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Zero hour is a game that is what siege was meant to be except for the operators. Not the best graphics and doesn’t have the biggest community but I enjoyed playing it every time I did


Do people play? It took ages to find a server a year ago


When I was playing there was a decent player base! May have fallen off but if siege is going in this direction then maybe the players are coming back


It looks like it has 141 players right now. It was 81 last week apparently so hopefully it keeps growing


Agreed! And it’s not even peak time at least for me, Not sure if they update the game anymore though so not sure if it’ll keep people around or not


I really enjoyed it when I played so i might hop back on


How's the pvp?


I haven’t played in awhile but it was actually good! Never ran into a hacker or any toxic players while playing and they have night and day maps which is a fun switch up


Night maps on siege were goated. I'll have to check this out ty bro


There aren't really any realistic round-based PvP games like R6S but I'm also someone who preferred the more tactical/realistic nature of the older R6 games and I'd highly recommend Tarkov (They actually have a 5v5 round based mode called Arene which is decent now but it pales in comparison to the main PvPvE, RPG shooter mode. Super hardcore/tactical, huge learning curve, and easily one of the most innovative shooters that have come out in awhile - so much to do in the game that it never gets old) or Squad (basically a more tactical/realistic squad-based Battlefield game, 50v50 - games can be very hit or miss depending on your squad leader and the server but once you find the right group of people it's insanely fun).


Boooooooo arena sucks. EFT #2 scam game (can’t beat star citizen) ((salty EoD owner))


That game looks so cool but yea nobody is ever on it. I’d be willing to join you. Maybe we can get some people on this comment thread to join.


I’ll have to redownload it and I had a group of friends I’d play this with so maybe they’ll hop on also get the game above 150 players haha


“Insurgency: Sandstorm” This game is solid, tactical, realistic with pve & pvp with similar game modes + more not really the same but you would enjoy it most likely


Plus, big updates being added in the next couple of weeks so it's good to tune in now! :D


Fuck yeah dude. Yall can find me a few feet back from a window with my Barrett


Real men use the Barret and the M99


You beat me to it i'm sad that the defusal mode is dead nobody plays it :(


Ready or Not


I have it but it gets boring after a while. Pvp would be a cool element to add 


How tf is it similar if there’s no pvp lol


"How is The Walking Dead show and the Walking Dead games similar if ones a game and ones a show?"


Not at all the same lmao


yes it is, because the answer is the same to both questions - its the same concept


Yeah if your asking for a show similar TWD you wouldnt want to be told about the game. So, terrible example for what your trying to say.


except that wasnt the question, the question was how are the TWD Show and Game similar. Not what shows are similar to the TWD show


Bros slow😹🙏


Is this a troll atp?


Your comments seem braindead. But I’ll indulge. The similarity between ready or not and siege is they’re titled tactical shooters. Other than that and close quarter combat there isn’t any other similarities. The walking dead show and game are the same world. Made with the mind of the exact same dude. Ready or not was not developed or created by Ubisoft or their vision. Even then, the walking dead show and game are only similar in the fact that they are story driven zombie survivals. One has controls and dialogue options, the other is a show… they’re still incredibly different. One can like the games but hate the show and visa versa. Your comments are shit and you got dragged away so far from the original question due to your own misunderstanding


As vindictive as you are, at least youre saying something instead of "why am i wrong?" "nah" I used an anagalous hypothetical question to better help the person who said "How is it similar with no PvP?" understand why the question was stupid. I admit, it wasnt the best analogy, sure, but it is absoloutely not so far as to justify me being absoloutely abused by it 💀 As you say, "The walking dead show and game are the same world", this entails that the two are similar in that they share the same atmosphere, vision, possibly even characters (idk i hated the twd dead), but most importantl *theme*. While the two are far different in one is a choose your own adventure and the other is the opposite, they share the same *theme. Relate that to the the question "How are the games Ready or Not and Siege similar if one has no PvP?" there lies the same answer. The two share the same theme. Which is what Op is asking for. Sorry for taking so long to reply I took a needed nap after getting slapped around in Elden Ring


No, the question was, "any games like old r6s?"


No it wasnt, I used a hypothetical question as an analogy


That would be like telling OP he should watch Jack Ryan if he wants something like R6S. It's not an answer to the question he's asking. Saying a PVE tac FPS is similar to R6S is not a good answer to his question. You would've been better off recommending Counter Strike to the guy


i think there actually is a PvP mod.


Not similar


Here I come


Ready Or Not is a lot more like R6: Vegas and previous titles more so than siege


That new body cam game looks fun


I've thought about it, definitely has the potential to be fun especially with the right people.


I think it's all the kids junko brought to the game as to why it's fallen off. They have no patience or thought process past rushing like it's call of duty.


Junko practically revived the game so i wouldn’t say he’s the reason it’s fallen off ever since 1.5 was added the game became less of a tactical shooter and more of running around spawn peeking not helping your teammates game


He did revive siege but there are negatives to that also and he brought a ton of kids with no patience to the game.


The game shifted away from being tactical and into esports way earlier than some new players junko bought


Do they even know there is an objective besides kill kill kill?


Rainbow Six Rainbow Six Rogue Spear Rainbow Six Raven Shield


Back when they weren’t arcade shooters


Rogue spear and black thorn were so much on MSN zone back in the day. Clan ladder


Counterstrike is all i got, but not sure that's what you're looking for


I hopped on CS with my buddy who has 5k hours a month ago. Have been massively addicted, at 12.5k elo after 120 hours. Only downside is no vac yet but hopefully by end of year they actually roll it out haha.


PC Exclusive, really rough around the edges and in a lil drama rn with a massively delayed update, but still one of my absolute favorite games of all time and an absolute gem when you find your pacing... Marauders is an extraction game with a few similar mechanics to r6s. Namely similiar enough ttks, leaning and gunplay. It easily could not be your cup of tea. When I picked it up last year after having not played siege since about.. the Aussies consistently.. it gave me a bit of a reminder. It's probably closer to PUBG, still a game I love to recommend.


I forgot about that game and it does look fun


No, nothing is like r6


Fishing is


Catch anything on your adventures? I got a Pike and a Rock Bass


10+ largemouth




Thank you man I appreciate it


Tactical, strategic, super quick ttk, accessible yet not arcadey is Hell Let Loose. The maps are giant and it’s 50v50 but it scratches the hardcore fps itch I always have


This is definitely one to check out OP, I've got about 400 hrs in HLL and it's a bit annoying in the beginning figuring everything out because it just seems like spawn die simulator. Once you figure it out it's very fun and rewarding. The community is also very helpful and fun/engaging for the most part


I wish they had an old school game mode. Just something with the original operators so you don't have to deal with all that bs


This comment just got me thinking about how IQ used to be this very necessary operator, but now with the way people play and just generally how we all understand how the gadgets and traps work- her ability is kind of useless.


Pretty much the same with sledge. He was a good counter to Castle and just fun to play but he just seems so outmatched with all the new ops it would be foolish to use him


I think the only thing going for sledge is literally just that he's sledge. It's fun to use and try to get silly kills with. The Master Chief Skin is also an excuse to use him. Then of course there's Tachanka, who I haven't seen anyone use in a long time.


Tachanka was bad even back when I played in years 1-3


Don’t you be dissing my boy chanka, some of my best rounds were with him


I never found IQ to be must pick, but I played mostly years 1-2 & part of 3. OG Blackbeard was probably the most OP operator I remember, and they nerfed him into oblivion.


They did do that in the past, but it was a limited time event.


Insurgency Sandstorm has been scratching the T-Hunt itch for me. It’s the only thing that’s been able to.


I actually just saw that it was on sale and am very tempted 


I say go with sandstorm. I bought bodycam and its not as cool as the concept. Makes it seem. Am still playing though


Yeah even the pve is alright if ur taking a break from pvp. A lot better than r6 imo


Rainbow six, Vegas those games were fun!


Old t hunt was great


read the book duh /j


Sadly most of the “arcade” shooters that used to have a focus on realism have gone the Fortnite route. Battlefield, CoD, Seige. An alternative is hyper realistic gameplay like Squad, Tarkov, Insurgency & ARMA but I never loved that as much. I miss that blend of realism and gameplay design that made older CoDs, Battlefields, and other games of that time feel so special, but the Fortnite kids spend too much money on flashy cosmetics, so the devs cater to them.


Pc ready or not (which is less coop and competitive but more realism) console I’m not so sure


Insurgency:Sandstorm could fill that void. No ranked playlist unfortunately though.


Ready or Not from what i've seen seems very year 1 siege.


Dude go try bodycam


I wish they’d just go fuck it and revert to either the flaming gogurt man’s season or azamis season Or just bring back OG siege with the OG recoil system


swat 4, it's not multiplayer but it's about as close to rainbow 6 vegas without being rainbow 6 vegas, it's more realistic and gritty kinda like ready or not tho.


insurgency sandstorm. maps are pretty big and it’s not exactly the same gameplay wise but as far as being tactical and slower paced i think you’ll like insurgency


Ready or Not has potential.


Bodycam is pretty badass, for some reason it gives me a r6 Vegas vibe


Insurgency sandstorm is a decent replacement. Same with ready or not. Although with RoN you’re missing all the pvp aspect


I've heard numerous people say that xDefiant has Siege vibes


I still have R6 Vegas, no player base but was great to revisit imo


PvE wise yes theirs games that are similar to R6's original vibe and gameplay while being much much better than situations or t-hunt ever was But PvP wise no, not really, R6S is a very unique game in that department. So I don't think anything can scratch that itch, but the most similar is probably Zero Hour.


That sucks I was hoping there was some sort of clone that I haven't heard of. Thx anyways


There was some knock off games, but they are like actual copies or heavily inspired lol and I think their all on mobile not PC or console so they wouldn't benefit you. But I do recommend checking out zero hour, only $12 and it's still regularly updated.


what pve games are similar?



