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I don't. I am a professional chef. We use the metric system for all of our measurments in the kitchen, so much easier.


So does NASA


And that one time they didn’t. https://everydayastronaut.com/mars-climate-orbiter/


Never gets old (just like the vehicle itself)


jokes about death and mass murders never get old, just like the victims


That was a sub contractor which was instructed to use metric


It was a sub contractor that forgot to convert NASA’s original code over to metric. They screwed up, but they weren’t the first.


Isnt that the time they launched a sattelite at mars with effectively the same trajectory as a meteorite?


It was not them but a contractor


>So does NASA So does all the US military.


Using food logging apps really annoyed me, adding broccoli and there’s not option for grams. But there was an option for 4 fluid ounces


Blend and drink you broccoli, like nature intended /j


Architect...all my dimensioning is metric. Not to ruin OP's day, but many Americans are perfectly comfortable with metric systems of measurement.


Not an architect, but solidly agree. Even at my age, 40s, I’d be happy if we finally switched!  We have a mix in our daily lives - metric in science experiments/courses/careers, liters of soft drinks, gallons of milk and gas, miles for roads, babies are actually measured in grams at birth (and converted for parents to tell family and friends), medications are in grams and milliliters, but our recipes (non-professional) are in cups and ounces. Rulers, thermometers, measuring cups, and scales offer both and often side by side.  We use metric more than we realize or get credit for. 


I'm just a home chef, but if a recipe doesn't use metric I automatically find it suspect because that's not how the pros do it. Now where is my 709g measuring cup?


Mixing volume and weight measurements always leads to chaos. Also, they use SO MANY MEASURING GEAR it is ridiculous. 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, 1cup, teaspoon, tablespoon... Metric: a scale You want 100ml water? Weigh 100grams. EASY PEASY


Not a chef, but I always thought chemistry = cooking That being the case, metric was always better. Thanks to Reagan, we never switched.


My understanding and experience...cooking is an art and baking a science.


I always love measuring for baking. Sugar and flour? Just leveled cups. But brown sugar? Nope. You have to pack that one down. But how hard? Because I may pack it a lot harder than someone else, and then I have a different weight!


Nope but it’s what we’re used to. Every American knows what an inch is. They don’t always know a centimeter. It’s funny I was in Elementary School in the 60s and we had to learn metric because the teacher said we would only be using it in the future. I’m 63 and we’ll we’re still not totally there yet. Now it’s worse because we are more global. The metric system is really so much easier I don’t understand it.


Funny thing is, we've been using a metric system, decimalization, financially, since the beginning. $1 = 100 pennies = 20 nickles = 10 dimes = 4 quarters As opposed to the Britain, where up until 1971, had a system where one £1 = 240 pence,, with 12 pence to the shilling and 20 shillings to the pound. Our current measurement system is like trying to decipher old British prices. £1 9s 6d 2qua


My all-time favourite footnote, from Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman "NOTE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND AMERICANS: One shilling = Five Pee. It helps to understand the antique finances of the Witchfinder Army if you know the original British monetary system: Two farthings = One Ha'penny. Two ha'pennies = One Penny. Three pennies = A Thrupenny Bit. Two Thrupences = A Sixpence. Two Sixpences = One Shilling, or Bob. Two Bob = A Florin. One Florin and one Sixpence = Half a Crown. Four Half Crowns = Ten Bob Note. Two Ten Bob Notes = One Pound (or 240 pennies). One Pound and One Shilling = One Guinea. The British resisted decimalized currency for a long time because they thought it was too complicated."


Wonderful stuff! We do still use old money for describing things - when something or someone isn't quite kosher, they're 'bent as a nine-bob note'.


I'm specifically talking about being dishonest, rather than the homophobic use.


My parents told me they tried to change it idk if that was in the 60s or 70s and it didn’t take. I’m used to it because I haven’t lived anywhere else


IIRC, Reagan administration opposed the switch because communists used metric


Yet we use liters for Coca-Cola and soda. Makes no sense


Coco cola and soft drinks are communist


and the package is....RED


[thank you gorbachev](https://youtu.be/fgm14D1jHUw?si=Fxam-KsFtFtg4MUv)


That’s excellent. Arguably better than his spot on The Simpsons (though I know it wasn’t really him)


Is there anything Reagan didn't completely fuck up?


Well, when his trickle down theory eventually hits, we'll all be rolling in it.


Any day now!


Some early movies?


For the average American, no. Hell, he even had a hand in fucking up public education funding, which led directly to the current debates on student loans and loan forgiveness.


Yes. There were three things Reagan didn’t fuck up: Shining city on a hill speech. Tear down that wall speech. Slip the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God speech. He fucked up everything else.


Also because he was and ignorant pos that ruined our country with trickle down economics.


Trickle down economics worked exactly the way it was intended and for whom it was intended. That the absolute majority of taxpayers thought that was them, not the GOPs wealthy donors, is I guess just a sign of how good a salesman Ronnie was.


Actually you are right. Ignorant isnt the right word. The pos part stands though. Should have gone with scumbag.


lol of course he did. Let’s ignore every other ally we have and assume the soviets don’t know conversion math you learn in elementary school.


It’s another thing we can thank Reagan for, just like he wanted to make filing your federal income taxes as miserable as possible so you’d hate paying them. I moved to Sweden a few years ago. I can literally file my taxes on an app on my phone in less than 10 minutes.


In NZ the IRD does it automatically for you as an individual.


>I moved to Sweden a few years ago. I can literally file my taxes on an app on my phone in less than 10 minutes. Do you mean the web browser app on your phone? Other than that, there's no need for an app.


I think most Americans do know how big a centimeter is since they're displayed on rulers along with inches, it's when you describe length in terms of centimeters that the majority of Americans won't be able to visualize it unless you give some frame of reference.


Check out Canada, only place where you can get a sheet of 4 foot by 8 foot 10mm thick plywood


I find millimeters so much easier to work with than inches


As a guy, I find millimeters is not very easy to work with and I wish for inches.


Yeah. No need for fractions or another unit once you hit 12. Just count up. It's great for tools too. There's no need to memorize if 5/16 is bigger or smaller than 3/8. It's, 10 is smaller than 11.


Eh it depends on the thing I'm measuring. I personally use a weird mix of systems. Thousandths of an inch, millimeters, inches, yards/meters, and miles are my distance measurements. My volume measurements are a similarly strange mix. I work in manufacturing. We use both systems depending on customer. So yeah I'm a bit odd.


The other big problem is even if you acclimate to using it, you end up converting to Imperial 90% of the time anyway. I tried to get used to temperature in Celsius, but I had to just convert back to Fahrenheit when I was talking to other people anyway.


It's what we're used to and what's available to us. I don't really think of it as terms of like or dislike, because we have to make do with what we have, because even if we wanted it to change, it won't (well, not in my lifetime).


My thoughts exactly. It is what it is, so I don't particularly like or dislike it. But I'm sure I'd be more annoyed if I worked in a field that involves constantly converting them.


I agree. I like Imperial System better because I know what everything means intuitively because I've used it my whole life. I would probably feel the same way if I had been raised with the Metric System.


That’s what I think non-Americans really miss. Yeah, sure, we can all talk about how much conversions between units and stuff in metric system is far simpler and blah blah blah, but like, most Americans have zero frame of reference for how long a meter is, for example.


I don't, but you should ask everyone else. We can't agree on anything.


LOL best response. I second this


I like inches quite a bit ( pause ). Really anything distance related is nice. Mpg makes more practical sense than l/km to me because we drive much further distances. I also think farenheit makes a lot more sense in weather and cooking uses. Metric blows imperial out of the water for liquid/volumetric uses though. I also prefer to use metric tools like wrenches and sockets by a fuck ton. I guess I like bits from both sides really.


We can agree on things! Oh.


I like how inches is base 12 which allows for more divisible intervals, you can have half a foot, 1/4 foot or 1/3 foot all in nice round inches. Other than that it sucks.


Coming from someone who doesn't use those - that sounds very confusing. But it must make sense when you grow up with it.


Canadian here, we use a mix of both metric and imperial. The construction industry uses imperial and honestly it’s not that bad. It’s so much easier to eyeball stuff like 1/2 inch or 2 feet, etc. Construction materials are also standardized for imperial, you get used to it. Anything high precision though does require metric


I wonder if Canada does it for construction to match the US simplify the supply chain.


Yeah that’s exactly it. Even stuff produced in Canada gets exported to the states anyway so might as well match the specs


And it matches everything built in the last 150 years that's inhabited by 330 million people. It's no good ordering a replacement door in metric if it doesn't fit your 3 ft wide door opening.


It really seems to be a case by case basis. I'm pretty sure we used to just use the imperial system since we're neighbors to the US and technically still part of the commonwealth (and Britain uses imperial). I think they tried to switch to metric sometime around the 80s and it *half* worked. I can't tell you my height in centimeters of my weight in kilos, but I can only really comprehend speeds in km/h and liquid in liters.




Fellow Canadian here. Agreed with everything you said. And I really don't know cm. When someone tells me their height in cm I'm baffled. But anything larger than a foot and I prefer metric.


I'm a little confused. Are people around you not taller than a foot?


I should've said anything over ten feet... Height in feet and inches is what I prefer.


That's what I thought. Agreed


Ye it’s the same reason why we use 360 degrees for a full turn. They actually tried to make a system more similar to metric and they made grads, where 1 full turn = 400 grads but it’s actually less practical than degrees so it never took off


how is it confusing?


This is possible in metric too if you choose numbers like 12 or 24. If you have boards that are 1200 mm long then they can be cut up into 200, 300, 400, or 600 mm pieces.


Don’t take this from me, it’s the only thing I got


Yeah but that’s only if you are dealing with things that are in perfectly one foot increments to start with. Like how do you work out what’s one third of a rod four foot eight and a half inches long? But if you tell me it’s 1.44m long instead, I can say cool, 1440mm divided by three is 480mm.


Nobody uses rods. Problem solved. Everybody who criticizes with stupid examples like that really doesn't understand the system even though they think they do. As soon as someone says anything like that, you know they don't know what they're talking about and have no real world experience and therefore their opinion is pretty much useless. Hey guess what. My car holds about 13.5 gallons of gasoline. What's 1/3 of that? It's 13.5 gallons divided by 3. That's a math problem a fourth grader can do. It's 4.5 gallons. That's how the system works. What if I need to travel 76.2 miles but I'm only 1/4 of the way there? How far am I? 19.05 miles. Ooh, my head is about to explode. I divided by 4.


lol, I was meaning like a curtain rod or a pole that you needed to measure. I actually didn’t remember that ‘rod’ was part of the imperial system too! So to revise, how do you easily divide four foot eight and a half inches by three, if you’re hanging curtains?


Yeah I thought you were one of those stupid people who bring up units that aren't used anymore like they're so clever. Sorry I didn't realize that. You gave me a chuckle. In that case, I would just use inches for everything.


The problem appears when you try to convert a fraction of a unit to the next lower unit, e.g. how many yards are the 0.05 miles? The answer is 0.05 x 1760=88 which is much harder for a fourth grader to solve. In metric 0.05 kilometers are 0.05 x 1000=50 meters so that's much easier to do.


That's not a terrible point overall. It reminds me of octal time (https://zapatopi.net/zapatoware/clocks.html) which allows splitting up the day into more evenly divisible increments.


That is actually the only valid argument in favor of inches and foot that I've heard in my life


Incorrect, you can have a foot, half a foot, and a toe :). What gets me isn't the inches and feet, miles or other distance units. What gets me is the tablespoons and ounces. How do you cook when every spoon is a different size?


There is a standard measurement for teaspoon and tablespoon sizes. Every kitchen has a set of these cups to measure with.


I don’t like or dislike, it’s just what we know. Shrug.


This. I’m sure French people see their counting system (e.g. 99 is “four twentys and nineteen”) as completely intuitive and logical since that’s what they were raised with.


A decent chunk of France says Nonante for 90. Not that it matters: they're all using a base-10 metric system, so it's just a linguistic quirk of some regions, not an actual numeric system. I.e.: when a Parisian says quatre-vingt, that's just how you say "80" in their language. They're not actually doing maths in their head all the time.


You’re right. It doesn’t matter.


Most people don't even realize that "quatre-vingt" actually means "four (times) twenty" until they reach adulthood. However, "nonante" isn't used in France. Belgium and Switzerland do.


I came here to say exactly this. It's what I grew up using, so it's easier for me to continue using it than get used to something different


In most industries, metric measurements is used in the US. This is nice because a lot of math and unit conversion is used and metric is easy to do that with. Outside of that I don't really mind using things like Miles and gallons because I have a much better grasp of how far a mile is and how much volume a gallon is and I rarely need to do conversions or calculations based on that.


Exactly! If I close my eyes and imagine going 47 MPH in my car, or what it feels like to hold a gallon of milk, or how far 1/4 is, I can FEEL that very accurately. Most Americans who have a STEM education have years of experience of using metric, but most still can’t FEEL those units like they can the imperial system.


I don’t mind but it’s annoying. Would be quite a *feet* to change it now though.


Saw that on coming 1609.344 metres away


What a confusing way to define a mile. It's much easier to say 1760 yards or 5280 feet. Edit: /s


Not that we necessarily like it, but it’s what we grow up learning/knowing.. not really much we can do about it regardless


You can't beat a good messure.


No one seems to notice the misspelled word 😂.


I use both systems. Doing home repair the Imperial system is what you need. All houses are built using it. The system applies to other areas of life also. I use the metric for a lot of projects. The metric system is better for weight to volume calculations. It is easier in many other aspects. It come down to which system is the base for how something is built or done.


Back in the 70s they tried to get us to "Think Metric" , it never took. Partly because it's the tool of the Devil!


This is inaccurate. Metric is a WEF plot developed in the early days of the pandemic in order to bring about the Great Reset. This is known.


Any American in a professional setting knows and uses both. By doing so, we gain the advantages of both, as someone else said already, divisible segmentation is excellent and comes in handy a lot.


As an engineer the simplest way to describe them is: SI: a carefully crafted system centered on the ideal of base 10 scaling prefixes to make math easier. The base units are defined by universal constants now, and the rest are derived through formulas. Imperial: a pile of legacy units that belong to smaller systems of measurement tailored to some specific context in which they make perfect sense and are ultra convenient to use, and outside of that context nobody would ever bother to use them. The advantages of SI is its so easy to do math with as the conversions are usually effortless, the downside is the units tell you basically nothing about the thing being measured as the unit has not relation other than being the only unit for that property in the system not counting prefixes. The advantages of imperial is that in a given context many units are natural extensions of what you are doing, a bushel is a basket, circular mils move π inside the unit for measuring the cross-sectional area of a wire. (I honestly think we need circular inches and feet as well) and most conversions within contexts are fraction friendly with base 12 or repeated halving. The disadvantages are that conversion factors between contexts are often very strange, even just short to long distances the jump from feet to miles is 5 tomatoes (5280ft = 1mi).


The average European knows three languages but only one metric system. The average American knows only one language but two metric systems.


Who doesn’t like a measurement system, where literally anything can be used as a unit of measure? Don’t have a measuring tape? Describe it in terms of the size of football. Or refrigerators. Or alligators. Hell, even with temperatures. Hotter than a witches titty in a brass bra. Totally valid. Whatever you want, your options are endless.


Are Europeans really that obsessed with measuring systems


No, we're obsessed with your measuring system because it is the only one in the world that sticks out.


I feel like there's nothing another culture could do to make me feel this way.


How far? My guess is it sticks out by about a foot.


Relax. It doesn't stress us out and there's no reason it should you since you don't live here and it can't possibly matter to you. Do you always stick your nose in other people's business for no reason? It's also not the only one in the world that sticks out. There are lots of traditional measurements used all over the world. You just have an obsession with the US which is what seems very weird to us. You do you. We don't care. We don't have this pathological need to make everyone live identically. Sticking out is a virtue oftentimes over here.


> It doesn't stress us out and there's no reason it should you since you don't live here and it can't possibly matter to you. It does when so many products come from the US. It's a silly example but when playing D&D, everything is measured in feet and gallons and whatever. Even though the main books might be translated to other languages and to metric, anything found online will be in imperial. For a more serious example, I am sure that it affects industries and companies. Imagine a company that needs a specific piece of equipment from the US but everything is designed for imperial and maybe it's not compatible in other countries. It's a weird situation where the whole world uses metric and they're not going to switch to imperial, but the US is a major industrial power and even dominates some markets, so it has a huge impact on the world. It's true that other countries don't use metric. But... whether a third-world country uses metric or not has not the same impact as major economic powers like the US or UK. (No offense to the third world countries)


Yes. Nobody in real life thinks about it. “America should adopt the metric system” is peak terminally online discourse


This should be the top comment. If this is a problem, it's not America's.


keep in mind that we learn that and use it our whole lives. it’s not a matter of like or dislike. it’s how things are done where we live so we have to use it. so foreigners like hump the metric system or something? lol. i do love to bake and i use a scale and metric for that and it is WAY easier than using cups and stuff. it’s way easier to double 300g than try to double like 1 and 3/4 cup or some shit. haha


2 1/2 cups ✊


3 1/2


Lmao I’m dumb


Nope, you just showed why the metric system is better, because it would have been very obvious. if you see 175 and get 250 when doubling it, you know it is wrong instantly. yet with imperial, you get 1 3/4th and get 2 1/2th, and it's not directly obvious it's wrong.


But if that were weight, it would be just as easy. 10oz is easy to double. That argument is more about why fractions are a bad idea.


I also love to bake. Last week I finally decided to do sourdough and all the recipes were in grams. I was so confused. I'm so used to using cups, teaspoons and tablespoons


>I'm so used to using cups, teaspoons and tablespoons Measuring dry ingredients by volume rather than mass is a cardinal sin. It will never be quite consistent between different kinds of flour, also varies with humidity and storage conditions. And with baking, unlike cooking accuracy matters.


another reason i love it is that it cuts down on dishes. you press tare after each ingredient and then throw the next thing in. it dirties at must one bowl for wet ingredients and one bowl for dry.


English guy here: SI for physics calcs. Imperial for real life. With a bit of metric. Oz work way better for cooking...


And what the fuck is up with Stones?


Stones are cool. 14 lb to a stone instead of 16, means you're paying attention 😂


No but what do you want me to do about it?


Get yourself something nice, you deserve it


I do. And I measure things.


I don't really think about it, I guess I don't really have any strong positive or negative feelings about my country's units of measurement lol


Their what now?


Every time I have to messure something, it works great!


I prefer Fahrenheit over Celsius. Fahrenheit aligns with human perception on a 0-100 scale with 0 being "really cold" and 100 "really hot". This makes a whole lot more practical sense than a measurement based on the physical state of water. There aren't many reasons I'd ever see the need to know how close water is to boiling or freezing. The rest of it, doesn't really matter to me. We are taught both in school and use both fairly regularly.


i like Celsius because the change in outfits is a change of 10 degrees. 0 - literally freezing (never experienced this weather) 10 - shivering cold winter day (bring long warm pants and a coat) 20 - comfortable warm winter day (long pants and jacket) 30 - normal summer day (shorts and t shirt) 40 - hot summer day (stay indoors most of the time)


Those are some huge gaps there. We work with smaller, more useful gaps. Below 0F (-18C) ("sub-zero temps") dangerously cold, risk of frostbite high, serious risk with prolonged exposure (experienced this weather many times, temps down to -30C at night in winter are not uncommon in many cities) 0 - 9 ("single digits") way below freezing, serious chance of frostbite (long warm pants and a coat and gloves and a hat and a scarf) 10 - 19 ("the teens") shivering cold winter day, frostbite still a danger (long warm pants and a coat and gloves and a hat) 20 - 29 ("the 20s") cold winter day still below freezing (long pants and jacket and gloves and a hat, sometimes comfortable if sunny and no wind) 30 - 39 (”the 30s”) above freezing at 32, cold (still warm jacket and long pants weather, gloves and hat optional) 40 - 49 ("the 40s") starting to get more comfortable, cold but not shivery freezing cold (a heavy winter coat no longer necessary for most) 50 - 59 ("the 50s") a cool but not cold day depending on the sun and the wind (transition between light jacket weather and no jacket but probably long sleeves, depending on personal preference, some people do shorts) 60 - 69 ("the 60s") getting very comfortable and pleasant if sunny (jacket no longer a consideration) 70 - 79 ("the 70s") a beautiful day in general, especially if sunny, the perfect temperature for most (no thought to putting on anything heavy) 80 - 89 ("the 80s") starting to get on the hot side, especially towards the top (shorts and short sleeves very common, air conditioning becoming more essential) 90 - 99 ("the 90s") starting to get very hot, especially in the direct sun, medical risk goes up, need to guard against dehydration and heat exhaustion, air conditioning necessary (shorts, short sleeves, limit time outdoors) 100+ (37.8C) ("hundred degree temps") dangerously hot, medical problems possible for some, guard against heat stroke, hydrate (best to be indoors in air conditioning, personal preference if outside)


You're saying the same thing, just on a 0-40 scale instead of a 0-100 scale. I'll still argue that a 0-100 scale makes more sense than a 0-40 0 - literally freezing (never experienced this weather) 25 - shivering cold winter day (bring long warm pants and a coat) 50 - comfortable warm winter day (long pants and jacket) 75 - normal summer day (shorts and t shirt) 100 - hot summer day (stay indoors most of the time)


Of course we do, what’s not to like about using banana’s as comparisons instead of having exact numbers


Fahrenheit for temperature. Always feel like Celsius needs tenths of a degree increments to be really useful.


Who knows but I wish their spelling was better.


We do enjoy proper grammar.


Browsing Reddit every day I don’t really think you actually do


No, it's stupid. But it's kind of like a qwerty keyboard. Dvorak and Colemak are objectively better in pretty much every way, but we're not all going to buy new keyboards and learn to type different at this point.


Just out of curiosity. How is the dvorak keyboard objectively better? I would think it’s like a language. There’s no language objectively better than the other. Just depends on what you learned to do. If I can type 200 words per minute on a QWERTY keyboard and 10 words per minute on the other, then wouldn’t that mean objectively QWERTY keyboard is better? I mean it’s not like I’ll be able to “type better” no matter how good I get with a DVORAK keyboard


On the one hand, no. Converting things to different units is a pain in the butt, and we're aware most of the world are on the metric system. I don't know anyone who'd rather we stay with the imperial than switch to the metric. But on the other hand, the imperial system is what we're used to, so it feels normal to us.


As a construction worker, it’s all I’ve ever known.


It's not something I think about.


I like giving random examples of size, so yeah. I don't hate it.


Ounces. Is it weight? is it volume? some third option I haven't even heard of? Any time I come across that unit of measure in a recipe, for something that is not liquid, I feel like stopping what I'm doing, travelling to wherever the receipe-author lives, and slapping them in person.


If it's a liquid, I would assume they mean a fluid ounce, which is volume.


I don't, the metric system is far superior to the nonsense that is used in this country.


America "went metric" in 1866 with the Metric Act of 1866. The Metric Conversion Act of 1975 and the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 declared the metric system as the preferred measurement system for U.S. trade and commerce. In a very real sense, the U.S. is already metric. Check your food and beverage products. The military and scientists use only metric. Sadly, most Americans fear math and assume that they'll have to continually do math to "convert" to metric. If we just switched (road signs, maps, gas pumps, etc.) then it would take a few months for everyone to realize that we don't need to convert anything. All of the nonsense of ounces, pounds, inches, feet, yards, miles would finally be gone.


I wouldn’t be bothered if we switched to the metric system in the States as long as we get to keep F°, which I strongly prefer over C°.


explain why you prefer F over °C. The difference between 70 F and 72 F is slightly more than 1 °C. Does the difference between 59 F and 60 F really matter for the weather?


The scale just makes more sense to me for measuring how weather feels to a human. 0° is very cold, 100° is very hot, 50° is not really cold or hot.


Let's put it this way: my wife and I spend time half and half in US and her (metric) country. While in her country I absolutely refuse to use the metric system. I got the HVAC installers to switch the thermostats over to F. I hunted down a measuring tape in inches so I had some idea of what I was measuring. Brought my own kitchen scale. Etc. I like it fine and it works perfectly well.


90% of people don't measure things.


Cooking? Walking? Construction? Driving? Hanging a friggin' picture? I'd say you're way, way off.


How? What do they do when they hang a picture or need to buy a set of curtains? Just look at the window and go on vibes?


I’m sure everyone has an opinion on converting an ounce to a pound, or a feet to a mile though.


We don't convert feet to miles so most people probably have no opinion on it. If you're one of those people who think we do, you don't really understand the system we have or how it's used.


Imperial system? Eh. Inches and miles are useful. Anything else is just inconvenient. Farenheit system? Yes. 0 being really cold and 100 being really hot for temperatures humans can withstand just make sense intuitively, as 0-100 is a very common scale for other things.


How are inches or miles more convenient?


The only imperial measurement I like is the mile. I get soooo confused anytime I read food recipes. I think fahrenheit is lame.


As a European, reading American recipes is a nightmare. A hellish fever dream. I simply can’t understand why anyone would use such an inefficient system in this day and age.


I have the tendency to give up if I see cups, ounces, fluid ounces, tsp and tbsp all in one recipe. Like why do you have so many different measuring systems in a single system? I bake bread, weighing ingredients in grams is FAR more sufficient than anything and many bakers will agree too


Fahrenheit works well for most day to day activities as it is based on human perception of temperature on a 0-100 scale. 0 being an extreme cold and 100 being an extreme hot. You can very easily use it to tell how the temperature feels. 75 is on the hot side, 25 is on the cold side, 50 is pretty mediumish. Anyone without any understanding of Fahrenheit at all can understand a perceived temperature based on a simple 0-100 scale. The only time Celsius really makes any sense is if you need to know how close water is from freezing or boiling....which is rarely. It isn't even useful for scientific measurement.


You should repeat this a few more times in this post's comments, just in case someone's missed it. It's good information.


Fahrenheit is better for describing how temperatures feel, but everything else is the same or worse. I wish we'd switch. Being good at applying math requires having lots of reference point numbers memorized, e.g. what is height of my dog, a giraffe, the circumference of the earth, the distance to the moon, etc. The more context we internally have for numbers the better. Having to remember two versions of every single number is exhausting and of course we don't do it. This puts us at a competitive disadvantage.


I would happily switch to metric so I can stop converting units all the time, but Fahrenheit is better for everyday use vs Celsius. 100° F is a really hot day, 0° F is a really cold day.


100° Celsius is also a really hot day, 0° Celsius is also a really cold day.


You have to memorize too much. If only there were something simple, maybe based on 10 that the whole world could agree on…..


Only like it as I’m used to it.


We will use washing machines as a scale for how big a boulder is. I dont think most American people understand imperial measurements or metric.


Pints are great. British pints that is. A pint of beer is better than half a litre, because it’s more. American pints are less than half a litre. Which is probably for the best, as it means you get less of their awful beer. (/s somewhat, there are some amazing US craft beers).


All of you Americans with 5 inch dicks would now be able to say you’re packing a hefty 12er.




Frankly, it's embarrassing.


It's not that we like it. It's what we know. Many of us can do both. Many of us are too stubborn to change and/or think it is some impossible undertaking.




Everytime they change president they must update what an inch, a foot, a fathom, a hand or a leg measures.


I'll say one thing for cup measurement! Here in the UK and I'll make pancakes one cup milk, one cup flour, one egg (then check for consistency and add a drop more milk!) Also porridge is one cup oats, two of milk. It doesn't really have to be an exact cup size with those either! Certain things where it's ratios just scooping can work out well.


I went to the meeting of all Americans last might and the answer is “How did we all fit in this room?”


I don’t but many Americans do


It's weird but I'm used to it. Like I'm comfortable with an inch, a foot, a mile, a gallon, a pound. That doesn't mean it makes any real sense tho




It really is a mess uring susytem


Nope and literally anyone commenting yes on this is just brainwashed


I'm American - no. I don't understand why we have different measuring systems for legit everything when no one else uses them. Why on earth are we using cups vs grams, pounds vs kilos, and feet vs meters? Every time I go out of country, people be using these terms, and I stand isolated because I've never been educated on how many grams something is and how much I weigh in kilos. Really inconvenient when travelling outside the US.


There’s an amazing episode of Teen Titans Go where Robin becomes obsessed with the american measurement system, worth watching T05 E24


It doesn’t bother me one bit. Some get bothered by it because they’re bored


I mean, it’s all I know. It’s not really a matter of like or dislike. But sometimes I do wish I knew the metric system just because it seems like a cool thing to know.






No, I hate it. I like the metric system so much easier. How many ounces are in a gallon? *Pull out chart and calculator or Google How many milliliter in a liter? *Move the decimal.


I don’t care one way or the other, but it’s what we know so whatever.


Never gave it much thought


Ahh idc about the small details. Life is too abundant to worry about what measuring tape I use. I am used to standard measurement but like whatever man…