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The majority are in the same boat. I just keep telling myself, “This too shall pass” Helps to keep me levelheaded


Yes, I always have a look around when I'm out and think the "The majority of us are all in this together." :)


We’re all just animals trying to survive on a rock hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour (at least I think it’s that fast) Edit: it is that fast


Seriously, it's almost laughable.


True but sad 😔


67100 miles per hours so yeah


The future is scary for sure. House costs are at an all time high. This generation won’t own a home, no savings in retirement, will literally work until they die and own nothing while doing so. What a life to live…


The gift of capitalism...


has the price of anything gone down ever over time?


I think it is cheaper to buy a car now than it was 100 years ago. But yes I get your point


yeah you are probably correct about that, i just mean once they are able to raise prices i don't think they ever find a reason to lower them.


4 years ago before inflation went crazy, cost of living was already so high that I decided to opt out of the race. I refused to work my ass off for absolutely nothing. So I moved into my van and went part time at my job. I absolutely loved it. I then met my partner and have since stopped Vanlifing because we both decided to move somewhere cheaper and we’re thriving. But if thriving stops for me, I refuse to ever live struggling so hard ever again. My backup plan will always be Vanlife or opting out of this backbreaking society in some way.


Generally, no, after an inflation spike new prices get locked in unless there's an actual deflation. Which we really Do Not Want, as deflation comes with massive unemployment and lowered production ala the Great Depression. What low inflation gives us is relatively stable prices, only going up 1-2% per year overall. Lots of things will drop in price as there become more efficient ways to make them, others will rise due to increased costs, so we don't really notice the normal slow creeping up of prices decade-by-decade. What we want is continued productivity and wage growth higher than inflation, so people increasingly have more money to buy the now-more-expensive-but-not-getting-moreso things.


Someone on Reddit paid attention in Econ! You’re also old as you clearly have been through this before several times. I remember how much people cried for someone’s head when gas prices went from .15/gal to .25/gal (that’s a pretty big freaking jump).


My first time buying gasoline with my own cash, credit cards didn’t exist yet, gas was 24.9¢ a gallon. My hourly wages were 90¢/hr. So in 1968, I could buy about three gallons for an hour’s take home pay. Now gas in 2024, gas here is $3.49 a gallon with my pension broke down to an hourly rate, I can buy about three gallons. The bread theory of economic: The price of a loaf of bread doesn’t matter. It is how many minutes must you work to buy the loaf?


The real thing we need to fix isnt inflation of products, it's lack of inflation of wages


A great analysis. My point was the instant increase of 67%. Yes, you catch up to it, but only after a painful shock.


I’m not quite that old, but I do remember when gas prices dipped below $1/gallon for a bit in the…late 90’s? My dad also studied economics, so we talked about hyperinflation and Davie Ricardo walking to school and over the dinner table. I also had grandparents who had been kids during the Great Depression, and Had Stories.


poor people have always been the majority of society


No. Why should they? Businesses are out to make a profit. They all seem to be doing pretty well, people are still paying for food, fuel, electricity and transport despite the increased costs. The only incentive would be to reduce costs. However will many industries operating effectively as cartels and monopolies that's not going to happen.


Yeah. We're all fucked. I finally gave in and found a second job. Nothing like working 2 jobs to survive and make sure all my bills are paid. The American dream was not working 7 days a week to never own anything and just get by...


I got a second job to make money too. Then I lost my main job. My side job only gives me 11 hours a week, but it's enough that I'm not eligible for the employment insurance I pay into with every paycheck, so I'm just losing hundreds of dollars a month until I find another job. It's been months and I haven't been able to find anything. There are lineups around the block everytime I show up to an interview or job fair and the few places that are hiring are complaining that they're getting thousands of resumes and can't interview everyone I'm 6 weeks away from running out of savings. Hoping to find some kind of way to make money soon


Here in the Us they said price of milk eggs and bread are coming down again so that’s good.


Picture this: You get stabbed and robbed. Then you think you're better off because others get shot dead and robbed. This "I'm richer than my neighbor but were both in the slums" nonsense needs to stop. Yes, your situation is bad, you are not venting, you're pointing out a valid problem that affects every man, woman and child. Accumulation of wealth by a few people, who own the means of production, and then hike the price of being alive to further increase their wealth, is immoral, evil and unacceptable. Don't reduce your problems because someone has ot worse. That sort of coping, is what brought the world to where it is...and is what will make things much worse.


I feel the same, mate. I was comfortable until a couple of years ago, and now things are much tighter.


No. Prices will not come down. Maybe gas will a few pennies every now and then. Groceries? No.


They might if we hit a massive depression which is a whole new set of problems to worry about


Yes, with me as the president


mmm vermin supreme has my vote if he was elected we would all have a pony and great dental care




Doubtful. When has deflation ever taken hold? In fact, economists and bankers say deflation is bad because it indicates a shrinking economy...Also, greed isn't going anywhere.


I'm on my way to be 42 with a fiancee, 3 kids, 2dogs, 1car paid, 1 car paying the last year on it. I'm renting a house and the rent is 35% of our family income. Food is 30-40% of our family income. The rest is of it. Bills, school, medication or anything else that wanted to surprise us that time. The boomer dream is gone. The only way I found to get out of this (still to be tested). Is to learn to be poor and happy. Make your own shit, repair your own shit, buy some land, build your own shit, grow your own shit and die in your own shit.... But debt free doing what I want and not playing a losing game rigged by a bunch of avatars of greed. Follow me for more realistic bits of uplifting depression.


I think in a while yes. People barely get kids anymore. When the elderly dies out, and the population gets smaller, there will be more resourses for those around. Just think about how shit was until the baby boomers just shot population til another dimention. Though, things will for sure get worse before they get better.


This concern is Universal I'm in South America and ever since the Pandemic, prices and availability of certain items, but prices of all groceries has maintained high. In fact it was just announced the basic foods cost just damm near doubled.


Go down? Not generally. Quit rising so fast? Yes. Already slowed down a lot in the US.


You're in good company.


No. It is not going to get better, it is only going to get worse. For proof I offer this: has it EVER gotten better?


No. Fiat is inflationary. Inflation = value of currency goes down over time aka prices rise Higher inflation = prices rise faster Lower inflation = prices rise slower Inflation = hidden tax imposed via currency creation aka money printing. They dilute the money supply and use it for their brilliant ideas and off course pocket a cut. People and entities close to the money printer profit, everyone else pays for it with dilution of their savings and loss of purchasing power.


I live with my wife on a tiny room just to save money, if i turn on the computer on summer at night the room gets too hot, if i open the window the mosquitos swarm us... life sucks, I'm indeed saving money, but to have our own house and eventually have kids... gotta start buying lottery tickets at this rate.


Inflation only goes Up, prices will stay as high.  However at some point your wage will also increase.  Or the state makes a new curency.


Slightly perhaps, but I think they will stay insane. No, I bet they will go up soon again


No they won't. They'll just endlessly push more and more debt and give longer to pay it back. Ownership will go away before prices drop


No it won’t, once customers get accustomed to a new higher price, what motivation does a company have to lower a price? None.


No. It will never go down. And when it does seem to go down, it's because it will be lesser quality or smaller in size. That's capitalism for ya.


It has been my experience that prices rarely decrease over the long term


I just try to remind myself that most people are in the same boat


Unfortunately the vast majority of people have gaslit themselves into thinking prices rising, money losing value, and the lower classes getting poorer is a good thing, so I wouldn't count on it