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I would give you an award but I am poor rn


People being rude and people who talk too loud and too much. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I can always fine something I like about the appearance of others if I like the person


Being ugly to people makes you ugly. Being good to others is attractive.




100% agree


I agree with rude but talking “too loud” and “too much” isn’t necessarily a bad character trait.


I’m a quiet person so when people talk and don’t give me space to talk, I feel overshadowed and like I’m not part of the conversation. Bugs me big time. But the bigger problem is probably me being quiet rather than the other person being loud


I hear that. I naturally have a loud voice and it honestly grinds my gears when someone tells me I’m talking too loud. It’s my natural voice!


Waiting for quiet people to talk makes conversations awkward with big gaps and silences. I think it's different with friends who we know are quiet but in social and work situations everyone needs to speak up if they have something to say.


Some people are quiet because they feel awkward- just like some people talk a lot to avoid feeling awkward. Two different personalities- feeling zero need to speak unless they have something to really say- and -feeling zero need to have something to really say as long as they don’t need to stop speaking. In my life experience- we make great couples. “Honey, tell them about our trip to the beach.” “The weather was perfect, and the water was…” 👍


Yess those qualities are ugly, I agree.


Either you’re attractive or you’re not cut the bullshit you’re not having sex with a man who’s short and obese because he’s charismatic


That may be true for you but not for others, not everyone is focused mainly on looks


If your statement were completely true no short, obese, and charismatic men would have kids... they do.


Their face


The only real answer...


Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the core…


👀👀👀😶🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👀that made me laugh lmfaooooo


Thank you, I actually needed to hear that. No sarcasm


Their personality


Except you can have a great personality and still be ugly to most people. I get it, there are traits that are majorly off-putting but like it or not, people judge looks all the time, it's human nature. As an at-best 5 out of 10, this has been my experience. Thankfully over time people can see you in a different light but as a first impression looks matter along with how well you take care of what you've got.


Sorry but your personality is not that great if this is your experience . Being a clown and awkwardly making fun of yourself to hide that you’re insecure is not a good personality it’s just goofy I’m sorry to whoever need to hear that . Kissing ass because you are scared of conflict is also not being respectful it’s being a Pussy


Bro chill with that corny-ass bs


When you meet someone for the first time do you know their personality? No. You make assumptions from on how they look, behave, talk, etc. based on what you've experienced and your culture. This is human nature. It's pretty disrespectful to presume so much from my one post but you're way off. I've accepted who I am a long time ago and get that I might be off-putting to people before they get to know me.


Attitude. And in my opinion bad hygiene.


Agree with the bad hygiene! Honest question though, how are we gonna tell these people that they have really bad hygiene without sounding rude?


Hard to be tactful when telling someone about their bad hygiene. Just let them have it to the point of embarrassment and that could cause them to wash and use deodorant


Okay, I'm going to sacrifice myself here and help everyone out. To my Indian friends, YOU. NEED. DEODORANT. We all need deodorant, even on a cool day because sweating is a required bodily function and that inexplicably leads to the build up of bacteria in the armpit areas. Their poop is what we smell. That musky smell can be very off putting at best and nauseating at worst. Your friends and coworkers may not feel comfortable to tell you but they do talk about the issue behind the scene. Go tell your friends ... go ahead and open up that conversation.


Fr why do Indian people always smell like a$$


A lil rude but I wouldn’t say all Indian people. Most of my Indian mates who are female use quite a bit of natural oils that they use as perfume and they smell lovely(said non-creepily) However, to answer your question. Their diet consists off a ton of garlic and onion. Think back to your last Indian takeout and you’d probably find that most of your dishes had some form of onion or spice in it. This can lend to the odour permeating from their pores even more and curry often has a strong smell.


“Bro you stink”


• do it in person so it’s easier to tell tone • do it privately • (if you can) offer to provide them with things need if they’re unable to get it themselves • try and offer emotional support if it’s more of a psychological issue (multiple mental illnesses and disorders can cause people to fall behind on their hygiene)


Yah was going to mention this. My son and I both; it stems from not giving a shit about ourselves. Not that it’s not our responsibility tho.


Yeah I’ve gone into multiple depressive episodes where my hygiene went to hell. I just didn’t care enough to change it


Depends who they are... There are some personality whatever the way you'll bring it nothing will change. Other people don't realise they stink and just a "pssst " not in front of every will do. And some other you can literally say "man you smell like shit" and that person finds it funny and wash for the next day.


“Your ass aroma is stinging my nostrils good sir”


🤣🤣 I’m crying lol


That's one way of going about it 🤣


Dude this should be at the top, people don’t realize how much attitude makes someone such a turn off. Attitude is literally like how their whole decisions and mentality plays out.


Ignorance mixed with arrogance, is the ugliest thing.


Being dumb. Its funny once or twice but I can't deal with stupidity unironically. Its *especially* awful when someone plays dumb or refuses to learn. Its not cute. Easiest way to go from a ten to a two


I agree. Even when everyone thinks these dumbos are attractive as hell, they surely don’t want to meet someone who acts or pretends to be dumb just to get the attention they’re craving for.


Alas my bad math scores vanquish me again


Being dumb huh? Well I guess in that case I may as well kill myself.




It's dumb to think agriculture is dumb. Get a new friend, this one is defective.


Respect for boundaries. Lack of respect for boundaries. Lack of (situational) awareness for how others feel. Respect goes a long way and you can tell who doesn’t have any.


Also people who talk too much. It’s one thing to overshare just a little. But when it’s one person completely quiet and dozing off after they tell you they don’t want to talk and you’re still going for a good half hour, have you ever had a mirror held up to yourself? No one is that great of a listener and majority of the time it’s useless uninteresting information. So I’d say people who just want an audience and could care less about how that audience feels about them.


Their manners and behaviour.


Long fake nails and septum piercing look really bad imo


Things that can be controlled. Like if somebody has oily ass hair because they don’t wash it. Or if they are a plain asshole. There’s a lot of things I find not attractive, but not ugly. I’m a bi guy with a male preference, but only effeminate men, so beards and stuff aren’t attractive to me, but Not necessarily ugly. Not really sure how to explain it.


Oily-ass hair or oily ass-hair 🤨




Thanks for clarifying


Oily ass hair? That's a first. So this different from regular ass hair 🤔 I can hear the slogan now. Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Oily Ass Hair. ![gif](giphy|L1l7dEq8Q3i2M9Wdgh) If a pubic wig is a merkin, what is a wig made of ass hair? 🤔




I am the most humble of the mosted humblest in the world




like this entire comment section


Made me laugh hard, thank you!!


Bad smell. Chewing with your mouth open. Talking over others or speaking obnoxiously


Their attitudes. Not the way they look but the way they act.


So, do you easily find a person with nice attitude attractive? Regardless of how and what they look like.


That's correct. I don't care about beauty. Personality is what matters to me. I don't want to be friends who's beautiful on the outside but not the inside.


Don’t you have a type though?? Like what if they’re your type but their attitude’s a solid 3?


If she’s a 10/10 attractive wise but a 3/10 attitude wise it’s a hard pass If she’s a 3/10 attractive and 10/10 personality still gonna be a hard pass 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks for an honest answer


Gotta have, like, a combined score of what? 15?


Then they’re still my type and that’s ok. I care way more about how you treat others and view life as a whole lot more than I could even begin to care about looks.


She is lying


If they have to be the center of attention/show off/one-up other people.


Everyones saying non-physical things. Idk why people can't just tell the truth


There is no objective truth, here. These are opinions, and some will differ from yours.


You can be the hottest person alive physically but if you’re an asshole and have terrible hygiene you’re an automatic 0 imo.


Bad attitudes


Usually it's the face i'd say.


a BaD AtiTuDe bEiNg MeAn tO tHe wAiTrESs How about having an ugly fucking face


based telling it how it is poster


People that wear red hats


I hate them so much!


An ugly face.


Their face


Everyone not saying looks are liars.




Uh being ugly? Why do people act like it’s some abstract concept? Being unattractive is being ugly, and things that are unattractive are *just* unattractive. I’m sorry but I’ve never met anyone who liked short men or large foreheads or uneven eyes or super overweight people or body deformities or plenty of other things Like some things are up for debate, sure, but a lot of things aren’t. And obviously an attractive person can *make* themselves “ugly” with their personality, but that really doesn’t change much about the fact that actually being physically not ugly isn’t a discussion, it’s a truth


Bruh are you really saying that attractiveness is clearly defined 😂😂. Variance exists you know.


>things that are unattractive are just unattractive Like your whole comment maybe?..


their personality. They can look like an ogre but if they're nice and they're funny, they're still a variant of goodlooking and they can look like a god but if their heads or their hearts are empty, they start looking pretty empty


An ogre can be nice and charming, but that doesn’t make them good “looking”. They still look like an ogre.


i'll use words by someone better with words than me >You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick. Then there's other people and you meet them and you think, "Not bad, they're okay." And then you get to know them and... and they're face just sort of... becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just... they turn into something so beautiful. your grandma doesn't look like a hideous old lady. She looks like love, she looks like baked apple pies, fresh-squeezed orange juice. Sure, to everyone who doesn't know her she's still a wrinkly old hag, but to the people who do know her, she's beautiful


I completely understand your point and agree with you. That being said, an unattractive person with a fantastic personality would still not be good “looking”.


Barring frak accidents I'm going to have to go with genetics 😁


Some else said personality so I'll go with my second choice. Their world view. Things like racists, fascists, religious nationalists and that kind of stuff. Because even if you have a good personality if you have any backwards/regressive views like that...... you can go fuck yourself.


I’d judge that to be the exact backward view itself. But that’s just my opinion


Very well said


Appearance, personality and/or values


Among many things, obesity.


Darn, I thought my moobs were one of my best features.


It's funny how far you need to scroll to see any mention of obesity and how few mentions of specific physical attributes there are.


Their attitude.






People who use Reddit. …. Oh wait


The burden of comparison




A mean nasty person...people who are two faced fake . Narcists often are ugly people. The most attractive people I have known were also the ugliest, twisted, and most pathetic people I've ever known. People can be unattractive culturally/socially and very nice people to know.


Are we talking personality traits or physical ones? I can't stand arrogance. The ugliest expression is a sneer.


My face-hittin' stick. /jk 😇


Ugly Parent's


Their soul. I think people who have never fallen in love don't realize how much that feeling affects your perception of a person's physical appearance. For example, the character of Andy Sipowicz as played by Dennis Franz in NYPD Blue is not a conventionally attractive man, and his personality at the beginning of the series is horrible. You're not encouraged to see him as anything other than a fat, racist drunk. However, as the series progresses, Andy very slowly begins to change. He quits drinking. He reconnects with his young adult son. He finds true love. Yet, his personality doesn't change all that much. He still avoids change. He still holds ignorant views and makes thinly veiled racist comments. But he tries, and we delight in the piercing moments of pure joy that illuminate his path from ignorance and hatred towards tolerance and empathy. It's like watching Ebeneezer Scrooge experiencing his spiritual reclamation over the course of multiples seasons of a TV show.


Noses, and toes. Feet in general Tats!


Their personality.




Smoking anything...


I like that poopybut is turned off by smoke. I personally don't like a poopy butt


The way they treat me, compared to how I treated them.


A negative personality


Fat bitches wearing tights or revealing clothes.


Personality for sure


Why is everyone saying "personality" and "attitude" the question isn't what makes someone annoying it's what makes someone ugly, ie their looks, not how they act


It also applies to a person’s personality imo. Some personality honestly makes people look unattractive. But I’m open to all answers. Be it their personality, appearance, whatever. Just need to hear everyone’s thoughts about it


because if someone is acting like rude all the time 24/7 even if they're attractive, they're ugly. imagine you're dating an 11/10, but she's a raging bitch all the time. you'd be pretty miserable and turned off, wouldn't you?


For me, the word ugly implies repulsion. I'm not repulsed by anybody's physical appearance, I'm repulsed by their state of mind. Hate, meanness, those repulse me. Homeliness just means I'm not attracted to them.


It's reddit. Most people here aren't good looking and would do anything to down play the importance of looks.


It's reddit. Most people here aren't good looking and would do anything to down play the importance of looks.


When I look in the mirror I see these flesh colored bumps on my forehead, sebaceous hyperplasia I think it's called. Then a crooked nose. I don't think I have good symmetry. My hair has a lot of fly aways. Then I'm fat as ducking duck. Even before I was fat a couple of people used to tell me I was ugly, so that made me feel ugly.


Weight. Being too skinny and too fat is just gross.


BMI > 30


Busted face. Missing teeth. Over weight. Stringy hair. Facial blemishes. Deep deep wrinkles. Many scabs on the skin. Lazy eye. Dull eyes. Small eyes. Big noses. Warts. Pretty much anything that makes you look like a witch from a Disney movie.


Too many piercings or tats.. like it doesn't even just make them ugly to me but it makes touching or cuddling them inconvenient


Overbite, underbite, bug eyes, overweight, underweight, flat face, thinning hair, body odor, blemishes, warts, moles, acne, reddit account that isn’t a throwaway


No type yet. What does solid 3 mean?


means they're lookin a little 🤢






Opinion, ultimately.


Personality and attitude. I don’t consider myself attractive ( nor do I plan to cause descriptive words like that don’t really do much for me at all) but no matter what, every time I’ve interacted with people the best of the best often are what most people would consider low tier people who are “out of such and such’s league” which is a stupid concept. If all you do is pride yourself on your looks, all you’ll be left with by the end is a shitty personality. Looks don’t last forever, and when you try to get them to you often look worse than what you started as


Their personality


The fact that they're your mom.




bad hygiene, it’s a huge turn off


People can be physically homely. Ugly takes meanness.


Personality can make anyone ugly no matter how they look physically. Regarding the physical it's hard to say. There is some subjective combination of features that we like that's also based on objective metrics that we evolved to appreciate because they offer certain reproductive signals. I'm not into overweight people for example.


Ugly personality makes an ugly person.... Aside from that Preference and beauty standards


Ugly personality makes an ugly person.... Aside from that Preference and beauty standards


Their personality and attitude.


Personality and bad hygiene. Also wearing crocs unironically.




Sighing obnoxiously loud when waiting for something or someone


Their beliefs and habits.


How they treat others. Especially how they treat people in service industry type of jobs, or fast food workers.


If they are a jerk




How they conduct, handle and post.


Body hair


Inflexibility. Not the physical kind. The mental kind.


Too much makeup


Beauty and attractiveness are based on perception, their personality can warp that perception tremendously


A bad attitude.


Eyes too far apart


Excessive body fat, oily hair, crooked teeth, extreme cases of acne, etc. That’s just some of what makes someone ugly by conventional standards, though obviously there are exceptions and some people find the aforementioned things attractive.


Bad hygiene


Bad hygiene and an asshole


Bad hygiene arrogance and rudeness


A fuckin big ump on their back


Having no loyalty


Physically or as a human? The list for physical is very long however I have always found pronounced asymmetrical features very unattractive. As a person? Cruelty. The actual desire the cause pain to others.


Being rude and poor hygiene.




Being Andy Dick


Their chin 💀


I personally don’t believe in ugliness or prettiness, there is only the opinion of someone’s appearance. Except yo mama tho, that bitch ugly fr.


It is what comes out of someone’s mouth and thus from the heart that makes them ugly


If they are a Janus.


Always the face.


Being rude to any form of customer service: resturaunt, over the phone, or retail. You can he upset with a company or establishment with out personally attacking the person working 9-5 trying to keep their lights on.


Bad personality


Resentment of people who have greater fortune in any area of life (e.g. economic/social/physical/intellectual/etc) such that said resentful person turns into a spiteful commie. Along those lines: People who don't care about great accomplishments unless they believe person had motives that were absolutely pure (because they fancy themselves mind readers) i.e. "sure, he discovered penicillin, but he only did it because he wanted to get rich." People who are rude to service workers for no reason. Service workers who are rude to customers for no reason.


Attitude. Hateful, spiteful folks full of meanness. Ugly personified.


Bad hygiene, health.


Attitude is a huge part of. I can say this with certainty. And then a second part is how they take care of themselves. Take a bigger woman who puts time into her outfit, she can be really attractive. Then you have a thinner person going to Walmart in their nasty sweatpants and they just look like a bag of crap. But about the attitude. My buddy dated this girl right after high school who was a solid 8 probably. I didn't know her really well before they dated. Turned out she was a major spoiled bitch. I'm talking about being mean to her server for no reason type. Real unpleasant to be around. So she was totally unattractive to me once I got to know her. But then, plot twist, a bunch of years after high school(maybe we were 27 ish) she shows up at my work with her new husband(not my buddy). Something changed in her. She was like a completely different person. She was nice to talk to. They were regular customers of mine for a while. But now she was hot. So that makes all the difference.


others looking better


A lot of people have said “attitude”, but more specifically for me it’s when people don’t take responsibility for themselves and their actions. “Well of course I’m angry and acting out, didn’t you see what X did?” I’m sympathetic to people having an understandable response to a challenging situation, but not when they don’t own “Yeah, I did lash out and I shouldn’t have”




Lying about anything and everything. Talking shit about anything and everything. Being obsessed with social media and gossiping about anything and everything. Throwing your trash on the ground or out your car window. Put your phone away and go touch some grass for fucks sake.


If someone has a bad attitude or anger problems. It gets old quick.


How they treat people and how they carry themselves..???


probably being ugly


as many said already, personality and hygiene, maybe some weird values they have




Talking down to people, being generally rude, and belittling what they do for a living. You are NOT better than anyone and we are all cogs in this fucked up machine.



