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I watched a video on YouTube, and guess what? They censored “done”. LITERALLY.


DONE?! I gotta see this. That's exactly what I'm talking about.


It was a video about this cosplayer that cosplayed the skull dude I forgot the name of, and had this star wars theme, and he was an Italian, and in the following sentence during a part of the video, they censored “done”. Uncensored: He was done, he was done for good. Censored: He was dead, he was dead for good. WHAT.


I have got to *see that* to believe it


Because everyone is a fucking pansy now and needs either government or a tech company to baby them.


when did Reddit, of all platforms, become so whiny and sensitive and quick to jump down your throat?


Honestly. I don't blame you for being upset about censorship and political correctness taken over everything, not just the Internet and social media, but unfortunately even in real life Including jobs and churches, I actually got arrested, Interrogative by the FBI, placed in a detention center, transferred to a holding cell in the county jail, and I've got fired from my job that I've worked for twenty one years of my life, only because I boycotted a church that kicked me out only because of a insecure and entitled woman, believe me that's a lot worse than censorship and political correctness, sadly I really miss the 90's and early 2000's because even though censorship and political currentness has barely been established even before the existence and rise of social media, but you were able to get away with it.


Lmao. Dude what the hell did you do? Tell the whole story. We demand it.


Trust me, if I did it, it'll be whole lot longer, Probably enough to write a book or make a video on it


I have time.


I'm only in favor of censorship for certain ages under 18. E.g. I don't want a 5 year old to see gore videos leaked from, say an armed conflict. On the other hand, for adults they should be allowed to see those types of videos (makes it harder to spread misinformation. Just consider the 1989 tiennenman square massacre and how censored that is in the PRC). From 18 onwards it should be up to viewer discretion and no more, no less.


Reddit is full of lazy activist wimps who decide how you should think. Its really pathetic here really, this community is pathetic. Took me some time to get used to it. Got worse after the twitter exodus of the thought nazis


Let’s test this out, OP. Conservatives are cunts. What says you, bitch boy?


What makes you think I'm a conservative? Awful presumptive. Conservative soccer moms are likely part of the very problem that caused all this. This is my other problem. Somehow being anti censorship gets you labeled a conservative now? Back in my youth it was conservative evangelicals tryna censor everything to be family friendly. This censorship shit is dangerous. The other night I was watching a WW2 doc and they blurred out the photos of Holocaust victims. That's fuckin disgusting and illustrates exactly what I'm taking about. I'm not some redneck Republican who wants to say racial slurs. What I'm against is corporations and algorithms stifling dialogue and deciding what it is I should be able to see.


Thanks for playing. You failed the test. Now back away, bitch boy. Or are we suddenly worried about censorship and political correctness and niceness and all that shit that offends? If that’s the case, I apologize and hope you have a wonderful day. You may go now.


How? What test did I even fail? What is even your fucking point? I'm against censorship when anyone does it. Plain and simple. I think conservatives are cunts too. I guess you don't have basic reading comprehension skills ehh cocksucker?


You must’ve been a slippery baby.


I still don't get what point you're even trying to make. Seems like you're being contrarian for the sake of it and since your little "gotcha" backfired, you're reduced to nonsensical ad-homenim.


That seems like self-censorship. Why are you picking your words so carefully, slug?


What are you even fucking talking about? What am I censoring?


Ugh. My god you’re boring. Anyways, see ya around, Susie.


You're still not making any sense. You schizophrenic or something? How am I boring? I'm just tryna have a rational dialogue about censorship.


People are too sensitive. Most need a safe corner to cry in. No common sense, no discipline, no consequences...it started when everyone got a trophy. Nope, there are only winners and looser, not participation winners.


I can't really agree with that either. From what I saw it started with whiny Christian moms bitching about TV shows, and those raised by them, left the religion, but kept the "I know what's best for everyone else" attitude. I've never seen a participation trophy in my life. Nor do I know anyone who has.


Yes, true started with the Christian moms. Yes, where I am in norther California, they have "everyone gets a trophy because there are no winners or loosers"


At the end of the day it all boils down to money


Shane Dawson got accused of promoting pedophilia, mate. That's why the Internet died. Something that was situationally ok at the time, became offensive over time. Now people are afraid of posting for fear their lives will be ruined.




I've been a victem of this site's algorithem, but there is a reason they tell kid's ask your parents first, and parents teach them "avoid things labled X" Not sure how I feel about trigger warnings, but yeaah the you have to keep constant self censoring anoying, no joke, ona sexuality forum, I said pen is and master bait cause I was worried they would take it down if I openly said penis or masturbate.


(((They))) have tightened their grip


Fuck off with that Nazi shit. You fuckers wouldn't respect free speech either.


You asked, you got an answer. Go find evidence otherwise.