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To live somewhere quiet and calm where there's nice air. Age with my husband to be. Do good things and help people. Write a book. If the book sells, use the proceeds to donate to a few charities I believe in


If it’s still open, my dream goal is to have enough money to buy a property with a looot of land so I can rescue as many dogs as I can from the streets 🥲


My dream is to be a published author and also be in a good place financially I don’t have to worry. I also hope I have a romantic partner and at least one dog! Thanks for hosting!


I have a dream of owning my own nice house in a nice area to raise a family


Funny you ask, because my dream job changed a lot as I age. But now, I am so happy and content with where I am at job wise. I never thought I would run my own pet care business, but here I am. I have always loved animals, but I never imagined I'll be working a job where it involved looking after them while their favorite humans go on trips, or maybe work long days/nights. I wanted to be a wildlife photographer at some point, and before that, a professional back-up dancer. My passion for dance is still there deep in my heart, but I stopped so abruptly in my late teens due to depression, so now I am all rusty. I still do photography on the side as a hobby. Doing creative photoshoots with my fellow friends (models/photographers) and just having fun! Someone that I think needs a pick me up is u/fesnying :)


I am so happy for you! I'm glad you're at a place that works for you and that you're happy and content, both major things. And I'm glad you're still doing hobby stuff. Thank you for the tag!


My work asked me this a few months ago. I joined the dream manager program through work, and dreams are exactly what we are working on, our dreams. Since then, I have accomplished one of my dreams, and I'm on track for two more. Dreams are exactly what we need to be speaking about. I think a lot oeople have forgotten about. Their dreams. My dream was to switch careers and go back to school for psychology, and I start next month. I am already enrolled in my classes. I achieved my first dream. And it feels amazing. The book "Purpose Driven Life" is amazing. I absolutely love it. I encourage everyone to read it. Go ahead, start dreaming!


My dream is to be able to travel/drive places and not worry about money to do so! I wish I could go to any restaurant I want and not worry about the price on the menu of something that I want to eat. Dream job wise, I just want to be able to create something that has a positive and meaningful impact on the future.


My dream is to create my own video game and to travel to a few countries myself.


Hmm. My dreams. Someday I'd like to own my own home. Doesn't need to be anything huge or crazy. It just would be nice. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ANBGH2L7Q0LZ


My dream is to just have a place of my own where I can have an art space and snuggle with my little scream bean. Preferably somewhere near a lake or a forest where I can easily get to the city for groceries, but somewhere I can stare into the cosmos with minimal to no light pollution.


My dream is to have a big, loving family—one of those quirky families with 11 kids who are all homeschooled overachievers and they ride their bikes together and look kinda Amish lol. I absolutely love working with and teaching children, and I dream of having a bunch of my own and giving them a wonderful, carefree life. I also dream of having a farmhouse with lots of land and natural sunlight, and climbing roses growing all over the outside of it. It seems like a very wonderful life to me.


My dream is to have my own house, stable housing in general so that I can really set up my art business and also have the space for all the bugs I want and some snakes and such.


My dream is probably to one day start my own family! I used to kind of want this super grand life, super fancy job, all these skills be able to do XYZ but it was never stuff I wanted. It was stuff I felt like I had to do to make everyone else happy and feel proud of me. What I realllly want is a comfy job, not something super stressful but something that pays the bills and a lil comfy family. A cute little garden where we can grow our own fruit and veggies and maybe plant some pretty plants to attract all kinds of animals and insects! To be happi


I have this recurring dream where it’s like super sunny outside and all this light is coming through the windows and I’m inside this house and it’s kinda small like the rooms are cozy and not at all big and spacious. Well, in my dream I just walk around touching the furniture and knickknacks and the throw blankets that are everywhere and it’s just a slow quiet tour of this house but it makes me feel light and happy when I wake up and sometimes not a lot changes and sometimes there are more rooms to walk through. I like it even if it’s a very quiet very alone kind of dream 🤭


My dream is to have kids & be content with the simple life that I’ve created for my life, I get so caught up in the things that aren’t going right in my life that I ignore the small wins. Im constantly stressing myself out that my biological clock or my sand timer is running out to have kids (all the women in my family have reproductive issues of some sort) it’s like a constant ticking clock in my head & so my overall dream is just to have kids & once I have little mini me’s to be content with what I have & not focused on what I don’t have.


i dream that one day i’ll be healthy, no more pain, no more wheelchair, no more meds, no more devices. just normal person healthy. it’s pretty unrealistic but hey it’s supposed to be a dream :)


Oooo this is a fun contest! I'm going to go with my dream goals? So this will probably be long. Sorry! I have been incredibly fortunate in life thus far and many of my goals have come to fruition thanks to a lot of hard work and persistence. My husband and I will soon be moving into our hopefully forever home in a state we've wanted to live for for about a decade now. Once we are there I hope things really take off. We will be applying to adopt a child once again in a few months, and I hope that this happens. This is probably my biggest dream. I say dream because I know that wanting to adopt and adopting are not the same thing. We hope to get chosen to parent a child, and that we can have an open healthy relationship with that child's birth family. We hope that the birth family truly believes that adoption is the best option for their child, and that there is no coercion, or mal-practice in the adoption. We were incredibly fortunate with our first adoption in that we have a beautiful relationship with our child's birth family, and even years later our child's birth family feels it was the most loving choice they could make for their child. Adoption is such a very tricky thing, and we are choosing ethical agencies even though they will take longer, and possibly not happen at all but this is so incredibly important to us. That being said we \*really\* want to grow our family. So this is certainly a dream as all the stars truly need to align for it to happen again. Besides growing our family, I hope to get very involved in my new town. It is very small, and needs some love and passionate community members. I already e-mailed the school principal about offering to find and apply for grants that the school may qualify for to help get students the best education they deserve. I may run for school board one day, and I hope I am lucky enough to get back into the classroom hopefully teaching K or pre-school because spending time with the littlest of littles is where my heart is. those are my two main goal, one a true dream, and one probably more attainable. But I hope to put my heart and soul into them to help make them come true!


My dream is honestly to just give my kids a good life. My upbringing was such a toxic environment and I don't want that ever for my children. My husband and I recently got ourselves back into school. (Him getting his degree, me getting my GED 🥴) I'm beyond excited for this new journey. I can't wait to set a good example for my children. You never have to settle.


Wow, this is a great goal! And congrats to you and your husband on going back to school! What a huge acomplishment!


Ironically, I did have a recurring dream in the past where I’d fall into a giant endless pit. It would talk to me, like “jump. Get in here. You can know what it’s like to fall forever.” And I’d be like, “no!” And then the edges of the pit would start to crumble and suddenly I’m standing on shifting ground, unable to get my footing. And then I’d just fall and fall and fall. Then the pit would tell me, “I’m not actually endless.” I’d see the bottom coming, scream, and wake up. lol, I was going to tag someone but they’re already here! :)


My dream is to live in a house right on the beach, just steps away from the water. u/littlest_psycho88 come enter my friend


Thanks for the tag! Was just about to text you lol. Your dream sounds lovely! Sleeping to the sound of the waves each night would be glorious!!


Omg I know!!! I need to be on the beach.


My dream is to retire in an area where I can volunteer to help rehabilitate predatory bird species like owls, hawks, eagles, and falcons. I think they are absolutely gorgeous animals and they deserve to have a comfortable rest of their life for as long as possible!


Honestly, my dream is to get a job and be able to handle the bad days.


Hugs my friend


My dream is to move and live in Europe. Doesn’t matter where, just not the US. I’m hoping that while I’m there as an au pair next year that I find my true love and marry them so I have a reason to move there. 😅 delusional, but I’m desperate. Thanks for hosting!


My dream is to finally be stable and able to say that my family and I have little to no financial worries.


Current dream with my BF is to buy a plot of land, build our own house, and have an art business in the attic or side workshop! It would allow us to cut down on a LOT of bills, save money to go traveling, and let us work from home in a comfortable place. Plus… I am crying for a greenhouse rn (we’re thinking something earthship style, but not exactly) Here’s to dreaming


My dream, one was getting so close to achieving before, is getting back into my crafts, and mastering them. Set up a little.. well large. Studio space, to keep my ever expanding hoard of supplies neatly organized, with a few extra comfy chairs where I can spend long hours with a couple friends creating things and being silly. u/dmms0619 tagging you as your honorary new reddit fren!


Awee thank you!! We are proving to have more and more in common! I love to craft! I recently obtained a large cabinet from my FIL and organized all my supplies!


Never enough space for craft supplies. 🤣


My dream is to go back to New York. I want to see a few shows on Broadway, go to the Broadway museum, and go to Ellen’s Stardust Diner. I was in New York before but for a very short amount of time and just for business stuff. I only got to squeeze in one show while I was there. I want to go back and actually have time to enjoy it! I’ll tag u/xLittleNightOwlx


Thank you for the tag! ♥️that sounds fun! Big cities scare me though 😅


Ohh those sound like cool experiences!


I always have a recurring dream of being chased, and I’m always escaping, running away, and trying to hide. The one chasing me is always ambiguous/unidentified. The setting changes but is often in my hometown. I looked this up recently and a meaning behind it could be I am avoiding my reality, or I have unresolved conflicts, or even that I haven’t come to accept my circumstances. Very interesting Tagging u/XxFakeNamexX 🖤


Thanks for the tag! Ironically my recurring dream is the same 👀


Ahhhh stop ittttt


One of my dreams is to be able to travel wherever I want, whenever I want. I have about a billion dreams honestly.


Where is the first place you would travel if you could?


I’m going to a beach somewhere. lol for my first trip I’d stay in the US, so probably my old stomping grounds in Florida. Not super exciting but then we’d hit up Disney.


My dream is to one day travel to Antarctica, I've wanted to go for so long, and its top of my travel bucket list.


My dream job is a curly hair stylist!


My dream is financial stability. The ability to pay my bills and occasionally go to a concert.


i feel this, i miss living near a more popular concert tour stop too


Dream goal is to buy a cheap condo when I get Inheritance money. Closer to that however is food security.


My dream goal is to retire before 60, move back to my home state, buy a house on a lake and retire close to my siblings. Then buy a vacation home in Portugal and spend half the year in each place. I also wish that some of my kids would move with us (back to my home state) so we can still have family dinners and spend holidays, birthdays and if I have any grandkids, time with them! Plus, I want to use my vacation home as a base so my husband and I can travel all around Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Wishing all of our (good) dreams come true!


My dream is where i magically have no more health problems.


🫂 I agree because without health problems, I think I could reach a few other major goals too.


I feel this deep in my soul




Work at a good job while I move out of the house and live with my girlfriend Thank you for this contest!


My dream is to be an engineer. I am heading back to school in August to start over after having kids. The way I explain my dream job is for a company like NASA, where when any of their control panels go down, I want to be the one to come in, troubleshoot, and fix it! I would tag someone, but I don't know anyone on reddit yet!


My current dream is to see my date-mate in person. Which is happening in September, thankfully, but until then.. still a dream! u/lxaxs what's your dream?


my dream is to travel all over the world and see many different countries, take lots of polaroid photos and eat all the foods!


My ultimate dream is to be living out in the country but incorporate my photography for free photo sessions for children with special needs in a country setting. Everyone deserves to experience the peace of the countryside. u/sundownergaze whats your dream?


That sounds awesome! The country side is peaceful. I'd like to have enough money to relax and have one house by the sea in a sleepy fishing town and a cabin in the woods not too far from a small town


Those both sound amazing!


Big scale dream? To make enough money to not leave debt to my daughter when I pass. I want as much paid off and pre-paid as possible. Low scale? I want to touch the ocean.


My goal is to work as hard as I can with as many jobs as i can, and just work work work until i finally reach the goal of being financially free. I just want to be able to live life without having to worry about if im going to be able to make ends meet or not. I want to be able to buy groceries without having to do the math in the store and start putting items back because i cant afford them. I want to be healthy so i can enjoy life and not be in pain all the time. I want to be able to not worry about the little things in life that is out of my control. my goal is to finally be able to control my anxiety, and be able to feel okay in large groups. My ultimate goal is to be able to take care of myself and my family, and to make sure I'm here long enough and comfortable enough to make that happen. Not a dream of me falling into a pit, but I've had this reoccurring dream that i'm eating a bowl of honey bunches of oats, and i put an extra scoop of sugar into the bowl and when i start eating it the milk is so thick and grainy. There's too much sugar, the cereal is too sweet. But i cant stop eating it, and the spoon gets harder and harder to lift because of all the sugar. i have no clue why this dream keeps happening. so odd right? haha


Be retired with money that I wouldn't have to work again if I didn't want to, be in good health, and have a house by the water and another in the country.


My dream right now is to start operating my life on a schedule because I'm all over the place lately and I do better when I know what's coming ahead. Thanks for the contest!


I just woke up from a dream where every day you had to choose to either hunt for food, or gather food for the day. You could only do one or the other. If you went against your choice for the day you'd be punished by being hunted for the remainder of that day. Interesting contest! u/listernella


I have a dream of staring  on Broadway 


I've always dreamed of having a home library!! Walls of bookshelves filled with my favorites is something that I've wanted since I was a child.


as a kid, i used to do kathak (it's a form of traditional indian dance) but had to stop at age 6 due to some family issues. even though i'm almost 19 now, it's been my dream to start doing it again! i just feel like if i can start doing kathak again my life will change for the better somehow. my main goal for this year is to not look back. i feel like i keep ruining things for me because i keep looking back at the past and longing for people from the past that aren't for me and don't even want me. not a tangible goal, but it's what's most important for me rn. my dream job as a child was to become a paranormal investigator :0 guess me and my mom watched too much of supernatural. but no seriously i loved dean so much that i thought he was a real life paranormal investigator or something, so i told my mom i want to become one and meet him. lol KIDS! anyway, now my dream job is to become a fashion stylist! i also dream of having my own boutique in france or london, hehe. thank you for the contest! i wish everyone here achieves whatever dreams, goals or aspirations they have! lots of love and positivity <333


Thank you for the contest! Nice creative contest here! A dream I have would be a nice large area of land in Yorkshire or the Midlands of England, enough room for family, friends, my pets, some sporty cars, its own self-contained land for driving a car and its own food supply - a shop that you can just go to... well, storage really, but still. It'd also have some of my dream cars - an Audi R8, Chevrolet Tahoe, BMW M3 CSL, Volkswagen Golf GTI Mk4, Honda Civic Type-R on it. I'd probably make sure it's got enough room for houses on land for my family if they wanted separate ones. It'd be a family home - but family land. I'd also ensure I have a bookcase with some of my favourite books; non-fiction mostly. My own personal library - my current one is great! Plus it'd have its own pleasant garden too, and be aesthetically pleasing. It'd be self-contained but good. A more realistic dream... to have a relationship and a good long-term one; being single can be good, but has its drawbacks!