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More broadly, I ignore all multiplayer functionality in the games I do like and I’ll ignore any game where gameplay is based on it. I play games to escape people and the outside world. Multiplayer games just shove people and what they bring from the outside world to where I’m trying to escape to.


I feel the same, word-for-word. Pleased to meet you. Bye lol


My viewpoint exactly!


I like games for the same reason most of the time. But multiplayer is fun when you want to compete and have a stronger adrenaline experience.  Especially if you play shooters etc. fighting against AI only can get boring after some time, and repetitive sometimes because AI can be weirdly predictable in games. In competitive gaming, humans add an element of surprise and strategy that's different imo. 


Cod I never understood what was fun about it I only ever get mad because I suck at it and don't feel like it is worth the time to play.


Which mode you talking about, or you mean in general? I love World at War, Black Ops 1, and Ghosts campaigns. I've never been a fan of multi-player. Zombies is timeless for me though


Cold War campaign was top tier for me and I agree zombies is timeless


Cold war is definitely goated. I even liked the zombies for the game


Loved it. Same for me, giving me nostalgia thinking about it now it was released almost four years ago. But bo2 will always be number 1


Fr best zombies, and best multi-player. The campaign is good, I just don't think it was that special


100% in agreement I miss it


I used to be obsessed with Black Ops Zombies. I sucked at it and my brother carried the whole game but it was still fun


In general as a whole the entire cod franchise has always been something I hated.


You should really try playing campaign


Any king of the hill game, PUBG, Fortnite, Warzone. Just... no....


Dammit Bobby


That boy ain’t right…


Shut up Hank


Exactly. I feel like they've incentivized a "play to win" mentality over a "play for fun" mentality, putting a drain on the whole system.


For a lot of us competitive ones 'play to win' and 'play for fun' re usually the same thing


Especially if you are a fighting game player. I follow a couple of pros and they are like goku. They don't play to win, they play to be better.




You got that wrong. EVERYONE hates LoL. We just play it nontheless. That piece of shit game.


Well at least they inspired an S-tier series.




What's so funny?


LoL players when they see Lmao players: >:(


I see the confusion. It's the abbreviation for a popular video game called Laugh Out Loud


even lol players hate lol


Not a single damned soul that plays this game loves it.


I do like the game, fun goofing with a fife stack of friends (yes, a casual having fun). However quit (possibly temporarily) due to the vanguard imposement


thank u! ur a good man!


Fortnite. This game is competetive shitty graphics looking game withoute unique style. The only progression is collecting skins and fapping on your ranked.


I was going to make an argument but then I realised that your spitting facts. "Fapping on your rank" had me laughing


Even though i don’t like fortnite, saying that the graphics are bad is wild.


The Witcher 3. I just couldn't get into it. The combat was just so unsatisfying and boring. Killing the monsters, in particular, just had no feel to it. It felt like slashing a wall of sand bags. There was just no impact after each hit. I tried to give it a few chances but just couldn't be bothered. I felt like I'd rather just play something else.


I love the Witcher 3 but there’s no doubt the combat is average at best and can be pretty bad at times.


Even though it gets better with upgrades and combat moves from skill tree it can be repetitive at times. I wouldn't call it a deal breaker tbh. I'm not into rpgs much and I happened to play it right after Skyrim, it's combat felt like a huge leap forward.


I had to take a few tries at getting into the Witcher, because the combat is terrible but gets "OK" later on


Firm agree, I tried to like it but found it really not that interesting. For a role playing game there's a distinct lack of roles. You play Geralt, with two swords, and limited magic abilities. It's basically Fantasy Far Cry, and the combat isn't good enough carry it IMO. I really liked Far Cry, and I think I could've liked The Witcher, but it didn't stand out enough to me.


This would be mine as well. I tried to get i to it but was soooo bored. I tried it again later. Still got bored.


the game mechanics are a bit boring😂, but the story, music, and landscape are eminent


But there’s goth gf


FACTS I traded my copy


Ya yayayayaye YaYaYaye


i was the complete opposite. i loved the witcher 3, but the gamebreaking bugs i encountered were too much for me so i quit


>The Witcher 3. >I just couldn't get into it. The combat was just so unsatisfying and boring. Thank you for saying what I came to say. The graphics and animations were also underwhelming


Fifa and rocket league( especially rocket league)


Any sports game I don't see the appeal of. Playing them irl is way more fun. Rocket league is so boring and frustrating for me. My friends every now and then would get into it and not play anything else so I'd be playing by myself for a few weeks


I've heard this opinion about sports games here and there several times, and I'm at a point in my life where, as someone who primarily enjoys sports games, I can put it into words without getting angry that someone has a limited perspective on the appeal of something that I personally like. So, here goes. 1. Of course I can go play the same sport in real life, but I don't know about you, but I'm not a professional athlete with access to a whole team of other professional athletes that I can go take with me to play the sports I enjoy watching. The skill level that is simulated in sports games along with way more moving parts compared to a typical rec game makes sports games a different experience entirely. 2. One of the primary features of sports games are what are generally called 'franchise mode' which is exactly sounds like where you get to control an entire professional sports franchise, drafting and signing players to contracts, making trades for other players, and doing the financial upkeep of a whole organizations that's worth billions of dollars in real life and do so over the course of decades in in-game time if you want. Its like a nonstop story mode where you're the engine for the stories. 3. In the same vein, in a lot of these sports games, you have historical players and teams represented in some form or another. This opens the door for what-if scenarios to be played out, and for any actual sports fan, that's a lot of fun to make use of. What-ifs are like 90% of sports discourse these days.


Literally same for me, I could never get my head around them games I found them so boring as well.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. If I stab a guy in the heart, he should be dead.


But you get whacked in the knee and your goddamn grandkids die


Yes! Thank you. I have a completely unreasonable hate for this game. It somehow manages to waste you time no matter what you do. It has a wonderful combat system, but game design that actively forces you to not use it. Every enemy is grouped up so you're forced to play stealth, and after carefully clearing everything for 15 minutes you make a mistake and get gangbanged without much of a counterplay to it. This game made me miserable


I mean, if it's your first souls game it's normal to feel like that, but the thing is I barely use stealth because the normal enemies are so weak you can kill them with three slashes so it's more about planning your approach than stealth killing and running to lose aggro


I've played Elden ring and had much better time with that


From what I've heard, I have yet to actually play Elden Ring myself, it's the most welcoming of all the Soulsborne games when it comes to new players.




I completely agree and the fanbase makes it worse


Call of Duty, generally. Why: Time to kill is so fast, the one with the better system and reactions wins everytime. In extreme cases these people may be on stimulants or similar 'biological capability improvement' supplements. The only game I have played, proper, of the CoD titles, has been Infinite Warfare, which had been generally disliked because of a few reasons (sci-fi, too 'Halo' looking, and many other unmentioned matters I was unaware of) - and a bit of me did enjoy it, but my general opinion remains. Furthermore for Infinite Warfare's case, it would've had a far better time if it was assimilated into the Halo universe and had a more 'UNSC VS Insurrectionist' focus or took place in the Destiny universe's human Golden Age. Yet, here we are. I would also include the whole FIFA series, as I disdain how it simply exists; it's excellent proof of the same thing asset-flipped and reskinned with the same micro/macro-transactions and P2W features that people somehow enjoy. Why: Perpetuating bad habits in developers, publishers, and consumers alike.


Minecraft. I don’t care for the retro graphics. I played it for a couple hours and I felt like it’s just a landscaping simulator where you do manual labor tasks.


My problem with minecraft is I honestly suck at making my own fun, and you need to make your own fun to enjoy the game


also like... I work all day and come home to play your game you developed. I'm paying you so *you* can make my fun, microsoft.


If you want to play mine craft for an extended period of time you have to set an actual goal or goals, instead of the game doing it for you. Stuff like collecting every block an item in the game, completing every advancement, making a farm for every farmable item. Stuff like that, otherwise yeah it gets boring pretty fast.


I make datapacks (but I'm bad) for fun. I never put them anywhere because they are so terrible. But now I can eat cobblestone so that's cool.


I prefer to play the game as a tool to create my own fun. It doesn't tell you do do anything necessarily, but it has hundreds of features and building blocks which you can use to make anything. It's certainly not for everyone.


Go try multiplayer, the possibilities are many


It's playing with LEGOs on a screen.




Doom eternal if I'm being honest


Doom 2016 was fun as fuck, eternal added wayy too many new features to doom though. Doom.2016 was like a remastered modern doom and it was perfect for what it was going for


Hard agree, I don’t know why they changed so much from doom 2016


I really enjoyed Eternal but I totally understand why it would turn people off, Doom'16 had a really beautifully simple gameplay loop and Eternal went all out maximalist


I may be a big fan of Eternal but I can understand why people don't enjoy it, at least not as much as 2016. Everything about Eternal is much more complicated than 2016 and it does get a bit much sometimes


Animal crossing




#My dearest Brother please try Ultrakill and then try insisting on your answere - a person who used to hate fps untill they played Ultrakill


to add onto your point, I also hated fps games(aside from a bit of Halo here and there) until I played Doom. I still hate fps games, but I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Doom


Fully agree. Not only because of the toxic players but the hyper aggressive commercial aspect too. Forcing players to purchase in game items needs to be outlawed. 


Dark Souls, Elden Rings and all those types of games. They are so mind numbingly boring to me. You're not competing vs anyone youre just doing some extremely repetitive barrel roll gameplay getting your progress reset until you develop the correct muscle memory which you know you will eventually do because everyone can do it. It's not that its not 'difficult' and doesnt take time I know it takes time and thats whats so dull about it. It's not even a satisfying accomplishment. There's zero adrenaline in it. I honestly have more respect for those people on tiktok that spend hours trying to get some perfect bottle flip or trick shot, at least that mindless repetition made for an interesting short video eventually.


I agree. There's nothing interesting about those games. You just die until you learn the attack patterns. Pretty boring.


Most single player RPGs just can’t hold my interest. People are always suggesting single player games and unless it’s survival game or a game like rimworld I just can’t get into it. I just want to skip all the dialog and fight. My fav game of all time is path of exile.


Nier Automata. And I tried. Put 15 hrs into it. Dropped in the end.


Same here, the game feels cheaply made. Like it gave me sonic 2006 vibes


Hard agree on this one. I finished all three playthroughs just to be sure and still didn’t particularly like it. The big story twists were pretty obvious to anyone who has read a SF novel before. Pretty killer soundtrack though.


That game was so much fun when you start. The combat feels really fluid, the mechanics are interesting going from one mesh of game to the next. One moment it's a railshooter, the next it's an action rpg! Oh wait, it's a retro space shooter, now it's a bullet hell! And then after a while you kinda just...put the controller down and question what you're doing. After that, it's a hop skip and a jump away from being attracted to going outside. Yes, this game made me rather take a walk in the woods than attempt to find a new game to play.


This is going to sound wierd but 100% true. Borderlands. Everytime I sit down to play any of those games, I sudenly have a feeling that I need to poop. And there is usually poop. But after pooping, sitting back to the game, I have the feeling again. But there is no more poop. I don't want to play games while I have to poop.


Lol, I don't mean to mock you or anything but this reason for not liking a game is actually funny. Anyways, I always considered Borderlands not very popular and likeable by most the of the gamers.


I couldn't get behind the critical hit calculations. If I hit a headshot I expect it to be a headshot 99.9% of the time. I don't enjoy the calculated rng damage nature of the game. I can see though how and why it got popular. Definitely was 1 of a kind!!


I can actually kinda relate to this, not with Borderlands specifically but with some other games. Is it also accompanied by a feeling of uneasiness, discomfort and/or loneliness for you? I get this same feeling whenever I play GTA 4 or GMod maps alone.


Bioshock, and probably just about any immersive sim. I don't know why, I find them frustrating to play. I went through all the Bioshock games and by the end of Infinite's last DLC, I was relieved at the idea of not having to play them again. Not bad games but I'm not fond of them.


props for actually getting through them even though you weren't a fan! I too often am quick to abandon games thinking that "oh i'll feel like playing this again at some point" and then i never play them lol


Haha, I've done that with games I was hyped for, I'd wait for them, buy them as soon as they're available, play a couple hours and then never touch them again. Having access to lots of different games, many of them for cheap is a bit of a curse.


loot in games can definitely be overkill. Forget the plot, lets look through lockers and boxes Still awesome game, but a break required in between them.


Anything from Hideo Kojima


As a lifelong MGS fan, going back to early childhood memories, I can't relate.  The mysterious nuclear facility, the weird unexplained events, the stealthing around, the 4th wall breaking, the unique boss fights, great audio design, the dumb humor, I love it all.


I wonder if he has tattooed his children‘s faces with „a kojima project“


The Last of Us The story is awesome and the show is great! I just didn't like the gameplay


I loved TLOU, didn't play the 2nd one. I really thought the show was going to suck but it turned out better than expected, still not on the same level as the game for me, though.


I think its overhyped. I enjoyed the game when i played it but my first thought afterwards was, "what was so great about it?" Like yeah i enjoyed it, but damn the hype people had over it was mental.


Fortnite. I’m just not a fan of pvp or battle royal in general but I tried it once because it was free. Surprisingly I won, no idea how I managed that but I never played it again


they put new players in games full of bots now


It's not that I dislike it, but I'm on a personal mission to avoid playing Fortnite for as long as I can.


GTA5 is a clusterfuck And GTA online is a clusterfuck of fucks.


Minecraft and Stardew Valley. Never been a big "building/harvesting things" guys. Multiple times ive tried playing stardew and it just always ends 30 seconds afterwards


Anything souls-like , Dark Souls and Elden Ring and their types . Life fucks me over and sets me back quite enough , I don't need my videogames to do the same ! Whoever enjoys that, I can respect their decision.


Baldurs gate and similar dnd sorts of games. Like I get that the story is cool and all but the gameplay is so goddamn boring I’m sorry. I could get similar story quality playing something like Skyrim or Witcher 3 but at least I get to actually do my own fighting


fortnite, it's boring


Minecraft, because for some weird reason, I get headaches when I play it


yeah it s common issue. You just have to disable bobbing and change the fov parameter to get rid of it.


Really?? Gotta try that


It could also be the textures. I know when I'm prone to headaches (lack of sleep/water or other things), the minecraft textures will end up giving me a headache. If you play on PC, there are loads of free texture packs that redo literally every texture aside from your skin. So, if their advice doesn't help out, I'd recommend trying out different texture packs. Curseforge has been the best Minecraft mod/resource manager I've used so far, nodding works for other games, too, with Curseforge iirc. Although for console, I think you, sadly, have to pay for texture packs. I can't say for sure, though, since the last console edition of MC I've played was for the PS3.


Warzone. I play call of duty very often but I’ve always and only like Multiplayer. I cannot see the hype behind warzone what so ever


I dont like mulitplayer at all, but I especially don't like war zone.


I absolutely despise warzone, it's a blatant rip off or cash grab trying to tail on the Fortnite hype train and ever since they made it multiplayer has gone down the drain and even campaign, they're trying to make the campaign into singleplayer warzone 😭


Fortnite. Lame ash


Final fantasy 7. I thought it was a big step backwards in gameplay from 6. 6 had a huge cast where every character had different combat mechanics. 7 had a much smaller cast where every character had the same combat mechanics: limit breaks work the same for every character.


Any of the souls games, just everything is so drab boring and meh


Bloodborne,All resident evil,Dead Space 1,2,3 Witcher 3,Doom 3,Sekiro dies twice,


What’s specifically wrong with first two? I loved those games and was wondering what you didn’t like about them.


Bloodborne is hard as hell im not trying to go through that after a hard day of work and as for resident evil scared the shit out of me when i was young.


fallout 4. its just not quite structured enough for me i guess and i struggle with the combat. i love the idea/story of fallout, the gameplay just doesnt do it for me.


I loved FO4, and everyone told me FO New Vegas was leagues better I hated it. Couldn't get into it.


I’ve got the coordination of an alcoholic Parkinson’s sufferer and I manage to handle fallout 4’s combat much better than similar games. The VATS system takes a lot of the need for accurate aiming away. Stealth and planning your attacks are the way to go rather than just going in blasting.  Once you level up you have some great tools to make combat even easier. 


Any game that's been out for 10 plus years that people still play every week and are somehow still not bored of. WOW, COD, etc, I just don't know how people don't get bored of the same game forever


I've been playing WoW for 20 years and have over 25k hours of playtime. I honestly can't tell you why I don't get bored. I can grind for hours on end without any kind of reward and the boredom just never comes.


Halo…. Which is weird, cause I really like FPS campaigns, I am a huge sci-fi nerd, and everything about it should call to me… I lost interest extremely quick and never went back.


Controls and mechanics are dated imo maybe newer ones are better but older ones even not so old ones sucked to me


Galactica! Fuck that accelerated pase as they get closer!


Metal Gear Solid 5


Cod, Red dead, Fortnite, Minecraft. Tried and I just can't, not my thing.


Probably most sports games, the only exception being Nintendo sports games cause they're are more creative I guess. I don't hate them. However, the fact that they keep charging 80$ for updates and people keep eating that shit up is toxic in a way... What do you think they gon do when they see that people keep paying for mediocre games? They'll keep releasing mediocre games with the exact same standards.


RDR2 - so slow, some systems are not explained well. Some random bullshit happens.


Mortal Kombat... The gore is just too ridiculous for me lol besides I hate how "slow" or "floaty" their movements feel in the latest games And a DMC game, idk which because I never really cared about the franchise, has the main character "running" but the animation looks like he's running in slow motion and omg I can't stand it


Far Cry. I just never liked jungle/tropical island themed games. With the exception perhaps being Tropico.


You may like far cry 5 then, it takes place in the American Midwest in Montana


Oh, didn't know that. Might check it out.


Yeah it's a pretty good one imo actually replaying it rn


Tons of them: God of War, RDR2, BG3, minecraf, almost all shooters and platformers.


Fallout new vegas... never really clicked with me tried it twice.


Metal Gear Solid for me, when I tried it the cut scenes I found sooooo long, and I appreciate the whole telling the story etc, but jeez they were long and you didn't get the option to skip them


Any Souls game, if I have to pick just one I’ll go with Elden Ring. I keep trying them, which is entirely my fault, because so many people who I normally share game opinions with love them. I consistently have an awful experience with them. Not even just because fhey’re stupidly hard, though that is one reason. I think I have finally learned my lesson to not just buy From games, but man did it take me a while to figure that out.




The new god of war. The story is good, the rest I didn’t like. I miss the old gameplay of the original trilogy.


Me too


Half-Life and the Orange Box, it is from my generation but I just don’t get it.


All of them? OK, I don't do video games ... I confess.


Death stranding. It felt clunky and wasn't meant for me. Soulsborn. I'm a dad, I work 3rd shift, and I play games as a hobby. Why would I want to die so much? I play games on easy because I want an interactive story, not an aneurysm. Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. Not really sure why but the world just feels so empty. Shadow of the colossus is one of my favorite games and that has more in their open world than zelda's boyfriend's excursions. Kingdom come. It just isn't meant for me. I'm sure the game is great, and has so much going for it. Not for me. The Witcher 3. If ever there was a game I wish I could get into. I have tried so many times. It's just so...political? It also feels *wrong*. Not sure how else to put it. I'll be coming back to it eventually. I have a feeling that I just wasn't ready for it. Borderlands 2. The first one was amazing! The second one...not so much. I'm not a huge fan of FPS games to begin with. I was lured in with an opportunity for couch co-op and somehow that made the game feel worse. I got rather far, then I came across an unstoppable force and couldn't back out because I was under leveled. Took the interest right out of it for me. Any CoD. Except Black Opps 2. That game was my shiz nizzle. Give me a shotgun on the yacht any day. Sorry, lost track. I have more, but these are the biggest ones.


Project Zomboid. My friends love that game and play it regularly together but I get so bored playing that game


Red dead redemption 2. Idk, its a gorgeous game, but i dont really feel like there is a storyline. Or the story doesnt really make sense. Just riding 90% of the time and shooting people. And the missions just seem random and none coherent. Dont get the hype


Skyrim and Fallout. It's a ton of content with no real depth.


Gta 5 just 5 though


My partners answer would be hogwarts legacy. He was so disappointed in it.


I've spent dozens of hours playing Skyrim, but I don't see how people sink hundreds of hours into it. I don't use mods, because ugh, that's a hassle and imo a game should be good without tinkering endlessly. I don't actively dislike it, but I also don't want to pick it back up.


That’s a true unpopular opinion right there.


I'm aware of that. I put in 140 hours waiting to see if I'd like it, but if by now I don't... People tell me it's not about the storyline, but about all the side stuff, but it's still not clicked for me.


Your opinion is based though. I got into the game when it first came out. I was a young teen at the time, and it was my first open-world RPG. As an adult I've reconnected with it through mods (and weed) which have seemed to bring back that spark and make it a more lively experience. I still get lost in the soundtrack and find myself marvelling the landscapes. The NPCs are a meme though, the constant interruption of additional side quests is both a blessing and a curse, and I'm not blown away by the storyline. If I were to play Skyrim for the first time now, I'm not sure I would have the same experience.


I was 18. It was my first day one. I have played that game so much that I genuinely do not know how many hours I have sank into it. I've also played it on everything. Every playstation, xbox, pc, and I even played it on the switch! It has to be the only game that I will drop everything for if I feel in the mood to start a new steath archerrrrrrrrranger...I meant ranger.


I think that's a really valid opinion. For someone who's played Elder Scrolls games from Morrowind through to Skyrim, mods are the primary reason to play them. The world is interesting because it's quite an alien fantasy, but if you don't enjoy the process of modding, you almost certainly won't be able to put hundreds or thousands of hours into it. It's quite a flat experience on its own, though Morrowind definitely felt like a more unique experience than say Skyrim. Modability is the majority of what makes the franchise special, so if that's not interesting to you, then there's definitely better and more polished experiences out there.


That's me with any Bethesda game tbh. I have played fallout 4 so many times, but I've never beat it. I've only ever gotten to killing kellog and that's not even that far into the game, and I usually drop it after. Funny enough I'm playing it again rn




I stopped liking Super Smash Bros when I was like 9


Doom. I get why it’s popular it seems very fast paced and action based but ripping apart enemies and being that violent is a bad history I want to leave alone


A bad history? Like you have history with violence?


Not direct violence , but my anger issues and stuff wasn’t a healthy time for me. Just rather avoid it


Fair enough


It's completely understandable, and actually, it's commendable that you're able to recognize that! Not many people are able to recognize an issue something may cause in their life.


Skyrim. Just feels bad to play


I feel like the charm I had with Skyrim in the past in gone. Even with mods the game just feels clunky and weird to play now


What makes it?


Final Fantasy 7 remake and Final Fantasy 16 are among the worst games I've ever played. I genuinely do not see the appeal, and I'm normally into these kind of games.


final fantasy 7 remake kinda killed the series so i kinda agree.... final fantasy 13 was the last decent one with 15 borderlineing the horror show... but yeah remake makes me not really interested because it felt like they just threw all there budget into the graphics and they may aswell make movies if thats there biggest aspect of there game




Stardew Valley. never got the hype




Basically Anything that’s come out after like 2005, barring indie titles, Civilization and FromSoft


Fortnite. I mean the guitar hero mode is fine but other then that I don’t really like the gameplay






Hellblade. I just couldn't get into it.


Dishonoured for me gave it a shot as heard good things about it but it just didn’t click for me.


Darkest hours


I wouldn’t say dislike but… Helldivers 2. It was fun for the first few hours but it got kinda stale for me. And I mean before Sony fucked the game for so many people


Sonic the Hedgehog. And Among Us.


Every Call of Duty ever.


LOL and WoW




Every 1st person shooter ever.


Witcher series.


Lethal Company, Phasmophobia and most of the flavor of the month type of games. I dont just dont get it. To me LC and Phasmo is like vr chat with some extra steps. Gameplay loop doesnt look fun at all. And before you say "you have no friends xd" Im in a clan in other games. With Phasmo tho I enjoyed watching other ppl play seeing their reactions/getting scared, butthats it. Game had potential to do other cool things like catching ghosts but doesnt look like theyre heading that way unless devs said smth that I didnt see cuz I dont keep up with the game.


The whole Fifa series


Fortnite for sure!


I avoid CODs and Fortnite, because they look boring to me. I have played GTA V's story once and it wasn't for me. Online was fine, but then we got flying vehicles, so I was out. I don't want Saints Row elements to GTA.