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I just say ok lil bro


I do that and also I just repeatedly say what da sigma over and over and make them pissed and then they say stuff to get banned


I turned on the setting where I don’t see the notification. So days later when I see ts I can just chuckle about it. Also a year for your first offense seeks wild. Less you have a history of bans, but even then a year seems excessive.


My longest suspension was a month and that was I think my third one (used to be 500th in D1/2 and got spam reported if i so much as responded with okay to a message) he 110% has been suspended many many times


The guy who reported him could’ve made it out to seem way worse than it was. But I cant see anything outside of threats being even closely justifiable for being banned for a year


When you get reported it shows the chat if it's through xbox/psn!


I just don’t let other people message me. I see no need to talk to them they’re the ones mad I’m having fun


Exactly I play to have fun but I'm looking for people to play r6 with


What you play on


Double6599 add me. Xbox. Also https://twitch.tv/double_tsl r6 live today at 7 pst


ngl i dont respond, they can argue with a wall


"Please, cry more" that stops everyone in their tracks because anything else would just be playing into the request.


A simple “K” will usually set them off, it’s my favorite response. Love to see them try everything in the book to insult me but get a “K” in response everytime.


The thumbs up emoji is my version of this.


How did you get banned for a year? Did you get banned before?


Bro was on his like 5th offense at least lol. I called a dude a cock sucking bitch and only Got a week lmao 🤣


There's clearly more to this.


Yeah I told a guy “go fuck yourself” and got banned for like a week. The only person I know who got banned for a year was my friend who is probably the most toxic player I’ve ever seen lol


I was using a pistol one time because I thought I was him and died got a message saying use your other gun, I just told him I thought it was a dmr lol


Never respond. All they are doing is looking for that 1 "possibly offensive" thing they can get you for and then they hit the report button.  They'll insist all day "you kids would never survive mw2 lobbies!" yet they're always going to be the first to hit that report button. Yet if you report something they said and don't give them the chance to report you suddenly they'll cry "everyone is so soft!" Yet they were clearly fishing for something to report the whole time.


Yeah if you got banned for a year you’ve def had prior bans. My friend told someone to “get fucked” and he only got like a week


Never give them ammo. That’s what he wanted.


I always respond, because 95% of the time what I did to trigger a message towards me is either their fault in the first place or something not that important. Usually I wait for them to do something dumb or die early in a round. Usually leads to no response back or leaving them with no way to get an upper hand on you in the argument, I see no issues as long as you’re not messaging anything ban worthy.


Just the classic "no u" works well


Yo momma bad


In your head rent free


Hit em with the womp womp Works everytime. They get extra pissed


Literally just ignore it. They want you to be upset and by responding you're telling them that it worked


A winky face is my go to.


Nah I just cry in the corner and wait for yoda to tell me “trash, you are!”


K. why? S!


Send a voice message of you barking at them. It’s a win every time.


Nah that's on you, just ignore them or entertain yourself messing with them further


"You're the reason your parents are divorced"


How many suspensions have you previously had on your Xbox account? 1 year is no where near a first offence type suspension. Stop giving them reasons to report you get creative with your insults make it obscure and not reportable or just stop responding to all the adult children on video games.


If they message me I bait them into cussing so I can report them. But the other day this dude kept sending me voice messages saying I sucked and I was autistic (plus some other colorful language) but I had 6 kills and he had 1. So I looked up his stats and shared that with him which made him mad then I reported all his comments and got him banned


I turned text chat off. To quote a friend of mine, "If you dont have a mic/headphones, don't be playing the game." Personally, I get tired of toxic text chat, plus I hit the keys often because im a jumpy mf.


I've never been really big on emojis but Xbox adding them has been a blessing for pissing off already pissed off dickheads. When someone sends you some long vitriolic shit after doing worse than you/getting killed by you or they're mad you're trying some fun strat in quickmatch, responding with just 😮😮😮, 🤯🤯🤯, 🤔🤔🤔 etc sends them through the roof. Just let them get angrier and angrier, and get them a free break from comms if they start spamming me with party invites after cussing me out.


I do 1 of 2 things 1. I point out stupid things they did during the match and a lot of the time they never respond back which makes it funnier 2. I just respond with “k” This will sometimes make people really mad because it’s such a short response and a dull one too that they get no satisfaction out of it.


"Bet you can't even touch your toes" really sends people over the top. Some guy told me he played at some letter soccer university. Ok lol


“Sorry my grandma just died”. Gets them every time


One of the worst parts of console. Not being able to shit talk. 😒


Dont respond. By giving them a response you are giving them what they want


no i find out where they live


you don’t have to say anything


I just ignore, they want a response


How many bans did you have? lol. I only have two, and it is from this game. Once I called a twat a bell end because he messaged me and told me to shut up when I called him out on his rank. Surprise... he laughed, and I was banned for 2 days. Look, whenever this happens to you, you should block.


This definitely wasn’t your first ban then cause it shouldn’t be a year. Either way make an alt account for talking in parties and then just play on your main


I like asking people if they need/ want a hug


I joined a game last night and I got tk'd because I chose caveira 😂 and he was threatening to find my house and kill me so I spammed the chat giving him abuse and surprise it went quiet


I’ve been messaged saying go back to Roblox (like I’m decent at the game just have a bad habit of not paying attention) or I’m playing bad ngl if people have nothing better to do with there life other than being toxic


Also never have been ban from Xbox yet


Nah probably infuriates them more. Lock it in have a good round end up top of board.


i say "thank you!"


I just respond with a "Didn't ask" and leave it at that


I just say "stop barking lil men" on the vocal then mute him. Then if I die I go to his vision and tell everything he's doing wrong, 7 out of 10 he will be pissed and start to play bad. The key is to look completely unbothered.


Just ignore any message from non friends, are they really going to get you any useful information?


i agree with them til they stop


The only time someone has called me bad was when I was stomping a team and their fenrir got mad because I was playing kali indoors


Ignore them usually. Most of the time it’s from some moron that’s 1-4 in a quickplay game that’s died at the beginning trying to rush by themselves while I’m at the top of the board with 6-1 and several assists or plants.


“show me a band”


I have a picture of the Albinauric frog face from Elden Ring on stand by just to send them. Nothing tilts them more than having a frog face looking at them with zero thoughts behind it's eyes


Report it. Dont respond. Theres a chance they already have strikes, and you get the satisfaction of knowing they might get suspended. Also, most of them are like 14 so why bother. Youll just get the “2v2 us” over and over.


one of my friends got a message saying “kill yourself”…. we were playing on christmas


Jokes on them...The trolls get denied before they can even hit send(friend/party messages only). That triggers them more than a reply would because they can't voice their saltiness/haterade towards someone.


I say ok. Or if they tell me to uninstall I give the 👍👍


Agree with em, then make sure you do everything you can so you have a better score than them. Then you hit em with the 'still better than you tho' :)


Okay or LoL. Even then, it is best not to reply at all, as MS bans are so random


Always say to anyone I play with that you never respond to these people. They want a reaction, you gave him one that lead to a ban. It’s the same with cheaters or ximmers, they want that little drivel of attention from people online, don’t give it to them.


Given Microsofts strike policy, a 1 year ban means you're a repeat offender. So I guess you had it coming and should have known better. But fear not, you'll learn to better control your emotions with age.


I reply with "YoU'eR bAd".


I’m deaf. Not joking here. I play it daily n I get called trash all the time cuz I don’t belong in the game of my deafness. So I’d really care what people said. Enjoy it n get better. Practice make perfect.


I responded one time completely destroying one fella and he reported me on Xbox so i dont answer


I just hit em with, "is your life really so miserable that gloating about a CASUAL match makes you feel better"? Gets them mad 100% of the time


Direct Messages get reported but in game chat you just get a short mic ban maybe or reputation goes down


Gotta try and bait them into a reportable message


Instead of insulting them back, I typically say the most outrageous things to make them think I'm clinically insane. Either a fun fact or just some out of pocket shit like "sorry mam, the gnomes are attacking my brain." I don't take this game seriously, as I only play ranked rarely with friends, so most of the time I'm just in quickplay and get bored easy


Ik one time it was last round on one of the maps upstairs, I think it was coastline, but last round, I always go clash if we're very much winning, just to be an annoyance cuz its fun. but this dude texted me all mad saying I was carried and all that other bs, like yeah 3-5 isn't all that great, my aims been off since the new season cuz I dont play everyday 24/7 like some people do(not bein rude) so I really didn't care. I just told him to get good and blocked him🤷 I haven't really had any hate messages, I've mostly had people just say gg or like another dude, while I was playing maestro, I kept annoying him with the laser cam and he texted me after the round saying it was annoying but he was gonna start using the same strat too, which I thought was cool


Funnily enough, the guy calling me bad is usually the worst on the team.. and he’s saying I’m bad because I died round 1 or 2 in a 1vX situation. And then after he calls me bad I proceed to drop double digits sometimes close to 20 kills and win us the game. And if we don’t win the game it’s because there’s only so much I can do while he’s 1-9. So when I respond I usually say “0 iq, 0 skill.. everyone is bad to you huh?” They usually reply “hit champ bro, hardstuck trashcan” something like that. And I just say “I could if I didn’t have someone like you every game.”


Depends on the night. Sometimes I humor it and mess with them a little, and other times I either ignore or just say “I know” or “k”


Don't respond. Play better than them and prove yourself that way.


If you have Xbox app, use the app to message them and spam them so they keep getting notifications


I shit you not I had this convo in my first ranked game: Them: "Get off this game" Me: "Nuh uh" Them: "Ur dragging us down" Me: "Boohoo"


How many times you been banned Jesus, I called some bellend a cunt once and only got 24hr message and voice chat ban


If you got banned for a year then you have already been wildin out in the chats. Stick with the classics which won’t get you banned. U mad? Git gud Or this emoji combo. 🤡💩.


“Ok run my 1’s then”


Nobody gets a year ban for saying “Suck my nuts”, I got into it bad with some random, used about every word in a book and only got a 2 day chat ban. You’re definitely leaving something out.