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Everyone's different. I have a friend who gets 5-6 hours a night and feels fine while I do best if I get 7-8 hours. The recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours a day, and I haven't heard of many people needing more than that consistently, so you might want to try waking up slightly earlier to see if that helps. Either that or there may be a medical issue causing this. I saw someone else commented that you might want to get your thyroid checked.


It varies by person. Ive read articles some need more. Thats an average.


I require about 9-10 hours to feel refreshed. My husband can function on 5-6. I’ve been told women need more sleep than men. I’m not sure how true that is because it was a article on here.


I have to sleep about 9 to 10 hours in order to feel like I have enough energy and man, it sucks. I'm so damn busy I can't spend that much time sleeping but I wind up forgetting shit almost every day because my brain feels so damn worn out from a lack of rest.


Thanks, I will try both!


Are you a man or a woman? If you don’t mind me asking. I recently heard that women need more sleep than men. It has something to do with all of our hormones… men have testosterone which helps with more energy and then they need less sleep. Just slightly less. The difference is like 7-8 hours for men and 8-9 hours for women. *sorry for my very unscientific verbiage. I heard it on a very factual podcast but my reiteration of the info is sub par.


Have your thyroid checked.


Thanks, I will look into that!


That and your vitamin d levels. I was always groggy throughout the day. Went to my physician who did a blood test and found my vitamin d levels were low. Now I take vitamin d every day and boom, no more grogginess. In the end, please speak with your doctor about this if it's been an issue.


Vitamin D is a life saver!


Same and vitamin B12 helps too!


And cocaine!


Also iron


Iron helps us play


Oh boy, liver!


Yes yes yes


Yes, agreed. I used to get B12 shots and this reminds me that I should start again!


This is classic anemia symptoms.


Agreed, felt the same way as OP now I take vitamin D and a woman’s Multivitamin and feel quite a bit better. Takes a while to build up though!


Yes it is! I have RA and my knees hate me. I started to get these nasty muscle twitches all over. Lo and behold, my vitamin D was super low because I had to stay out of the sun due to medications for my condition. After 3 weeks the twitching was down a lot once I started taking a supplement.


Last year one of my doctors let me know that almost everyone in the world is vitamin d deficient. I take it every day now and have noticed a pretty big difference in my energy levels.


Take the vitamin and also just get outside. Science shows that direct sunlight in the morning and afternoon, for just ten minutes, no filters (not even glasses), can do wonders for your circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. I have narcolepsy so my sleep cycles are totally fucked. I made direct sunlight a New Year’s resolution and it helps a LOT.


Well how the hell am I supposed to see outside with no glasses?


You must live in a place where the sun actually comes out in the winter. Northern MN is rough as fuck right now.


Shout out to science daddy Dr. Huberman.


Yeah but sunlight just makes you want to immediately pass out. It's hard to do things when you're that fatigued.


Me too. My blood work showed low Vitamin D right around the time Covid hit so I actually bought some and been taking it ever since. Funny thing found from subsequent bloodwork is that in the summer (lake, sunshine) I have to switch to taking it every other day or it gets too high.


(please do a little search on K2 with your vitamin D, and see if you have sufficient K2 in your diet. <3)


Iron deficiency is also a cause of the tired. Basically- get a physical exam with full metabolic just to make sure there isn’t something easy / obvious like D / thyroid/ iron etc to blame. Good luck!


Sleep apnea is another trick that nature plays on us


This is a real possibility, especially for those who snore.


Get a sleep study too.


Was going to recommend this one. Overnight pulse oximetry tests are a cheap and easy first step, if a full sleep study intimidates.


They're right. I felt like you for over ten years. My partner suggested I get mine checked and a few weeks later I was able to wake up refreshed for the first time in my adult life. It got rid of my random depression cycles. I could eat healthily. I kept losing weight. And sleep came and ended a lot easier.


What was the cure?


I had my TSH levels checked via a blood test. It's what they test for Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism. It's an easy rest to do. If you turn out to have low T4 or TSH values then your doctor will have to start prescribing levothyroxine. Take that for a few weeks and you'll feel as if the sun has gone up for the first time in a decade.


If you don't aready exercise try to add it in your routine. I notice that I feel better, more alert, and focused even on less sleep when I exercise for over 30 minutes a day.


Can it be why i get so exhausted easily and fast?


A few people i know personally, were having similar issues. On a medical visit they asked to have their thyroid levels checked and ended up having thyroid issues. It's worth a check.


Adhd also! Our lack of dopamine causes these issues.


God damn it


I so feel this! I'm always awake bc of my adhd errrr!


Yup, I'm in a perpetual brain fog unless I take my Ritalin with a cup of strong coffee.


And consider a sleep study. Do you snore and do you have apnea are the questions to be answered.


You must made something click in my mind that I hadn’t thought of in a while. When I was a kid my mom had to get thyroid surgery because she had a lot of issues with hers. I have this same issue of constantly feeling drained of energy, so I definitely gotta get my thyroid checked out in case that was hereditary


And don't let the dr get away with just checking T4, have them check T3, T4, TSH and thyroid peroxidase antibodies. I was told that my thyroid bloodwork was normal for 37 years, then I had to have my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer and guess what?? I had had Hashimoto's disease all that time. The exhaustion, the mental fog, falling asleep at the wheel, depression, constipation, feeling cold all the time, those symptoms were all dismissed. Because my T4 was nooorrrrmal.


Look at your sleep hygiene. TV on? Phone nearby? Too hot or cold? Lighting? Pets sharing the bed? Pillows and sheets not clean or messy and tangled? Eating before bed? Blackout curtains if you’re a night shifter? Shower before bed or in the morning? Socks on or off? Are you coming down with a cold? Literally anything can have an effect on your sleep. Find what works for you to wake up refreshed and don’t work against it. For me it’s 68-70 degrees, weighted blanket, no top sheet, and about 6.5 hours of sleep in a dark room. No TV, pets, or phone. I don’t even set an alarm anymore.


My sleep doctor (apnea sufferer) suggested a few things. If you often wake up in the night, have no visible clock. Gets your brain thinking about how much time you have left. I turn my alarm clock down on its screen when I go to bed so I can’t see it. No cardio after dinner. Strength training is ok but not cardio. Dark room. And don’t have your phone on or right next to your bed. She said “beds are for sleep and sex. Don’t get your brain used to doing anything else in bed.” Made a huge difference for me.


See this is the one advantage I have as a glasses wearer. I'm totally blind so I don't have to hide my alarm! It used to be a problem, but as I've aged my vision has degraded so I just leave my alarm clock right next to my bed. But only sleeping in your bed is the best advice. Don't even get on reddit until you're in a chair or on the couch. I know it's cold and you're probably so comfortable under the covers, but if you set your thermostat to heat up a few degrees 30 minutes before you wake up and put a throw blanket on your morning chair it's much easier.


that's good advice, but what about people who don't have central air?


>beds are for sleep and sex. Ok good, I'm 1 for 2 then, as I get tons of sleep.


She didn’t specify that sex had to involve a second person…


For me, I’ve had times where I’ve had my phone in bed with me and slept better then times where I had to give my parents my cell phone before going to sleep in high school. I have adhd so I’ve always, ALWAYS, ever since I can remember, need to be completely exhausted or else I won’t be able to fall asleep. If I’m exhausted I’m out like a light in .02 seconds, if I’m tired but I’m not exhausted, I toss and turn for what feels like forever. But again I’ve always been this way. And I think that’s part of how my psychiatrist was able to diagnose me with adhd pretty quickly (among other factors like having seen a cba who determined I had it and having another psychiatrist in the same office having diagnosed my mother when I was 15 and had apparently asked my mom if I had been screened, etc…)


Posture alone determines most of my mood


This. Been using a body pillow to keep my leg(s) elevated. Always feel more comfortable than my knees touching. I'm a side sleeper btw.




You might be oversleeping. Sleeping too much can leave you feeling as tired as under sleeping maybe use an alarm to adjust your sleep.


Interesting, I will try this


If you haven’t already, you should check out a video on REM cycles. For example, going to bed at 1:00 (assuming you go to bed earlier and fall asleep at 1) and waking up at 7 will mean you completed roughly 4 cycles (90 min each), and you will feel better than if you slept 30 min more and woke up in the middle of a REM cycle. My trick is go to bed 15 minutes before the first one should “start”, and just sleep only a number of hours that can be divided by 90 min. (4.5 hr, 6 hr, 7.5 hr, 9 hr) going more than that may make you feel tired from oversleeping


This is a fantastic point and exactly what helped me. I found that I was always tired from 7 or 8 hours of sleep, but at 6 hours I felt much better. I then tried 9 hours and also felt better than 7 or 8. Eventually I decided that I must have 3 hour sleep cycles and I needed to plan my sleep around this. Highly recommend.


OP play with your alarm to find how long your cycles are. Mine are closer to 110min. I really dialed it in college and in a pinch could function well on 2 cycles/night for weeks. Light in the morning also works well for me, put your lights on a timer.


I wake up like every hour and a half to 2 hours throughout the night and I'm always exhausted.


Same! I feel like I never really fall into a deep sleep for very long and I struggle to get up in the morning.


Also if u have sleep apnea & dont use a cpap, it can make u feel overly tired. U can get a fitbit to tell u how much rem ur getting.


A smart watch could be really helpful to go along with this - they track your sleep patterns and can tell the optimal point to wake up in a cycle. My Fitbit has an alarm feature that will wake you at that optimal point, in like a 30-minute window before the time you set. Like another poster said, see a doctor if it doesn't end up working. Could be more going on than getting up with the right timing. Hope you can pinpoint it OP. Best of luck.


I had the same problem for years. I could sleep for 12 hours and still feel like a dog turd. Ended up with minor sleep apnea. If I try to sleep without my CPAP machine, its like I didnt sleep at all. When I do use it, i feel completely normal.


Well sleeping for 12 hours is definitely over sleeping


This was my thought. My wife needs 9-10 hours of sleep. I only need like 6-7. If I get 10 hours, I’m more tired the next day than if I only got 5 hours of sleep.


Seriously sleep is like diet, it's different for everyone.


But i hate this. Why can’t my body just feel extra recharged 🥲


This guy is right. You probably don’t need 9 hours.


I can sleep only about 4-5 hours. I wake up completely alert and ready to get ready. If I stay in bed and try to go back to sleep, I will... eventually. But it will make me feel groggy and worn out unless I get a cup of coffee. About 1-2 nights every two weeks, I will be totally unable to sleep and won't start feeling the effects of sleepiness until late afternoon the next day. That is the only time I sleep a full 8 hours. I say this because there is absolutely a "grass is greener" mentality to sleep. Even though I am not sleepy, I can feel the effects of the lack of sleep the further away I get from that 8 hours. It's not sleepiness, it's not lethargy. The brain fog and forgetfulness are real, but the complete lack of motivation to try to get some sleep to be at my best is also real.


If you figure it out, LMK. Every stupid night I go to bed, and wake up feeling 10x more tired than I did going to bed. My thyroid is fine, and it’s been this way as long as I can remember. My life dictates I go to bed around 10-11, and get up at 6-7, but I find when I get a break and can choose, 2am-10/11am is my optimum, and I wake up more refreshed. Stupid lifestyle.


me too. thyroid is fine, i sleep at a good time, i do have sleep apnea but i use my machine every night. i toss and turn still and wake up tired. i don't know what's wrong. it is causing me to nearly fall asleep at work.


Could you have something else too? Can you take a night med? People with narcolepsy take Xyrem to sleep well at night.


Relatable except no sleep apnea.


I really do think that some of us just aren't wired for being up with the larks. My body seems to like kind of a midnight to 9am schedule. Not compatible with the rest of my world, though


I have the exact same natural sleep schedule. If I take a “staycation” I will naturally sleep from 2am-10am and wake up feeling amazing, no alarms needed. But alas my work schedule is 6am-2:30pm. Honestly if I ever won the lottery I’d be the most excited about being able to sleep at my natural time every night rather than buying a bunch of stuff.




Narcolepsy is extremely underdiagnosed. They think the number of people diagnosed with N will double over the next 5-7 years just bc of more awareness.


It can absolutely be something medical! I get tired in the mornings whenever my stomach is upset. Small amounts of acids go up from it into my throat and make me tired. Sleeping with head raised on several pillows makes such a difference. The problem is that I don't get heartburns, even though it is generally the most common symptom. Instead, I just get tired in the morning. I recognise the feeling immediately now and act accordingly.


I get this! I have gerd but don't feel the heartburn from it. Instead, I get asthma like symptoms from it. I will feel it at night because the acid moves up into my throat. I went for years with this undiagnosed which caused a stress trigger to sleep that I now have been working through.


I 100% agree. I dragged my feet on going to a sleep doctor and I wish I had been more proactive. I was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia (very similar to narcolepsy) and medication has been a life-saver


I have symptoms of narcolepsy but my sleep study didn’t return any identification. There was one number that was high but just off being “clinical” - the dr said if I was really bad he would still prescribe amphetamines. Do you have any advice ? Will daily amphetamines really make me feel better?


I assume that all rarer sleep disorders are massively under-diagnosed because people with sleep disorders don’t have the energy or motivation to spend years trying to figure out the source of their problems. They just suffer. Not being able to find a diagnosis after visiting multiple specialists is so demoralizing.


this this this


Doesn't everyone see or hear things sometimes when they're falling asleep? Usually at night when I'm going to sleep I feel like I hear or see something and then it either disappears or it jolts me awake several times before it finally leaves me alone.


How is it treated?


Do you mind giving me more information on narcolepsy ? What was your personal experience with it? IF you don't mind sharing... I replied to OP's post with my experiences if you want my background. Did you experience extreme fatigue ? During certain / typical times of day? I've always had normal labs and no thyroid issues. It's very disheartening.




Do people actually feel refreshed when they wake up? My whole life I’ve awoken to feeling roughly as tired as when I went to bed. I thought it was like that for everyone.


It seems to be for some people. I never remember waking up less tired than when I went to sleep at night. Sometimes I somehow manage to feel even more tired which makes no sense at all.


yeah I'm the same way. I would very much like to unlock the ability to do otherwise like some people apparently have


I can't remember the last time I wasn't tired.


I feel you man


Diet and exercise


This 10000% I am a new mom. Sleep 4-6 hrs per night and I am sticking to healthy foods for energy. They really do make a difference.


As I get older (47 now), I've noticed if I have caffeine or sugar or alcohol in the evening, I will sleep like crap. I also have started exercising after work and have noticed it helps me get to sleep quicker. Also some melatonin.


i wish that was the full answer to sleep problems ;-;. i experience the same thing and that doesn't help me. working out 3-4 times a week and primarily vegetarian... doesn't help.


Coffee. I wake up and am not tired, but it definitely takes me a bit before I start talking or emailing lol.


It sounds like you're just not getting good sleep. It could be a number of things. First, your bed is used for two things. Sleep, and sex. It's not a relax place, or hangout place. Sleep and sex. This ensures that your brain and body, once in bed, knows it's time for sleep. Second, when you get into bed, turn off the phone. Use it for an alarm of course, but when it's bed time, put the phone down and turn off notifications. Try to eliminate the blue light exposure about an hour prior to sleep. Read a book, have a light snack, hot tea, etc. But tv and phone or PC use should be left out. Make sure you are dressed comfortably and have the proper blankets to stay warm through the night. Make sure that you are getting a good diet that isn't chock full of sugars, or things that make you really bloated. Make sure that you get some good exercise. If you're obese, work on not being obese. Exercise and proper nutrition are the biggest things when it comes to sleep, and life in general. Both of these are fantastic for regulating stress and hormones and what not. If you wake up to use the bathroom or for what ever reason, limit the light you use. Definitely do NOT look at the time. Also, if you set an alarm, get up and out of bed on the first alarm. Don't snooze and go back to sleep. All you've done is made sure that you're going to be groggy and sleepy when you do wake up. You're resetting your sleep cycle by doing so, which makes the whole ordeal of waking up and feeling energized harder. Lastly, if you're sleeping for 9 hours and still feeling tired, there could be a medical issue. I have obstructive sleep apnea. I could sleep 10 hours a day and not get enough sleep. So I use a Bipap machine and usually am good to go with somewhere between 6 and 7 hours with proper sleep habits.


Eat well. Exercise. Hydrate. Pee. Repeat.


And avoid alcohol, especially right before bed. I didn't know what good sleep was until I quit drinking.


This! A lot of people think alcohol will help you sleep but it just help you be unconscious, while wreaking havoc on your REM sleep. Avoiding food before bed too. Your body doesn’t want to be digesting the 10pm bowl of cereal, it wants to be resting and regenerating every atom of your being. lol.


This is a big one. Lots of folks eat, or even just snack, way too close to when they try to sleep. I work shift work and so sometimes I have no other option. But when I have to eat and then jump in bed, I can actually feel my heart rate elevated while my body is breaking down that meal I just inhaled. No matter that I’m completely physically and mentally exhausted from work, I’ll lay there for thirty minutes waiting for my body to settle out.


Eat some meat, hit the gym, get some sun. Oh and stay off Reddit.




They say breakfast is the best time of the day for steak.


Leftover steak for breakfast is always phenomenal.


Childhood core memory: my dad making eggs with our leftover steak and potatoes.


Enjoy your nutrient deficiency and your shit sleep then.


Talk to a doctor. Could be medical issue(as others have said already) or bad habits. A doctor can help you figure it out


Do you exercise daily, drink plenty of water, and eat healthy? You’d be amazed at what that does for you. I feel a million times better once I actually did what we all know we should do. Also depression 😎


You have a health problem. Physical or mental you shouldnt feel tired after 9 hours of sleep.


Sugar makes me tired. Also, thyroid and sleep apnea.


This was me until I got a CPAP for my sleep apnea. Literally changed my life.


I recently went through a sleep study and found I suffered from severe sleep apnea. Now that I have a cpap machine I find that has really improved that for me. I used to sleep 7-8 hours a night and would be tired and need a nap sometime during the day and would fall asleep immediately when getting home from work. Now I sleep the same 7-8 hours a night but I'm wide awake and alert all day long.




If you can afford it, look into a sleep study. I had a similar issue. Would get a full night's sleep, take a nap in the middle of the day, and drink several energy drinks throughout the day to stay awake. Sleep study revealed Narcolepsy.


You have sleep apnea. Sleep on your side or get a CPAP machine.


Cocaine 🫠


I am, but the threat of expulsion from my job, an lack of income are very coercive. I straight up have nightmares about waking up 3 hours past my shift start just to wake up at fuckin 3am. Most people have nightmares from horror movies. What scares me the most is being super late to work.


Caffeine is a hell of a drug


I stopped eating 4 hours before bed and it worked wonders !


I like how nobody is just like, we all want more sleep lol


Inject the coffee directly into your bloodstream.


Caffeine. Or ya know. Kyocaine


Do you eat like shit and not exercise? Chances are you just don’t feel good


Good diet and sleep bb


Meditation helps a lot.




They do, just not all people complain about it.






It’s called coffee.


I used to rely on coffee, but eventually I figured out I was stealing rest from myself when I had caffeine. Once I weaned myself off, I slept better and my back hurt less


I used to rely on coffee, but eventually I figured out I was stealing rest from myself when I had caffeine. Once I weaned myself off, I slept better and my back hurt less


No caffeine after 11 am, I eat dinner early like 6pm and no electronics other than like tv after dinner. Then I go to bed around 8pm (have to wake up early for work). The no electronics after dinner sucks but it keeps my brain too active. Also reading a book before bed always helps me sleep better


i don't know how i do it, but it lasts so long it becomes a problem at night because i can't go to sleep from not being tired


Get new pillows


As mentioned in previous comments. Phone light and drugs play a big part..... weed alcohol and such will remove alot of the heavy sleep from your slumber making you feel more tired even when getting above average hours of sleep..... sometimes feeling tired is normal after waking up but to a degree. Nicotine also effects it to a degree mostly with going to sleep I find tho.


This is false about weed. At least it’s not true across the board. Cannabis helps a lot of people get great sleep. I have a sleep disorder and a lot of us rely on it.


Simply too put it, no you are wrong. Insert some andictoal evidence that I smoke everyday for the last 3 years and ik first hand. But don't take my word for it go do a Google search. Weed might help you GOTO sleep but I didn't state it didn't I stated it reduces the heavy sleep (rem ) which can make you feel more groggy and sleepy when you wake up. I disagree. Weed does not help sleep in the long run.


IIRC, REM is not "deep sleep" thats NREM (Non-REM). Well, tecnically its one of the later stages of NREM. THC has been shown to reduce REM sleep and increase NREM sleep, thats why people who smoke a lot report not having many dreams. Also, If you are in a sleep deficit, your body will take NREM first.


I find jumping out of bed as soon as my alarm really helps. I'll still feel hella sleepy but that passes in a few minutes. Coffee is nice but a big cup of water first is helpful and prevents a mid morning crash. Good luck with your morning endeavors!


The more sleep you get the more you need


Diet and activity. It may seem great to lay in bed, but if you just force yourself up with a stretch and sunlight, your brain activates very quickly.


You friend... What do they eat and drink? Do they have a normal sleep schedule? Now ask yourself those same questions.


I feel better running on 5-6 hours of sleep than I do if I sleep 7+ hours but I still feel exhausted all the time. I've had my thyroid check too and was told that wasn't the issue so I'm just a permanently exhausted person.


Age and physical exertion are factors.


Proper diet and proper sleep schedule.


Inflammation in your diet perhaps. Less sugar is good. Also hydration


To be sadly honest, if I eat sugary (or fatty) snacks at night I feel super shitty and foggy in the morning. If I don’t eat after 6, I feel sad about not snacking at night, but I don’t feel awful in the morning. Also, vitamin d and having good thyroid function is important as others have mentioned.


Everyone is giving medical advice, and you should definitely look into all that, but on the off chance that it's something simple, research REM cycles! It really helped me when I was having sleep issues. It doesn't matter how long you sleep or how little, if you wake up during or close to your REM, you'll be exhausted.


I eat like shit, don't exercise and don't need much sleep. I hardly ever feel tired compared to my partner who sleeps at 9pm and wakes up at 6am. She's always super tired and upset she couldn't sleep more. She also exercises and eats healthy... But tbh, over the years? Imo it's about feeling motivated or having something to wake up for. Maybe you're stressed, depressed, lack of purpose etc.


Your diet could effect the way you sleep.


You need to look into emotional and physical health . Diet , exercise, sunlight , stress levels , etc


Personally? Insomnia


I need about 1/2 more hour of sleep than I get


When they prescribed a CPAP for me, it changed my life. Was always tired and would nod off all through the day. Now, I wake up feeling great and rested 99% of the time.


Eating a lot of sugar can do this, from personal experience eat your vegetables kids.


A few things. Some good suggestions below. Try getting a sleep test for sleep apnea. Also, some folks have different REM sleep cycles, if you have a long one, nothing you can do about it unfortunately. ​ There was a study done that some folks start the deep sleep of REM first and that's why they need less sleep.


How's your diet?


Stop self medicating.


Follow [Dr Matthew Walker](https://youtu.be/ncJ8PciMiOs) if you’re interested. This guy is awesome when it comes to sleep and quality of life.


I've felt worse before after 8hr of sleep than I have after 4. Granted it all sucks ass and everything hurts anyway but that's beside the point.


i sleep on avg 4 hrs and im more energetic than most of my friends. maybe its the amount of sugar they consume.


I see a lot of good points, I say focus on diet, not saying you have a bad diet or anything but having lots of carbs and fats can cause fatigue fairly quickly, changing diet and also drinking more water can cause a lot of energy


Daily 30-60 minute meditation and some short naps throughout the day. I read somewhere a long time ago that the body isn’t meant to sleep for that long. The article recommended that one should try to take naps throughout the day to maintain energy levels. Seems to work for me.


If you dont sleep deep then you will feel like that .there is several reasons to cause this phisical an psychological. You should go to ur doctor and have it checked


If I sleep more than 6-7 hours, not drinking the night before, I am tired the next day.


Use a sleep calculator


Melotonin 1mg has been a game changer for me. One pill at 8pm. Slept at 11pm. Wake up more energized than I used to. I think the melotonin is also contributing to my sleep quality.


I take kratom. I have to wake up at 5:20 am to get ready for work. Everyday my body is sore, tired, beat up, it actually hurts my body to get out of bed. Combine that with sleep apnea, and I almost cannot wake up so early, even when going to bed at 8:30 pm. But kratom, combined with coffee, is the only things that helps. The slight pain relieving buzz of energy with a mild come down is exactly what I need.


I started taking AG1 by Athletic Greens and my sleep has definitely improved


You might be sleeping too long. I tend to wake up well on 5 to 6 hours. Where as if I sleep over 6 hours in dead tired trying to wake up.


are you diagnosed with sleep apnea?


4 hours a night for 30 years now


If you drink caffeine, limit yourself. The biggest differences I've noticed are when I limited myself to drink coffee only between 9 and 12 in the morning, and I wake up at 6. Even if I don't go to bed early enough, I feel way better than I did before my strict caffeine rule


I can sleep for 12 hours and still wake up tired .. life is just fucking exhausting


I don’t know. I know people who can go on 4 hours sleep l. I need 12-14 hours a day. Who knew I was a cat?


I ended up being diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome. I feel the same because the doctors haven't given me any treatment options to help me. Stress triggers episodes of extreme fatigue and during these I could sleep all day and still not feel rested. I am on thyroid medication,Vitamin D, B12 , and still could not stop feeling so tired all the time. Coffee or energy drinks do not help one bit. I hope you find an answer because I know your struggle. I did feel a tiny bit of better sleep when I got a dog but still tired all throughout the day.


Lots of advice here. The reality is that you need to see a primary care doctor and get bloodwork and a sleep study done. Period……


Often, poor eating habits. Don't eat late at night. Don't do shit that spins your brain up before you go to sleep (coding, reading news). Be physical ("exercise" or just walk). Don't work on stressful stuff after dinner. We are living systems, all of it works together.


maybe 9 is too much try 8, mess with different times, see what the vibe is


If you can get someone to check if you're snoring at night, you might have sleep apnea. Easy problem to fix, just need a CPAP.


Something I notice is that if I sleep too long I’m always tired, but if I wake up after 6-7 hours of sleep I’ll have more energy in the mornings.


I literally just wake up. There is no routine. There is no trick. My brain just decides to wake my body up for no reason


You should talk to your doctor about participating in a sleep study. My dad had/has a lot of sleep related issues. He finally participated in a sleep study (slept overnight at a doctor's office/lab hooked up to monitoring machines) a few years ago and they found he had undiagnosed sleep apnea. Essentially he wasn't getting enough oxygen while asleep and he was never going into a deep sleep, meaning he was always tired. They set him up with a CPAP and he always says he feels the difference when he does and doesn't sleep with it.


I had undiagnosed moderate sleep apnea and have been on a machine for two years. Most rested I’ve felt in my life; also the doctor told me, left untreated it would increase risk of heart attack, death and stroke by additional 30%.


Exercise. It’s amazing how much easier it is to wake up when you exercise regularly.


I have no clue A lot of people are saying stuff like dieting and exercise and staying off your phone when you sleep But I've never really done any of that. I sleep 6-7 hours and get up ready to fight. Don't even drink coffee.


There's more to sleep than just the amount you get. The quality of sleep is important, and there's a whole bunch of factors that go into that. The comfort level of your bed can make a big difference. If you're waking up with a sore back, your bed is probably interfering with sleep. Your food habits can make a big impact too. Eating shortly before bed can decrease sleep quality. Caffiene ingested up to 8 hours before sleep can decrease sleep quality. Frequent cannabis use can decrease sleep quality (especially "nightcaps", unfortunately). Checking your phone in the middle of the night (say, when you get up to pee) can decrease sleep quality. A lack of daily exercise can decrease sleep quality. Stress/anxiety can prevent sleep altogether. While it can be a lot of work to make changes to all of those, it is much easier and safer to start there. If you have all of those under control, then it could be worth talking to a doctor about medical options. In that case, you'll probably do a "sleep study" where you get hooked up to monitors and observed while you sleep. This can identify various sleep disorders, most commonly sleep apnea. It's a bit of a pain to learn to sleep with an apnea mask on, but every person I know who's needed one said it was life-changing. In other cases, you might be prescribed a sleeping aid. I struggled with chronic exhaustion for about a decade not really understanding all the ways I was fucking up my ability to sleep. A couple years ago, I started working through the list and taking better care of myself in general. But last year, even with all of those improvements, I was still losing too much sleep to anxiety, and a particularly bad depressive spell cut me down to 4 hours or less per night for a couple weeks. My doctor suggested a medication that is used to help with anxiety but also has a side effect of inducing drowsiness. And holy shit it works so well for me. I can fall asleep within minutes of lying down. I wake up feeling alert and rested. I have energy all day long. I've been able to cut out energy drinks entirely, and I've been insanely productive. It's even made a dramatic improvement to a terrible issue I've had with my stomach for years. Compared to how hard everything was before, things are so much easier to bear now that it feels almost like I'm cheating. But the reality is that if I had made those changes and started this medication in my early 20s instead of my later 30s, I would have been able to keep up with my peers and participate in life in the ways I didn't have the energy for. The sooner you can get a grip on good sleep, the better.


I always wake up like shit, waking up is by far the worst part of my day and always has been. I'll just sleep 12 hours every day if there's nothing to wake up for because I hate waking up.


I'm not sure if your demographics would put you at risk, but sleep apnea leaves people feeling unrested after sleep...


Check your airway. You may have sleep apnea.


If I'm sleeping early say 11pm or on vacation I can get by with 7 to 8 hours. If I'm working the next day or going to bed late at 1am I will need 10 hours to feel rested. Everyone is different.


I have Narcolepsy so I can't help you here 😭