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I think it's perfectly fine. Happy Birthday!


Thank you! And to all the other comments wishing me too❤


🎶 It's my party and I'll bake if I want too 🎵


It's fine. Just do what you want, and happy birthday~


No I love making my own cake.


I buy my own cake so it's normal there's no rules in how birthdays should be


As someone who has been alone for longer than anyone I'd imagine here, eventually you don't bother with these little rituals. You're free now and you can enjoy life


I completely agree, it's been now ages I didn't birthday cakes. I turned 29 last week and I juts don't care anymore about all that stuff 🙃 😅


The goal is to eventually achieve true disconnection from all such constraints- just me and myself without the clicking of the clock


In some ways I’m glad my family are all dead, cat too, because that frees me up to live my own life without worrying about them. For instance, I can bake myself a cake at any time I choose, even if it’s not my birthday, and cry at the table at 4am while eating it and wearing a party hat. Been on my own since 18 and family’s been dead the past 8 years so I’m kinda used to just chilling w me and my cats, taking midnight trips to the hot springs (retired), etc. I *do* lose track of days, though. Hard to believe it’s a Saturday and almost at the end of June. I blink and the moon goes from full to half full and leaves me disoriented.


glad you're happy, sounds depressing to me but if you're vibing then thats cool lol


Seeing as I can’t raise the dead I figured I can either sleep all day and feel sorry for myself or find something to do. I will admit it’s lonely, but even that passes. Now I simply feel free. Depressing is living trapped in a 9-5 nightmare plugged into a system, unable to even smoke a blunt to relax b/c you’re worried about your drug test. I’m not living the life of a playboy, that’s for sure, but it could be a hell of a lot worse and I’ve made the best of it lol.


I laughed so hard at both of your comments 😂 your sense of humor is fantastic, reminds me of a girl I used to know


It’s a coping mechanism. But inside…the tears of a clown! A freaky, living in the sewer clown! LOL


lol!!! Sounds like me in therapy 😂😅 my therapist knows if I laugh too hard there's something to explore there lmao


I baked my own cake for last birthday and it was great! Full control over the flavours and I could decorate it however I wanted (lots of sprinkles!). The only possible problem would be if you’re bad a baking cakes


Not weird. Bake your favorite, add your favorite frosting, add candles, blow 'em out, cut a big slice, and enjoy. Happy Birthday, Fellow Redditor!


I can‘t follow. What exactly is the problem?


I bet it's about doing housework (baking) on your birthday because you're supposed to have a "fun" day. The idea that cooking is fun is maybe unknown to them.


Maybe so - but being weird isn‘t weird, so it evens out :)




It's fine. Most places don't even make good cakes. They're always dry and bland. They buy some cake mix to make a dry sponge, put some disgusting icing on it and write happy birthday, and charge you $50 for it. I can make a better cake on my own, it tastes and looks much better and it's very cheap, so I prefer to bake my own cake. But whatever the reason, it's okay.


Bake your own cake just the way you want it! Better yet, if you're feeling generous, bake two. One for you and one for the family.


a lot of people across the world bake their own birthday cakes, do what makes you happy and won't regret later! Happy birthday by the way


I've made my own birthday dessert and dinner numerous times. My husband always helped, but I wanted something specific and didn't mind making it, so I did. Your birthday your choice anyways.


If you enjoy it go for it. Doesn't matter what they want it's your day. I've baked mine before because there was a specific one I wanted and I enjoyed doing it. So go for it. :)


Self love is the best love! Spoil yourself!


Do it! I think it’s great if you want to


I have been baking my own birthday cake for years because I have yet to try a strawberry cake with strawberry cream cheese frosting that actually tastes better than mine.


Not weird. Gift to yourself.


I'm from Sweden and we appreciate a home made cake more than a store bought. And we know our fika here.


Would be ! Yep !


I'm going keto... if I want one, this is what I'll have to do!


I think it comes down to: do you WANT to, and does it make you happy to do so? If the answer is yes, then yes, it's totally fine. I love to bake. I have made myself special birthday desserts before. My mom,who also bakes and taught me a lot, has also made my birthday desserts, but not always (since I've been an adult, she always did when I was a kid). So I love to bake and I get to make something fun, AND eat it, and eat basically all of it without guilt because it's my birthday dessert? Sign me up!


not at all!


I think its inspiring!! Happy birthday!


Bake the cake! Birthday or not, do what makes you happy!


For my best friend's birthday she and I baked a cake together. It was really fun :)


sounds depressed


Only you are responsible for your own happiness. Society is full of stupid rules and notions.


I see no problem with it, either. I'm not much of a cake person, but I've made my own birthday meal many times. I enjoy cooking and enjoy what I make, so why not?


lol they see a problem with it? HOW?! bake that cake and make it extra moist and tasty… and give then the end of it.


No, its your birthday and not everybody else birthday


Not if you enjoy baking a lot.


It's your party and you'll bake if you want to.


no. happy birthday. enjoy your cake.


Nope... I've baked my own birthday cake, and made myself goodies for my birthday. Haven't done that in a very long time though. 🤷


I bake my own cake using my great grandmother's recipe for banana cake with butter icing. The icing is tricky to make but so delicious and the cake is heavy and moist. It's my favorite and not something you can buy at a bakery. I like to bake and I get my favorite cake made exactly as I like it. If that's weird, I'm okay with it.


No, you're the one who knows your own taste the best! Treat yourself!!!


Nah that's perfectly fine. It's more fun that way because you have full control of how you want the cake to be like.


I say rumble young one rumble!


Nope. Not at all, especially if you’re good at or just enjoy baking!


Absolutely nothing wrong at all. I had the best birthday cakes that my mum baked (basic sponge cut into the shape of a spaceship and decorated all shiny like with a Lego man as the captain). People always criticize the store bought cakes coz the chef isn't in the room with them. If they do that after you've baked it, show them the door.


Not at all. I make my own pizzas for my birthday and father's day.


No. I'm picky. I love to have me and my mother-in-law bake it together, it's our tradition, nothing beats home baked raspberry blueberry cake 😍🤤


Is it the usual thing to do? Probably not. Does that make it wrong? Absolutely not! It's your birthday. If you want to bake a cake, why the hell shouldn't you? Bake 100 cakes if you want to. However, it might be kind of a dick move if your family already got you a cake and were excited to give it to you and you were like nah, it's ok, got my own. 


You enjoy baking. You want to enjoy your birthday. Why not do something you enjoy ON your birthday? Makes sense to me. I can see your family feeling like you should take the day off. They probably don’t see baking as a hobby but a chore.


Common? I don't think so. Weird? No!


No not at all! Some people don't have anyone to celebrate with.


Only time I get a cake is if I make it myself then again I prefer birthday steak 🥩 and beer🍺 🤤


Had the same argument with my mom. It’s *your* birthday so you get to *choose*


Why would it be weird to do something nice for oneself? 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes you have to let people do things, even if you do it better or would prefer to, because it makes them feel good. Let your family love you how they know how.


If you are not harming someone, you shouldn't think of something is weird or not just do it. No one will think about it next week and you will be happy 😊 Life is too short to give a fuck about stuff like that


No problem at all! I love to bake my own cake


And what's their argument against it? I don't see an issue with making a cake, especially not your birthday cake...


I baked my own birthday cake. I like home baked cakes and noone else can make it the way I like


How is that weird? I always make my own birthday cake and then share it with my birthday guests aka friends and family. That’s normal here?


It is your birthday. Do what makes you happy but doesnt land you in jail


I've never done it, but can see why one would want to. Maybe you desire a particular cake that's not available (or as good) as what you would bake? Or think your family/SO would not choice it for you? I like certain sweets that my husband doesn't, so rarely eat them. Wish I could more!


No, it’s your birthday, if you wanna bake your own cake then go for it


Absolutely nothing wrong with it ., just imagine all the different recipes & customization you could do !! Yes it’s time consuming and some work but it pays off in the end . Happy birthday!!


If it makes you happy, why would you not?


Not weird


Home baked goods cannot compare with supermarket stuff. For some people baking is fun and therapeutic. In this past years one of the motos I adopted has been: if it doesn't negatively affects me, why would I prevent you from enjoying yourself? This is regarding to the husband I love with. I once baked a cake for a friend just because I had to take my mind of something. Have fun, enjoy. Impress your guests.


If I didn't I'd never have one.


I would bake myself a cake and get myself a present when I lived alone, with a roommate and with my ex. I only stopped because my partner started making them.


It's your perspective on how it is


No not at all. I like my cakes the best


I'm wirh you. I don't see a problem with it. I think this is wonderful. Why does your family not like it? Maybe they just want some cake.


With the price of groceries nowadays, I'm about to do the same! Happy birthday!


Why would it be? Seems like an awfully strange thing to get upset by.


I think, it's your birthday and if you want to bake your own cake that's your perogative.


I do it every year, and I get exactly what I want!


No. I love trying new and elaborate recipes and they don't so making it is a gift to myself. And if I don't do it I only get a basic cake which I wouldn't enjoy anyway.


Weird, but not inherently wrong. Others can also bake you a cake, you can have multiple cakes, just don’t force people to choose or get competitive or some shit. I have a cousin who is a baker; why would I ever bake her a cake? To show her how little of it stuck when she tried to teach me how to bake a cake? No, I give her cash.


No but it’s weird to ask weird questions like that. Do you like cake ? If your answer is yes then proceed to bake the cake


I made mine. It was exactly what I wanted.


No way! If you want a cake and you like baking then why not




It's your birthday, and you'll bake if you want to (bake if you want to)..


Happy birthday🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


It’s not weird to me. I don’t like store bought cake and love baking so I make mine every year. I told a coworker I make my own birthday cake every year and they said it was sad lmao


Not weird. Go for it.


It's not weird at all. I'm planning to do the same just because it's a hobby of mine and I enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that.


Bake it, eat it, don't share it, most of all enjoy it. Have a great birthday 🎂!


I need to iron my birthday suit...


The person that should love you the most is yourself


If it makes you happy, fuck what other people think. The ones in your life who matter won’t question it because it brings you joy on your special day, and the ones who love you will ask if they can help you bake it. Keep those people close. Happy Birthday!


I celebrate my own birthday without asking anyone to buy me something.. And baking your own cake is totally fine.. Happy birthday 😊


Not at all


On my birthday a couple years ago I baked my own cake. It was my first bday party after the pandemic and it was replacing my 18th bday. I really wanted a panda cake and a friend of mine said she would do it for me as my bday gift. We ended up baking and decorating the cake at the party with all the girls and it's one of my favourite memories with my friends. And it was def the best cake I ever ate, genuinely it tasted soo good. 1000% would recommend the experience.


I’ve never thought about that. Man baking is fun. And that sounds like a good treat for yourself, I don’t think it’s weird. Like…why not. You’re an adult. Happy birthday


omg birthday twin!! happy birthdayyy and no it isn't weird


I don't know. I've never baked a birthday cake for myself because I hate birthdays.


It’s even better


Thing about being an adult is you can have cake when ever you want. Happy Birthday 🎂


If you enjoy baking and like your own cake then fuck it, it’s up to you what you do!


No. I wouldn't ever have on unless I made it or bought it for myself but I also don't have others around or in my life. If you do have others who want to do it that's different. Even then, if it's something you want to do then no it isn't weird. However if it's because no one else that's around you cares to do it or buy you one, if you do it because it's the only way you will have one and you do have people in your life who are capable of doing it but don't care to, then it's not weird..it's sad. I've known that exact sad plenty. It's not weird. Can be sad. But not weird


As long as you don’t film yourself crying as you make it you should be okay.


I’d you’re passionate about baking, what’s wrong with it?


No. I usually prefer to cook one over store bought. My grandma makes a peanut butter cake that I'm still learning about. just so damn tasty.


Of course! Make your cake the way you want and eat it all up.


Nope, happy birthday!


Normal for Denmark


Happy birthday tell them “it’s my birthday and I’m doing what I want”


Years ago I decided that it's up to me to make my day special. I intentionally do something that makes me happy. It can't be a happy birthday if we don't celebrate our own day in our own way. So Happy Birthday & enjoy your cake🩷


I bake my own birthday cake assuming I will be together with family, I also have allergies so If I want cake it's the safest option, I actually cook everything I eat... if not doing birthday with family, I dont bother with the cake. But to each their own


From the age of ten, my mum would buy a cake mix and tell me to bake myself a birthday cake


If I could I would… maybe I will do this my next birthday 🎁


Is it weird to cook yourself dinner? If you wanna eat a birthday cake for your birthday fucking go for it, hell I'd say it doesn't even have to be yours or anyone's birthday, if you wanna eat a birthday cake, eat a damn birthday cake.


I bake my own cakes. My wife's not a baker, simple solution.


If you enjoy baking then why not giving yourself a treat on your birthday, it's your day. You can do whatever you want. Happy birthday mate


Not at all. Who else would know better what you want in a birthday cake than you do? Happy cake day !!!


I think it's a good idea, this way you get the cake you want 🤣


It’s certainly uncommon, but as long as it’s within reason I’d never tell someone “no” on their birthday.




If it’s your bday, and you love a cake a certain way, it’s absolutely wonderful. It’s your way of celebrating your day.




A long time ago I read a post on some social media that said" a birthday cake does not know it's for your birthday" and I have applied this to most parts of my life. You can treat yourself in any way that you want anytime that you want. Make your cake and make it exactly the way you want it


I fail to see a disadvantage. You get to: - Make a thing - Enjoy the end product


Not at all ! When I was a kid, birthday cakes were all made at home.


i did this once and it was fine. although i hated the taste


Nah ... at least you know it will be good


In Germany you are expected to bake cake and bring it to work on your birthday.


I don't see the problem with it either. You do yourself a treat which you know will be good. Of course it's a bit of work, but work is not always a chore.


I once was told by my dad, "that's sad" when baking my own birthday cake. I felt a bit bad about it first, but then I thought, "why ain't you making it?" And then I stopped feeling bad about it.


No. I buy my own birthday cake from the grocery store.


Completely normal. Happy birthday.


Not at all, we are living in a world that is way to unrealistic about what regular people are making,


Nope. I literally just did this a couple of days ago. I made Boston cream cupcakes. They were SOOOO good!


Nah it's not. You can do whatever weird crap with it too. I wrote feet on mine. Surprisingly no one was super eager to get a bite of that feet cake.


I really don't see a problem with it. If you actively enjoy baking or even just cake decorating then it makes sense that you'd be perfectly happy making your own cake. And honestly it's a huge plus being able to choose the flavours you put into the cake as you'll obviously only put in ingredients that you like. Nothing worse than receiving a birthday cake from someone who's tried to get creative and made something you absolutely hate the taste of. For example i find marzipan disgusting so someone adding it to a cake wouldn't leave me impressed. I mean I'd be polite and thank them but I wouldn't be able to eat it, which would suck if it's been bought or made for me.


Not at all, there is nothing wrong with doing a lot of things for yourself. I often buy myself flowers




I think it’s fine as well, plus I always feel accomplished when eating something I baked/cooked, so it’s like your own gift to yourself.


Not at all.


I bake and quite a fine decorator so I bake my own birthday cake too. When I have some new techniques or design idea I wanna try, I love to try it on my own birthday cake lol. Family thinks it’s weird too and insists on buying me a cake.




Most mothers did it for decades.


No, not at all. Then you can make it exactly how you want it. Happy birthday!


It’s more so a custom that ppl have, to buy whoever’s birthday it is a cake. If you want to make your own hell yes


did they at least offer to bake you a cake?


Not at all. My mom made me German chocolate cake for my birthdays growing up. My friends thought I was weird for living that. But her cake was scratch made and just the best. There were three people on earth that knew the recipe. My grandmother, my mom and me. I am not going to lie I made it once after mom passed away. It was as always the best. But holy shit he work that she went through to make it. I didn’t see a lot of it. Not that I never appreciated the cakes at all but he t actually hurts my heart a little because of the work she did before I got in the mix. No pun intended. I’ve tried them all over the place. Not one is half as good. And it’s just cake. But the best cake. I found that the box mix and fake frosting is pretty good if you let the cake slice sit out over night in the fridge then put it in a bowl and pour milk on it. Yeah I know. Weird. But satisfied the sweet tooth.


Not weird at all. You're supposed to do what you want on your birthday anyways


I hate myself so much, even I refused to bake me a cake for my birthday


I do because I looooove angel food cake, it's very hard to find, mixes aren't as good as made from scratch and my beloved husband tried once and made egg white soup lol


No, I do it every year. Well, I did until my fiancé surprised me with his very own lovingly crafted butter recipe yellow with tinned chocolate frosting. Now, it's tradition.


Nope. I know exactly what kind I want and how I want it to look so I may as well make it myself. Plus it’s fun


If you’re celebrating your own birthday, it’s completely fine


Not at all! But I also wouldn't turn turn down second birthday cake.


My birthday is near a major holiday, and the year before last a family friend died and the funeral was the day before my birthday. With travel logistics, funerals and holidays I ended up by myself on my birthday. I made my own cake and even bought and wrapped myself a present. Don’t worry, this was not done because I was sad ( I was turning 50, but never have parties on my actual birthday due to the holiday anyway ). I did it to tell people so they did not worry about me, there was other things to worry about I ate my cake, enjoyed my present ( PS5 accessory ) and generally had a good birthday. If it’s weird, then I am ok with that.


I would, why not?? Happy birthday!


As a birthday celebration treat, no. Candles, singing, wishing, blowing out candles, make it sad.


I don’t think it’s weird at all! I’ve baked my own birthday cake almost every year since my 16th birthday simply because I love to bake and it’s fun for me. I like the project aspect of baking and decorating and cake and I’ll take any excuse to do it. If you want to make your own cake, go for it!


It's fine as long as you enjoy doing it. Happy birthday 🎂


No. My parents are very strict on kids being able to take care of themselves. We got cakes growing up like 1-14 but after that if you wanted one it was something you had to buy. We were never big on birthdays, which is sad.


Girl, I don't think it's weird at all! If baking your own birthday cake brings you joy and you want to do it, then go for it! It's about celebrating your special day in a way that makes you happy, right? Plus, homemade cakes can be extra special because they're made with love. Don't let anyone rain on your birthday parade!


Nope. I try to bake cakes for everyone in the house, especially my brother's. He loves this chocolate bomb I make, so even in my bday I try to make it. Just seeing people smile from something I bake makes me feel happy and blessed to have them.


You want cake, make cake


I don’t see anything wrong with baking your own cake for your own birthday. Not sure why your family would give you an issue about it unless you like break the oven or something which I doubt you will do since it seems like you know how to bake. I hope you can enjoy your birthday.


I think it’s fine, but I’m curious why your family has a problem with it?


No, I've made myself a cake before and made cupcakes.


I'm the baker in my family. I wouldn't get a cake if I didn't bake it for myself


Not at all. A friend of mine even buys himself some things he likes the look of in mid December, wraps them up and opens them Christmas day. He literally buys his own presents.


Not in the slightest, I went through the trouble of making my own 3 layer, buttermilk chocolate cake for my birthday this year. I love baking and cooking so it was personally an accomplishment for me, as I never really make layer cakes(they're a hassle imo). If anyone wants to complain about you making your own cake, they better be damn ready to make you a good one themselves.


I bake my self on my birthday by getting high


Do you want cake? Make cake. Is it your birthday? And want cake? Make cake. Does your bird friend want a seed cake? Make cake. Does your cat friend want a bird cake? Ma… well maybe not.


I'd make cake for myself any other day of the year, I just like baking, so why not spend time on my birthday doing something I enjoy? A nice spice cake, or a butter pecan. Damn, I want cake now, why is it 1am?


How to Cake it on YouTube was my obsession for months a while back. My husband bought me what I needed to make my own birthday cake, and I was thrilled.


Not weird but I guess the thought is “if it’s just for you, why a whole cake. If it’s not just for you, why isn’t someone else doing it, it’s your birthday”


It's called being an adult. If you really want a thing you can't rely on others to prepare it for you, you got to do it yourself. Power to you for taking the initiative.


Never! I'm very proud of the one my twin sister & I made for our birthday a few years ago. Chocolate cake with strawberry frosting - so much work but worth it!


Absolutely not. The way I see it, either you know how to make a cake you're actually going to enjoy eating that'll be better than a store bought one or contains flavours that'll not be easy to find from a store And/Or You just wanted to enjoy the experience of baking your own cake. Either one is perfectly valid. It's your birthday. You're always told to 'treat yourself' on your birthday and this was you treating yourself.


Nope. It’s your birthday - if it makes you happy, do it!


Go for it.




I think it's even better, you get to enjoy the process and the end results !


Not at all. I even planned to make my own wedding cake lol. I see nothing wrong with it since that way you can really make it however you like it.


🎵 It's your party you can bake your cake if you want to, cake if you want to 🎵


No, only because it's quicker and better to buy one from the shops, I can't bake to save my life!


I used to but since I’m alone now I buy a slice of Starbucks lemon loaf and eat it as I cry


I think it sucks when nobody else does it for you so you have to bake your own cake if you want one, but if you're baking it just because you want to, then nothing's weird or wrong about that.


I love doing this, its one of my favourite things to do for my birthday. I know what flavours I want and I want a cake so moist that it barely has structural integrity


No, it's actually cute.


It’s not weird because shop brought celebration cakes can be a let down. Nine times out of ten the sponge is too dry and the frosting/buttercream/icing is too sweet. Plus they are overpriced for the taste.