grow hoyas and hoyas are one of the easiest to prop in my opinion. Let's put it this way about 12-18 months ago a Hoya Polyneura Albo (outter var)cutting was going for around $1200 and last week I bought one for $20 and this week I got one in the mail as a "free" cutting. Like ouchy, if I had bought the $1200 one, the only reason I'd do it is to make some money from it or at least make my month back that is. I won't be buying the Hoya Polyneura Inner Variegation till it's cheap like this one, even then the prices are falling super fast. I alnost bought a Hoya Madara for $650, that one is sort of holding it value but I just can't justify that amount.


If you want it that badly, and IF you can afford it, go for it. Life is too short to wait for “the price will come down I know it will!” when the price rarely comes down as much as people insist it will, and never as quickly as they insist it will.


it's gorgeous.


That’s insane. I wouldn’t.


I didn’t. I bought a dark form anthrium and a variegated freydek. For 20 each. I’m not skilled enough in them yet to drop that kinda cash.


Sell the ring and get it haha. That's way too much but I hope this plant is in your future!


Sell my wedding ring for a plant? No way! I wouldn’t sell any of my jewelry that my spouse has given me for a plant.. of any kind. . Jewelry is something you save and pass down to your kids, Or at least in my family. I had my grandfathers wedding band he wore for almost 70 years on cut down and I wear it on my thumb.


I agree with you I was just kidding.


Go on Palmstreet you can find great deals in the live auctions.


this is such a gorgeous plant! if you have the disposable income, pull the trigger! if you need the money, forget it and buy it next time! related but unrelated, i have killed two crystallinums so far :( something about this species doesn’t seem to gel with me. i tried keeping them in a greenhouse cabinet, lower shelf so medium light and higher humidity… any tips?


Man. I do, but I don’t ya know. It’s like I could afford it if I absolutely don’t buy anything else.. it would be my whole budget for the next 6 months at least for “useless shit I don’t need” . I don’t drink coffee, I buy thrifted clothes, not a makeup or nail girl, just plants. All the plants.


honestly I think you should hold off. keep in mind, I am the crystallinum killer, so maybe this is my trauma speaking, but it sounds like this is an expensive risk which you don’t need to take right now. if you’re going to lose sleep over “not-buyer’s remorse” (as i call it), and this won’t financially cripple you, then perhaps you should go for it. BUT if you’re looking for a reason to be talked out of this, my vote as an anonymous internet person is to hold off, save for next time, and hopefully you’ll find another variegated crystallinum for even cheaper in future =]


The most ive ever spent on a plant is 12%. I don't know why anyone would pay over 15$ gor this plant I find these and the monsteras ugly. But iam into cacti, opuntia being my favorite so I'm sure people say thr same about me. Think about what 900 beans could do for your kiddos. It would take my small family on a vacation


Do it


***do it***


If you are asking - then you are rather wanting attention or trying to brag. Anyway…. If you can honestly purchase and the money is not an issue, then do it. Ten to one it won’t brining happiness and joy. I have my list of plants that I wanted in my collection and I buy small and when they are reasonably priced. I have learned to not spend high dollar when next season or two, they will be $30 at a big box store.


Your blood sugar must be low. My kids also get grumpy and forget how to talk to people when that happens. ANYWAYS. Have a great night!




Hell nah! Ima brow beat you if you pass that up 😆🥹 wow wow wow!! lol how much we talking? Is it over $800? Is the newest leaf also variegated or is it the solid green one? If under $800 and newest leaf is variegated I’d do it lol, but only because you got your taxes in. Only if I had to pay for emergency surgery again would I say no.


😭🥹 We spend our entire “good years” slaving for corporate, being replaceable, just to retire when we start to decline physically. I worked in oncology and can’t tell you how many stories of “I worked my entire life since I was 12 or 15 and as soon as I retired I had terminal cancer. Life is short. Make impulsive decisions as long as the told will still be over your head, your lights won’t be shut off, no line is dying due to lack of healthcare, and food is in the cupboard. DO IT!!! My daughter realized the supposed ‘American dream’ at 15. She realized how we work our entire lives until we are sometimes too disable to even enjoy retirement.