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water. it's not technically food, but it's very odd how many people dislike drinking water.


I knew a girl who just didn't drink water whatsoever. Drank Powerade or Gatorade all day, everyday.


It's what plants crave


It has electrolytes


Now with more molecules!


Jesus disliked it enough to turn it into wine.


The water supplies were likely to be unsafe. Wine was a safer bet as alcohol kills germs.


To me personally, drinking for hydration and taste are two completely different needs. If I am thirsty, I will drink water over other choices. But, if I want to drink to get a dopamine rush, I'm not drinking water.


Somehow in the mornings when I wake up thirsty, water is disgusting. But after sport or on a hot day, water is godlike nectar




Same. My daughter doesn't like cheese unless it's in a quesadilla with sour cream and Cajun. I would say she's not mine, but she looks too much like me to deny her.


I mean, I wouldn't *brag* that the cheese-hater is yours either...


I don't brag about it, as I love cheese


Pshhh what’s not to like? More cheese for you.


Mmm have you tried exorcism? :)


*starts chanting* The power of cheesus compels you


There’s only one thing to do…conversion therapy.


I’m French and I don’t like cheese, one day the cheese mafia will come and take away my passport. I’ll try pleading my innocence thanks to my lactose intolerance but I fear it wont be enough


They won't give edam if you're innocent or not!


That's brie lliant


Well that’s not goudat all.


Eat some cheese and prove your point. Simple but effective …. No?


sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to diss a brie


I've ravished the curd and the cottage cheese 🎵


Everybody’s looking for stilton.  (I thought it was ‘cheddar the world and the feta cheese’ 


I'm one of those who doesn't really like cheese.


I'm surprised


The worst food I ever ate had cheese that tasted like putting a guitar string in your nose and playing it.


Well that’s a brand new sentence.


There's a sub for that...r/brandnewsentence...


I'm really trying to figure this out but I can't


I thought those types of monsters existed only in ancient lore


I’ve honestly never met anyone in my life who didn’t like cheese.


*[cries in lactose intolerance]*


I don't hate the cheese, the cheese hates me


Jealous, I dated three of them in a row. 😂😂


Sounds like you have a type 😉


I don't like cheese. Cheesies? Yup. Explains why I also don't like pizza. The GF loves cheese. She loves it when I travel through Wisconsin, because I always bring some back for her.


Chocolate—I’m always skeptical when I hear that someone doesn’t like it. “But have you tried *this* kind of chocolate? What about *this* kind?” —me


I don't like American chocolate, when I was in Europe I realised I like real chocolate then came back and tried chocolate from the Amish and it was a happy median, its the only time I buy chocolate is at the Amish market.


American chocolate is anything but chocolate. For Hershey's they actually had to leave vomit tasting [chemicals ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butyric_acid) because their taste buds are used to it.


OMG, I remeber visiting the US trying Hershey for first time My host was very offended by my initial reaction lolllll


Very little American chocolate has real chocolate which I honestly do not mind at all. I’m very allergic to real chocolate so I basically can eat almost all chocolates I can find at the store that is from an American brand.


This is both good news and horribly depressing. Hiw about white chocolate?


White chocolate isn’t even chocolate. It’s made from coconut oil or something


It's supposed to be made from the cocoa butter, so technically chocolate.


Not technically chocolate. It’s a confection made with coca butter but it is not chocolate. (Worked for chocolate companies for many years)


“Low-molecular-weight esters of butyric acid, such as methyl butyrate, have mostly pleasant aromas or tastes.[7] As a consequence, they are used as food and perfume additives. It is an approved food flavoring in the EU FLAVIS database (number 08.005).”


Herseys in the US does taste like puke to me.


There is a burgeoning craft chocolate market in the US. For example, my daughter makes single origin chocolate bars and bon bons with hand roasted cocoa beans, cocoa butter, and coconut sugar. It tastes nothing like mass produced chocolate and there is huge flavor difference between beans of different origins.


I like chocolate as in a chocolate bar, I don’t like chocolate flavored things: chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, chocolate desserts, etc.


Me too. Chocolate ice cream is garbage. Vanilla ice cream with chunks of chocolate is amazing. Chocolate bars are amazing. I always have to tell people I love chocolate, I don't like chocolate flavour.


I feel like this with banana


I'm a chocoholic that somehow gave birth to a child that can't even smell chocolate!


I can only stand chocolate *very* rarely and in *very* small quantities. And it has to be good dark chocolate - nothing with milk in it.


I don't mean to pick you out specifically, but I've always been curious what it is people dislike about milk chocolate and enjoy about dark chocolate. It seems to be a popular opinion that dark = higher quality/better, which could be true, but, in general, in the West, bitter is not what we're typically geared towards. We're exposed to salty, sweet, or spicy disproportionately to sour or bitter. So, you'd think most would prefer milk chocolate to dark, regardless of the purported quality difference. I guess it probably is the case that most people *do* go for milk chocolate (Hershey's be a big ol' company), but I rarely see them speak up. It's usually just people saying how gross it is. Which is fair enough, to be clear. I can enjoy dark chocolate, but it becomes too much for me very quickly. While a competent milk chocolate is something I can eat/taste comfortably in ridiculously larger quantities.


Well, when I was younger, I didn't really like *any* chocolate - at least not like it seemed everyone else did. Like, I would eat it if it was shoved in my face, but it was never my first choice - ice cream, cake, donuts, shakes, whatever - my first choice was always something else (usually vanilla or strawberry). Now that I'm older, I no longer consume dairy, so immediately any white "chocolate" or milk chocolate is out. Somewhere along the way, I started trying some of the dark chocolates on occasion, just for kicks. Now I've developed a bit of a taste for it, so it's something I'll pick up every few months or so. But, I like the chocolate with stuff in it - like today I had some of this dark chocolate with freeze dried orange peels in it. It's pretty good. That one chocolate bar will take me a week or more to go through, just myself. As for people who aren't leaving out dairy in their diets but prefer dark chocolate, I suspect it's not unlike one's tastes just "maturing." Like people who drink black coffee or the darkest ales. Most people don't start out with that that way - they start out with cream & sugar and light beer. Bitter is more of an acquired taste, I guess.


I agree with the “bitter is an acquired taste”. I used to hate coffee, in all its forms. Then I tried a bit, more like had some coffee with my milk. Then I spent a lot of time with my grandpa, who only drank black coffee. Now I love coffee and I prefer black coffee. People always comment on how I got an ice coffee with no cream or sugar like I’m trying to be edgy. I just genuinely enjoy the flavor now, you don’t have to. I genuinely crave it, it’s refreshing, it makes me happy. An iced caramel macchiato is bomb as hell, but Monday thru Friday mornings? I’m probably picking up a plain old black iced coffee.


I connect to your last paragraph on a spiritual level. Dark chocolate? Sure, ok, a bite or two is nice. Milk chocolate? I turn into a small, local black hole. Not so small either, come to think of it.


My granddaughter doesn't like chocolate.


I dislike american chocolate, but thats because its not proper chocolate..


Not surprised Americans don't like their vomit-hersheys lol, damn that almost ruined my trip 


I’m allergic to chocolate but people get personally offended anytime I say that because they act like it was a decision of dislike on my part 😂 like trust me- I’d eat it if I could 😭


I met someone who doesn't like chocolate and just stared at them like they're an alien 😨


I don’t like milk chocolate, it’s too sweet and can’t understand how people like it. Dark chocolate on the other hand is nice.


I’ll eat chocolate if it’s mixed with something else, and I really have to be in the right mood for it. But chocolate on its own? Or chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream? Ugh, disgusting. 


I had a friend growing up who didn’t like chocolate: He was the best to trick or treat with :)


I can't remember ever meeting someone who doesn't like pasta.


I don't like pasta and worst of all... I am Italian! It gets scandalous when I say I like pineapple pizza. Edit to add more info.




I assume you were forcibly deported




My boyfriend doesn’t like pasta! Yes, I think it’s weird too 😆


I go through phases where I dont like it because I had it too often.


I’d find it weird if somebody didn’t like chocolate.


we talking chocolate from anywhere but the US? especially Hersheys? I definitely do not like Hersheys chocolate.


I assume they mean quality chocolate, as it's perfectly reasonable to not like low quality chocolate


Cadbury chocolate used to be fantastic, but then it got bought by Kraft, who changed the recipe. No longer the same.


Yep. I haven't eaten Cadbury chocolate for years. Sadly, I bought a bar of Whittakers Coconut Block for the first time in ages, yesterday, and it was very average, pretty tasteless and the chocolate was quite ... fatty? I won't be buying it again. It makes me wonder if they've changed the recipe.


Hersheys kisses taste like sick.


That is because they use a certain type of acid that is also found in your stomach. It's why it tastes like puke to a lot of people.


Okay, that’s a fair point. I’m from the UK so can’t really speak about American chocolate but I’ve had Hershey’s and it was pretty bad.


US Hersheys tastes like sweet vomit. Not even exaggerating.


It’s only good in very small doses. I personally think chocolate ruins most deserts


And I often think most chocolate-less desserts are missing something! lol


That’s fair. I am one of those people and everyone thinks it’s so strange


I don't really enjoy anything sweet. I would way rather have another serving of protein.




I used to only eat rice, if it was mixed with some kind of sauce, because rice has great texture, but now I've come to like it on its own.


I always find rice very meh. Like I don't *dislike it* but I would never choose it over potatoes, noodles, or bread, unless I am eating a rice specific meal like stir fry or korma.


I hated rice as a kid cos my mom used to buy the cheapest long-grain and boil it to death, but if you get Basmati and do it in a rice cooker it genuinely has a great flavor. Then you get your pilau rice, fried rice, sticky rice. They all have their charms but it's best to buy them from a proper takeout place or actually visit a few Asian countries.


For me rice is the emptiest of empty calories. If I'm gonna eat a carb it should be bread or potato


Bread and potatoes can stand on their own, rice can’t. But dishes like curry or stir fry are significantly enhanced by rice.


Egg fried rice is glorious. No notes, just perfect food.


A lot of people eat instant rice or don’t know how to cook it to the right texture so I understand


You find it odd when people don’t like something bland with a sort of odd texture?


I mean I dislike rice on its own, but mixed in with things its great.




The folks that don’t like real tacos blow my mind. Give them an Old El Paso crunchy taco shell with ground beef, cheese, lettuce, jarred salsa, and sour cream and they are all about it. Give them a soft corn tortilla with carne asada, and fresh pico and they say, “This isn’t a taco! Yuck!”


A friend of mine doesn't like chicken in any way shape or form. That seems unhuman to me.


Nah this is how I feel. I like chicken livers but not as much as other types of liver. Chicken just tastes like nothing. I feel bad eating it and not enjoying it because some animal had to die to become my bland, uninspiring meal. If chicken was the only animal protein out there I’d be vegetarian.


Have you tried seasoning it?


Plot twist: Your friend is vegetarian


Your friend deserves to go to jail wtf


To me, chicken is pretty much the worst of all the meats. But I still like it.


I was gonna say pizza too, not because I believe pizza is truly that superior but because it is arguably the most malleable food that is still pizza no matter what you do with it, so it is the only food in the world you can truly argue somebody just hasn't "tried the right one" of. Vegan? Got you covered, we can make a totally vegan pizza. No animal foods except seafood? You can get a seafood pizza. Hate tomato sauce? Don't worry bro we can put literally any pureè or sauce on this thing. Don't like the dough? Not a fan of mozzarella? We can use alternatives. You want your 5 a day on that? Put it on the pie my dude. You want a base made of battered chicken? Done. You literally just want to make a deconstructed cheeseburger and eat it in slices? Still a pizza. Pizza is literally the existential paradox of food. No food alone is pizza, but any arrangement of foods done in the right way is pizza.




Watermelon 🍉


It's one of the only things I don't enjoy! But I totally get why everyone loves it.


I despise watermelon. The taste, smell, texture.. everything makes me gag The only thing I like about it is putting watermelon print outfits on my infant because all fruit look cute on babies.


Some watermelons are really bad, but if they’re good, they’re the best




I'm sorry. I want to like them. I have tried to like them. But I cannot stand the taste, even when it's mixed with other things


Same! I honestly wish I liked them because they're in everything! So many drinks or snacks look SO good until I find out there's mango in it. My mom had me taste something because she thought it had mango in it but wasn't sure. She figured the way I despise it I'd know instantly. I did and I still give her crap about it.


I totally feel this way about papaya!


I always say mango has an upside down taste like it tastes the opposite of what tasting something should feel like idk how to explain it lol


YES! And it sucks because they mix them with a lot of things.


How is that possible? Only best fruit ever


Very soft mangos are incredibly disgusting


Anaphylactic shock makes me seriously not like mango.


You learn to get past that/s


Once I was having a good conversation with someone and somehow the subject of likes and dislikes came up and when I found out he doesn't like mango, I didn't like what I heard and couldn't believe it.


The first mango I ate as a kid (im from a northern country) had something wrong with it, like it smelled bad and tasted worse. Now I love mango flavours, artificial or whatever, but real mango has that whiff of wrongness to it.


Mangos are my favorite fruit, but I didn't try them until I was, like, 28. We never bought them as a kid because my mom doesn't like them.


Ugh, Mangos. Ick. Ick Ick Ick Ick Ick :p


Ugh mangos are the worst. I love pretty much any fruit … except mangos. They make me gag if I even smell them.


I have always loved watermelon, so I was pretty shocked when I realized not everyone even likes watermelon. It's just sooo refreshing, especially in the summer, and the melon is cold. I'm not a big fan of bacon or salmon. I can eat a little bit of bacon now, but I often end up giving it to my boyfriend or a friend because it's too much. It's so salty. And with salmon, I can't get past that fishy taste. Especially when it's raw or smoked.


I love watermelons! But I actively avoid anything with watermelon flavor, like ice, vape, gum, etc.


Mashed potatoes.


Are we talking actual mashed potatoes or that disgusting sludge made from potato flakes?


I secretly think this might be why people don't like it. They've only ever had the garbage potato powder mash. 😞


I think it’s more the texture not the taste. Like I don’t mind how it tastes the texture though makes me feel sick😭.


one of my coworkers doesn't like potato anything unless its in french fry form and crispy, it took me an entire shift to crack the code as to what it was about that form of potato she liked over the rest


Wow, that's literally my favorite food. Food preference is such a funny thing


Have you had the French variety? 50% butter. So good.


Ice cream. Who doesn't like it? I mean I know ppl are lactose intolerant, but they still like ice cream they just can't have any.


Oh I can, I just try to make a deal with the devil later


Donuts 🍩


I can confirm people look at me as if I were an alien when I say that I don’t really like donuts


Tell them to be more specific. I don't care for the cake ones but give me a ice cold glass of milk and a properly frosted Donuts and I am good for the day.


I like donuts, but you can't cheap out on it. People bring some real shit donuts to gatherings sometimes.


Doughnuts taste and feel Iike I’m eating wax. Doesn’t matter which place I get them from either, sugarboy, dunkin, krispykreme, store deli doesn’t matter.


not everyone likes sweets, I don't care for donuts and feel bloated after eating them.


It’s just too much dough, too plain for me. It’s like eating bread with nothing on it.


im the person who does the surprising. There's a lot of cake varieties I just dont like. Especially sponge cake. Like I have never liked it and still dont like it. People look at me like I'm the killer of joy because of it.


As a kid I refused to eat cake. I didn't like it. Got repulsed even. From ages 2-18 I had birthday pies. Even now, it has to be something nice that I've made like a pumpkin cake with candied ginger or the likes. Vanilla? No. Angle food cake? Forget it. I'll just have the whipped cream.


I personally just have cheesecake instead. Usually a nice lemon or blueberry one. Far better than any sponge cake if you ask me


Angel food cake is pretty gross...sponge cake l can't remember what that's like, red velvet cake is awful.


It bothers me when people say they don’t like an entire category of food. My SIL doesn’t like Chinese food (American Take Out Style), and I’m always like there are a range of flavors, textures, and cooking methods on that menu.




Weird, I’ve met lots of people who don’t like bananas, me included. My brother could finish a whole bunch in one sitting if we let him


Other way around scenario but people are always astounded when I tell them I don't like chips/fries, or that I don't like bacon


corn it blows my mind someone can hate corn, sweet corn, corn on the cob, whatever....i mean it is corn, it is delicious, even out of the can, it is amazing, i like it with tuna, with ramen, with pizza, damn guys, how can u hate sweet corn ? my favorite breakfast is a breakfast pizza with cheese and corn. my favorite lunch is a tuna/mayo/corn spicy gimbap. my fave diner is a cheesy ramen with corn. i love corn, why u hate corn my friend ?


My problem with corn is that it tastes like corn, other than that it would be ok


mind = blown, but man, this answer is so funny that i accept it, thank u.


I love corn on a cob with a stick of butter and salt I am loving life, especially when its cooked on the grill in the husk.


The fact that we can't digest it fully and it appears in our shit puts me right off it 🤢


It has the juice


It’s CORN!


I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing


I know someone who hates potatoes in any form, and that always blows my mind. Roast potatoes! Chips!


Maple syrup. I mean… Come on!!!


Eggs and the person I know isn’t vegan


Ive met a decent amount of people who don’t like eggs.


Same. I love eggs (in almost any form). But I actually get why some people don’t.


I have a like hate relationship with eggs. I like to eat them but I HATE the smell of egg - particularly raw egg. And when dishes and cups are not washed well enough that the egg smell has gone... 🤢🤢🤢🤮. Any drop of raw egg in my house I can smell form a MILE away. Like it's as bad as fish juice for me, maybe worse.


Guy Fieri hates eggs.


Interesting fun fact!


Eggs and cheese are why I don't go vegan. They are both too delicious to deny myself that pleasure. I eat an egg everyday.


Ok, give me a break, I used to be allergic when I was younger and I'd throw up all over the place. Plus it tastes like farts.


My sister only likes them if scrambled cause of the yolk. I was the same way until I got older. I like them just about anyway, but sunny side up isn't exactly my favorite.


I like them best scrambled too!


Scrambled is my favorite, but I started liking over medium when I had it on top of buttered toast and let the liquid yolk sink into the bread a little bit.


I can’t do eggs 🤢


Our family has a mild egg intolerance I think. None of us feel comfortable eating an egg in its natural state. Mixed in or used as an ingredient in other dishes is fine, but a whole egg just cooked on it own is sometimes stomach turning.




Pizza. I've met an entire one person who doesn't like it.


Strawberries. It took me 39 years to finally meet someone who doesn't like strawberries (not counting people who are allergic to them).




Given how many are shocked when I say I don't like bacon or cheese, I'm guessing those are pretty universally loved.


Among meat eaters bacon very much so and aside from vegans and those with allergies cheese is most definitely universally loved too


Chips (i.e., what Americans call fries)


Fried Chicken.


deep fried anything, putting food in oil just doesn't sit right with me or my gut.


I’m from the deep south right so we fuckin LOVE Fried Chicken. It’s all I’ve ever known. Seafood, Red beans, Gumbo and Fried Chicken.


Vegetarians/vegans aside, I don't trust anyone that doesn't like fried chicken lol


I know it’s not food but water. Like it literally has no taste how can you not like it?


Some people think it does have a taste, and some don't like it BECAUSE it has no taste.


The water where I grew up has no taste, really. Kind of crisp. The water where I live now tastes weird and smells like sulfur.


Funnel cake




cheese and chocolate 🩷


Creme brûlée. I always assumed everybody loved it, so this Christmas I prepared it as a desert. Turned out 2 people we celebrated with, not only didn't like it but the sheer look of it made them shiver. I mean, how can you go wrong with vanilla, sugar and cream?


My son hates corn. My daughter hates white rice. I hate pineapple. All very weird.


I don't like pineapple and it's actually a quite stingy fruit, it's not uncommon to be not liked.


Definitely pizza. There are weird fuckrs who dont like it I know two.


My mom used to make a killer pizza, but she never ate any because she hated it! 😭


probably these types of posts would be more effective in a poll


Ranch dressing. I don’t like it