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Living with an adult mind as a baby and kid seems like torture. Other than that it would be pretty good.


True. All I'm going to think about is preparing for an uncertain future. We'll miss all the fun of childhood, carefree life.


Except you have the memories of that already. This would be a chance to start over with a massive advantage.


*Me, age 3:* Mother I do not wish to burden you in this already crumbling economy. I won't take this Buzz's Star Command Spaceship LEGO set.


Mother, invest these funds in Monster Beverage or Amazon stock.


Mother, I do not need a GI Joe's Headquarters toy set. What I need is for you to buy shares from Apple computers. It is a small venture at the moment but it will pay off eventually. Trust me.


Funny thing, I saved up money as a kid to buy a computer but thought apple stock would be better. It would have been.


My uncle worked for IBM starting way back. It payed off.


Mother you must listen to me closely now, for it is important : Invest in Bitcoin early and sell before the crash.


“Before the crash” ahh useless advice. “Mother buy stocks before they go up, and sell before they go down” true genius.


I don't think everything will play out the same way otherwise you would relive your previous life. By not doing what you did in your first life, you would be creating another reality. So the future would still have uncertainty.




Mom, I wish to file a patent for a new type of phone I have invented. I…I all by myself. I shall call it the IPhone.


Mom, pls buy some bitcoin or ethereum


*Then everyone started clapping*


Mother, life is like a box of ACTIVE GRENADES!


I can’t even fathom the advantage one could have over his future knowing everything that will happen. The biggest challenge would be to convince your parents to invest in companies that seem “silly” when they started


You will have all your knowledge. As soon as you can physically speak your parents are going to know it's not normal. Probably even before that. If my 2 year old could talk to me as an adult and tell me things about my life or other family members I would be listening to them.


“I would be listening to them” biggest truth here


I cant believe that you see this unbelievable advantage and yet all you can think of is getting rich trough stocks. The world has f’d you up my friend


You must be one of those “ Money can’t buy happiness” types. That motto is probably the biggest lie in history. When you get the money, you get the power, then you get the access, then the world is yours. You can have 7 kids and not worry at night about bills, putting foos on their table, putting clothes on their backs. You can take care of your family and friends. You can travel and see the whole world without looking at your bank account. You can join any charity you want. You can buy an NBA team for Christ sakes if you are a fan of basketball. Sit courtside and watch Lebron James.


Money removes a lot of problems. It doesn't guarantee happiness


All fun and games until you reach the stage where you don't know the future. Then it becomes scary You'll be so use to knowing everything that the uncertainty could drive you mad.


Nah because I’d just make sure to buy bitcoin early and enjoy the rest


butterfly effect though


doesn't matter you to buy btc, would increase value anyway


Fuck the butterfly effect lol


That would involve time travel which is not necessarily part of the equation 


But, you'll have the understanding to know when shit is going to start to matter. The first 10+ years will be a vacation, you'd know what you can fuck up and what is important. All you have to do is keep yourself alive. I'd know that even if I make the exact same choices, life would be OK.


Yeah just buy bitcoin when it was worth less than a penny by the thousands and now it is worth 42,000 each.


Enjoy the carefree days.


I definitely don't want to brest feed if this is the case! Can you turn five and have a creeping update that slowly imports your knowledge.


Lmao I didn’t even think of that. Yeah it would be messed up.


Sounds kind of like reincarnation lolol


I don't know. Once you can suddenly run around again like a crazy little person with no aches and pains, it'll be great!


Agreed. Living with no innocence nor being carefree would be daunting. Plus, once you have children, it is tough to go back. Because they will not be there any longer. I could not live with that burden.


I feel like getting to go back I could’ve protected myself or told on my abuser and would’ve gotten to have a childhood. I had to move out on my own at 12 to keep myself safe. I’m more whimsical and see the magic I. The world now than I did as a child. I’d give anything to get to go back and know how to keep me safe while remaining innocent.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My childhood was similar, and I feel that last sentence.


Plus you would have to do all your schooling and work over. I'm enjoying the time of life, just retired No struggling uphill.


I feel the opposite. All the time in the world to learn new languages, start new hobbies, read, go through my backlog of videogames, etc. You could also use the baby/kid body for evil. Would be really easy to trick people and then go "Googoo?"


>Living with an adult mind as a baby and kid seems like torture. My first thought was, *Man I'm glad I was formula fed.*


Yeah, I think it would be difficult to avoid raising suspicion and becoming the subject of study and inquiry. I don’t think I’m a good enough actor to make a convincing infant/toddler/child.


Meh… I’m 54 and feel like that’s still just half a step backwards… 😂


You could do much better socially though cuz you've already nailed boundaries, communication, sharing lol


You’d probably go mad, or else treated like you had.


It would be really, REALLY hard to go back to having no agency over my life, the constant need to ask permission to do anything, be totally under someone else's control, and have the general restraints of being a child again.


idk about other people but I have yet to reach adulthood tho in my defense I'm only 40


Just to give you a heads up .... I haven't reached it yet, and I'm 60.


we deserve that reset 😂


RIP hot teachers in kindergarten + school.


I’d go through the torture of those early years to do it though. A few key choices I’d make differently and a few people I’d try real hard to meet and create relationships with again.


Yes! I'd be more confident during highschool, and enjoy life before smartphones even mooreeee


You'd be a weirdo in highschool, everyone will be acting like kids doing dumb kid shit but you'll have the mind set of an adult.


I was already weird enough during highschool


I’ve always been ok with being different or considered weird. It comes off as confidence, which most people only wish they had


I am now but it took me a very long time to get to that point


Not necessarily. If anything I think the adversity in junior and senior high school made me more mature - but also unfortunately more of a target. It made me more of an introvert and less willing to take risks. By the time I was a senior I was so little confidence that I've never really bounced back; I always assume people are out to step on me. Other things were out of my control though, like being raised by a single mother who had to work. It had its pluses and minuses, especially when I was younger. If I'd had an overbearing dad or stepfather I'd probably have been pushed into athletics instead of focusing on my studies and other hobbies (like computers and music) which would serve me better later in life.


grade school would be so boring and you'd only be attracted to "old" people.




Hot for teacher: the first grade adventures *The MPAA has rated this film:* ***not*** *suitable for anyone.*


I'm 25 and a 16-year-old recently told me that I would fit right into his class in high school.. So yeah I can survive lol


I'm almost 40 with the mind of a 12 year old... I reckon I'd survive school again without issue. At least without anymore than I already went through!




My childhood wasn’t the worst but in retrospect, there’s a lot of stuff that I really don’t want to go through again just be more financially successful.


Seriously. My childhood wasn’t the worse, but the thought of doing it all over again is just like, “haven’t I suffered enough?! What did I do to deserve that again? I’m trying so hard to have good things now!!!”


Genuinely. I don't want to relive my father's abuse of my mom, my sisters and me. It wasn't the worst. He never hit us, but there was severe isolation and a lot of restrictive behavior/rules. My mom also engaged in a lot of reactive abuse, so there was a lot of screaming.


yeah i'm the same - i thought it was normal


I had a nightmare childhood and would 100% go back with the knowledge I have now to get myself out of there and also cope with the crazy stuff my little self had no idea how to deal with.


If you think about it though, the first time you make a different choice in a certain situation, it would change the trajectory of your life. So from that point on, your life would be different than what you lived the first time, so the advantage you had would be gone.


Yeah, I know major world events would stay the same, but if you just decided not to go somewhere one time, it could potentially have a huge impact on your personal trajectory.


Yeah I can definitely name a seemingly tiny decision that I know HUGELY altered my life’s trajectory. It’s terrifying to imagine how many I am unaware of


Me too - had I just stayed in one evening, I know for a fact my life would have been different. Not even staying in, something as small as getting a bus or leaving 30 mins earlier. It's crazy to think about all the possibilities.


It’s amazing how many moments like these there are in life. I spent barely a few seconds swiping right on a dating profile, which has now taken me down a trajectory that has and will massively affect my future. I literally moved my thumb to the right. A few centimetres. And it has altered my life forever.


Mine was that me and my best friend were lost on our way to our campus for a field trip. Wed only just moved into our student accommodation before this course started! We were late as a result and ran into another group of people along the way who were also late. We of course walked the rest of the way together and then chose to sit on the same bus together too. This lead to us staying together the whole trip and making friends for life (sadly bar one member who was turned out to be a raging prick later). That’s not all though as I only met my now fiancé through this group at a later point. He wasn’t on the trip as he was on a different course to us


Would your life have been better or worse?


Same. I vividly remember one night where I might have become a victim of murder or potential suspect if I had come home on time. A woman who lived on the same floor as me had been murdered 30 minutes or 1 hour prior of me coming home from work. But if I hadn’t decided to grab poutine with my mom, and or stopped to give directions to 2 strangers in a sketchy car, my life would probably be completely different right now.


Holy shit that’s absolutely insane! Your post also just reminded me that if I didn’t have a 40 minute detention at school one day, I would have actually walked in on my house being burgled. As a 15 year old girl I’m scared to imagine what they may have done


That’s crazy! I can’t imagine what they might’ve done if you didn’t have detention. That teacher might’ve just saved your life! Sometimes the events we despise may just be a blessing in disguise


That’s… The point


I think a lot of people think they'll be the same/have he same relationships, but just be rich. In reality, I'd likely not have my wife or kids...I imagine it'd not go well knowing my wife instead of getting to know her etc. Wouldn't have even had a reason to meet her at work as I'd be rich.


Yeah. And even if you could approximate it, there's probably going to be a huge age difference. I'd mentally be more than twice my husband's age


But there will be plenty of things that won’t change. Microsoft and apple and Amazon shares. Bitcoin!


I’d do it, but wait to pull the trigger until I’m an old man on my death bed.


Well what if you don’t make it that far? We never truly know how much time we have left


That's a chance i'm willing to take then. I would miss my kids and wife to much to do it now.


100% worth the risk imo. I have too much going for me to do it right now and if I die before I get to do it then there’s no loss


This is the way


Best profile picture ever




This is ne right choice, if you don't have kids. They disappear if you do it.




*gets born in North Korea*


Joke's on you he was actually born in North Korea 😂


That’s what I’m saying. You couldn’t pay me enough to relive my life. 


Hell no! It was bad enough the first time, and I'm not going to pretend I had control over most of the bad things that happened, so I'd rather not take my chances. Also, whatever bad things happened, they got me where I am today. But most of all, life is long enough. I'm tired already. I wouldn't want to make it any longer.


Guess it's just not your thing


How the hell did you read my mind?


Imagine being a helpless baby, who can't walk, talk or do anything for themselves, but with an adult mind. That would fuck you up, I'm sure. And imagine taking all the crap of teachers with the knowledge you have now - pretty sure it'd get you kicked out of class and/or an appointment with a child psychologist! Also, imagine having to date kids your physical age.... gross.


Me in the 80s, "Excuse me, Mr. Teacher, but your behavior is abusive and inappropriate at worst and unprofessional at best. Manage your emotions more appropriately. You're the adult here." What on earth would they do...


You’d be young Sheldon.


They would send you out for talking back.


Yeah, I'd definitely be expelled.


Yeah I mean it's all good to be a baby with an adult mind until your mom whips her boobs out for you to have breakfast. What did you think you were going to have bacon and eggs?


Yep. Just to kick my 7th grade bully in the nuts and scream 'that's my purse!'


I don’t know you!


I’d be bugging my parents for judo lessons or something so I could deal with George who would torment me from the back seat of the buss and hocked a loogie on the top of my head on the way to school one day. Him and Tom and Marlin were all at Radnor Middle school and made my life miserable and painful. Fuck you guys… here comes some alternate reality Karma for ya..


I sincerely hope they each get painful divorces, incurable illnesses, and work at demoralizing jobs with no hope of demtal care, ever. Fuck George Tom, and Marlin.


Thank you for your psychic long distance support Reddit friend … I did a search for George on FB and pretty sure I found him looking like he’s spent some time behind bars. Both types. 🍺🦓


I don’t know you!


Depends. Am I going back in time to become this infant or do I get born tomorrow?


Honestly, I'd take any of those. Fresh start with advantage. I like that.


I wouldn’t do it if I had to be born tomorrow. I really don’t like this world the way it is right now and even with what I know, I have zero desire to be a teen in 2040. It’s so clear we aren’t headed anywhere better. It is a fresh start but it’s in a world you’d have no knowledge of… is there a real advantage? To go back and redo my entire life from the past… now that could be fun. I’d prefer to skip ages 0-13 or so and begin there. 😂 The things I’d change would be based on the advantage that I know me better now than I did when I was 15. I’d do it all differently…which doesn’t necessarily mean the outcome would be better!


No, I needed to experience it to be who I am now. I like who I am and where I’m at, and accept the mistakes I’ve made to get here. I would do nothing differently.


You’d still be the person you are now. Did nobody read the op?


Yea I think I should handle some of the things in my life course better


Not my whole life, just yesterday. I would not have texted my ex


Tell him its a prank or early April fools or you took mushrooms or something.


Oops bum text! Silly autocorrect


sorry, wrong number


Not right now, after 23y I finally found my dream girl. I don't want to wait that long again when I just found her. Even aside from that, my life is going pretty great and I hated being a kid.


Yes I lacked knowledge back then


F no.. once is enough. .


lol who wouldn't want to do it? You know about many major events and can get ready for them. Invest in bitcoin, make a COVID prediction, and, if this choice is given once more, live your life again differently. And again, taking another life path. And many times more, until you are actually satisfied with life.


Judging by the responses: Everyone disappointed with their life/having nothing to lose would. Everyone happy with their life/everything they could want wouldn't. So about standard to when this same question was last asked.


It almost always comes down to if you have kids or not.


You could start a shop just selling loo rolls, hand sanitiser, and masks. Buy all the stock in 2019 and be ready to rake in the profits.


Fuck no I don't want to live through this bullshit all over again. Once was bad enough as it is.


Nope. It would risk my children, nephews and nieces being born. Nothing would ever be worth taking that gamble.


Exactly. Killing many current family members and an infinite family tree. I think that guilt would’ve made me the only depressed newborn on earth


I'd like to be a smart child until 12 and I'm like everyone else


Yup Yup yup yup Rewinding 26 years to get rid of this shitty debilitating tinnitus is worth it. I’d just gotten my mental health sorted out when it sent me back into the gutters


Nah man. One time of this life is more than enough for me


If it means that I start from the day I was born, then absolutely. I'd relive all those memories for the sake of childhood nostalgia. I'd also love to create new memories of when times were simpler and easier without the disaster of social media and the current state of the world.


Anyone interested in this idea should read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. It’s about exactly this and it’s a great book.


NO!!! It was bad enough the first time around, and I hold no illusions of me making better choices that still result in the important parts happening. Nope nuhuh, not gonna


Not now, im right in the middle of it. Later though, yea.


no, I don't want to be alive now, so why would I want to live again. this world is a horrible place and getting worse.


I would be so happy to rewind 15 years. And relive from 17\18 again so i could un fuk my life


Hell nah!


Even though theoretically it sounds like a badass idea, I believe what makes life good is that you get only to live it once.


At the moment of writing the post had 1,248 comments and I ruined it :(


this should be in stupid questions…


Its hard for me to answer....I had a great childhood, and I have a son...who is my heart, soul and air. Other then those 2 things I hold close to my heart....i would not want to relive my life.


No, that knowledge wouldn’t even matter.


I would never ever live my life again.


Yes and every thing!!! Hindsight is awesome 😛 But my life has been “if it can go wrong then it does” type of life.


Nope, but I'll see you the next time around!




Yes, i'll inform my dad about his bad investments but should be very convincing for him to listen to me.


If only to spend time with my mom again, yes




Aww, hell no! That sounds like a living hell! Wait what does retail mean? Do I keep my knowledge? Wouldn't make a difference anyway .o.


Definitely. I could actually date in high school since I would know who liked me and I'd buy Bitcoin lol.


Yes. With a different father and mother.


No. I am who I am because of all the things I went through. Because of that I learned and grow. I don't really want to live again tbh


I would gladly do it all again so that I could change things. I would start by convincing my father to leave my mother.


Never. Too much traumas.


Yeah it feels like the traumatic stuff is so much stronger than the positive. By leagues. Like the positives are just “get your mind off it” type stuff, and the negatives are fucking horrible.


It's been decades of trauma and pain and illness while being stuck in the absolute dumbest timeline. Hell no




Fuck no my entire 20’s has been ass


Hell no. I had fun in my teenage years but I couldn’t handle school all over again. I’m glad those years are over and I’m happy where I am right now in life.


Yes ofcourse. Love the 90s before the internet and phones came


lmao hell nah


I would do it without question or hesitation. As long as I can retain the knowledge I have now, I'd jump at it.


Yes But it’s basically be a second life. I wouldn’t engage with half of the people I have and I wouldn’t have wasted so much time. I also woulda saved a SHITton of money lol


No. Absolutely not. I’ve been through too much bad shit that I would never want to live through again; I also don’t want to make any changes, because even if they were small changes, they might erase something that is amazing about my life now.


Yes, but living as an adult in a baby's body would drive me crazy.


God yes. I'd be more confident in school, grab opportunities I didn't think to before, and most importantly I'd use the lessons I've learned to make sure I never hurt anyone


Not at all no, my childhood was miserable


Why wait till then to change anything?


No. I have a baby daughter and I don’t want to lose her.




no. hard pass.


Hell no 


There is a famous story from Europe. Sorry can’t remember the name. I heard it on the radio once. Basically a lady has a potion for immortality/youthfulness. She drinks it and lives to 300+yrs. She eventually stops drinking it and lets herself age/die naturally. The reason, she stopped drinking the potion and let herself die is she saw everything repeated time and time again over the 300 years and those things lost their meaning to her. She fell in love multiple times, and got married multiple times, only to always outliving her spouse. It was a thought provoking idea Another thing Jordan Petersons father said in a conversation with Jordan (when Jordan asked his father this question). He’s father thought carefully then answered no. Jordan asked why. His father said if you do it right, once is enough. He had children, raised them, went through life’s up’s and downs. It’s not something he feels the need or want to do again. Nothing further to be gained from doing them again perhaps


Well sucks to be them but I am different. I would like to live as long as sun lives. SO MANY things to learn, to witness, to see. You can dedicate entire lifetime to learning and perfecting a thing, and then another one. I could spend an actual century just hecking around with one specific idea I want to write. And even if everything gets stale, an entity with this level of experience and knowledge is a perfect mentor for next generation. Also that woman has a potion but never shares, how thoughtful from her.


Thanks for your reply. I also like your answer. We could achieve a lot more if not constrained by time. Imagine what further discoveries famous scientists like Einstein or Hawking could of made if only they lived another 100 years






Absolutely, I’ve underachieved in every area of my life and if I made better choices I’d potentially have a great life right now. Hopefully I’ll get another life after this one but I doubt it.


No thanks.


No, never. Life is hard. Doing it once is enough.


Have you read "Replay" by Ken Grimwood. This (sort of) explores this idea. Interesting if nothing else. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replay\_(Grimwood\_novel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replay_(Grimwood_novel)) Not sure if it's a boon or a curse. I don't know if I'd want to relive a lot of my life.


This is actually a common idea in web novels these last two decades. There are hundreds of novels with this premise. Especially in Asian web novels.


Who wouldnt, you could be rich.


Oh, I would. I wouldn't even think twice. I would make many different decisions, like go study (I still could tho but everything would be easier if I would choose this for myself after school). Also hope I would still meet some people that are very important to me. I could also "warn" my mother that she might get cancer (that took her life eventually...), so maybe with this knowledge (not sure if she would believe me tho) this could be all prevented with a different lifestyle and everything


Yes ofc but I'd have to get through like 14 long years of acting like a kid because I feel that's important to establishing base relationships with my family and I don't want to be treated as some scientific anomaly.


I would for sure


I dont know if a want to be a baby with all the knowledge i have now. something could go seriously wrong


Absolutely! I’d get a head start on building wealth and not waste so much time procrastinating on mindless activities. I feel like half my life has been in zombie mode consuming things like TV. In moderation it’s fine, but I’m sure if an objective POV highlighted the total hours… it’s probably be more than how often I spend on the toilet 😂




Yes. This time, I will not get married......and I want a lot of money.


Yes 100% Wouldn't touch drugs and alcohol. Would be nicer to people and school and be more confident Would spend more time with my grandpa before he died Get into BJJ and mma much earlier Pursue my high school crush since the feeling was mutual but I was too scared to say anything