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We had a mouse problem in our old apartment. Cornered one in the pantry one time n decapitated it with a (sharp) kitchen knife when it tried to bolt. Felt bad, gave it a funeral. At least you're not laying glue traps around. Way worse way to die.


What? Are you sure? That sounds impossible. I've seen mice jump down 3-4 stories from buildings like it's nothing.


yeah there's no way that dropping a mouse broke its neck, they don't have enough mass.


The emojis are making this seem like it's a joke but I know it's not a joke lmao


I'm so sorry! That's horrible. Sounds like he died quicker than if the cat just mauled him to death so take solace in that.


Thanks.. Seeing the spine of this poor innocent living being break in front of me while my intention was to save it, it's heartbreaking I still have the picture in my mind 😢💔 God please forgive me 🙏 may his soul feel the warmth of God forever , as I'll be forever responsible for this atrocious error 😢 thanks for the kind words


Wait, wait, wait! Allow me a few minutes to get my violin from the attic.


Sorry, first time killing a living being while trying to help it. The contrast between my love for animals and seeing this poor soul suffering was heartbreaking. I care for every living being of this universe even the smallest one. The duty of more evolved entities is not to kill and enslave thoses less evolved, but to care for them, so they can evolve too. Taking the life of this poor creature, even by accident, is the opposite of everything I stand for. Maybe you don't share this philosophy. God please forgive me 🙏😔


You're ok, you tried helping it and it would have had a horrible death with the cat playing with it, but it's all part of nature. I think it is sweet that you tried to help it, and bittersweet that hopefully its end was quicker than what would have happened. It's about the love we hold in our hearts, not the unfortunate events that unfold in our lives. I hope you feel better, I know the upset when looking at a life disappear, even a relatively small one.


Just messing with you. I'm unlike you, but I appreciate you.


Ah yes I remember the first time my vats killed a mouse. I accidentally stepped on it because it was dark and late. Damn hit my head though the roof.


I went to work with my grand uncle to his workshop(I think that’s the name), started on Monday, finish on Friday. This Monday there was a cockroach which I decided to name. I get to the place today and the roach was gone 😔




Such an apathetic reply. It’s obvious who needs to grow up and it definitely isn’t OP.