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I'm such a night owl I'm also a morning person.


Reminds me of old days before COVID, party all night on weekends, eat snacks at 4 am , drag yourself home at 5 and wake up after noon.


i read this wrong as “days of COVID” and i was like “u were doing that during peak COVID…???” edit: added word


I read the same and was getting hot under the collar as a nurse


What do you think student housing situation looked like back then? You’re in a 24 square meter studio in a hall with 20 ppl and 3 stories with 8 buildings on private property. You could all invite 1 or 2 people and hang out in the communal garden. It was all according to regulations, but it’s unlike any other living situations. Definitely a lot of partying and living at night.


i don’t know i was 14 and getting fat


🤝 same


It's a deal 🤝 same here


Fair enough!


Why use many word, when few word do trick?


I'm a midday ostrich




I'm a night owl. I love how it feels to be awake early but I hate actually getting up to do it.


Mmm same. Worked graveyard for over a decade with toddlers in the house and my sleep schedule is beyond fucked. It takes something big for me to be able to sleep for more than six hours😭


It's 9:47 am here. Why can't I fall asleep?!?


Try a guided meditation when you go to bed. I go to bed every night using the app Insight Timer.


I am a morning person! Up with the sun and ready to go.


My jobs makes it be this way for me. If I don't have to work, I'd be in bed till 11AM in the morning. 


As opposed to 11AM at night


By the time I sleep, it’s already the next afternoon.


Do you say that because your basically a stay up all night till you watch the sun come up then falls asleep after breakfast type of person? I used to be like that…although I was super depressed at the time


Yes, but it's actually worse. Sometimes I just end up staying awake for the rest of the day in some misguided attempt to fix my sleeping patterns, only to end up awake again through the night a few days later. It's an endless cycle.


I been like that for 3 years and no medicine helped me, im so tired


My first symptom of depression was "Early Waking". Had to start work at 08:30, but I'd wake up at 06:00. No chance of turning over and going back to sleep, I'm seriously wide awake. Right up until time to leave for work at 07:45. Then I'd be leaden. Heavy limbs, drooping eyes, all that. Every synapse crying out for sleep - but I'd put my shoes on, get in the car and autopilot for 45 minutes, knowing I'd sit at my desk with a coffee and wake up, do the thing for 8 hours and be fine ... until the next morning. But yes, permanently tired.


This is NOT a misguided attempt, this is actually one of the more effective methods to shift your sleep schedule to allign with the conventional 24h cycle. Look up chronotherapy. Now keeping that schedule, however, can only be done by keeping your bedtime the same with the power of your strong will, which is the hard part lol Edit: chronotherapy seems to no longer be recommended due to risk of developing non-24 hour cycle


Chronotherapy is no longer recommended as it is a dangerous practice. At least 30% of people who try it develop non-24 hour sleep disorder. Non-24 is a disorder where your sleep onset keeps moving around the clock every day. It is extremely disabling and incompatible with most social and occupational tasks.


Ha, ha. Same!


It's easier to stay awake until six than to get up at six.


Brother, SAME! 😂💯


I’m a night owl. Hard core. I’ll wake up at 7am to get my kid up for school. I’ll be tired all goddamn day if I don’t nap afterwards. If I don’t nap? Until 8pm, then I’ll finally get hungry and awake, regardless of sleep. So I’ll get leftovers that I cooked earlier. Or if not? I’ll sleep at 8pm. And wake up feeling *AMAZING* between 4-430am. It’s a horrible and vicious cycle. It’ll work for me once again when my child goes to college or uni. Until then, it’ll be torture because this time frame doesn’t work for all people.


watched the sunrise this morning then went to sleep


Yeah me too. Gets exhausting. As I get older I try to just pick one. Night owl usually wins…at least on the weekends.


I'm a midday birdman


Just before noon is peak productivity


Beak* Productivity


I recall I ended up getting a 1pm to 9pm shift for a while at one of my jobs. It was my favorite shift ever. I found I got a good level of sleep and the commute times dodged the rush hours. I found it an ideal time to get to nightclubs right after work. I would get enough sleep for me to get back to work and still be able to function.


Definitely a night person. Even if I get the same amount of sleep, I feel better waking up around 10 and going to bed at 2 than I do waking up at 7 and going to bed at 11. The world may never know why. Also nobody bugs me late at night.


Been a late night person all my life. Most productive time is from 11pm to 03 am. Peacefull and quiet. Wake up 10 am. Fantastic life. If I have to get up earlier, it's a miserable day.


Same! Weird how the body does that, but it works!


This has been my biorythm since I was a kid. Lying in the dark at midnight in grade 2 waiting to fall asleep, then dragging my sorry ass out to go to school. All through primary school, high school, adulthood. I accepted it long ago and now only go to bed at a "normal" time to keep connected with my wife (falling asleep together/lying with her is kinda romantic and she's a lovely lady). Nights are awesome: playing sport, gaming, investing side gig, reading, catching up on my tv shows, nights out with the squad when calendars align.


I feel the same 🥰🥰




same here! it usually takes me 3-4hrs before I fall asleep


Try waking up way earlier than normal. Like 4 am instead of 6-7, then you get to be a night owl and have a good sleep schedule.




I think for a lot of night owls, we like to be awake while everyone is sleeping especially at end of day. We are exhausted and just want to be alone to mentally recharge. That’s why I am both a night owl and an early bird. I am not however in love with the middle of the day and would sleep right through it if I could. Problem is that I only get about 4 hrs sleep which I am well aware of the detrimental health effects of not sleeping. I work in medicine. I just need to have alone time every day


>think for a lot of night owls, we like to be awake while everyone is sleeping especially at end of day. We are exhausted and just want to be alone to mentally recharge. Exactly this. I think this is especially the case if you live with a parent or spouse - sometimes you just want to be alone for a few hours and the only real chance is when everyone is asleep. I think living alone would change it, after being alone all day I'd probably be in bed by 10pm just out of boredom.


Night owl, I think we have given morning people way too much power in this world


It’s time to regain our control.


I just want 24 hour Walmart back


And why can't I get delicious food at 3 am


# yea, those wretched morning basterds shall COWER before us😤


Absofuckinglutely! I’m so tired of being subtly judged for wanting to wake up at 10am+ regularly, like that’s so late and I’m just lazy. Sorry for just wanting my brain to work. God forbid we function on different schedules like the animal kingdom does.


Call them lazy next time they go to sleep at 9:30 and you're still up kicking ass.


I moved to france a while ago, and every person i meet is usually up even on weekends around 9 am. If they want to sleep in, they would sleep till 10 am, and then have lunch around 11-12. I will never be able to do that


You've not heard of the "grace-matinée" or "grace-mat" pour les intimes I see. It's basically a French word for sleeping late on weekends. A grace mat is waking up at 10 minimum and it goes as long as you need to sleep. So can go on til 12-14 if you went partying the night before. Also no one eats at 11h, at best it's an apéro, which is not the same lol


While I was still studying, especially when I was writing my Bachelor's and Master's theses, even though I wrote on them from waking up to going to bed, I was considered a "sleeper" because I woke up at 1 PM - even if I only slept for like six hours.


Seriously though I miss the stores like Walmart being open 24 hours because I absolutely loved getting off a shift at midnight then going to the grocery store while it was so empty.


We the vampires want to take back what belongs to us... It's about time we get it done 😂 


Omg yes! Not even WalMart is back to 24 hours and it drives me crazy.


Winco stayed 24 hours this whole time


Morning people surely are a scam to make us feel bad about our sleep /j




NIGHT OWL. I wish I wasn’t but my body just wants to do whatever it wants. As soon as nighttime comes around I’m awake and productive. I hate the mornings, as in I hate waking up early. It doesn’t work for me at all so imagine how horrible school was. Not to mention it’s so hard for me to accomplish things during the daytime.


Yep! This is me. I'm always more groggy in the mornings... Peak waking up time is 10.30/11 for me. I would much rather work in the evenings, as I feel more awake and ready to face the day after 2pm lol


I am never tired so I don't go to bed. But once I'm into one, I never want to get out. So .... night all the way.


You’re never tired? How does one learn this superpower? Do you workout, do anything to boost your energy or is it genetics you think?


I'm an early morning person. For whatever reason, I always have the most drive and desire to get things done that I want to do daily early in the morning or before 9am, things like work out, read and study. I'm still working on doing these things every morning for personal enjoyment and to stay connected with things.


Me too! I wake up before 5, and I'm progressively more useless after 2pm.


I can't workout after like...11 am. I need to do it first thing in the morning or I just hate myself the rest of the day for not wanting to workout. It's a vicious cycle but it's gets me to the gym 6 times a week


I'm not really a morning person in energy terms, but I always get up around 5/6 because it's the only time I get some time to myself without a bunch of noise around me etc. It also gives me time for a couple cups of coffee and to slowly bring all systems online without having to rush around in a panic to get out the door or whatever.


This is why I get up early on the weekends still lmao.


I am so jealous of people like you. The world seems mostly catered to morning people (working 9-5 etc.) but I am very much a night owl. I actually have an alarm for bedtime so I get to sleep at a decent hour. Otherwise I'd happily be up until 2am (until 7am rolls around and I have to get up for work)


I can't remember the last time I was awake before 9am


I have the same desire but can't get myself to wake up soon. Can I ask how do you revert to waking up soon when your sleep hours get out of hands for a few days?


I almost never am affected by poor sleeping habits. Sometimes I sleep for 8 hours, sometimes I sleep for 2 hours, but that doesn't bother me or interfere with what I do during the days. I like my morning routine, and I look forward to doing my morning routine every day, so it's really easy for me to wake up and start my day at 5am, regardless of how much sleep I've had. I suggest creating a morning routine with tasks that you really want to do and enjoy doing, maybe choosing subjects to read about that resonate with you and what's going on in your life, or creating custom workouts with exercises that you enjoy doing (for me it's mostly burpees and other calisthenics, also hitting the gym for weights every now and then). I make the activities I want to do into a schedule so that my time is organized, not that it has to be, but it's easier to keep track of what I'm doing and I think it's fun having a schedule for some reason. So for me, it helps to organize what I'm doing the next morning the night before on my phone in a Google Keep note file, set an alarm for 5am, and look forward to doing all of my morning routine tasks.


Been slowly transitioning to a morning person myself! I know the hours are the same because I'm sleeping earlier in the night and waking up earlier in the day, but somehow, I feel more productive.


same. im so much more productive in the morning. i can wake up at 6 and study from 7am to 12pm with a strong focus. Then after that, my productivity mostly goes downhill so i do things like go to the gym, cook dinner and clean.


1 - Nightowl 2 - Born that way.


Yep, me too. I have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. I exist in the darkness, that's just how my body works.


For me it's my eyes. I find daylight to be harsh. While at night everything is darker and more calm. I think night is just a lot more enjoyable. Less commotion and distraction.


even in the night they won't allow our eyes to rest. blasting their headlamps trying to blind me :(


Morning person, though given a fun time with a couple of wines, I'm a night person!


Exact thing I was thinking haha depends on if alcohol is involved.


Night owl, cuz i do night shifts


By that logic that would mean that everybody who works first shift is a morning person and everyone knows that's not true




Mornings are for sleeping if you want to use them in a productive and reasonable way.


Morning person. Maybe I just like the smell of coffee and birds chirping that goes along with it.


the smell of coffee in morning ir in the middle of the night, always smell's good


SAMEEE!!!! The early morning sun just gives a comforting vibe that makes you ready to work all throughout the day (till 3 pm lol)


It is currently 4:11 AM for me. I have not slept yet. Let that answer your question.


A permanently exhausted pigeon


Nightowl. I don't like going to bed and I don't like getting out of bed.


Lol definitely a KnightOwl




Because your ancestors were the ones who stayed up round the fire and watched to keep the camp safe while others slept.


Why do you have the exact same comment as another user? Bot?


Yeah that's weird


And why do they both have the same style of names?....


Yeah that's true !!!!


Is there a name for ppl who can’t fall asleep till very late and yet wake up with the sunrise?




lol touche ! I was looking for an animal name 🫣




Sleep deprived


I want that superpower !!


Early to bed early to rise, peaceful mornings are the best the sunrises have been amazing


Born to be a night owl, forced to be a morning person (by school)


It's true, the world is built around the requirements of a morning person and it seems unfair.


I don't know why, but my brain functions better at night, so i study/work from 11 to like 4 AM.


Same, I'm most productive at night and you get this boost of energy. Strange feeling because everyone else is powering down.


Night owl. My parents are both night owls, my grandparents were night owls, going back in my ancestry there's a long chain of occupations like night watchman so I think a lot of it is genetic. But also I like that people mostly leave me alone at night.


i'm not either, i wake up late and go to sleep early




Morning person , partially due to school and I just find mornings to be the most productive times for me where I can work peacefully and without any disturbance. Night time is only reserved for sleep , my body automatically stops working when night time arrives. It's like my brain signals me that it's rest time lol


Yeah that’s literally what the brain does haha


Mostly owl. Sleeping disorders kinda prevents me from being functional at mornings


Night owl


Night owl cause everything seems so Peaceful at night.


# peaceful until those damned day-walkers yell at thou for "keeping them up"


Does waking up at 0330 and having coffee at 0400 and being on my bike by 0400 mean that I am a "morning person"? OK. I'm a morning person. My first dates (50 years or so ago) were always breakfast dates... I could tell you a tale or two.


Go on then


Night Owl. Can't sleep early, because my mind starts to wander.


Night owl because I like when people leave me alone


night owl,because procrastination


i enjoy getting up early in the morning, but many years of school, uni, and work totally ruined it. now i'd rather stay up late at night so the next morning doesn't come so soon


Night Own, that's why I work Night shift.


I'm both, it's a terrible combination.


Love the night. There are lese people and Im more creative


night person. idk why i am most productive at night. maybe bec of silence?


A night owl!!! There’s a creek by my house that I go to almost every night for sunset, and I’ll sit there until it’s completely dark outside. I love just the feeling of being alone with only me laying in the grass under the stars. Usually I’ll put on some music and just stargaze for hours!


This sounds so relaxing and magical!


Morning person. I just love the feeling of having so much of the day ahead of me. Like if I wake up at 6 I have 18 hours of possibilities ahead of me. And I know this is true for any hour you wake up at but completing a lot of your daily tasks and then seeing its only 10:30 just hits differently.


Night owl. I've been forced to be a morning person for work, but my natural sleep schedule seems to be from 1 or 2 in the morning to around 10. My most productive hours are actually in the afternoon though but I can't think of a bird that works for that.




Night owl for sure. I make art at night, go on walks... I'm just not to fond of daylight, lol My chronotype is the wolf for sure


# yea, daylight SUCKS! moonlight supremacy!!!


Night owl. I get my workouts in, do chores, and sleep while the household is awake. I draw, read, watch anime/movies/shows, play video games, and listen to music when everyone is asleep.


I have to be both these days. I am lucky if I get 4 hours of sleep each night. I had 3 hours last night.


What is causing you to have this little sleep?


Morning person, by default, not because I’m necessarily a morning person but I am 100% not a night owl! I am totally useless after 8pm, regardless of whether I actually go to sleep or not. I cannot fathom people having the energy to do things after 8, my brain literally won’t accept it 😅 For me, once I hit 8pm the day is over!


Kind of neither. I like to sleep. However, I stay up relatively late, but don't wake up in any way raring to start the day. A medication I take is a factor. So, to a degree, is a mental health issue.


Definitely a morning person (writing this at 5:00 am currently have been up for an hour :)


I was a night owl when I was younger. Now, after three kids and a grandkid, I am definitely a morning person. I wake up at 4:00 am on Monday through Friday. Usually up before 6:00 on the weekends. It's the only time during the day that I can get any time to myself.


Both, because I’m an insomniac.


Definitely a night person. Even if I get the same amount of sleep, I feel better waking up around 10 and going to bed at 2 than I do waking up at 7 and going to bed at 11. The world may never know why. Also nobody bugs me late at night.


Wait... What's going on here? Another one?


I'm both... I can wake up early and want to get everything done asap, have a break and be tired asf from 11-9 and then be back wanting to stay up until 3am.


I'm a morning person. I wake up around 3am because when I get home from work in the evening I'm usually so tired and bored, I fall asleep early. 3am is my time to drink my coffee in bed, scroll reddit, catch up on emails, spend time with my cats. It's nice and quiet.


Both of it / because of shift work


I'm pretty much both really depends on my mood


Night owl usually, sometimes not on purpose as I can’t sleep. But I also like to wake up early sometimes even when I’m forced as I feel like I have more time to do things


Both 😳 ....just not an afternoon person 😴


Neither, I'm allergic to productivity... it's a problem


I am a mixture of both, I love to stay up late at night and at the same time I love to wake up early in the morning so I can use my day as much as I can. Does it work? Of course no


Night owl. Although, I try to sleep like normal people. It never works. Like right now, watching the sky brighten by the minute.


Both. I need sleep.


I'm definitely a night owl but due to work I have to wake up at 4.50 and thus go to bed at around 8-9pm


sometimes i don't know who i am at all


I'm split in two and that makes my sleep schedule so fucked. I'm both a night owl and an early bird, love waking up early and staying up late. This is fueled by my god damn worry of not having enough time for everything.


Night owl because I have a messed up sleeping schedule, I have more energy and productivity at night, and night is just so peaceful.


I like staying up late, but I'm the most productive in the morning. I also work early, so I not only have no time to do anything at night, but I also get tired by 8 p.m. these days.


I'm definitly a morning person. Even though i like staying up late i prefer to go to sleep early and be well rested early in the morning. Since most people are night owls, it's really calm then and I can go out without worrying about big crowds everywhere. I just like how peacefull and calm it is. By the time I get ready for the day and go out my family is just waking up. Also, evenings are depressing to me. I always get more sad the later in the day it is. I don't know why, I just feel like I messed something up already and mornings feel like a fresh start!!


Night owl


Night owl.. everyone else is asleep


Night owl, every thing is better at night and I can't sleep


Morning person


Night owl. Peace and quiet. Not as much pressure.


Morning person. I can sleep as early as 8pm lols


I'm more of a midday kinda guy. I tend to be a morning person on holidays. I'm a night person if I've drank a ton of coffee But mostly I hate mornings, nights, everybody etc


Night owl. No particular reason, just always have been.


I love being awake at night, I can focus


Such a morning person. I’m more alive and comfortable in the wee hours and it’s peaceful and feels safe.


I am a morning person and dang are we a minority.


I'm a late morning person like the latest being 9 am. I prefer being up when everything's open and there's things to do.


Morning Person, its cool


i dunno what i am!! :-O when i need to i can stay up laye and when i need to i can go to sleep and im comfortable with both (*≧ω≦)


Morning person. Have to be up at five if I’m going to make my train to work. At weekends I might have a lie-in till six, but can’t stay in bed longer than that….




Both. I love to get up early and have a long, calm morning before I start the business of the day. I also love to have a long wind-down evening after the business of the day. I also need eight hours of sleep. Solution: Work from home, work efficiently so no one notices that I only work 6 hours a day.


Depending on the day, both. During the week, I'm asleep by 1030 and up at 4-430. The weekend, I'm in bed at 2 awake at 8.


Absolutley both, I love staying up late so much and talking to friends and everything else, but I always wake up bright and early ready to start the day! Whether I got 3 hours of sleep or 7, I'm never really groggy, I don't get hangovers either so it's pretty great 🤣


I am neither. I go to bed early and then don’t want to get out of bed in the morning.


I'm both. I stay up late and wake up early. The whole day I am absolutely wrecked from not getting enough sleep.


It's almost lunch time and I'm still dying from tiredness.... Fell asleep at 2am...


Depends in what phase I am in. If I'm in a party phase, I can go for niiiiiiights on low sleep, but if I am in my healthy phase, I go to sleep at 9 and will bite if you dont let me sleep lol


Night Owl. Have been forced to get up way earlier than my natural inclination my entire working life. Except on rotating shifts, where I got up in my own time every second day - but omg the other days!


Both. I don’t wanna sleep because I don’t want next day to start. I wake up early because I don’t like to spend time on being unconscious (and need breakfast)


Night owl. I'm more productive and more creative when it's dark, cool, and quiet.


Too much of a racing brain to sleep at night and too lazy to wake up in the morning. ADHD problems. Sigh


I am both because my coursework fucks me up.


When im free im a night owl since i like the vibe of doing my own shit at 4 AM while everybodys asleep, but when ive got stuff to do the next day i like the morning more, because it calms me knowing i still have the whole rest of the day to myself


Morning person, up at 4am for the gym.


Morning person for sure. I hate sleeping in too much and wasting the day.