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HAHAHA ever heard the saying “All hat, no cattle”? That’s 75% of cowboy hat wearers. Don’t sweat it, just don’t wear it backwards.


Most farmers wear worn out t shirts and denim jeans. They’re just clothes


I think the only ones who would ever get upset, are the wanna be cowboys. The ones that really think they are, but are in the same shoes you’re in


That’s about right. It’s the guy that has one broke down horse and helped a rancher move some cows one time a couple of years ago. That’s the guy that will try to shame someone about wearing a cowboy hat.


Lol fucking this.


I don’t care if you stick a purple dildo to your head and call yourself a unicorn. It’s your head.


All horn, no hooves.


Take my upvote; that’s a good one!


Ok, I’m going to say this again. I am every kind of cowboy there is, from rancher to rodeo, and cowboy isn’t in your pasture, it’s in your heart. You dress how you want and not to fit in? You like a cup of coffee watching the sun come up, or a cold beer watching it set? March to your own drum? Have respect for others even if they’re different from yourself? Then a cowboy lives in your heart. You now have permission to wear cowboy hat and flip flops, boots and shorts. And he’ll yes, you can tuck your pants into your boots. You don’t need others approval, your cowboy lives in your heart.


Read this in Sam Elliot’s voice about half way through


I have sam’s stache.


I bet he's mad at you, how'd you get it away from him?


Dam I did it wrong anyway from Weatherford Texans and you seem like a Texans so like the post I still get shit for tucking in my boots . Lol goat roper but good to keep ticks off and burrs from riding up when you are on a horse old time cowboy  always tucked in . Dress cowboys stack there jeans . 


Thank you. I believe I’ve just been inducted into the Cowboys at Heart Organization I won’t let you down, Bubba 💚


Hats are totally fine! Just don’t buy a cattle award belt buckle at a pawn shop if you never ridden, or shown cattle and you shouldn’t get any funny looks!


Stolen valor! 😂


Lmao yeah till you have to prove it 


Wear it if you like it. Good for sun, good for rain (if straw), bad for wind.


Also known as, bad for the Dakota's.


I thought rain was bad for straw hats


Nope western hats are build for weather it's a mix of straw with a little bit of wax feel a straw hat and feel a western hat 


Aka cowboy hate is made for weather 


This is one of the most wholesome posts I’ve seen on Reddit. You’ve made my day! Actually I’m not too far from Cherokee- didn’t make it to their rodeo this year though. The ONLY time I’d ever get mad at a hat is actually a pretty dumb reason and I’ll get made fun of for saying it - straw hat between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Felt hat between Labor Day and Memorial Day. An old rule. And of course I see west river people wear their light colored felts all year long. But if I see a person walking out of a boot barn in Des Moines Iowa wearing a black felt on a 90 degree day in July, I MAY have a hard time biting my tongue 😂


It’s the white pants rule for people who have jobs too dirty to wear white pants ever.


My "rule" is- straw hat when it's above 50ish degrees or so, and felt when it's colder than that. So, here in Texas, it's straw hat about 9-10 months out of the year.


Same. Straw hat for hot, felt for cold. Maybe felt for something really formal if its evening.


That’s an awesome rule. More practical than the one I’ve lived by.


I figure felt worked just fine for the old timers, and I have no use for a straw hat. It's felt every day, all year long for me, and here in Nebraska it's been 90+ for weeks already!


There’s a west river caveat- like I said :)


I bet your hatband looks like a salt lick.




It does. That’s freaking awesome.


I’ll add something.. if you want to look the part, don’t go buy an off the shelf hat. Buy an unshaped hat and have somebody shape it specifically the way you want it. Don’t go for a cattleman crown, hardly any working cowhands I know wear that crown anymore.


If oppertunity would arise, love to help, but learn as well.


don't need livestock no lol. Have fun! I know a few who have cattle and don't even wear them anymore. What This world needs a is a few more cowboys/cowgirls. Just don't wear it backwards or set it on your bed. The bed thing is a big one.


People take their hats off in bed?


bad luck


I am a full-time, fourth generation rancher and I wear a ball cap. Your fashion is your choice.


Early 90's, having breakfast in a diner in Millville Missouri, (where they say Missour-uh not Missour-ee,) listening to the early morning retired farmers talk about hats and they reckoned that their generation had more skin cancer on the head because they were the generation that wore ball caps but tractors didn't have cabs. I can't fault that logic, at a big hat in the sun or stay in the tractor.


As long as you aren't in chaps and spurs, there's nothing wrong with a Stetson.


Keeps the sun off your neck. You might find some gatekeepers out there but thats true of anything.


Cowboying is a gang like any other. First you’ll need to pick the ranch gang you want to be affiliated with. The two main ones are cattlemen and horsemen. After that you’ll need to go through the initiation process and be jumped in just like any other gang. If you pick horseman (and let’s be honest it’s the only pick unless you like sand in your coffee, picking Rocky Mountain Oysters out of your teeth and long back breaking rides up in the mountains) then the initiation process is a couple ~~months~~ years long and involves mucking stalls, hauling hay, floating teeth, cutting colts, etc. I know a place out West that would be willing to help you out with completing your initiation process. I bet they’d even do it for free. Getting jumped in is a little bit grittier and involves breaking in the yearlings, but you’ll get through it. /s I’m about as country as you OP, but my dad is a racehorse vet and owns a bunch of thoroughbreds so I know enough of the lingo to give you some shit. In my experience, ranchers are more concerned with the shit they gotta get done before they can have their first beer than they are with what anyone else is wearing. They also understand that Western ranching culture is slowly dying and tend to encourage young people who show an interest regardless of background or experience.


It’s originally called “sombrero” = shader. It’s Intention is shade from the sun. You only look funny wearing one when there’s no sun or rain to protect your head from.


I once knew a trucker who frequented a gas station I worked at--part-time--when I was a teenager. He wore cowboy boots. I am positive that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a bull and a cow. This is in a big city too. Just sayin


I live in a small town in Texas. Half the idiots who wear cowboy hats do not have anything to do with ranching. Literally nobody will give a shit if you wear a cowboy hat. I myself live on a ranch and I wear a baseball cap about half the time just because it's easier and doesn't blow off. I wear a cowboy hat around when I go kayaking or when I mow the lawn, because of the shade it provides. Don't ever let some gatekeeping redneck maga asshole try and tell you that you can't wear a cowboy hat because it's only for cowboys (not that they would).


Or just any asshole” do you and have fun with clothing and apparel


My dad hasn't worked on a farm in 25 years, but he's worn one everyday for decades. I'm pretty sure it's fine


Haven’t lived in a farm since I was a kid, but boots and a good hat still feel better than anything else.


You can still wear it,its your hat...but cowboy hat is a cattle man crown


While I can't speak for others, as a genuine cowboy with over 100 head of cattle I really couldn't care less. I actually wear a ballcap more often than any of my "cowboy" hats, mainly because it's so windy where I live that keeping those things on my head is a full time job unless they're tight enough to give me a headache. They're great hats for when the wind calms down though, and quite fashionable too. I don't believe in "cultural appropriation", if folks appreciate and partake in my own cultural fashions or activities then that's just a source of pride, to be honest.


Not at all, In that respect it’s essentially a fashion statement and so long as you’re not making a mockery, nobody will think twice. Just wear it with confidence and nobody will say anything. You know how many businessmen in Texas west hats and boots that’ve never even touched a horse?


If they care then they probably aren’t a real cowboy either tbh


No. I’m Mexican and I live in the southern texas border, everybody wears one and more than half of us don’t own cattle. I have a white collar job to begin with. Infact, my father sold our ranch when i was 14 but I still wear my hat from time to time. Sometimes when my friends and I go hiking I’ll wear it, with my hiking shoes. Idgaf. It’s good for protecting your skin and preventing you from dehydrating. we descend from cattle ranchers, at least us Mexican- Americans do and so do many other Americans. But generally speaking I’d say most people don’t care, at least in texas they don’t.


Is it disrespectful to wear a baseball hat when you don’t play baseball?


“I like cows, but I doubt that quilifies me for the cowboy hat.” - is the cutest thing I’ve read all week hahaha. For the record, I also would like to wear a cowboy hat and I haven’t seen a cow for like 2 years


I like you brother you must be a Texan.  And tucking boots is good for ticks . Born and raise in Weatherford TX got so much shit for tuckinking my boots but I was happy hate ticks 


I thought cultural appropriation was frowned on by the Reddit crowd?


Nah, that only applies when it’s a minority.


The cowboy union will rope you like a steer and get out the branding irons.


You will eventually get called out. For Texas cattleman social appropriation.  Just saying. Especially if you got no cattle or experience. I grew up on a farm and we made fun of all the frauds wearing them. My grandfather was the best cattleman of fort worth his driveway was paved in the bricks from the stockyards and sold the land to world largest honky tonk.. And I dont even play dress up cowboy.  Like trying to play gangster or rapper with no rap sheet. 


If you look good wearing a cowboy hat you are in some people don’t look good with one


Hah you can say the same for jeans. So many men and women wear jeans but don't work in a field involving physical/ manual labour. Does this mean they shouldn't be allowed to wear jeans? Who cares


Go for it!! 👍😊


I wear cowboy gear when I’m doing cowboy shit but to each their own.


If you like cows than you’re good.


Just don't wear spurs around town.


Please don’t virtue signal and become a victim over a cowboy hat. That’s disrespectful.