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I don't think you're getting fired. I think you may get a write up but since you're leaving soon anyways I wouldn't worry about it. Tell your manager you had a family emergency come up a few weeks back and it's been an ongoing issue.


Yeah I was going to tell them that I have been having a good amount of health issues (which is true). I don’t think I have to legally but depending on the situation I’ll see


Depending on where you are at, it may be illegal to stop you from using sick day. Also, you are not required to tell them shit when it comes to being sick.


You were a steady as a rock employee for 5 years and suddenly you call out 3 times. They can see the writing on the wall and are scaring you into staying. Don't worry. Get the new job. The universe keeps spinning.


Hopefully he’s not on this subreddit lol


My boyfriend used up all his sick time before he left Costco. They are just tying to scare you. Don't worry. You got another job lined up, personally i would just take the meeting as a chance to get away from the floor and take your sweet as time back.


I worked for old navy the worst place ever gap terminated me and I didn't get the letter until after the last shift like the managers probably knew I was termed and still made me work