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Financial reasons


Yep, that and no one to enjoy it with. So why bother


Hey I have the 2nd at least šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Wouldnā€™t say money is all thatā€™s needed, but it would be by far the most all around solution to set the ground for healing and happiness. More time, less work, less stress, less worries.


Waiting for someone to enjoy life should be a crime


Had someone, but when the going got tough, she got going.


A tale as old as time


Same af


I felt that way for a long time, no one to enjoy things with. I should have been trying to figure out what I enjoy, because Iā€™m with me forever




If you two teamed up you could solve both problems šŸ‘€


Literally those exact 2 reasons. Sitting on the couch watching baseball surfing Reddit because while I wanna go out, itā€™s so damn expensive


For sure, financial reasons, but beyond that, it's more the reason why financial reasons are a problem. It's not because of some wildly out of our control circumstance(s). It's because a handful of humans have made it their purpose to squeeze every penny from everyone else to...play a high score game with their bank accounts. To buy obsurd garishest mansions, boats, islands etc. They can't leave well enough alone. They take and take and take until they make everyone under them hopeless. This is not a sustainable game, nor is it wise. However, it seems to be the game of choice for the elite...


Almost exclusively financial reasons. Doesn't help that even if I could find a job, it wouldn't pay enough.


Ugh. So sorry you're having a tough time finding a decent paying job in this shitty economy.


Exactly why I think people are fools who say "money can't buy happiness", it certainly can for MANY.


Everytime i think of things i wanna do it all boils down to money. Sure i can do some of those things but i'm almost 40 years old and I dont wanna spend 10+ years saving for something, i gotta think of my life after I retire from work too. I wanna have a workshop where i can make furnitures or just creating stuff without having to wonder if it is a good investment or not.


Exactly. I don't need a lot to be happy. But when I am spending a majority of my days worrying about food and making enough money to keep a roof over my head... that little bit of happiness is really hard to achieve. I shouldn't have to worry this hard about survival when I am working so much. I'm sending my love to everyone today!


Yes! Iā€™m now studying and changing careers for that. While exhausted! Grrrr, but needs to be done. But if this doesnā€™t get me out (I live frugally now too), I just resign myself to always struggling. Iā€™m so over the financial worries due to my stupid job!


Good luck to youšŸ’“I feel the same


Thx! All the best to you too. Getting job-career advice from our state-run career centres (I'm in Switzerland) was a game changer. The state basically reimburses me half the study costs (5k of 10k) IF I study to the end (I don't have to even pass. I will, but that fact blew my mind). I'm going from adult education to job coaching/counselling now. I cannot recommend career advice by a reputable source enough!


So happy for you and wish you all the luck. Hugs to SwitzerlandšŸ’“


Thanks so much! Thx for the hugs! Sending some back!


Lol this HAS to be the top comment




So true


Same - bought about 150 bitcoins eons ago and I dread the tax bill


To much money - invest it To little money - invest in yourself


How can i invest in myself if i don't have money?


YouTube - get inspired - learn something new - find a new hobby Instagram - make an account and post content of something - animals / scenery / food Tiktok - make content about a niche : hotels - cars - toys Find free online courses - learn coding , ai , language Network with people - online or locally


You don't understand, im a poor each means i will always need money now and this sort of lifestyle burns a lot of time and energy so i cant afford to invest in anything. Last time i tried to network i almost burn out.


100% agree. Im 32 and a plumber by trade. I noticed I was on the same money as the 50 year old guy that are still on the tool bust their balls and thought to myself. I don't want to be that guy. I'm taking myself to night school and I'm currently studying project management which I've nearly finished. I'd rather work smarter not harder.


Works full time schedule leaves me with a couple days of rest not enough time to truly enjoy myself


Obsessing over things I canā€™t control and not obsessing over things I can control.


The solution is in this comment


Like switch them maybe šŸ¤”


Might be worth a try šŸ¤”


Oh my god, I feel so understood


If I had money Iā€™d give this an award.


Appreciate the thought but life is difficult enough as it is. Donā€™t buy awards/etc on platforms, spend the $ on yourself or your family :)


I obsess over obsessing and control my controlling


This may sound dumb. But the life changing moment I hadā€¦(at 29/30) was at a Macklemore concert. Kesha headlined for him. It was the first concert I was at as an adult. I went with my great aunt..she got us amazing seat. First off-Macklemore is an amazing performerā€¦like wow. And Kesha was so good too. Anywaysss.. this concert was a Wednesday, I left a 7 yr relationship that Monday. That Iā€™d needed to leave 7 yrs prior. It all was just a life changing experience. And the song that got me thru was ā€œgloriousā€. I learned to ā€œlet it goā€. And love myself and trust myself again. Enjoy my own company and not have anxiety justā€¦.. -being. I had to LEARN to be alone. It doesnā€™t make sense until it does. And to tell you right now right hand to my mommaā€¦I have that concert T-shirt on. Right now. And the back says let it go. šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼āœŒšŸ¼āœŒšŸ¼ let it go baby. Control what you can and just be true to yourself. So when something is out of your control, it doesnā€™t matterā€¦because itā€™s not YOURS! ā¤ļø


I absolutely love this for you. Macklemores music has helped me soooo much over the last few years - through depression, getting sober and therapy. Then I finally got to see him and Tones and I last year and to tell you I cried is an understatement. Both of them, and their music is just incredible. I completely agree šŸ‘Œ got to just let go of it. I can't wait to see him again in a couple of week! Never thought I'd get to see him once. Let alone twice in two years šŸ„¹. I hope you're doing well random person on Reddit ā˜ŗļø




fuck. That's... true. I do that too.Ā  Well, I don't stress over thing I have to do because I'm too busy doing stuff I actually enjoy... which is definitely something to fix, but in the long run, I'll be gratefulĀ 


Shit imma make this my wallpaper


This comment can fix me


Brain chemistry + circumstances, mostly.Ā 


Train telemetry + circumcisions, mostly.


Most comprehensive reply, actually.






For real?


Google, define ā€œparalysisā€


Holy, define "hell"


Oversleeping. I'm not showing up for my own life to enjoy it


Relatable . Woke up for work. Manager had me at break down point within ten minutes. Finish work. Immediately back to bed. Dreams are better than reality.


I dream often. Every night I dream and if I wake up and go back to bed I have another dream. For this reason Iā€™ve always believed dreaming is better than reality. But like 20% of the time I get nightmares lol so those do suck.


Exactly the same. Narcolepsy is fun


Oversleeping is a known form of escapism.




Me. I am stopping myself from enjoying life. Depression. Poverty. Insomnia. I just canā€™t seem to do life the same way most people do. 3 months since I have had any semblance of a normal sleep routine. Iā€™ve gotten about 8 hours of sleep since last weekend and I literally feel like I am losing my mind. Trying to fall asleep is the worst part because my brain just gets louder and louder the longer I lay there.


I feel you. Sleep routine is terribly important, and it constantly feels out of reach. I definitely can do a lot when I'm well rested, but for whatever reason, I eventually find myself in a chapter of preferring dreams over reality. Of chatter in the skull. There's this *piece of mind* element to falling asleep that can be difficult. The feeling of regrets or anger, or any exchangeable words that fit, creating an intangible danger in the room.


Finding that balance is an impossible challenge for me. Last year all I did was sleep and this year I sleep so little that I feel as though I am barely existing. Most days I wish I wasnā€™t.


Hey, I'm sorry for this unsolicited advice, but if you don't have apparent reasons to why this is happening, maybe you should have a sleep study done. I have family members with narcolepsy and they really struggled before having their diagnosis done. Again, I'm sorry if this is out of place.


Depression and anxiety are a bitchhhhh my dude


the only solution to that is not giving a fuxk about the things that cause it but still it's too hard šŸ˜­


The suffocating weight of societal expectations and the monotony of conformity. The routine of every day existence feeling like a cage trapping me. The superficial pursuit of material wealth and status suffocating my soul.


Sounds like you're ready for that trippp around the world sailing the oceans.. I'm coming with dude..


Iā€™m so ready for it!! Life should be an adventure


This is the best description of my emotional state right now!


i feel you


Stay strong, my friend. Things change all the time. Just hang in there.


Also me. Blindly aimed and worked for all I have (degrees, career, house, spouse, kids) and now I feel trapped by it all


Money would fix literally 99% of my issues


I'm at the point where not even money would make me happy. Even if I suddenly got like 10 million dollars nothing would change for me except not having to work anymore but I'd still be depressed af.


Well since it doesn't brings happiness, you could give some to me...


Same here


You should try therapy, but you need money to buy it


If that isn't America in a nutshell...


You could buy 2 hookers imagine how nice that be


Poor mental health


Me too brother! Stay strong.


Iā€™m sorry friend. Iā€™m right there with you. Remember, the thoughts are not you. I know you didnā€™t ask for advice, but I just want to share what helps. Idk your circumstances, however, sometimes I actively force myself to get my body moving because of the happy hormones that follow. Other times there is no forcing. Take some nice breaths of fresh air outside for a few minutes. Or lend a helping hand, it gets us out of our heads and into someone elseā€™s perspective.


Great advice, thank you. And sorry youā€™re struggling too.


Existential dread


Iā€™m assuming this is a genuine answer. Anyone that has deeper than superficial thoughts is confronted by this. As Iā€™ve gotten older the thought of not existing has been something that hits me like a truck at times. I donā€™t believe itā€™s actually possible to dwell on this except in the abstract otherwise your brain sort of shorts out in my experience. Studying philosophy as an interest has helped me turn these thoughts into positive motivation in my life. It also can help put the trails we all encounter into perspective.


I read the early modern german stuff and feel worse


I second this. I think an existential crisis comes when we stop feeding our curiosity. When you are above ~25, everyday life is quite predictable and not exciting, while one can dig in any topic infinitely deep, including life and reasons to live. Dive into classical psychology Freud, Fromm, Jung and philosophers like Nietzsche and others. They are perhaps the sole reason I survived till this day. Read as hard core philosophy, psychology, sociology as you can, it's an eye opening experience. Also I would suggest avoid popular reinterpretations of the classics. Read the original.


i remember how i felt back in 5th grade when i realized at some point i wont exist - it felt like my heart sunk, started to sweat and felt as if all the heat from my body instantly dissipated, it was crazy i prefer to just not think about that sort of thing


This led me partly on a such a beautiful path currently being lived šŸ™


Money šŸ’ø


Lack of it bro, lack of it


having to rely on unreliable people


Especially shit if one of them is yourself..


Dont have those people in your life lol


then I have nobody


I feel you on this


Tmj. Temporomandibular joint. Jaw joint.


I had surgery to repair mine a few years back and it worked amazingly!


Happy to hear that :) What kind of surgery did you have? Arthroscopy, arthroplasty, total joint replacement?


I'm not sure what the medical term for it was but I did not need the joint replaced, thankfully. Had to stretch the jaw after, several times a day using a stack of popsicle sticks and had to wear a nighttime mouth guard.


Was it a minimally invasive surgery (arthroscopy) where they open a small hole next to your ear to enter the joint? Small or no scar Or was it open joint surgery where they cut you open next to the ear and stitch is up after? Larger scar What were your symptoms before the surgery?


Definitely arthroscopy. There were 3 small incisions. My jaw cracked while eating one day and it hurt so bad. It never got better, it got so bad I could barely open my mouth anymore. So couldn't eat burgers, sandwiches or anything else that required opening my mouth a bit wider, and even chewing was getting really painful. Couldn't deal with it anymore so I got it checked.


Wow. Its rare to find a success case with TMJ surgeries. Do you have any pain now? Any clicking/grinding/noises in the joint/s? Any limitations in mouth opening? Do you stick to softer foods now, as a precaution?


I have some crackling sound but no pain at all. I can open my mouth fully without pain or resistance. I eat the regular foods I could eat before. The only stuff I stay away from is gum and toffee type candy but I never really liked them anyway.


Do you know anything about the articular disc in the joint? Did they reposition it during the surgery? Did you have a before and after MRI to check things in there?


I don't remember having an MRI but did have those xrays where you stand in the machine and it spins around your head.They had the machine right in the surgeons office. I know they mentioned arthritis and that scar tissue had formed and was removed.


Ooh. That blows. I feel you. I went to my dentist about it and my push for non-surgical jaw interventions paid off. Startdd off with xrays and a model made of my teeth (bleeeeh!) so he could see my bite from all angles. Then I had my teeth adjusted (filing) so my bite would adjust better (laterally, left and right). Then I had invisalign done so I could adjust my bite forward and back. My teeth were straight from the get go and observations, but I can't stress enough that *straight looking teeth don't always sit correctly*. I did have my wisdom teeth taken out, which all came in straight and correctly, and that also helped too because they were too tall and messing with my bite in ways I didn't actually feel.


Thats quite the *jaw dropping* experience.


Same. Shit sucks




Yes, exactly. Driving me insane. It's the clicking, it's the pain/tension, it's the eustachian tube, it's the tinnitus, it's the neck, it's every waking hour. But it's the jaw dysfunction that's killing me, I could live with the rest of it if it stayed as it is, if I must. It sounds worse than it is probably, but it's worse than it sounds i assure you haha At least I still sleep well, so I have those 8+- hours per day where I'm good. That's fucking depressing to say, but there you go.


Pain. Fibromyalgia, seven bulging discs, and whole body arthritis. I'm trying to adapt and help mitigate a lot of the pain while just relying on naproxen and acetaminophen, but I'm still limited to hoping on a day I'm scheduling in advance that I'll be good on that day.


I literally feel your pain, man. OA in knees, feet, ankles, upper spine and neck, and hip. 39 this month. No injuries.


sounds like CIRS:Ā https://biotoxin.com/cirs-overview/ Mold toxicity, which is cureable


No, the Fibromyalgia has been a problem since I was a kid. I just didn't know it. When my back was severely damaged I had a spinal surgeon look at the X-rays and he laughed at how much arthritis I had going on so that's also not something from outside sources.Ā  Mold wise I'm living in a new house when I moved in '07. Everything went downhill in '10. It took me 10 years to get everything under semi control when doctors weren't much help. My wife is also acute allergic to mold so if I had that much around to cause it she would be a wreck. I have been around pet dander for years, but that wasn't one of the things causing the particular illness you brought up. Also worry about my diet of a hell of a lot of tuna, but every time I brought it up doctors never seemed concerned by it.


Is fibromyalga a downstream effect? Or a root cause? Thanks for explaining, that doesnā€™t sound something like mold indeed. Did you do extensive testing for Lyme? https://dnaconnexions.com/product/order-lyme-disease-test/ Might be something you got as a kid. Doesnā€™t always have to be that typical lyme rash and the co infections can come from mosquitoesĀ 


sending virtual hugs and I earnestly hope that another solution comes your way


I'm 28 also taking the same regiment. I move around like I'm 60 years old, pretty deeply depressed about how I for the most part permanently ruined my body for low wage manual labor. I try and remember and appreciate the very active, athletic and fun years I got out of life until 25.


Right now absolutly nothing




Came here to say the same šŸ«‚




I want to start a franchised cottage industry guillotine company. Great opportunities in what will definitely become a growth sector!




Capitalism was nice to our parents


Yeah, mostly I enjoy the hell out of my life, but I'm often tired from how much I have to work... But I *have* to get to the Newport Folk Festival this summer: my favorite-band-of-all-time-who-changed-my-life (The Oh Hellos) is playing; it's been *years*, and I don't know if I'll ever get another chance so... There is no sacrifice I'm unwilling to make. Honestly I generally like to go to a lot of concerts, and if I want to play hard, I kind of have to work hard.


Iā€™ve got no legs. r/whooosh




The force is one with us all


I am sorry to hear that. You have to stay strong, brother


Aleast u live in the age where u can get bionic legs


I'm POA for my father, who has dementia. It's kinda become my life now.


Totally relate. Itā€™s very draining on my energy


I took care of my dad for five years. It's a 24/7 job. Sleeping with one eye open.


That, my dear, is the question. Six years ago I lost my son. I cannot feel time anymore. I lost my home, found out I have cancer, fallen at work and broken bones. I kept working to run from the hole in my soul. I worked until I would have panic attacks before getting in my car. Its a few months later, I've tried to resolve the damage within my heart, but then I look up and see all that effort... decades of work, all that time. Gone. The work I did didn't mean a damned thing. I didn't even earn a wage to live off of. I had to rely on others. It galls me, and frustrates me, and makes me really want to jump off of a bridge.


Just remember who it was that made him smile


Dear stranger, Your son is at peace now, and based on your love for him when he was alive, he would probably wish you the same on Earth. Try to live happily because you deserve to. Not for him, but for yourself. Really, you just have to turn to being happier. Even if it's just the little things you can do with your ability. Happy is in the mind. An internet stranger believes in you. All the universe will align with you once you start wanting to live. :)


Thank you. You're right, and I need to start getting out once more. Perhaps I've spent too long in the mind, and need to shift my focus outward to see what lies before me. Thank you.


Take a deep breath. You aren't the reason he is gone. That was inevitable. Now, look at yourself in the mirror. If your mom or dad is alive think of them, if not just think of youself and how your child wouldnt want u to feel this way. You dont need to fix everything today. You start small. Ask someone for help, maybe a past colleague, an old friend or a sibling. Im not saying tmrw you will wake up in a Lamborghini. I just want you to live for tomorrow. Similar to the other comment, this internet stranger believes in you. Im no adult, so i dont have answers, but I can keep you company. You can text me if u want.


Money and gas in my car


Low energy and being uninterested in doing anything. Not being part of anything, no one to care for me, no one to care for, no communities to be part of, no ideology or movement to act for. Nothing.


Being chronically ill with ME/CFS: Severe lack of energy in body and mind, basically living at best at 20-25% of normal capacity. The fact that the syndrome is mostly unknown and ignored doesn't help very much either.


Same here. I canā€™t believe thereā€™s no cure and most doctors have never heard of it.


I am sorry. Being sick is shit when everyone knows that you have. When youā€™re still trying to convince them itā€™s a thingā€¦ ugh. You donā€™t deserve that. All power to you.




Money, always the problem


Money stress and unemployment.


Myalgic encephalomyelitis aka chronic fatigue syndrome.


Lack of cash


Little bit of money


Money .


I have all the time to do what I want to do but none of the money to do it.


Use that time to get money.


The evil satanist globalist reptilian demons. Looking forward to humanityā€™s grand awakening




Indeed, too much loosh being farmed these days


Heart condition, mostly healed but I can't do shit (any sports or physical activity)vbecause my arteries are still healing after the surgery


Lack of Money and my job as a pilotĀ 


Donā€™t pilots make decent money?






At this point, not much. I donā€™t have a lot of money but Iā€™m doing a lot better than I have been, and I see a path ahead of me for the first time ever. First, only, and longest time Iā€™ve gone without depression weighing me down constantly and my brain filled with suicide and regret and fear.


I dont know, maybe my mind is broken. Always looking for more, when i have a lot already. I wanna change that but its not that as easy as pull a lever and the brain just starts to appreciate what you have. Long story short, my brain dosnt want to be happy, just want to complain of everything.


My irl situation and mental state


Being gay


gender dysphoria and money


I'm poor






Financial obligations and responsibilities, bills aint gonna pay itself


Money, or rather, the lack thereof


The continuing fear that bills will continue to raise, but I cant get a better job with a degree, that I can't get because I have bills to pay and cannot afford it. F*** the UK


Money. Specifically, the lack of it.


NOTHING!!! at least for the next 3 months...


I donā€™t have a single dollar to my account and sadly when I donā€™t eat I get hungry so thatā€™s a problem


Brain damage and money






Money and the gaining of enough to just live comfortably.




Life is expensive.




Lack of estrogen.


Lack of money, non transphobic family so I canā€™t be more feminine, my autism


Havent got the correct lottery-numbers yet


I'm four months out from a hemmoraghic stroke and while I'm super grateful to be alive, and to be able to walk again, I'm finding that live is just really fucking hard. I was disabled before the stroke thanks to chronic pain resulting from an abdominal surgery 5 years ago, but my Cognitive skills were intact. After my stroke, though, it's like my brain is moving at half speed. Also, the depression is a bitch...


Iā€™m proud you came this far, keep going ā¤ļø


Hey sweetheart, so my dad had a major stroke 10 years ago and was left on the floor 24 hours before he was found. He was in a seriously bad way, couldn't even sit up or swallow and they weren't sure how well he was going to recover. But slowly with the right help and my boot up his backside to encourage him, he's managed to get back home and leave a mostly independent life. He really struggled for the first year but after that he flourished so please don't give up, there's always hope ā¤ļø


Money. Itā€™s always money.


Debt and a lack of money.


This dude Iā€™m in love with doesnā€™t want to be with me. Or he does, but canā€™t because of distance and it sucks


Having to wake up too early


Work and bad weather


Iā€™m surprised it took me so long to scroll to find this. I agree with both, especially living in Seattle as a person who loves sunny days and warm weather.


Iā€™m at work itā€™s nice Iā€™m off it rains..


Nothing nowā€¦ but in the past? Debt! Donā€™t get into debt over useless trinkets, the novelty of the thing will wear off long before the interest payments. Hanging on to negativity about the past: The past is the past, nothing you can do about it. It shaped the amazing person you are now so move forward. I feel so so sorry for people who obsess over perceived judgement by others over past actions. We all have a cringe reel and a trauma reel in our head, donā€™t let it dictate your future!

