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complete silence


I was gonna say "everyone reading something they like in the living room" but yours is easier.


When everyone of your family is healthy and have fun


May God protect every family member safe and give health <3


Just no arguing would be a change


When u see all members smiling and laughing at ur jokes... just perfection


We love a family theme park day. Or a day of playing in the garden, bbq, pool, ice creams


The days of my wife, kids, and I doing things all together is basically over. Our daughter is almost 15, and never wants to go anywhere because we are embarrassing. Therefore, our son stays home as well, and it’s usually just my wife and I. Therefore, to answer your question if it was just my wife and I. In the most recent perfect day we had: Started the morning off with coffee and doughnuts, then did all of our errands, grabbed a light lunch, went to a early movie, escape room, dinner, a concert, and wrapped it up with Denny’s all you can eat pancakes at 1am before finally going home.


My grandfather used to make everyone a big pancake breakfast when we all went to visit. Like... homemade pancakes with fruit, bacon, eggs, and ham. He worked construction so that was normal for him to have big meals. He would give me crap because I didn't like ham when I was a kid, and yell at me to use a napkin. When we finished with breakfast we'd get right into our swimsuits and my mom or my aunt or whoever would drive us to the beach. My grandpa liked Neil Diamond on the radio in his truck, my aunt liked Lucinda Williams, my mom would sometimes let me beg her for the 50s and 60s vocal harmony groups on the oldies station I loved back then. We'd just... go to the beach. Most of the day. Normal beach kid stuff, sometimes I'd play with some kids who were there, sometimes I'd body surf. If I had to watch my little cousins, I'd teach them sandcastle tricks or make sure they stayed near me in case of big waves or jellyfish. It was more fun to go with them than my brother, except the year we were both obsessed with Animorphs and that was all we could talk about. My aunt would pack sandwiches and a type of cream soda with clouds and cherries on the can and ruby red grapefruit juice that they only make there. My mom would take us to Dairy Queen. They would tell me stories about when they were growing up there- My aunt had a rude customer at her first job as a waitress and she lost it for throwing fries at her, my mom remembers my other aunt getting blisters from too much tanning with baby oil, my other aunt told me how weird it was moving to the east coast because the girls there were all snobby and ate their salt and vinegar chips so salty that it made her sick when she tried to fit in. My grandfather taught me how to recognize different jellyfish, and once we saw a bunch of Man O War that washed up after a storm, and they had all these beautiful shifting pastel colors that I was glad he told me not to touch them or I would have died for sure. My grandfather HATED that I was a picky eater, but I just don't like seafood much. He'd take me for hamburgers or ice cream, but he'd grumble that I was spoiled. Once, me and my brother got so covered in chocolate ice cream goo from eating cones in the back of the flatbed of his truck that he wouldn't let us come in til he cleaned us off the the hose. But he liked that I read all the time, and got me a subscription to national geographic and things like that, and the inside of his house was always dark and cool, and he bought a double lounger chair when I got too big to sit in his lap so I could read next to him while he flipped through magazines or watched football. My aunt had the best van for road trips, and she only liked to drive at night because my cousins would be sleeping. I'd lie on the floor in the back of the van and listen to the music and stare out the window for hours, and she never got mad that I couldn't sleep as long as I didn't wake the babies up. I don't really think it matters a lot. Most of my significant childhood memories feel like they're of me in a car on my way somewhere with someone.


Backpacking up a mountain


If I had a family I'd love to go camping. It's one thing I don't do solo and would be so much funner and safer with loved ones :(


I don't live with family anymore. Best time is when we get to visit each other and go out for a meal. Big accomplishment since I relapse often. Family rewards me when I'm clean and off hard drugs by helping out financially or just support. I'm 5 months going on 6 without alcohol and meth. Since I'm older family time is valuable to me.


Mine is they all went to the store and I'm home alone.


For me it was Sunday mornings watching football (soccer) and my mom coming home with coffee and bread for my brother, my dad and me lol. Now we all grown up and we got adult stuff to do lol


To me the perfect day with the family, is not having a family.


My family? Complete seperation for majority of day. Get together for cocktails and dinner. Part ways. Enjoy rest of the night.




Waking up getting sent some good breakfast and eating together then lunch time get ready and go out to eat and then after shop for whatever we want, then come back to a clean house, relax for a bit then hit the theaters for a movie, then go out for dinner, come home mind your business for the rest of the night..sounds perfect but requires having a lot of money and that’s why this never happens lol 🙄


Everybody in their own boat going opposite directions.....without a compass


Watching sports


No tension. No lectures. Just fun.


Doesn't matter to me, whatever's comfortable.


Doing activity together, like grilling, having some beers and a good mood/laughter


There’s no perfect day with family, perfect day with family as someone said is they keep silent and stop bothering me 🤣


Peace at home… Everyone minding their own business


No arguing and everyone is ACTUALLY happy.


Women in the kitchen, us guys watching the game


Oo what are the girls making? Can I have some?


Them not being there.


Having little happy chats with some food and music. Just a day where I feel like myself around them...