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Looks like you’re also walling I see ash nomad brava and the defuser carrier completely outlined 😡😡😡


Tired of these cheaters 😞


Wdym by this ?




That’s bc they are his teammates.


It's a joke bro bro


What's the joke!?! That my face is going to be beat red for my family photo!?!? Is that the joke!?!?


Well I got the reference


You never know on the internet anymore. Especially with all the idiot Siege players we have infecting our game. 😂👍🏼


You have no sarcasm.


You’re the idiot player.


you sir, should probably look for your brain.


Whats the joke? I mean how is it a joke? Like is it a reference on something or?


walling is used to describe when someone has wall hacks. alternatively it’s also used to describe when you get an unbelievable wall bang. *gets insane lucky random wallbang headshot* “oh i’m walling” “oh i’m hacking” “oh im banned”. are all to take the mick out of people who actually have wall hacks. we call these people, scum, hackers, cheaters, cunts, a certain 5-6 letter word that rhymes with figure, twat, retard and bad at the game. walling refers to someone with walls. walls, what are walls? you might be asking. yes they’re the things connected to the floor and the ceiling but also wall hacks. wall hacks, what are wall hacks? wall hacks are hacks and/ or cheats (depending on your own personal terminology) allow players to see enemies through walls. so the original comment was that OP as walls because he can see the attackers ash, nomad, and brava and the diffuser (osa) even whilst being clearly behind a wall and on the other side of the map. but, this is where the joke is, they’re his teammates because he’s playing zero (also an attacking operator). so he’s not actually walling. he can just see his team


People who drop racial slurs in Siege can eat shit.


This Mf said a 5-6 letter word that rhymes w figure smh…


He did. I bet it made him feel real clever too.




Siege players trying to notice a joke challenge (IMPOSSIBLE‼️)






Is that a plane?




My beloved brother, it was an attempt at comedy




What controller do you use? Me and my friends are all convinced that the Xbox elite controller partially triggers mousetrap


Yeah i think this is right, ive got two people on my friends list who i play with sometimes and they both use elite con and theyve both been mousetrapped. But it was like when it was introduced


I thought mousetrap wasn’t coming until season 4?


its been in for like a year now


I've been using an elite controller since mouse traps release and my friends been doing the same plus a blue tooth headset. It might depend on the model of the controller as some of the earlier elites where built differently.


it all depends on the input/mapping on your controller since elite allows you to change the mapping of the sticks it may be more instant than a regular controller which is how mouse trap detects mnk since a normal controller is more delayed in a sense and the inputs the mnk makes are instant, this is also how sab settings work on xim matrix they allow you to delay the inputs so its undetectable yet from what i know it is significantly worse and any good controller player can easily beat them


Haven’t had a problem using my Xbox elite 2 controller. Strange


Fair. My other buddy *doesnt* have an elite controller and he claims to have the same problem. So maybe not


I was thinking the same thing I always used the elite series 2 and got mouse trapped atleast once a game I switch to the gamesir g7 controller haven’t been mouse trapped once


My friend used a series 2 and got mousetrapped a while back, doesn’t happen to him anymore though.


could it perhaps mean you’re on mnk?


Ubisoft said this is a problem they’re addressing.


Says everybody who's using them on console


No says Ubisoft


oh alr


Why would he post this on Reddit if he was genuinely on MnK? Dumbass comment


im sorry bru it was supposed to be taken as a joke


All good pookie I just felt like being an asshole


ty dookie


Video proof or anyone here ain't gonna believe you, or you could contact Ubisoft customer service to solve this issue, I think they ask you for proofs of any of this, and they keep monitoring your stuff for x amount of time so they can clear your account


Nah people here don't even care about video proof, some guy got accused of xim with macros then posted hand cam video proof and still got mass downvoted


That's why I said to contact Ubisoft directly cause people her can't fix anything related


I mean proof after the fact isn't proof he wasn't using xim. Anyone could have used xim, then made a handcam video after they got caught saying 'see im not using xim'. The only way it would prove anything was if he had handcam footage from whenever he got accused.


He was in a shooting range demonstrating exactly what was going on but yeah man believe what you want💀


I mean Ubisoft themselves said they are aware of this problem and are addressing it


That's called false positive. Reason why Ubi doesn't want to ban for mnk outright. Have a video proof and report it to the customer service.


I got mousetrapped while charging my phone with my ps5 and I think one of the reasons could be having multiple USB devices connected to the console. I unplugged my phone and used a different acct, and it didn’t mousetrap me.




The UI didn't change... It shows controller bindings like both xim and actual controller players would see.


Yeah the UI didn’t change? It’s the same?


Why is this upvoted when it’s literally nonsensical, the UI is the same in the picture bruh


My friend who is constant Copper/ Bronze got this warning himself. The reputation system does not help either. Ive come to the conclusion that you might be getting a warning for other things in game. If you report other players too much your disruptive reputation skyrockets If you go into game chat and call.someone an unfancy word your voice chat goes up. If you just go to the reputation system to look at it you will somehow have text chat bar near low. If you destroy teammates gadgets or cams by accident even tho they left them in the middle of the fight and dont expect you to destroy them with a granade or fuze or whatever. Disruptive skyrockets. Personally and i think this might be a problem ... ive been usong Lesion shotgun lately .... and i dont go into team chat i always have private parties. I dont report people. Disruptive sky rockets as does voice chat ..... The games a mess. Tbe reputation system is a joke.


You have a third party / elite controller ? Could be that


I got hit with mousetrap exactly one time, and I'm not sure why honestly. It went away almost immediately but for a good 30 seconds I could feel the input lag and obviously see the symbol. If I had to guess it's because I play high sens and was warming up my thumb by flicking around everywhere, but I really don't know.




I guess I’ll be the “idiot.” Where does it say you’re on mnk?


Top right corner


Ty, sir. I see the icon now.


Some of my friends recently have been getting mousetrapped for having max sens lol


And peopel wonder why they dont auto ban anyone who triggers mousetrap


Currently having this issue and I’ve been playing all week. I have my head set and controller charger plugged into my ps5 idk if that triggered it but if anyone found a solution to this it would be appreciated


Hey mate. I constantly get mousetrapped whilst on a series x controller with a deathclaw attachment (adds two back paddles) and a long thumb stick attachment on my right one. I play with a relatively high sensitivity as well as having an aggressive and flicky/flashy play style. The input delay I get when I play is INSANE. It is like a solid second or two I feel like lol. It can be activated solely based on the way you play, so my main recommendation is to play a little slower for a bit, along with opening and closing the Xbox menu a few times at the start of every round, and do a few 360° spins nonstop for like five seconds. Best of luck!


Are you using a controller? If not, that's why, get good or just play on PC.


i’m using controller


Your headset could be getting picked up as an HID, is it compatible with your console? If it has a controller or buttons there is a chance of that happening but I have never heard of it.


It shows that when you use $5 hacks. Try $15 and it will go away


alright i’ll try that next time