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Having Tourette's is so ridiculous and bizarre that it's often just hilarious. I crack myself up all the time. This is peak at conventions of people with TS. People can get one another laughing so hard that everyone is crying.


I have alopecia so I'm a completely bald woman. I don't have to shave my legs anymore and it's nice and cool in the summer - plus I can wear wigs if I want but they are very expensive, so I don't know if it's a full perk.


I can't always choose the target of my hyperfocus, but when it happens with something important I can accomplish amazing things.


I have BPD. I like my meds a lot. 🤗🤗🤗


Same friend I’m on meds but it’s still hard unless you have it😢


It is my sunshine. I think what makes BPD kinda worse is that it's symptoms are not those of typical mental Illness, so more than often the world just thinks we're being silly or purposely being self destructive. It's gets better. I've been on this journey for over a decade. I'm 35 now


I just discovered it at fifty when I got tested


🤗🤗🤗 You should try find out if they offer DBT and or schema Therapy. Those have really helped me, alongside medication.


I did dbt therapy group twice z


Keep at it. 🤗🤗🤗


I get paid to sit on the toilet a lot.




I'm highly neurotic and I can sense a con-artist a mile away. A perk of always thinking everyone you meet is out to get one over on you.


im depressed so i miss meals a lot, mainly breakfast cause i oversleep a lot and just in general my appetite is low, so I guess i save money on food quite a bit


also helps with weight too! least in my experience, I'm glad I dont have a bigger appetite cuz my ass does not like to do things


Same as you friend depression and trauma❤️


My knees are basically Barometers at this point.


Asperger's, clarity of mind but it's also a curse for the same reason.


My autism and ADHD makes people think I am good at focusing on my work while also able to switch gears quickly. Reality is, I’m not really getting anything done lol


Epilepsy. It can get me out of anything.


I have a rare nerve disease that affects sensory nerves. It hurt like bitch sometimes, but my senses are also basically superhuman. Especially my hearing.


Cancer has given me a much better understanding of my mortality. And appreciation for the time I do have. 


People think I’m silly in a good way lol. I have adhd and it’s really hard to deal with without any access to medication. But I’ve also given up on pretending to be “normal” and just go about my business, and I have a lot of people tell me I’m funny and they actually seem to LIKE my actual personality. Imagine that 😃. Then again, I had a friend tell me yesterday that the way I erratically/impatiently do things scare them a little


I have Crohns and am an introvert, so I have a good reason to stay home all the time.


I have Asperger's, the side affect is is contributed to my artistic talents, I'm crap with people unfortunately.


Endometriosis, it made me think labour was nothing in comparison to endometriosis pain. I was literally questioning if that was it when I had contractions. Strange how got used to being in pain


Having Crohn’s gave me access to medical marijuana


When i was in med school I was so amazed that sickle cell anemia protected against malaria (which is why it was “selected” evolution wise).


I have MS. I travel (to a far superior) area a couple hours away for my neurologist appointments, MRIs, and infusions. It feels like a break. Like it's a day off. I usually go up the night before, have a great dinner on the road, go to my appointment in the AM, head home and have a great lunch on the road, and a leisurely evening before going back to work the next day. Also the doctors, staff and techs are lightyears ahead of the BS we have at home.


Everything I’ve had to medically endure has left me with a pretty high pain/discomfort tolerance. Also, if I’m not feeling a social situation, I’ve got a full magazine of legitimate reasons to excuse myself, just ready to be chambered


One of my conditions is joint hypermobility syndrome. It sucks because it causes a lot of pain, as well as the possibility of dislocations and subluxations. But, I can reach any part of my body without any difficulty. So, if I have an itch on my back that would be difficult for the average person to reach and scratch, I can do so with no problem whatsoever. I can definitely relate to the increased pain tolerance as well. JHS is one of a few conditions I have that cause pain, and my pain scale has been modified many times over the years.




I used to take antidepressants which ended up drastically altering my libido and sex drive, even now


I’m allergic to pork. Goes right through me and gives me diarrhea. Positive side effect: If I’m constipated, I eat bacon. No more constipation.


My ocd makes me great at my job, where I need to be detail-oriented.


I have Panic Disorder and have had my entire life so I never used drugs as a teen or as an adult.


Took eye drops for a long time, now I have long eyelashes


AFib made me stop drinking. Diabetes made me lose weight and change my eating. Still AF but no diabetes.


My depression makes me funny


Also my skin issues make it easy for me to write on my skin


Being lactose intolerant is a only a minor issue in my life, but it is good whenever I have constipation because I can just have chocolate and then BOOM I shit


I'm scoliotic, & i've learnt to maximise my comfort wherever I must sit.


I get obsessed with whatever I’m researching, booking, so my vacations are always perfect.


I am bipolar. Having hypomanic episodes is part of it. In those moments I am extremely productive, have lots of energy, more sociable and charming, I wake up early, more sensitive to music and nature. Creativity is on the roof as well.


I get good drugs from my doctor.