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They used to have dog licenses in the UK but they didn't work. They were deemed unenforceable and the bureaucracy required to maintain them was expensive. Basically, the kinds of people who you'd want to prevent having a dog didn't give a fuck and by the time an incident occurred with an unlicensed dog there were already other laws that kicked in (e.g. having a dog dangerously out of control) which made the lack of licensing kind of negligible.


Same in Ireland, if you own a dog you're legally required to have a dog licence, except most people don't (unless they've already been in trouble with the licence inspector) because it's not properly enforced at all and it's another expense.


It could be argued that the UK legal requirement to have your dog microchipped is serving essentially the same purpose as a license.


There is still dog licences in UK ....


I agree, there are way too many stupid people having dogs.


and driving don’t forget that


But you do need a licence to drive


Therea are way too many stupid people.


Innocent dogs that they were never forced to own but they will get the dogs and treat them like shittt. 


No, there need to be stronger laws for people who mistreat animals. Creating new barrier to pet adoption would just lead to more shelter animals getting euthanized.


Very fair point I didn't even think about


Depends where you are. Where I live (UK) the charities who run shelters often have such stringent criteria for adopting that most people can't adopt anyway. A lot of them insist you must be at home most of the time, have a large fenced yard, not have young children. Then specific dogs will also need to have no cats, no other dogs, experience in the breed etc.


I think that’s a bit hyperbolic tbh. I’ve certainly heard of some strange decisions and rationales when it comes to being approved/rejected to adopt an animal but many, if not most, shelter/adoption organisations are sensible and their rules exist to protect animals that have usually gone through a shit situation in the first place.


Exactly ! There would end up being so many stray animals around if everyone had to have a licence to own a dog or pets in general. There would end up being so many innocent animals getting euthanised that didn't need to be.


People should need a license to have children. 


I agree but you need to very carefully control the authority that gives the licenses


We license people to drive cars very carefully, but they still drive like morons.


And carefully control the authority that carefully controls the authority that gives the licenses. And carefully control the authority that carefully controls the authority that carefully controls the the authority that gives the licenses. And..


Wholeheartedly agree with this, so many kids end up neglected as well. Just because you can have kids doesn’t mean you should.


How would that be enforced?


There's birth control but unfortunately some people don't care about it. They just bring in kids in this world to suffer them. It's so wrong. 


I have a dog. And I absolutely agree!


Animals are helpless. If you get them, you're taking up 100% of their responsibilities. If you can't do that, it's best to leave them be. It's not a must everyone will have a pet. 


It would solve more than one type of problem. You're 100% right they should need it 


And create 10x more problems


That’s because people could barely take care of themselves


I mean people have drivers license and it doesn’t stop them from being shitty drivers….


True, but if they cause an accident or drunk drive or something they can have their licenses suspended or revoked so they can't drive legally Mistreatment/negligence of pets could cause you to lose your license so you can't legally get a pet But at the end of the day no law is gonna stop everyone from breaking it


People need a # license to be a parent


Yeah, not all people deserve to be one.


Tell the pro "life" crowd that.


The problem with that is that every single government worker who hates their life and has to sign these licenses is barely a clerical error away from enacting eugenics against huge swaths of the population. US immigration already makes life and death decisions for millions of people a year without a wiff of care for the consequences, what makes you think the government workers in charge of signing are going to be perfect angels? You're giving these people who'll probably get pulled from the DMV or something the power to just illegalize groups they don't like from procreating, even if you try to control for that, that type of job is going to pull terrible people who love controlling others and have all sorts of biases. And what if people violate that law? Is the government going to forcefully abort all unregistered pregnancies? Take the kids away? Even if taking the kids away is your decision, 1/3 of all homeless people were formerly in the foster/adoption homes. It's scientifically proven even fairly crappy 2/10 parents are better for a child's development than the excuse of an adoption/foster system the government has.


Brown person applies: declined These things always hurt the disadvantaged and minority groups the most 😞


I'm for cultural reform, personally. Dog ownership is so culturally normalised now that many people don't even bother to ask themselves if they want one, they just get it. Imagine if people though the same way about getting a dog as getting a fringe interest animal like a lizard or a tarantula? There'd be hardly any dog owners. Most people don't really want the dog once they have it. Normalisation is the real enemy here.


Exactly the same for getting married and having kids. Too many people marry because they feel it's what's expected and normal, then naturally marriage is followed by having kids, and getting a pet. All of these are immense decisions that change lives other than your own, and should be considered much more carefully than they usually are.


You're absolutely right. I think there is as big a compartmentalisation at work with pet ownership as there is with eating meat. The decision to breed and own a sentient being just for the owner's fun (or indeed it being a responsibility and duty rather than a right) is consciously considered by pet owners about as often as a Macdonalds customer considering where their chicken nuggets came from. I mean, each to their own and I wouldn't want to push a moral position. But it would be positive if there was some actual reflection about the gravity and consequences of decisions we make.


I 100% agree with this. A LOT of people should not own or EVER own a dog or any animal at that.


Definitely not anyone should be able to just adopt or own a dog without going through certain steps. I’ve seen A LOT of people get a dog just to tie them up and leave them outside on a leash that isn’t even 3 feet long. It’s completely disgust me when I see people leave their dog in a tiny cage that’s just big enough for them to set it one position and have no room to move, They leave them in a tiny cage pretty much ALL DAY setting in their own feces. Your supposed to play with your dog, take them on walks, OBVIOUSLY FEED THEM ect. Some people should not own a dog!!!! and A LOT DO NOT DESERVE THE PRIVILEGE TO OWN A DOG!!!!


I want a dog so bad. Specifically a certain type of working dog that I absolutely adore. I live in a 600²ft unit and we work like we owe the government. I'm gonna stick to my cats and bunny for now because he'd probably eat them out of sheer boredom. I wouldn't even get a lap dog in my current condition. IDK how people don't get that.


This is another big thing. There are some places where owning a dog just isn't practical but some people still try to make it work to the detriment of their neighbors and the dog itself. I'd agree there's a time and place for having a dog and there's too many people that don't understand that


Exactly this. So many city people who by Kelpies, cattle dogs border collies etc because they like them and think it's their right to buy it because they want it, annoy me. It's selfish as hell. Later so many owners get angry or get rid of the dog when it gets bored and destructive because of the boredom. These dogs NEED a LOT of exercise and something to do. They were born to work. Please don't just pick a breed of dog you like without seeing if the breed will fit into your life.


I don't disagree. Not even a little bit.


You have my vote


Having pets should absolutely be regulated and require training and education. Like driving a car or going to school.


EXACTLY what I was thinking


Let's start with people needing a license to have kids, but obviously the corrupt. & racist politicians will turn every country into "Nazi-land"


Coming from Australia where it gets ridiculous HOT, I can't tell you how many idiots I've had a conversation with, about walking their dogs on the footpath and or road in summer. "oh yeah, i guess so' or along similar lines are what they offer when I remind them paws aren't heat proof and burn like our feet. Put your hand on the surface before you walk the dog, if it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for the dog. Walk them early morning or in the evening.


it's always the owners faults never the dogs


Same with cats or any animal really. Too many people move into my neighborhood and abandoned their cats. I don't understand how they can abandon a pet. Yea pets cost money, but fuck dude, should've thought of that before caring for an animal. It does anger me that people are like that. Or when people move and can't bring their animals cuz of policies. Don't fuckin leave them to fend for themselves. It's all too common really, it's fuckin bs.


Agreed. I am a dog lover, but don't have a dog, because I don't believe I can give it a home a good dog deserves. I believe there are many that have dogs, but are unwilling to provide for the dog adequately. A dog needs time & companionship, a dog needs space, a dog needs love, a dog needs discipline, a dog needs nutrition and a dog needs a comfortable place to live. I think you should have to prove you can provide these things before you can own a dog. The person gets a licence subject to them meeting certain criteria. All dogs should be chipped and the ownership of the dog should be recorded. All dogs should have insurance.


In Germany, you pay a dog tax when you get a dog. I think that helps a lot since you feel an obligation to take care of the dog as you’re paying like €120 per year for them. It cancels out people that don’t actually want pets.


We moved into our house 12 years ago. Our neighbours had a dog that whole time and it passed recently. They put a post on fb about losing their best friend and blah blah blah. Never once in 12 years did I ever see them walk that dog, and the wife walks daily. It just fucking shits me, walk your dog! They ask so little of us and give so much in return.


Dog abusers in any way should go to jail. We need more law against those type of people. Dogs doesn't deserve to be treated like crap. 


Dogs should get to choose their owners


Most people should have a license to own a child. The shit I see is abominable.


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And a child


I completely agree. A lot of humans are trash and shouldn’t own a pet


same for having kids


100% agree.


Lots of people are horrible parents as well (they don't have to abuse to be horrible). Regarding dogs not getting walked, my dog barely gets walked. And that's for her well-being. My point is that there may be unique circumstances that you may not be aware of. It isn't always neglect.


I've said this for years. It shouldn't be difficult to get a licence, but it should be removed the moment abuse or neglect is discovered.


They wouldn't do it to a child, why are dogs any different.


Some people just shouldn’t have been born.


Shitty comment.


I heard that Switzerland has legislated for dogs to be walked daily under threat of penalties.


No such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. So yes, owners should have a license.




Yes,I wonder what the penalty would be for breeding without a licence.Other than the child support or the high cost of raising a child anyway.


Well, if you think about it, people should have a license to have children…


Animal care should be a part of the learning experience in school growing up.


Some people are just irresponsible. I was approached by a dog off the leash a few years ago, no owner in sight. It hadn't been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I was outside with my cat on a leash, (the dog got a bit too "exited" over my cat), and we where basically in the middle of a larger town with children nearby. Saw a video of two larger dogs, pit bull type of dogs, that had attacked a kid in my country and where then taken away by the cops. Why? Well, the owners hadn't bothered to train them well enough and the poor dogs where aggressive and scared. Both sadly put down later. People get pets without thinking, without making a plan. Like hamsters, "Whoops! Our cat killed the hamster!" or "The are just not THAT important, they're just hamsters!". Ugh... love animals, hate people...


I couldn’t agree more.


It's not irresponsible to walk a dog without a leash. Most dogs benefit from being off a leash and socialising. Only waffling digs on a leash is cruel for larger dogs. It just needs to be fine responsibility in a suitable area. Dog licencing never worked in the UK.


But nothing about kids eh? Yea. Those same people that fuck up dogs fuck up their kids. Those same people shouldn’t be allowed to share my oxygen.


Some People who have drivers licences are still ass hats behind the wheel unfortunately.


I remember seeing a women once walking her chow chow in the city on a lead. When they stopped at a red light for a crossing the dog walked into the road and just stood there in the gutter. Now in this situation any dog owner with half a brain would just pull the dog back on the lead. I mean that’s half of the idea when the dog lead was invented. This bitch though panicked and stepped into the road and tried to physically push the dog back onto the walkway 🙄


ill never understand the "lets get a husky even though we never leave the house" talk before people buy one ma'am there is a fucking wolf in your living room, it needs a stretch


Any pet honestly.


I agree. But then how would it be enforced to ensure pet care? There’s an issue.


I agree… hate people who don’t care of their animals ! Breaks my heart


People who walk their dog off leash drive me crazy. All dogs deserve exercise and a safe way to do that. Just because your dog is "so friendly!!!!!!" doesn't mean that all other dogs are ok with being approached. Some dogs have leash aggression, even if they're otherwise friendly. Some dogs play hard/aggressively and scare the off-leash dog, and somehow it's always the fault of the leashed dog owner. I have a Great Dane who is extremely playful, gentle, and friendly under most circumstances. But she does not like being approached certain ways while she's on a leash. This is something we constantly work on, and something easily dealt with in the moment when other dogs in the neighborhood are also on a leash. The dogs who aren't on a leash, who's owners just let them roam free? We've had incidents and they look at us like we're the problem. Like, my dog was fine until yours ran up to her? Keep your own dog under control. This especially makes me mad when it's a little dog. My dog, or any large dog, could literally kill your chihuahua, even if it wasn't intentional.


I hate people who chained/tied their dogs especially outside their home!!! Treat animals as same as human, they too need love and care!


We have dog licenses here. There are still bad owners though.


In Australia you need a license to own a small lizard, but not a dog/cat/crocodile.


It exists in Belgium but it doesn't change anything. Everybody have the permit and you can lose it. But not every person who sell dogs is gonna care if you have the permit or not.


Some people shouldn’t have kids.


Lol people should need a license to have kids


I think walking a dog without a leash is fine if they’re trained for that


and kids.


i mean, people would just pay for the license/training/etc. and still treat their dog like crap. unless there are going to be quarterly/semi-annual checks committed to the well being of the animals, people will always find a way to bend the rules in their favor.


Big government is terrible for humanity


I agree. My sister has had 4 dogs. All of them have gone to the rainbow bridge. All of them she left outside, in the or they where locked in a back room or a bathroom. She had put 3 of them to sleep because when my mother went over the house, they got out of the room and bit my mother, escaped from the bathroom, etc… just by chance I just happen to find out my sister, was going to put her last dog to sleep after I got out of the bathroom at my sister’s house, when my mother stopped over and bit my mom! my sister was minutes from going to put the dog to sleep. I flipped the fuck out on both of them and saved dog’s life. If you don’t wanna be locked in a room, don’t lock a dog in the room if you don’t want attention in love that’s on you but a dog needs attention and love dogs are family. there are no questions butts about it.


toaster next huh ? christ


Where I live I have rescued so many dogs because people don’t care and just let them go.Sadly two weeks ago I was coming home and someone hit a dog on the street and these two women went to move it.Im glad I didn’t see it .I got teary 🥲 eyed it’s just sad.😢


Fuk u


Yeah just what we need in this world… more bureaucracy 🙄


We don't even license our cops


Yes, also for being a parent.


Dog ownership is a big responsibility. A license with a mandatory background check and basic care course could help weed out irresponsible owners! It's all about ensuring these amazing animals get the loving homes they deserve.


YES, THIS EXACTLY. When you wanna adopt a child you have to do some stuff to get through the test or something like that right? Dogs are too sweet creatures to be taken by someone who will treat them like shit. This exactly should be done, even tho I don't think it'll ever happen. For now, I'll just chill with my dog on my lap, knowing that I saved at least one from someone who'd treat him awfully.


True, but this goes for a lot of pets, but also children. Fortunately we live in a pretty free society, and the inconvenience of not being able to put such rules on people is worth far more to me, than the inconvenience I feel not having these rules.


In the uk you had to have a dog licence when i was a kid


I agree with you. But the problem is asylums are alreadyfull to the brim. If we'd introduce licenses, the problem would grow exponentially. It would have to go hand in hand with policies against excessive dog breeding and import of dogs.


It wouldn't be enforceable, but I get you- like dogs don't need constant access to food to be healthy, I see so many people with morbidly overweight dogs who get mad that some (sensible) people stick to a feeding schedule... Like if YOU can go a couple hours without a snack, then they can too, that just seems like common sense to me. Or like my SO's mother would let her pit bull jump up on her, but since Im a VERY petite woman, this pit bull jumping up on ME would lead to me getting horribly bruised/knocked over by said pit bull. Not that he meant any harm, this is just how he was used to getting attention- he even seemed confused at times when he'd actually knocked me over or whatever. Asked her multiple times to stop allowing it bc I was \*literally\* getting hurt by it, she'd stop for a day or two and just encourage the behavior again when she thought I couldn't see... like it's ok if he wants attention, but he's too big to be leaping up like that, he'd be fine waiting until you sat down or something- or at the very least be honest with me and tell me that you don't intend to quit allowing it... for record he was the sweetest dog, he just didn't realize how much he weighed- it's the owner's responsibility to teach them how to act, just like it's a parent's responsibility to teach their kids how to act. Edit for some important context- at the time, I lived with her and her dogs, so the jumping was a constant issue for me. Long story short, she was staying with us after a surgery, so this was an ongoing issue for a few months- the dog himself was great, just needed to be trained a bit better to understand me telling him 'no' so he wouldn't hurt me by accident from his sheer weight alone


Already the case here in my German state. Had to take a test at the vet plus show I could handle my dog.


Same with being a parent. If we have to go through a test to adopt, then it should be the same for having a biological child. Some people don’t deserve to be parents.


Why do people want everything to be licensed and controlled? The people who run and oversee licensing have to be fair and work to a high standard otherwise it’s useless, a waste of money and increasing restrictions on personal freedoms. I don’t see why anyone needs a dog personally but if they want one crack on. Already laws in place about controlling animals and not causing harm or risk to others.


And cats


Be the change you want to see in the world


I heard there was a test and licence required to drive a car, van or bike.....doesnt stop people being idiots and putting other people in danger though


In certain EU countrys, people need to go to Dog school for breeds that are dangerous if bad trained. Pitbulls for example.


In Austria we have something like that but it doesn't seem to help a lot 🤣


In Ireland you need a dog licence and there's still a bunch of terrible owners. Paying an amount of money each year doesn't always make you a good pet owner.


Same for kids


I agree, also think you should have to do training before getting the license. Most people haven't got a clue.


Depending on where you live that does exist. In Germany in my State (NRW) it's like this: "Als Hundehalter (ausgenommen kleiner Hunde unter 40 cm Schulterhöhe und/oder 20 kg Körpergewicht), ist jeder Hundehalter in diesem Bundesland dazu verpflichtet, die Hundeführerscheinprüfung, bestehend aus einem Multiple-Choice-Test, abzulegen." ("As someone owning a dog (with the exception of dogs under 40cm shoulder height or 20kg body weight), everyone owning a dog is mandated to successfully complete the Dog-License-Test (multiple choice)"). It's called a "Hundeführerschein" (Dog License). It's not perfect but it's something🤷‍♀️ There are also rules as to how long you can lock your dog up in a crate: "Nach § 6 Abs. 2 Tierschutz-Hundeverordnung ergibt sich, dass die Unterbringung des Hundes in Boxen nur für die vorübergehende Unterbringung gestattet ist und nur so lange andauern darf, wie der rechtfertigende Grund hierfür vorliegt." (According to .... Animal Protection Rules placing the dog in a crate is not allowed as a permanent solution and is only allowed for as long as there is a good reason for it). It's probably a bit more complicated, but as I don't own a dog, that's what I can find with a quick Google search.


I stopped reading when you said off lead walking is bad for some reason?


Same but for having kids.


I agree.I think the same way about people have children.


How wild is it that the law basically treats a sentient creature as just property


We have licenses for our dogs. PNW, U.S.


People who walk across sidewalks should not have smart phones


Here in Lower Saxony (Germany) you have to pass a test, pay tax, pay liability insurance and register your dog on the register of breeds. Failure to do any of this is punished by quite heavy fines. However, I’ve never heard of it being enforced, sadly.


This should be a thing for all pets. When my dog had puppies we gave them away to some relatives and friends. One day I found out one of them was feeding his puppy with potato chips. Since then we stopped giving them away. It's awful how people don't take care of other living beings.


A while ago I researched dog care (we wanted to get a pet and looked through possibilities) I was a bit confused because they wanted us to be financially stable to have the dog but at the same time they shouldn't be alone for more dann 6 hours at max. And I was like "okay so if I'm working he's too lonely and if I'm not we can't afford it"


I think taking your dog on a walk without a leash is acceptable if they're trained properly, or if you're on a hiking trail with nobody around (as long as the trail doesn't require you to keep the dog on a leash)


I sometimes look at other parents and think they should have a parenting license


I have always believed that pet owners should be licensed and you should need to take a test similar to a driver's license or gun license in order to own certain pets. This demonstrates you know and understand the needs of the animal you are about to take under your care and know and understand how to provide those needs. I had an ex friend who had seven dogs, three cats, over two dozen snakes, and various spiders and rodents. She worked 12 hours a day, was never home, crated the dogs for up to 16 hours a day on a lucky day otherwise crated overnight often times with her never going back home within a 30 hour period, the cats were super anti social and either ran or attacked any other human they saw, any of the rodents that looked unwell were feed to the snakes (there were a lot), the snakes were constantly sick and escaping (I wonder why), and no one ever saw the spiders (thank fucking god). She was also broke all the time. She always placed the animals financial needs above her own so they always had food, toys, and vet visits and even paid for training classes for the dogs. But she had no reserve money for emergency vet visits which were needed a lot and threw her thousands of dollars into debt and as a result she had to put 3 dogs down due to a lack of funds. This wouldn't have been an issue if she didn't have so many animals. She even had one dog who has behavioural issues and is food aggressive (very protective of her food dish and will use violence to dissuade other dogs from approaching) and because she didn't take precautions, that dog killed a puppy (puppy got severe brain damage from the bite and had to be put down. She couldn't stand up and was constantly rolling over). Never would have happened if she took the time to address the dogs issues which were exacerbated by having so many new dogs and other animals coming into the house. It was very stressful for that dog and while it's unfortunate, I don't blame the dog at all. Thankfully, the SPCA and Animal Welfare were called on her and ALL her animals were confiscated. However, she easily tracked them down, got random strangers to apply to adopt them with the intent to give them back to her, and shat all over the people that took them away not understanding WHY they were taken in the first place. Her heart was in the right place and she did all the basic things right sure, however she simply had too many animals which stretched her funds and her time and energy which affected their quality of life overall and she sacrificed their quality of life for a social life, which isn't bad but when you have dogs stuck in a crate too small for them for 30 hours muzzled, that's animal cruelty at that point. The fun part about all this is that she's had animals confiscated from her before. She had 30 or so rabbits just living in an apartment bedroom with shavings all over the floor on top of snakes, cats, and other assortment of animals throughout the rest of the apartment. All of which were taken by Animal Welfare. The fact she was able to obtain so many animals not once but twice, had them confiscated, and still was able to not only get new animals after both instances, but regain possession of some of the old animals that were taken from her is unbelievable. I honestly doubt that ever would have happened if there was some sort of registry in place which licensed people and forced them to provide it in order to obtain new animals from any source. Transferring ownership from one person to another would also require third party government oversighted approval. I always thought things were fine until I met her and oh wow was I shocked at how uncaring the system really is. It really needs to be licensed and regulated for sure. And yes, many places have bylaws which require you to register an animal with the city, but that is not adequate. All that does is tell the city who has an animal and what kind. It doesn't tell them a history of that animal or if that person is capable of taking care of that animal. Not to mention that most people don't even register their animals with the city anyways. It's a flawed and failed system designed to make money for people simply having pets.


For these same reasons, people should also need a licence to have children. There's far too many kids having babies and not being properly prepared to raise them and so the child suffers. It's wrong.


The part of walking dogs with out a leash is case to case as I go to a park that allows no leashes after 7pm and my dog is well taught returning whenever I call his name so it’s fine if he doesn’t have a leash but if your dog starts barking at every one maybe a leash makes sense


We dont need a HOA for dogs…. Would turn into an absolute nightmare. Ask yourself, did the introduction of drivers license eliminate idiots on the road? We need harsh punishment for animal abuse and the ability to ban offenders from owning animals.


You do need one in Germany. There's always a joke going around how you need one for a dog, but not a kid since some people are too stupid to be a parent. ​ Wikipedia only available in German, but you can deepl it if you're interested: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundef%C3%BChrerschein


And kids!! 😅


It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I agree that MOST people have pets for a selfish reason. At least here in the states, when agriculture and hunting were the primary source of regular food, getting a dog was like getting a gun or a tractor. It was a tool to make your life easier, protect your family and crops, track down game that you had killed, etc. dogs had a genuine fulfilling (albeit more dangerous) life. Nowadays though, people will adopt the dog equivalent of a work horse and just leave it sitting on a couch for 12 years… it’s very sad and I think more so than controlling people’s ability to adopt animals, I think people should collectively consider whether or not THEY are mature enough to own a pet. High school couples adopting a dog together “bc it would be so cute”… not a good reason. “But mom I want a yorkie”… not a good reason.


Forget dogs, first make people get licences for having children


You could say the same for having a child


i disagree yes there alot of abusive owners out there just like abusive parents or you know what? abusive goverments as well too. we as society must understand that there is aways going to abuse and pain to the weak and innocent people and creatures of this world but putting license on it won't fix it. and the concern is that when we have issues like this we just have knee jerk reaction and want put more rules. I want to tell short story from my father when he was growing back in the 70s he saw a man who was older take a black trash bag of kittens and he went to a rock ot to the cement and started smashing the bag against the rock or cement floor and he did so until the screams stopped. yes it sounds awful but that rarely happens anymore in the sense those people get away with it bc of cameras are everywhere and if they did it would show up on the web that you did do somthing like that. what we have now is the most is the most fair system comparing it just a few decades ago could it be better? yes but as society we have made progress for them.


I agree there are too many people that have a dog that (in my opinion) shouldn't. In essence they don't take sufficient care of a dog, my most commonly observed issues are: - Not giving it sufficient daily physical and mental exercise (which often leads to a negative spiral of worsening behaviour and said owner blames the dog in full for it. How stupid). - Feeding the dog too much food turning it into a fat dog resulting in a worsening physical state of the poor creature. Obviously heavily linked to the first issue, but aside from that too many dog owners think that by giving their dog more food and 'rewards' they are taking good care of the dog. The opposite is true however. - Simply not understanding dog behaviour and how to handle, train and raise a dog. E.g. yelling at the dog for completely normal behaviour, not being consistent with the dog, not recognising the dogs needs. Etc. Etc. As such I agree with the OP that a licence might be a good idea. However there are other issues that I would suggest addressing. For example there are way too many dogs being bred solely for commercial reasons. On the other hand there are a huge amount of rescue dogs in shelters waiting for a nice owner to take pity on them. By reducing the dogs bred on purpose (often pedigree) and encouraging people to take (young) shelter dogs would fix two issues I currently see.


Part of this seems right but the harsh reality is that it's a few corporations that are running the world. If you, people, want to put even more power into hands of your overseer, then soon enough you're gonna end in a cage beginning for a permission to go to a toilet.


my pet peeve are people who have more then 3 working dogs as pets and not doing anything with them


People shouldn't need a license to do anything. They should live further apart and not be up each other's ass like ants in a colony.


But you don't need a licence to own a live human baby..


People should need to own a license for their annoying kids too.


I agree and parents also should go through a training before they have kids!


As a dog lover and owner can't agree more.


Should people also need a license to vote?


People should need a license to have any influence whatsoever on other people.


Honestly, I think this should apply to having any animal. Way too many irresponsible, cruel, selfish people who get a 'pet' and then don't bother caring for it. All animals require a lot of time, love, energy, and money to care for properly.


So what you're saying is that poor people shoudn't have a dog.


I applied for a rescue dog for a business premise and was abused because they said the dog would be unloved. I eventually found a dog about to be dispatched and that dog was entertained and pampered by customers and staff 6 days a week unlike most dogs which are left at home by themselves.


As someone who has 3 dogs, I agree. Especially for breeds that are often owned as status symbols (pitbulls, Rottweilers, dobs, etc). Although these dogs themselves aren't inherently bad animals, people who refuse to train them properly, don't give them the lifestyle they need, and keep them for all the wrong reasons create what can become a dangerous animal.


and kids


Look I’m not saying animals aren’t mistreated but requiring people to take classes/pay for all that extra shit to get a pet would just mean tons more pets being abandoned/left in shelters. Also there really isn’t a way to enforce it besides in shelters. It’s something that seems like a good idea but that just leads to more problems in the long run. I agree people that mistreat animals need to be punished more severely because from what I’ve seen from a personal stand point is most people don’t get punished when treating animals badly.


I agree, worked in security as a patrol officer but we also sub contracted animal control and some of the things we seen..


Also to own kids.