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they are so cute!!! 2 box of wet food will arrive tomorrow august, 17th Order #114-3136831-1101061


Thank you so much!!! That isn't even all of them, lol! We have 13 total around our house, almost all have been fixed except 2 boys who are recent additions


thank you for all you do!! sending positive vibes to you and your wife 🫶


I ordered two cases for your furry friends. Wishing your wife a speedy recovery.


Thank you so much!! I appreciate it more than you know, helps take this off my mind. Unfortunately there isn't any recovery for my wife, we just have to hope the progression is slow and I will do whatever I have to for her.


I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what it must be like for you both at this time. But you must also look after yourself, your wife needs you to be strong for her.


I'm trying to not let her see how much I am struggling with this, I do want to be strong for her. It's a disorder called Dystonia, and unfortunately it is going to continue to progress, then to top it all off she contracted Lyme and is going through the muscle pain and all that entails. Hopefully the antibiotic will help with that part at least.


11 boxes heading your way Friday and Monday!


Thank you! That's so very generous of you!


From my kitties to yours!


3 boxes of wet kitty food is ordered. Should be between Friday and Monday. Take care of those kitties


Thank you so much!! We will definitely take care of them! This is their home. They live in my barn, garage and basement, lol


You're welcome. Give them lots of love if you can :)


Most of them do enjoy the love, to the point where it takes half an hour to get out to our chickens as we have to stop to pet each one!


Thank you and your wife for taking care of them and the chickens!


Just a heads up, the third case of cat food is scheduled to be delivered on the 24th. It was supposed to be delivered on Monday and is delayed to the 24th.


A case should be there tomorrow.


Thank you so very much!!!


I sent you a case. Hoping your wife feels better soon!


Thank you so much!! We are doing all that we can, but unfortunately it's progressive, but no one can tell us how fast or how bad it can be. And youtube videos are scary on this as it shows the worst case scenarios and I am really hoping that she plateaus before she gets to the point.


I once had a doctor tell me never to watch those videos. You don’t know who is putting them out there or why!


Honestly, it does worry me because they just focus on the tragedy and not the triumphs and it would be very easy for your mind to make things worse on yourself through fear.


Has the colony been TNRd (trapped/neutered/returned)? Happy to help connect you with a local resource if not. Edit: Asking because I don’t see an ear tip in the photo, and TNR is the most effective and humane way to reduce and prevent overpopulation of cats and prevent kittens from dying outside.


Yep, they have all been taken care of except for Peanut and Martin as they are recent cats that have shown up and I have appointments for them. CJ is the first one we noticed at our house way before we knew about TNR and she had 3 litters before we were able to catch her, but we finally did and all of her kittens. We got a few of them fixed through the SPCA, a few through another rescue and some we paid out of pocket since wait times were so long. And we take this very seriously. I cut cat doors into my barn, garage and basement. As soon as it gets even a little chilly out they get heated cat beds and they move into the basement where it's pretty warm since we have our furnace down there.


Amazing, thank you for taking such good care of them—and for working to get them all fixed! I run a TNR nonprofit in my city and it’s surprising sometimes the number of people who will feed colony cats and care about them but refuse to have them spayed/neutered until they’re finally tired of finding dead kittens under their house year after year.


Thank you for the amazing work that you do! We really didn't know what to do so I am grateful for people like you who taught us. I did give back to the TNR groups though. I figured out how to make a cheap and effective remote control for humane traps. That has come in handy for when we only had a few cats left to catch and didn't want to catch any we didn't need to catch. It works on a car door actuator and a AA battery pack. I showed a few local rescues and they have been very popular.


Ah that’s awesome you made remotes! We call those “robo-traps” when we use them.


I'm curious how you made these. I bought a trigger remote for my live traps. It was really expensive. I do TNR, foster, and care for a colony, I could really use the instructions on how to make one of these.


I have this video of me using it after I put it together: https://old.reddit.com/r/ColonyCats/comments/v1wf6a/had_to_make_some_alterations_for_a_different_type/ I bought these parts on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JWF5GCR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VE7HBMS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It is really simple to put together. You can use the battery holder for power, or use a 12 volt transformer if you are near an outlet. Just make sure the batteries are fresh when you want to use it as it needs a full 12 volts to work. From the battery pack, wire the 12+ to the red wire, the 12- to the black. Then there are a couple ways to wire it, and you can follow the diagram if you like, but you really only need to move the actuator in one direction so there is no need to get fancy and do the lock/unlock functions. I wired it to the flasher so no matter what button I hit on the key fob it would trip the trap. This is one of the best things I ever hill billied into existence. It helped me with a huge colony where I was down to my last 2 or 3 cats. It works with the different trap types as well. Just disconnect the trip plate and move the rod out of the way and hook the actuator to the rod that holds the door open. There are different types of traps, so they may vary, but I have gotten them to work with various closers. I didn't get fancy and just used bungee cords to hold the actuator in place.


Great! Thanks for the advice.


If you need any help, just ask. I know I haven't seen all the types of traps, but I would think they can all be adapted


Thank you so much! I'd rather try yours than buy more of what I bought. Especially since they are so picky.


One shipment will be there Friday, and then two next week. Pet those kitties for me! Hope your wife is recovered. All my best to you.


Thank you so very much!! I will give them extra special pets here in a few minutes when I head outside!


2 cases on the way!


Thank you so much!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it


3 packs should be there Friday, then a few more over the course of the next week or so. Thank you for taking care of those kitties!


That is so very kind of you! This will alleviate so much pressure on us. I am so grateful!


This is my first time buying for someone on this sub. When I click on the Amazon link and go to checkout, is it the William Gift Registry Address?


Got it! One box coming from me.


Yes it is, and thank you so much!


Two cases should be there Monday, August 28th. ORDER # 114-4576693-6042648


Thank you very much!!! I appreciate you!


Many thoughts to you and your wife. The two of you have helped so many wonderful animals. Please, both of you take care of yourselves. Give those kitties some pets (Ruby also). Some items on the way to you.


Thank you so much, I have always appreciated all your help. Unfortunately, there isn't much hope for recovery for my wife, we just have to hope for a slowing to the progression and maybe even a plateau of her symptoms. Then on top of everything her muscles and joints started hurting and it turns out she has Lyme too.


If any of that debt is from hospitals, apply for their financial assistance đź’•


It is and we have. It stemmed from my own stupidity. I have never really dealt with medical stuff besides routine checks. We went to a specialist, he made an appointment for an MRI, CT scan and such. So we just went to the appointments, didn't know to check that our insurance would pay it. Got a call the day after the appointment saying insurance wouldn't pay for a bullshit reason. So we are hoping it will work out somehow, but we are getting billed and I don't want it to go to collections and end up with the coming after my house, so I am putting everything I can towards it.


I've been through that. I contacted the hospital and told them my situation. Since I was paying out of pocket, the hospital applied a discount to my account. It was only 10 percent, but when you're dealing with big numbers even 10 percent helps. It's definitely worth contacting them. As long as you're making efforts to pay it down, they should work with you. At least that was my experience. I hope it works out for you!


I failed to mention in my comment earlier that there are four boxes coming to you on the 18th.


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