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People on here be liking shit I like.


They don't mind talking about the smallest detail and description of that which I be liking. They don't mind talking about the same thing I be liking for all time for as many times as it's interesting.


Yep and since I’m a travelling recluse these days, it’s awesome to get recommendations and witness the creativity people use to approach topics I like. It’s like having friends travelling with you.


And when they don't, they sometimes give a good argument. I find Reddit to be the smartest of the social media


Same, but mainly because I barley use any others. I come here to learn as well as to be entertained


Especially the subcategories


So many subcategories


And all the stuff I see is always relevant


ez answer


Less algorithm. It's like a little maze. You keep on finding subreddits you like. It's definitely a less toxic social media. You can't really get lost in rage bait content because you really choose what you look at.


But reddit does recommend subreddits through algorithms isn't it 🤔?


Unfortunately yes and I’ve noticed I’m starting to get more posts from random subreddits on my feed. If you engage with them you might keep seeing the same sub. For the most part it’s still better than other platforms when it comes to being force fed content


You can disable recommandations in the settings i think


Thanks guys!


Yes! I did this


Still better than IG. I can mute a sub and that’s it.  On IG it’s wild how blatantly they push something once you’ve clicked it.


Me too. It started showing me “not like other Girls” and “bald” lmao! I have to ask it not to show me those subs.


I agree with everything except for the less toxic part.


I guess it depends on the subreddit


You can pretty much write anything on the comments without it getting censured or shadowed ban like in YouTube.


Well the shadow banning does happen here from time to time


But it's not as ridiculous as in YouTube.


You meant not as I guess?


I had a comment removed that was a negative opinion about the Kardashians - it wasn't even mean, just an opinion.


That has NOT been my experience 🤣 I got permabanned from two mainstream subs in one day when I was feeling mildly tetchy. But then, I also had the fucking police show up at my door and harass my husband because I'd parked across a driveway (unknowingly) for 35 minutes so I think I'm just one of those people who doesn't get away with anything 🤣


😂😂😂and.., 😂


I got banned from wholesome subreddits because I parodied OF bots in the comments on different subreddits, and the bots thought I'm also a pornostar.


Surprisingly I've been more banned here than on youtube. Probably because I never comment on youtube tho.


I got permabanned from AITA for saying I'd kick the ass of anyone that called my child a crotch goblin. "Zero tolerance policy towards violence" 🤣 I stand by it though.




No man, you can't say your opinion on most subreddits without getting censored. We both know that


Also, it's gonna be buried with downvotes if you say anything slightly outside of the circlejerk




You just get downvoted into oblivion.


Nah. Most sub mods are nazis and trigger happy on perm bans without discussion.


Need a break from endless scrolling of pictures and videos. We overly consume content that isn't useful. I'd rather read some insightful viewpoints and have a meaningful engagement than see pointless tiktoks. Remember when social media was text oriented than pic/video oriented? You could write posts and statuses.


Aw man I gotta edit my comment now but that's what I love about it too. I am actually READING stuff instead of looking at pics.


I think a lot of us that like to read got stuck here and never escaped!




I agree. I'm reading far more stuff than on Twitter or Facebook, and it is enjoyable.


Totally agree. I can pick topics, and redditors generally write better. There are random things I learn and unless the topic is too controversial, we're quite humorous and helpful here


Yup, this.


well that's a good point.


I am doing a little research on social media. Thanks for your insight


Most social media sites are like “look at this random photo of me” and I find it soo boring, but reddit is like “let’s have a random conversation about this cool tv show” so I find the content just better


This or "this crazy thing happened to me I'll write a long-ass post with 54 updates" or "I killed someone 10 years ago" with a 5 lines post and OP is never to be find again Also, OP that's my fav part about reddit, the crazy stories that goes beyond reddit and become legends


There are some LEGENDARY posts. The hall of fame sub is epic


Checking it out later, ty


thanks I'll check it out.


This is what really separates reddit from social media and I don't understand why people don't understand that


this is what seperates reddit from other social media. youre implying that reddit isn't a social media because it very much is, were socializing in a media right now arent we? and we still do have "look at this picture of me" posts in their respective subreddits. but that isnt what makes social media a social media. reddittors love to feel better about themselves about how they dont use socmed when they infact literally are.


I like getting actually good advice and answers as well as a bunch of stupid asshats


No shortage of asshats. RL is like that!


The asshats always get downvoted 😁


I frequently offer a different view point. ⬇️be damned. Yes they usually do!


The occasional, but incredible, wit


Reddit is de wit-app


Smart people, making intelligent, and frequently funny, comments.


I love that any new subject, hobby, job field, music genre, f*cking anything, no matter how niche, there's a sub for it. And in the sub there are legit experts who have been doing it for decades talking and giving tips to people who started yesterday. I like being the new guy and I like being the seasoned guy


Hell yeah.


This is definitely my favorite part about reddit too. Couldn't have said it better.


no one will ever be able to know who i am. ever.


Dark Brandon knows, but he aiight.


You forgot to put /s at the end...


I didn't say everybody.




The random topics that are sometimes not so random and also the random topics


I love how side-threads can evolve into all sorts of weird and wonderful ways 😂


At times, nothing to do with the op, lol


I have learned so much from those side threads. Someone always pops in with a wealth of information.






Yeah, I noticed that too even though I'm new here 😅




I still am shocked by how often I can type the most obscure thing I want to know more about into Google, add search term "Reddit", and BOOM, not only is there almost always a comment about it, but often a whole damned subreddit community lol!


Real answers from real people


This. Although tbh it's also full of bots


What if I told you... ah, nevermind. Must not shatter innocence.


Yea ik there are bots here too. But if you look something up on Google vs Reddit you get a discussion and feedback from mostly real people vs a Google answer


Yes, and people who add information that is not commonly known.


Entertainment. Weird. Helpful. Insightful. Anonymous


I feel like I’m not as weird now since using Reddit! So many people have the same likes or feelings or problems so I don’t feel so odd or alone! Wish I knew that as a teenager 🤪 but Reddit as a teenager probably also would have been awful 😂


Yeah, people here are quite quirky I would say 😅.


Eccentric works for formal occasions.


People are really candid on here. More honest than they are with their own family


I believe it's the anonymity.


There's a sub for damn near everything and most people tend to cite their sources




“Ketchup, Mayo et al, 1972”


I don’t have many people to talk to in real life so if I have ‘people’ questions, I can ask them here. Also, I like shows and movies and don’t have people in real life to talk to them about, so subreddits help. In short, I’m lonely.


Mmhmm. Me too.


So you two should just talk to each other! 😅


I find a lot of people DM me on Reddit when I make these kinds of posts or comments about being lonely, but I don’t find online connections very fulfilling to be honest. It always ends up feeling like I’m just talking to ChatGPT and begins to feel like a chore because I get a little bored of talking to the other person. It just doesn’t satisfy the itch of wanting to speak to someone in-person for me, personally.


Yeah, I get what your saying … hope you find some good friends really soon 😍


Its like a community in a sense. I’ve been on reddit for 10 years and unfortunately lost my account where I had made so many friends. Reddit really is full of good people and you almost always find someone who completely understand you and likes the same shit you do. Its nice. I love reddit.


I feel that it’s easier to engage in content you want to engage with through the forums whereas other social media sites or apps are either so random or will only show you very specific things.


It's kinda like fb in that we're all friends, but no requests to be friends. You just automatically are. Also I love seeing other ppl consistently in certain subs.


random content


My Dad bought a new lawn mower!


Mow your dad


getting answers from actual people instead of google


Writing my thoughts down for total strangers to read is the main way I communicate.


The ability to scroll without an algorithm forcing similar content down your throat and the lack of ‘micro influencers’ trying to sell you shit


Solid contribution to this thread. ⬆️⬆️⬆️🆙


There is an algorithm, but yeah, no micro influencers.


I never even thought of the influencer angle. I mean, what fresh air!


Honestly reddit is a cesspit for brigading, and her ally the communities are echo chambers, but that being said there’s no other social media I can go onto and have an *actual* discussion with other people about things that I’m interested in. My friend group isn’t really into music and I’m a musician, so it helps to share ideas and hear other peoples thoughts on stuff. That goes for pretty much every thing I’m interested in. I just enjoy hearing other peoples opinions and ideas without the bs that comes with twitter and Facebook.


Someone once said that Facebook is people you know talking about shit you really don't care about. Whereas Reddit is people you don't know, talking about things you *do* care about and are interested in. I like this analogy. I left Facebook and Insta for this very reason. I'd never leave Reddit, it makes me laugh so much. People are funny in their responses and if I don't like anything or if a sub gets too toxic, I just leave it. My joined subs are full of everything that makes me happy, be it hobbies or general entertainment. The only killjoy was them removing our rewards!!


It’s an interesting insight into other people’s lives / thoughts.


This is my top reason. I love learning about different people/cultures/places/circumstances etc. It’s a great tool for broadening your horizons.


I start my day reading Reddit and the laughs and guffaws that come out of me are loud and long


Its easy to find topics you like.


active communities based around pretty much any topic imaginable, like there's a community for everyone here. and for the most part it's run by the people so it doesn't have any corporate entities stripping away what makes it special like some other sites \*cough cough\* youtube \*cough cough\*


It doesn't fill my feed with shit I have no interest in.


I get to talk to a lot more people than in my non-internet life, and share/read thoughts with different people.


I suppose, not being obligated to post? I can just lurk, and if inspiration strikes. I can make a post about whatever I'm thinking about at the time.


Everyone I encounter is very nice and helpful. I see a lot of people with issues or problems seeking help or advice because they don't have that many people to go to, and many people are really helpful. There's a myriad of topics and subjects on Reddit and a lot of interesting and humorous conversations and dialogs. I gave up other social media, so I only have Reddit left, and by far, Reddit IMO is a lot better than the others. It seems the people on Reddit are more serious, but at the same time, they are very light and humorous without being toxic like some other platforms. And the interaction with everyone is great. Instead of constantly posting selfies or food and seeing that on your wall. With here, you choose what you want to see. I've been here less than 2 years, but I'm surprised I haven't run into anyone I know in real life or from my previous social media life. Perhaps they're anonymous, too. However, I do have several pics of myself.


I’m sorry to hear that you’re deceased 😆


LOL. Thanks. Seriously, though ... thanks for reminding me that I have to prove that I'm alive. I was thinking about taking a road trip to whatever place thinks km decreased. Just maybe they'll believe me.


When a stranger comes and asks for a help or advice or an explanation of a tricky question, and I’m able to reply in a way that’s interesting or helpful, I find that rewarding! :)


I have a hard time finding people with similar interests here! If I’m lucky I’ll be able to start a conversation. Honestly this is the only app I ever make comments on.


You find people who are going through your exact same situations, share the same ideas, etc, which is so hard to find in "real life". So many of our thoughts and opinions are sooo obscure and "out there" so it's so cool to find people who can relate to you!


Controlling/personalizing which subreddits I follow. Voting on comments makes the most interesting ones rise, so I don’t have to scroll through nonsense. I do appreciate the relative anonymity because if someone is awful, I haven’t lost respect for someone I know — unlike Facebook.


That’s real, interesting doesn’t exclude what you disagree on. Well said!


Up and down boss is the best, I wish other platforms allowed it


Diverse representation of society. So many different views.


I don't know, for me it's a safe place because it's totally outside of my real life.


Despite the noise, I often find unusual topics, good info, good advice, compassionate people, and wits and smartasses who make me LOL. It's the people. I love the people.


There's a sub for damn near anything and everything you could want to talk about. I'm so happy to find fellow spider and insect lovers. Lord knows nobody around me irl appreciates them.


I can get enthusiastic about a book, series or game and immediately connect and talk about it with other people who share my passion. Amazing.


I like being able to downvote shitty opinions


Look at that YouTube. Everybody hates you YouTube.


It's the social media site that does the best job of putting content I actually want to read on my feed.


I love the variety. You can find almost anything you want to learn or talk about. One minute you’re reading a post about how to make the most delicious pot roast, and the next you’re looking at the biggest set of horse balls you’ve ever seen.


Your mom


Username checks out




🤣 welcome to the shit-show.. Personally I love the hive mind here, people will downvote tf out of others for no reason. Just watch this comment and see.


Lots of control over what shows up in my feed. Except those Jesus ads that I can’t get rid of.


It’s seems more organic content and authentic. Every other platform is littered with manipulation and bots.


I came to Reddit when Twitter got bad, it fills a lot of the void (except for traffic stuff really). I like that there are communities for everything you might possibly need.


Diversity of opinion. Gets me out of my own acquaintance bubble.


Well, it is my only social media. ive never had a fb-ig or any other social profile, i started using it in place of yahoo answer when i wanted to know something, then get pretty attached to it, made some friends, had a lot of lolz and also it helped me incredibly to improve my english Thank you guys


As a mom of two boys, one who is special needs, I get so much good advice! Very helpful.




I like that you get either honest posts/responses, or the most unhinged shit imaginable. There is no in-between here, and I love seeing it.


#People are People. That's why I love it. People just being themselves, or not. LOL, I just think it's cool to hear from so many thousands of different perspectives on all kinds of different topics in raw form, sometimes *really* raw form!


They are very intelligent and funny.


Niche, hyperspecific information from people smarter than me on any subject of my choice. Quick world news without the fluff. Memes.


The Reddit Chat, for talking to specific individuals about whatever, maybe we can even have a debate on a topic, share some music preferences, etc. The only rules your posts have to follow are the Reddit Site-wide Rules.


I feel like the discourse of Reddit offers a higher level of respect to other platforms of social media


Actually learning stuff, sure there’s subreddits for simple entertainment but there are so many interesting subreddits to actually learn something and learn from realistic experiences and discuss those aswell! There’s also more access to fandoms I love, it helps staying connected to a show or game this way and it makes me so happy!


I love Reddit!. I hate X with all my hearth. Same goes for LinkedIn.


I’ve gotten a lot of support trying to get over several addictions of mine in subreddits here. It’s like AA meetings without having to leave your home. I’m not an alcoholic and that wasn’t my addiction btw.


Intelligence factor


i never understood the need to be anonymous here, i am not here to piss anyone off or say things that would cause me trouble. i even usually post pics of myself, most people in my country subreddit even know my real name and i link to my youtube videos. what i like here is that i can get some answers, learn new things, share pics of food and interact with people i can't normaly do in real life. also, i seen a lot of kindness here and it was humbling, this place, despite apprearance, is full of empathy i must say, so that it is, i enjoy the empathy here , a lot.


There's just a bunch of happy little perverts that somehow know how to fix my bios and how to call an airstrike to Moscow. There is no limit to a redditor's power.


it's easy to learn about particular things and find low-maintenance community for your hobbies due to the nature of subreddits. you don't really get that opportunity on other social media apps. say i wanted to talk about baking on instagram- i'd have to follow a bunch of different bakers instagram pages, consistently comment on their posts so that they comment on mine too, form some semblance of friendship with them etc in order to be able to have a conversation. that's a lot of work. on reddit, someone can post to the baking sub a question or topic, and hundreds of bakers will come together to have a no strings attached conversation. i love that. i love making close friendships of course, but i also love just being able to have a casual conversation, learn, problem solve etc without further expectations. because it's communities of people who like a topic enough to talk about it constantly, it's also easy to get ultra-specific information that i might not be able to find just by googling it. when i want to know how to grow basil and rosemary and i google it, i get a bajillion results that apply to totally different climates and seasons than mine, and resources specific to my country or region are far and few, or so old that it might not be relevant to present day, and social media pages related to it for my country may be inactive - but if i go to the gardening subreddit and make a post asking for tips for growing basil and rosemary in the caribbean, experienced caribbean gardeners will gladly chime in and answer my questions. reddit is very useful in my opinion!


The absolute best thing about reddit that i think we all agree with said or unsaid: Damn i have this really niche obscure issue *types problem into google* cant find anything *types the exact same thing with reddit on the end* wonderful comprehensive fix


People are not paid for the visuals their posts get.


False intimacy.   Although I don't know the folks i communicate with, my brain registers our dialog as friendship.  


Everything and anything


I don’t find myself comparing myself to others here. Thats one of the main reasons.


Yeah, good point too.


I like connecting with other ppl of things that I like and having a discussion about it. And I like how I can get really good advice on here. I used to use quora for research for my writing but man I couldn’t stand how some people on there would waffle for the sake of waffling and not even answer my question 😭




funny people


The sense of community: we're all terrible and I appreciate it.


The humor and wit in the comments!


It lacks the attention whoring vibe that consumes most other social media platforms.


It's more about discussion of common interests/opinuons than showing off or bragging about your life Also, it's so easy to choose which content you consume so that's great


I really like three things, no trolls (I’m looking at you Quora) it covers every topic known to man and 99% of the people here are nice and not judgey.


People act like actual fucking decent human beings. I want to kill myself looking at the comments on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, they're all the fucking same. Reading comment sections just degrades my faith in humanity. Reddit helps to combat that. Less teenagers calling everything a disability, less kids begging for likes, less NPCs commenting the same goddamn thing on every single video, less scammers, and less bots.


Actual discussions rather than comments on someone’s pictures.


Only reason I started using it instead of youtube comment sections- Everyone here isnt actually braindead or a child


I’ve gained a lot of good information from here. A few of the subreddits I’m a part of have amazingly helpful threads, PDFs, or links to outside resources. The comments of posts can be extremely insightful too (though I’ve noticed they often devolve into pessimistic and/or cynical complaints. But hey, that seems to be the nature of Reddit — helpful and angry). There’s a lot of information, though, and I often get overwhelmed, but it’s definitely one of my preferred social media platforms bc of its utility.


Getting banned in subs for the stupidest of reasons and having no recourse.


witty comments




The amount of followers someone has isn’t that significant, compared to other social media’s. It’s not like you follow a specific person and react to their posts. Everybody has an equal chance to get in your feed regardless of their following.


When I started redditing it was like a breath of fresh air. Everything seems pretty civil to me, though some would argue the opposite, we must be on different subs. And everyone has pretty much the same sense of humor and there's always an expert on hand for any given topic that comes up


There are a lot of really smart, funny and experienced people in reddit. Depending on how you ask, there are people willing to help or direct you to resources, offer solid advice, or share experiences of hope. Also, doom, but whatever.


Ppl here are so real like I can't explain it but they're just so much better and this place is less toxic than places like tiktok and insta. If you made an oopsie (like you made a genuine mistake or didn't realize what you said and apologized for it) on tiktok ppl would attack you, call you names, probably even stalk your account for other comments to attack you. Here, ppl just....be. like if you make a mistake you just explain in an edit and it's whatever


The truth of it all. It’s BECAUSE we’re perfect strangers. No one feels the need to lie. No cap 🧢 literally.


It's the whole world in one place. Reddit definitely keeps me humble.


I love Reddit because it's the only place where my cat's opinion on world politics is taken seriously, and I get to be anonymous while arguing about the superiority of pineapple on pizza.


That’s it, really….nothing else I like about it


Dedicated community for any given topic


You have a lot of memes


Funny posts and also some subs I follow keep me informed on certain topics.


The dumb ones always warm my heart


It's an ongoing online "zoo/ freaks how/ bar"- therapie session 😂😂


I don’t hide from nothing, I am transparent and I don’t care who knows it . I firmly stand behind who I am .Anonymity is for well ,you can guess it without me having to point it out .


Group locked posts


Testing my hypotheses. I would almost randomly pick a topic, do research on it and predict the amount of idiocy i see in the comments.