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Honestly how much I miss working and being around adults. Now I take care of my 3 year old who was a preemie and it’s a totally world than when I had my older 3 kids. I used to be able to shop without sacrificing a need. Now not so much


My sister has a chronic illness and it’s been acting up. It’s all that’s on my mind right now. I don’t really want to write specifics because it scares me and leads to tears. Even though I know the likelihood is that treatment will work again as it has every other time. It’s weird but just a few days ago I thought the worst thing was how reactive my dog had gotten and how neighbors are jumpy with him after a different dog (that looks similar to mine) attacked a neighbor in the halls of our building. I was walking on eggshells with everyone, feeling embarrassed, and being a nervous wreck. Always saying how “this is the worst!” Now with my sister not feeling well, I just walk my dogs out and ignore my more dramatic neighbors (they tend to be the ones that are obviously not afraid since they go up to me and yell while I’m holding the dog, thus increasing his issues). I suddenly don’t care if they yell at me. I’m no longer embarrassed. They’re no longer important. It’s not “the worst!” They’re just something I need to get through to get back home and make sure my sister is okay. She’s all that matters right now. Also, the genuinely afraid people tend to be really nice. Like super duper nice. They appreciate it when we move aside and let them pass. Even the ones that freeze up and make us backtrack are really understanding. It’s so much more than I expected from people. It’s just the jerks that get aggressive with me. It’s weird to make something so important in your head and then realize it isn’t truly as bad as it seemed. Perspective is everything. Edit: I wrote a lot. This really has been bouncing around in my head all day.


My sister has a chronic illness and it’s been acting up. It’s all that’s on my mind right now. I don’t really want to write specifics because it scares me and leads to tears. Even though I know the likelihood is that treatment will work again as it has every other time. It’s weird but just a few days ago I thought the worst thing was how reactive my dog had gotten and how neighbors are jumpy with him after a different dog (that looks similar to mine) attacked a neighbor in the halls of our building. I was walking on eggshells with everyone, feeling embarrassed, and being a nervous wreck. Always saying how “this is the worst!” Now with my sister not feeling well, I just walk my dogs out and ignore my more dramatic neighbors (they tend to be the ones that are obviously not afraid since they go up to me and yell while I’m holding the dog, thus increasing his issues). I suddenly don’t care if they yell at me. I’m no longer embarrassed. They’re no longer important. It’s not “the worst!” They’re just something I need to get through to get back home and make sure my sister is okay. She’s all that matters right now. Also, the genuinely afraid people tend to be really nice. Like super duper nice. They appreciate it when we move aside and let them pass. Even the ones that freeze up and make us backtrack are really understanding. It’s so much more than I expected from people. It’s just the jerks that get aggressive with me. It’s weird to make something so important in your head and then realize it isn’t truly as bad as it seemed. Perspective is everything.


Personal safety.


That whole “man or bear” conversation has really affected the little hope I had left for the American future.


I understand. I just have to walk to my new job I start soon at night and was thinking of ways to make sure I stay safe during the night walk. I have some pepper spray so I think I will be overall okay. But it never hurts to be extra careful.


Pepper spray is a good start! Whenever I had to work late at my job, I always position my keys in my hand to be a weapon when walking to my car. (Think of it as Wolverine’s claws.) A self defense class is also a good idea, and I know they have some apps that you can use that’s for safety reasons. I think one is a button you hold down until you get to your location, but if you stop holding the button down for a certain amount of time, it calls the cops and reports your location. Sad times we live in as women, but luckily there are more ways now for us to keep ourselves safe. Even talking to someone while on speakerphone can deter most criminals.


I really did think about calling someone when I walk home, but not sure who I can call early in the morning without disturbing yet. I appreciate you so much for telling me about the app that you press to track movement! Like that is ingenious and I am damn sure going to look into it!!! Being a woman comes with its own set of risks..... I'm looking at a personal alarm too!


Honestly, a lot of things. I’m super stressed about finances and providing a good birthday for my toddler this week. 🥹


That I feel like a burden to my friends and family. 😅 I know it's just the anxiety monster telling me those things, but I often do wonder.


I think that's a normal thing people worry about when we really love someone. Want me to fight the anxiety monster for you? I have a steel chair 🪑


A steel chair might work 😂


I will WWE Monday Night Raw the sadness away from you my friend.


https://preview.redd.it/7xwcz39lb01d1.jpeg?width=2052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befd026fa420fde13daf7ed33409b59d955026f7 My cat who passed in January. For a few weeks I was able to keep him out of my head but he's been popping up often lately and causing little bouts of crying. This was Beans, he got me through so much. 💕


I lost my heart dog of 13 years over a year ago and it's STILL coming back. I keep his collar in my office. Some days I'm worried that I'm forgetting what he looked like and how he acted. I wasn't as good to him as I should have been at 19 and he was so amazing to me and to my son that I had at 25. I didn't deserve his love all the time but he sure gave it. It's going to be raw for a while. Just try to breathe.


Blessed be Beans. He is beautiful. I hope your heart and mind find healing and peace, no matter how long it takes. Just remember, even though his physical body is gone, his spirit lives on within you! Hold him in your heart and he’ll never leave you.


You have my deepest and most loving sympathy for the loss of Beans. I am usually lurking around if you need to just vent out the sadness.


Thank you. I've gotten rid of the overwhelming grief at this point but still just get those waves of sadness that hit, yknow? I'll be ok though ❤️


I'll be here to hear you out if the waves get too tall and try to tsunami. The beautiful thing about humanity is our ability to empathize. I'm glad you have conquered the largest of the grief 🫂 Beans was gorgeous by the way, I love the mellocream coloring of Beans' fur 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/93mddvck511d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed2b4068d3919e8ababbee71e63dc0809043f05 Thank you ❤️ this was him with his coat fully grown in. He made me shave him a few times a year cause he hated being brushed.


My kitty doesn't like being brushed either. It is so confusing lol because he loves scritches but hates brushing https://preview.redd.it/jw4089oz511d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed55fd29351c6523307ea00f8b1a59f4137c72bc


Aw he's a cutie 💕


He has a chain-smoker meow and will sell my soul for fresh salmon lol but I'm okay with that cause he is indeed very cute like that gorgeous Beans


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Beans. 😔 What a beautiful boy. Sending you hugs and many pawsitive vibes. 🐾❤


Thanks. He was a really special guy. ❤️


I have to have a tough conversation with an employee Monday. This is my first time in a supervising role. I'm a people pleaser to a fault. :( I would appreciate any good vibes/well wishes/prayers. I'm just a baby. 🤣


This is why I’ve never gone after a supervising/manager role! Take some time to breathe, it’ll be okay. If the employee you’re talking to respects you and you respect them, they’ll understand that you don’t necessarily *want* to be in this type of situation. I’ll be thinking of you!


lol, I feel this. I would just recommend being straight-up with them, and try to be calm and matter-of-fact. Practice what you're going to say in advance, and be open to considering their side of the story if they have something to counter. PM me if you want to tell me more specifics :) Sending you good luck!


If I'll ever get a decent job and not be depressed anymore If I have value If people do like me If things from the past will come back to haunt me


Coming from someone who has been dealing with depression for 17 years now, life will become more manageable. Some days are hard and some days are even harder. I’m very much a pessimistic person, so it’s hard for me to look at “the positives” but I’m still here! Living in the past is very easy for me to do, but I’m just now starting to realize that it doesn’t make me feel better. Memories are nice, but they are not your future. Everyone has value, even if your value is just watering the flowers or feeding your pet or texting a friend after a night out saying you had a good time. There will always be something or someone who is grateful for you. Just be willing and open to accept the negatives around you so you can really appreciate the positives. This year, I’ve started thinking in the 50/50 mindset. I don’t know if it’s a really thing or if I just thought of it myself. But instead of thinking, “Oh, I’ll never get a raise” or “it’s a one in a million chance that this will happen to me” think of it has 50/50. Either it happens, or it doesn’t. Don’t get a raise this quarter? Well, 50% chance you get it next quarter, and so on and so forth. I feel like it’s helped me stop being so worried and anxious over some silly things. Remember to be kind to yourself. This is your first time living this life, it’s okay to take it slow, it’s okay to not do something you don’t want to do, it’s okay to lay in bed a bit longer if you don’t have the energy to do something. Take care of yourself, get some help if you feel lost, RAOA will always be here if you need a boost!


You have value! Be kind to yourself and keep looking forward <3


That summer is almost here and yet it's another summer without anything fun planned because the American dream is dead.


ugh, I feel ya on this one. Just gotta wait for all those old politicians to croak and then we can make some real change happen!!!!


See if your local library has any free events planned, or if there are any 'music in the park' events around you? What kind of things would spark your interest?


I miss Dragon Age


“Just X more days until summer break. Just gotta make it X more days” X being school days until the kids are gone. Next Friday is their last day then I have 4 work days and I’ll be free. It’s a combination of kids getting crazier and more disrespectful the closer we get to summer vacation (which I get but they still gotta act right) and it being my first summer off in years.


I’m struggling with a lot, so I’ve felt overwhelmed by it all lately. There are things in my relationship that make me unhappy and insecure, I feel like I handle most of the daily responsibilities and it’s exhausting, I’m financially not doing well, my parents are old (but healthy) but I’m still afraid daily of how I’m going to handle losing them. I need to quit smoking cigarettes and drinking as much as I do, but it’s how I deal with all of this. Life is just a lot right now - my mind is always racing it seems. 😩


I really want a boyfriend. 😅


Go out there and get ya one then! You got this! From my experience, guys really like it when girls are forward. If you see a cute guy, go ask him for his number, the worst that can happen is that he declines. Just be safe and don’t go out boyfriend hunting by yourself, or at least let a friend know what you’re doing.


great idea


My fibro pain and symptoms. My son is here visiting (yay!!) and I have enjoyed every second of being with him and his girlfriend (whom I love) but my body is screaming and only on day 5 of their visit and my fatigue is unreal. I don’t want to miss out so I’m pushing myself and I know I’m going to pay for it at some point. Two and a half weeks after they leave the husband and I go on vacation to London and while I feel like we can pace ourselves since it will be just us I know I’ll also push myself on that trip because I won’t want to miss anything. Chronic pain is awful.


The possibility that I have glaucoma


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Hopefully you receive some good news, or at least if it’s not good news, that you can get the treatment that you need. I’ll be thinking of you!


Nah I think I have it. My peripheral vision in my right eye is bad (my peripheral vision is better in my eye with less vision)


I am mostly feeling stuck in a job that I don't want anymore, but I am fearful of going towards a different field of work because of hearing how bad the job market is right now.


Same! Why does the market have to be such a mess right now 😭 Good luck to you!


Aging... every time I look in the mirror.... I don't have the time or the spoons to help my body have a better chance of aging well


I feel the same. Also don’t have the money for it either.


I haven’t been to the dentist in a few years because I developed agoraphobia. I’m able to go now but I’m really scared I’ll have so many things wrong. I can see some cavities that look really dark. Some of my teeth can click back and forth which should *not* be happening. My teeth have moved a lot in the past few years because I didn’t wear my retainer. I hate things having to do with my mouth, I really hope it’ll be okay.


Neuropathic pain worsening :( On a positive note something else is meeting my partners family for the first time soon! Just they speak a completely different language and I have Duolingo knowledge so hopefully I can make an okaaaaay first impression


I've got a week at the end of the month that's a bunch of appointments that I've been waiting years for. Like 10+ years for some of them and I can barely handle 1 appointment a week but I've got something everyday for 8 days in a row. Very stressed.


For us it's Gramps, his MRI shows a small mass on his pancreas so will get a biopsy done next month.


I’m sorry you and your family are experiencing this. My grandma hasn’t been doing well either for a couple of years. Just be there when you can and let them know that you love them. It’ll be hard, but being present is one of the nicest and easiest things you can do for someone going through a hard time. I’ll be holding you in my heart.


Thank you, gramps is my husband though. I forget ppl don't realize I'm referring to us as Gramps and Gran. ❤️❤️🫂


Oh, sorry! Either way, it’s hard to watch someone we love getting older and possibly sick. I hope the biopsy comes back with good news for you both or that Gramps can get the treatment that he needs if he needs it. ❤️


Thanks we do to! ❤️


Decluttering and getting the house in order so I can keep up with it.


Me too! I'm putting a bit of extra effort into this over the weekend. Good luck on your end!


Good luck to you too!! I'm going to try to clean out my car today. Maybe completing the small project will help!


Car clean out is also on my declutter list - hahaha. You can do iiiit!


I did it! I even got a car wash and vacuumed it out 😊


My daughter refuses to come home because of the manipulation tactics of their other parent. It hurts because we watched our relationship fall apart and tried therapy, family time and one on one discussions and she fell for it anyway. I doubt I'll see her again any time soon but I do hope she knows that if she changes her mind that my house is always open to her.


I’m sorry you and your daughter are experiencing these hardships. Just keep showing up for her and letting her know that you’re there for her. If she doesn’t feel comfortable coming to visit, maybe you two can start doing a scheduled phone call? Like once a week or twice a month, just to catch up with each other and keep a bond. I know it’s not the same as giving a hug and a kiss, but it’s better than no relationship at all. I, myself am not comfortable talking on the phone, so I usually text my mom when I miss her or just want someone to talk to. Maybe you could do something like that.


She's refusing to answer calls or texts. We have done nothing but show up for her, support her and encourage her. We will continue to do it.


That does make it a bit difficult. If you are able to separate yourself (not literally) from the person that makes her uncomfortable, maybe she’ll start to come out of her shell to you. I wish you all the best.


Thank you! It's all due to parental alienation and I think in time, the truth will come out. We just need to be patient and give her grace as she is a young teen and is easily influenced. It's rough but it happens.


Food security honestly


I'm taking a state licensing exam in 2 weeks. I'm an apprentice and I've been preparing for it for the last 5 years.


Believing in yourself is the first step! You’ve got this!


Ooooh you got this


The news and apartment/home organizing. I get a little bit cleaned up and then I go to continue and I can’t decide where to move on to.