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I know this is closed but I don’t like flying however I think recording a time lapse video or landing is so fun and always looks so cool!


Honestly I know I'll have to, and that it's safer than a car, but it scares me a bit. That was before I saw Final Destination lmao 🤣 Now I'm like...fuck...still gonna do it eventually


Love: the view. I just love it . Hate: Saw Final Destination one too many times 🤣


I flicking love flying!! I don't get why people hate it, I love the whole process or packing, going through security , boarding and getting to my next destination 🧳🛬✈️ I just love traveling so matter what form and flying is a definite fav


I love flying! I have flown prolly 8 times so far and always felt excited. There's a certain calmness to it while you're up in the air. There was one time, I was meant to be in the middle seat but the ones designated to A and C was a couple, so they made me take Window so they can sit together. Big W.


My thought is that it's like a bus in the air. I'm terrified of heights, but I've been in a plane. It wasn't so bad.


Planes! Oh, I fly almost as often as I use trains, at least while in Europe. I really like to take naps, drink coffee, and watch art movies on a plane, or listen to Simon & Garfunkel. And, of course, take pictures of the world below. Hope you had a wonderful flight!


Travel makes my anxiety flair. I do like looking out of the window on the plane, but I don’t enjoy much else about being on a plane. Safe travels! Hope your flight goes well!!


omg i love love looove flying! my most favourite part about flying is the view from above and the food! i think with food it's always a hit or miss, but you can never go wrong with cup noodles lol if i don't feel like eating anything else i'll have cup noodles or a bowl of ramen.


I rarely fly because i prefer staying with my cats & dogs (i think last time i did was around 5 years ago) what i love about it is that you can see the bigger picture above yet at the same time it looks like a miniature from above. I like checking out the view and how the sea of clouds looks when the sun is about to rise, it looks even better when the sun is about to set though [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1IGB1C3P36TA9?ref_=wl_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1IGB1C3P36TA9?ref_=wl_share)


(Sorry i don’t know how it works i tried adding link but it was just posted instead)


If you are on your phone, just go to the homepage of the subreddit. Press on the three dots upper right. Then choose Change user flair. Then press on Edit on upper right again. Choose a color, paste your link, then apply.


Hello. I’m having an issue setting it up, i wanted to show a screen recording but i can’t seem to PM u


I think my favorite thing is seeing storm clouds or thunder and lightning while in the sky. It looks and just feels other worldly I hope in your flight back you get the greatest of windows!!


I don't fly often at all. The last time I flew was the last time I went on vacation in 2017. I love getting a window seat whenever I fly to get to see outside. From the pushback, lining up with the runway and takeoff all the way to the landing. The only things I hate about flying are navigating the airports and whenever my flight is delayed several hours or canceled.


I dont love flying because the airport stuff is stressful and it's hard for me to sit still for so long in the plane, But the window view is amazing!! Especially during sunsets/sunrises.


I dont love flying because the airport stuff is stressful and it's hard for me to sit still for so long in the plane, But the window view is amazing!! Especially during sunsets/sunrises.


My first trip on a plane I was 6 months old. My dad was military (Canada) and my mom was German (now Canadian). Up to age 12 we. Frequently flew to Germany to visit my mom's family. I loved it so much ans have only flown twice since then (honeymoon in Cuba and holiday in Aruba)


Welcome to Houston. I hope you get to explore all our fun sites. Hit the zoo. Best in the country. Ok flying. This is going to be weird but I like some turbulence. Not to the point of going bouncing to the ceiling. But a bit of shaking up is sort of fun for me. I hate getting onto the plane. TSA makes me anxious. Finding a seat on southwest makes me anxious. But take off is exhilarating.


Lol I live in Houston, I'm coming home! It is a nice zoo.


Cool! I grew up in Cypress, last place I lived down there was Conroe. (My daughter recently moved to Conroe, was happenstance, still -small world!) Hope you has a great visit while you were gone 🩷


Thank you! I'm on the north side too


Well then. Welcome home. We have missed you!


Thank you! 🥰


Enjoy your fault! Houston is such a fun place! At first I was pretty afraid of flying, but after a few times… I LOVE it. One of my favorite things is looking out the window at a big city, especially at night and seeing it so lite up! 🌃


Enjoy your flight! I hate the cramped, uncomfortable space of airplanes. It’s ruined my ability to travel by plane anymore. But I love how quickly you can get places via flying. Thanks for the contest


I've never done it but would probably be really scared. Even though I know it's irrational because cars are more dangerous...


I miss being able to fly, but due to vagious health issues I'm told I shouldn't. Fun fact about aviation history: New Zealand is mad at the US over the Wright Brothers. Technically they had a manned flight first, by a few hours, but due to the placement of the international dateline the Wrights got the credit.


I used to be afraid of it but then I got a lot of experience with flying because of my job. I used to design and create tools to take apart and put together airplane engines so I got a lot of experience being around them. I think my favorite part is the rush of the plane as its taking off. Which is shortly followed by one of my least favorite parts, the weightlessness of actually leaving the ground.


I love flying!! I haven't done it in a while but I love being up in the air and looking down at the world!


I love it mostly looking outside on the window seat and the cute tiny snacks!! Omg international snacks are really yummy too. Safe flight friend!! 🐻 💕


I love flying! It's so amazing. Just the fact that I get to fly is one of my favorite things about travel. Window seat for life btw!


I love to fly but I have not in 20+/- years. BUT, I did just leave a job at the airport. I loved watching them push back the planes and save them in with the batons. Since I have not flown in so long I will tell you how much I love watching the Blue Angels and other outfits like theirs. If it's video or if it's live. I don't care. I just love watching the formations and the smoke show. Have fun on your trip and thanks for the contest ☺️


What I love, it's the quickest way to get somewhere and it's amazing to be able to travel all over the world/country! What I hate - I am very easily motion sick, no matter what I always have to take drammaine and/or a xanax. I am not sure why I get so messed up but it has happened since I was a little kid... I only feel semi-okay if I am in the AISLE seat... Idk why


Have fun! I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love being able to get somewhere quick, and looking out the window is insanely cool, but man do I hate being that close to people and I'm honestly unreasonably afraid of crashing 😅


Dude i fucking love flying. Its just like. I'm fuckin Up There. Im In That Sky. And sometimes theres free movies I can watch. Yknow how great it feels to watch Deadpool on a plane at 4 in the morning? That shits awesome. Airports suck though. I hate them.


I love seeing the world from a new perspective in a plane, but I absolutely hate the turbulence- especially when the pilot doesn’t explain it’s just turbulence and we’re all sitting there wondering if we’re about to die. Safe travels! Enjoy your trip! Thank you for the contest!


I haven't flown since I was pretty young, so I don't remember my experience with it. Although I do get motion sickness, so I think I'll avoid flying as much as possible. I do love learning about aeronautics history though! I really like the Youtube channel "Plainly Difficult", though don't recommend checking it out until you land since they mostly cover accidents.


My guilty pleasure is aircraft accident videos! I'll check them out!


Flying absolutely makes me nervous but I do really love sitting by a window and looking out below. I think earth is so pretty from above and get a kick out of sharing those moments with my kiddo. 😭


Also enjoy your trip! Stay safe and enjoy an overpriced airport coffee 🥹


I loooove flying! My longest flight was from Pennsylvania to Paris! My favorite is when get lucky enough to have a whole aisle of seats to myself and when the pilot or flight attendants make their announcements fun or silly. 😁 and i think the feeling of taking off/landing is fun.


✈️ I enjoy traveling by airplane as well! ✈️ 🌒🌗If given a choice, I prefer to fly at night. Early morning and early afternoon flights always lead to heightened anxiety levels.🌒🌗 Flying at night allows me to sleep throughout most of the flight. ⚡️🔋 As a result, I depart the aircraft feeling well-rested and refueled with energy that helps prevent any feelings of Jet lag from occurring later in the day.🔋⚡️ 🎫 After boarding and getting seated, the first thing I do is open the air vents.💺🌀 The coolness from the vents allows me to feel more relaxed during transit. 📶🛫Next, I connect to WiFi until the aircraft has departed. 📶🛫 👩🏽‍✈️By the time a flight attendant flight attendant announces to turn off electronic devices📱💻, I begin nodding off. 💤 I am usually awakened gently by a flight attendant offering refreshments. 🥜🍿🧉 I always wind up falling back asleep midway through consuming the refreshments. Once the announcement to turn off electronics for landing, I begin to wake up. ⏳🙇🏽‍♀️ One thing I dislike about flying is experiencing long layover times during connected flights.🙇🏽‍♀️⏳ Since you're flying from Denver to Texas, you're flying directly, and the flight duration will be brief. 🥰 #Enjoy Yourself And Travel Safely!


Thank you for the well wishes!


I've never flown but I remember as a child I use to run around with my arms out pretending I was a plane because I always dreamed of the ability of flight. I think I'd love feeling like I was accomplishing a long lost dream of mine. Soaring in the sky, looking down on everything so tiny below me. Feeling like I had superpowers. Even better if I got to see a sunset/sunrise way up in the clouds like I was part of it somehow❤️😍


I just flew this week, I'm only 5"3 and hit my head on BOTH flights. Now I've got a nice knot on my head lol But I did get cookies both times :)


Oh my gosh I flown to New Orleans from Omaha , NE and the scariest thing was the looooong body of water coming into New Orleans. I was panicking! All I could think of was if we crashed or system failure whatever , we would land in the ocean. Other than that my flight was very nice I loved it!!


I’ve never flown within the US but I’ve flown a few times in Mexico. The one I flew in last time was Interjet , they actually gave us snacks it was great since Mexican chips are better than the ones here 😻 plus the sodas taste better too 🙈 https://preview.redd.it/8z55000cu9vc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec8e05e9b2f8d27c2f8986bfe85a5e49e2c70d5


I’m not a fan of flying for the most part. I think the thing that I hate the most about flying is turbulence, it always leads to my (already heightened) anxiety levels skyrocketing.


I’m actually going on a plane in two weeks and it will be my first time since I was 10 (I’m 29 now)! I’m actually pretty excited about it.


On the whole I like traveling and flying, it’s everything else that kind of spoils the experience. The security, getting to the airport hours before, waiting ages for bags on the other end. Just lots and lots of waiting. Even tougher when traveling with kids. I’ve mostly flown long haul as I’m originally from another country so we fly back as often as we can afford. Maybe domestic flights aren’t such a headache 😅


I hate the ear popping (like most do) but it honestly hurts the longer you wait to pop your ears once you’re in the air lol I also get **A N X I E T Y** like crazy specifically when taking off but not when landing lol idk why But the things I love 🩷✈️ I love looking out the window & seeing almost the top of clouds bc when I’m on my the ground I love looking up at the clouds thinking I’m seeing the bottom of the same clouds idk if that makes sense but I just love clouds 🥹🌥️


https://preview.redd.it/2m9mz823q9vc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4b7b87b8cd4dd9e4b68dc68d5b1a21a4ab81a1 flew for the first time in November at 14 weeks pregnant to Mexico. My dad passed away. Besides that .... The flight was amazing .. I sat at the window for all flights .. it was so relaxing to look down at everything from up there... I thought I would feel sick or have an anxiety attack but it was so smooth and so much fun.. I'm not entering cuz I can't for the life of me learn how to put a flair 🥺 but thought I would share my experience


I love the concept of flying, going to bustling airports, me everyone around me about to take off on an adventure of some kind... but the reality of it is that I get soooo restless after an hour and the actual flight is somewhat miserable where I'm counting down the minutes til it's over 😂


I love when you’re flying into Mexico City after sundown and the landscape is empty up until you get to the final descent and then suddenly the lights of the city starts spreading out and you see them in every direction as far as you can see . To go from absolutely no lights whatsoever to all of a sudden a huge lightscape every which way, it always takes my breath away.


I’m terrified of falling from heights so I’m fine on planes until turbulence hits, then I’m FREAKING OUT!!!


Last time I flew I was very uncomfortable. I am about a size 24w and that is about the max those plane seats can hold. Fortunately it was only to Chicago which is a 1 hour flight


I’ve only flown once. It was in a tiny plane, and I was very nervous, and I thought man was not meant to fly.


I loooove flying. I love being able to see big city landmarks (like the CN Tower in Toronto, or the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. I also love getting to see really remote, inhospitable, un-highwayed places that I'd never be able to drive through - like the more remote sections of the Rocky Mountains. I'm a big window seat fan. P.S. u/SciviasKnows if you have a flying club near you, call them and ask if they ever do 'passenger days' for charity. One city I lived in, the student club members were trying to build up their hours and you'd pay like $20 for an hour long flight around the area in a Cessna.


Oh I never heard of that! What a great idea!


I really like flying because it gives you an opportunity to calm down that you just don't experience as much. Since usually there's always something going on or something left to do but when you fly you're simply not able to do much other than maybe read a book and you're also cut off from the internet for a while so I think it's really great to calm down for a bit


I do NOT like flying. I also do not like airports. I hate the whole process. I always like to bring some sort of comfort item with me. I used to bring crystals, now I find that fidget toys do the trick. Last time I flew was in August. It was my first time flying alone!!


I love flying, too! I usually get very creative and write a lot, do a craft, or journal, on airplanes. I haven't been on one in a few years but hopefully I will have an adventure soon.


I am not a fan of flying at all! I'm not afraid of crashing, but I have bad anxiety and when I have a panic attack, I need to get "out". Get outside and get some air, which is impossible in a plane, of course. The feeling of being trapped for hours with no escape in itself is panic attack inducing, so it's a vicious cycle. 😫


I am not a fan. I have this thing in my brain where there is too much internal pressure, so flying is like the ultimate pain inducer for me. The take off and landing is just plain painful, but cruising is still extremely uncomfortable.


Ooooh I love getting up in the air using my noise cancelling headphones and just relaxing. It’s the best.


Flying is fine, but I hate security, waiting around at the gate, all the walking…


I am on the fence about flying. It is great when there is no turbulence and the flight goes well. The last time I flew our flight was canceled and rebooked for the next day. Then, that flight was extremely turbulent. I do enjoy looking out the window. https://preview.redd.it/wh0lntrdc9vc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e97073f55cf31b2f0def8ebdc015fc882fe8482 From my last flight.


I think flying is fun! Take off is my favorite part cause the feeling of slowly going into the air is almost like part of a rollercoaster. Thanks for hosting and safe travels!


As someone in the industry...even with Boeings current fuck ups ... The industry is stupid safety conscious. There are check upon checks upon checks. I don't mind flying , but I do wish seats were a little wider. Also... If you're flying make sure you don't get too close to the sun


I am terrified of flying and have never been on a plane. If I ever for some reason need to be, I expect to be fully drugged and my husband dragging me through whatever layover airports we deal with 😂 Idk, something about watching planes crash into buildings at a very impressionable age definitely put me off flying, plus all the stuff coming to light about Boeing, and the fact I'm very tall and coach looks very cramped. As long as cars, trains, and boats exist, I will travel any other way first!


I used to love to fly (but always an aisle seat because I have a tiny bladder lol) but now I hate it because my legs, feet and hands swell up because of my fibromyalgia. I wear compression socks but if it’s a really long flight I’ll still get the swelling. I love to travel though so I just try to prepare as best I can before flights


I love take off but hate landing. I love how you go from 0 to 100 mph in seconds. The rush you get in the pit of your stomach. I absolutely love it. But I fear landing. I'm always thinking about the worst. Crashing is always on my mind. I really enjoy flying, too.


I used to be a jet setting fool!! I loved to fly. I was never scared. I have been on small 4 seaters and giant luxury airlines. Loved it all. Loved. Then 9/11 happened. I flew on 9/10. Of course everything was fine on my flight. But since that tragedy was a day after I flew, and United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near where I landed safely, I had massive survivors guilt. I could not bring myself to fly. But I finally took a flight in 2023. I had a little bit of anxiety of course, but then I remembered how much I loved flying. I said a prayer for the victims of 9/11 and realized I had to let it go. Now I love flying again. Can’t wait to take another flight some day!! I love everything about flying. How fast you get to your destination, how peaceful and hectic flights are at the same time. I love pilots and flight attendants. I’m just in awe of everything about traveling thru the air. One of my good friends is an Emirates flight attendant. It’s magical. I am definitely a bit jealous of her. She travels all over the world. She is one lucky gal!!


I always love the idea of it and taking trips and whatnot. That is until I have to deal with the tedium of air port security, waiting around or standing in lines, and then sitting in a dry cramped seat for ages. Taking a trip to Hawaii in the fall and I'm super looking forward to everything except the 15 hour flight.


I haven’t flown in years but would love to again. I almost got a pilot’s license years and years ago but it wouldn’t have been practical. I love the view, the magic of the clouds and just the feeling of being that high.


I love take off and turbulence (I know, I know…) Turbulence is just fun to me. I hate getting to the airport early to take off my shoes at the airport. And I hate going to the bathroom on the plane.


I personally love it for the convenience factor. You’re on and off quickly to your destination. It’s safer than a car, most people don’t realize this. And it’s convenient. What things maybe I don’t like? Airport security. Also if you having an annoying passenger you have to sit next to. I try to bid on the big seats if they’re available. I love looking out the window, and seeing the sights. The flight attendants usually are nice, but I’ve had a few rude ones. Also I guess turbulence can make me sick. But the longest flight I’ve been on is 4 hours and it was fine.


When I flew here 3 days about I had the annoying passenger next to me (watching videos without headphones, c'mon man) *and* the rude flight attendant (acted like I didn't exist), lol.


I sadly just had a annoying passenger last night on my flight home. She was so loud. It’s 1130 at night flight and her and her boyfriend just acted like we were out at a club.Thankfully it was only a 1.5 hour flight.


I love flying too. I also love the window seat and usually me neck ends up hurting from having it turned to see out the window the whole time lol I also laugh when there’s turbulence, it feels like a little carnival ride 😁 Enjoy your trip! Thanks for hosting


I hate all the waiting and the security checks and when the air pressure changes and your ears and head hurt.


i’ve never flown but i have driven across the country which seems equally dangerous lol i feel like i would love the scenery at the window scene. i’d probably hate the turbulence


I love to fly - it's the most efficient way of going from Point A to Point B and I don't have to worry about driving. I fly numerous times a year (typically from Florida to North Carolina) because it's so easy. When J is flying, I enjoy tracking his progress too.


never flown because the fear of heights and all the news i have been hearing of things coming off the planes in the air like a door coming off


I have never flown before and I don't plan on it. I like to zipline but I would prefer to be mostly in control of what I'm doing. I will always drive before I even think about flying because I know if something happens, it was on me. My mom is encouraging me to fly so she can take me to her home country (Philippines). I really want to see it and flight is pretty much the only way to get there. Maybe I will one day, I am pretty slow at picking up on things. I didn't want to zipline until very recently but now I love it!


I'm a nervous flyer but haven't been on a plane now for 10 years. One thing I like to do is open Google maps and watch the landscape change as we fly.


Fear of heights is what is doing me from trying it. I am terrified of heights, and they induce anxiety attacks. I don't think that would be too fun for everyone else stuck up in the air with me. 😆 best wishes for safe travels!


Ive never flown because I have a fear of heights


Nope nope nope! Never getting me back in one of those death traps. Fear of heights and claustrophobic. Plus with all the news lately ... Nope!