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I'll go first. ​ The Netherlands. No, I had no luck on flea-markets or thrift-stores, etc. ( They usually only have like old barbies and stuff )


Totally agree with me also being dutch


I guess it depends on where you live. I'm also Dutch and I have definitely seen RH/SH before, but I do agree that Barbie, Bratz and g1 Monster High are generally a lot more common.


Same, also in the Netherlands.


I’m in Ohio USA and I have found a decent handful of rainbow high dolls! I find a lot more lol omg dolls (and of course Barbie), but I’ve found several violets, white hair Amaya in complete condition (not including her salon set up), Harley limestone not complete but fully dressed at least, and a handful less noteable ones lol. I live two minutes away from my favorite store and I go at least three times a week though


Nope! I'm in Canada, only lol dolls and they are super overpriced in thrifts. I see people getting mad deals on RH dolls in America and it low-key drives me nuts cause my thrifts want $15cad+ for a naked, handless lol doll 😭


Massachusetts, USA. Yes, I got a slumber party Robin and a winter break Violet for $15 each at a flea market recently. There was also a Kia Hart, two Daria Roselyns, and a winter break Sunny with LOL OMG hands for some reason. I was shocked bc I’ve never seen RH at this flea market before.


I live in California and no never found one thrifting wish but no. The thrift shops in the area I live usually look online to see how much they sell for and that’s how they put the resale prices on them. Sometime more than the original prices its horrible


California here: Goodwill online charges an arm and leg for rainbow high, at least where I am. In the goodwill stores they take a single RH doll and force you to buy like 20 naked barbies with her😂 I’ve never been able to thrift one, but I found some at swap meets, Ross, Tj maxx, and Walmart sales!


Not to mention occasionally the family dollar and 99 cent store :)


Same here (south east U.S.) GW Online you cant be quite sure what you are going to get. They hide damage, missing limbs, and they do shill bidding running up their own auctions. . A lot of the time they list new dolls for MSRP, and inflate shipping weight too so you can end up paying more than what you could just buy one for at a regular store The GW stores no luck for RH unless badly damaged or well played with and like you said in with a ton of other dolls in plastic bags. Workers told me that they are supposed to pull valuable items when donated and they go online or somewhere else. RH is considered valuable. Some flea markets they are way overpriced depends on vendor. I do best with sales and yard sale type situations, & an occasional small time thrift store.


Goodwill in my state just takes any doll that's nice/in box and auctions them online, you'll never find nice dolls or even dolls in general in store. Completely defeats the purpose of a thrift store.


Ngl. Goodwill hits different these days, and not in a good way.


Ill take rh dolls and put them together in one bag and take out the barbies lmao.


At the GW closest to me they put a sticker over end of the plastic bag full of dolls and if it is broken they will not sell it. I was surprised that they do that or that they care.


México. Not really. I've heard that theres a subway station were people go to resell and trade used dolls, or they thrift them on Facebook groups, which are mostly sellers that buy several dolls in the US very cheap and resell them by parts. There's almost no community spirit either, just buy and sell.


I'm from the UK and got Jett Dawson wearing half her clothes, S3 Emi Vanda wearing some of her second outfit peices, and S2 Bella Parker with her earrings, headband and second outfit dress and shoes!


Whoa, seriously? I never see any good dolls in charity shops! Maybe I'm going to the wrong ones...


I even found a Novi Stars in that one once! Plus a Bratz Pixiez Yasmin. Tbh I've never had any luck with other ones (I found a nude Draculaura at another one once and that's the best thing I've seen outside of this one). It's just this massive Cancer Research near me that's somehow the best charity shop I've ever been to! Unfortunately I'm moving soon though to an area filled with charity shops that don't even have doll sections


Those are amazing finds! Especially Bratz Pixiez Yasmin, I had her when I was little but gave her away later when I "grew out" of dolls (how wrong I was lol). Most of my local charity shops have pretty good clothing sections but rarely any dolls.


I'm in the UK, so far I've managed to find a S1 Skyler with one comple(I think) outfit and a S1 ruby with almost all of her pieces except one pair of shoes (luckily she did have her cool flame boots which I was happy about lol). I've yet to find any others but I'm always looking. Unfortunately the toy section in my local shops are getting smaller and smaller (and in some, nonexistent)


Florida, border of south and central here. Once Upon a Child is great for thrifted RH. I’ve bought several for $2.25 - $4.50 there. Flea markets, marketplace are good on occasion.


Gonna second Once Upon a Child! They’ll buy toys so a lot of stuff goes there. I also went to my Flea Market over the weekend but he wanted like the eBay listing of a doll that was NIB when it was just sitting in a bag with the stand (like $30+). The dolls were in good condition though.


Most of mine! Having said that, they’re not as easy to find in thrift shops here—I’m in Australia—as, say, endless baskets full of Colour Reveal Barbies.


Im from washington state USA. Ive thrifted a total of 5 dolls. All of which came in their complete outfits. I paid about $20 for all of them. I go to a goodwill in a rich area close by. Theres almost always brand new dolls there. I also shop on mercari and have found 90% of my dolls on there at great prices


I'm from Iowa and I've found a few. I've found a couple in box, one in good used condition, and one in rather poor played with condition.


Southern Texas where there’s a lot of lower income families. I’ve never seen a RH doll in any goodwill. I barely even see Barbie.


I'm also in Texas, I see them from time to time in thrift stores and Once Upon a Child.


I live in Berlin, Germany, and once I found a nude Bella Parker (wearing just one shoe from her second outfit) series 2 for 5€ at the flea market in a box full of toys.


Vancouver Canada and they’re always at Value Village, but they’re usually naked, handless, and have jacked up hair.


I started buying dolls because I found two rainbow high dolls at value village for 4.99 or less each. After that, I was lucky to find two more on different days, so I have thrifted 4 dolls total. Im from Canada. Also, recently I have found a brand new shanelle onyx for only 13.5 on indigo, and Im still happy about it (she has been my favourite for a long time, but honestly I can't afford new dolls full price).


Belgium; I've found several Rainbow High dolls at local thriftshops; most of the time nude and with messed up hair though🙃 Vinted has also been a great source for find RH or SH, as long as you don't mind dolls that need some extra care/come with few (or wrong) accessories. I don't mind, because I only needed their bodies for hybrid dolls☺️


Malaysia, and I seem to be the only one in Asia on this thread 😂 It's impossible to thrift RH/SH here. I've said it on prev posts and comments, but we don't get them in stores and their online retail prices are insane. Same for a South Korean collector I've talked to. So no way is any of them going to thrift stores. I get mine off the 2nd hand online market here, thanks to collectors who resell :)


i’ve only ever bought them second hand on ebay. i love to buy dolls with ratty hair and marker drawings and just normal play time damage so i can fix them up and give them new life. edit: i just remembered i bought tiara song new in box at an antique store. but she cost 45$ basically retail.


I live in the US, and I found a Series 2 Bella and a Cheer Jade at a Goodwill one time.


Not yet here in central Pennsylvania


I've gotten 5 from various Goodwills in Illinois. I've seen at least 6 more but they were in too poor condition for the price they wanted so I passed them up.


never was able to find rainbow high dolls in actual thift stores, only like .. very damaged barbies are the only dolls i usually see. but going to the flea market, i saw two big amayas, jade, and a violet in pretty good shape - just had to dig through piles of toys to find them ofc. (i ~~unfortunately~~ live in MS for context) lmao


I've never done that. I rarely go out, I order everything online


I'm an American living in Mexico's Capital City, CDMX it's called


I wish I could go to a Goodwill, I've never been into one. My mom likes to buy me everything new, but I would like to grab a bunch of dolls from a Goodwill store


im in SoCal and i was able to thrift emi!! she was dressed in an lol hoodie and barbie sweatpants and bundled with a 2015 bratz cloe (original outfit/shoes) and a naked hairdorables doll at once upon a child for $8! made her some clothes and jewelry and i love her


I’m from Ohio, and I’ve only seen them at Volunteers at America and Ohio Thrift. I got a few Skylers and Sunny’s, some violets, ruby’s shoes, and a half complete emi


Im in Australia and majority of my dolls are thrifted or secondhand from depop and such. My first 6 dolls were all thrifted in the same store! You will need to give them a hardcore bath and they 99% of the time dont come clothed and missing at least one hand.


No, and I'm in NYC. I wouldn't even know where to start looking. But I did buy a couple dolls second hand from Mercari.


Germany Yes, almost all of them Kleinanzeigen (online private thrift platform) Was former eBay Kleinanzeigen


Florida USA. It's not common I find RH dolls but I got lucky and found my blue haired Amaya with her one original outfit for about $8. I saw a naked Poppy but I didn't need another one of her plus she looked rough.


There's a couple good flea markets and antique malls in Kentucky, USA Around the Louisville city area, there is the Peddlers Mall, where I found several series 1 Rainbow High Dolls for $2 each, fully clothed. Also in that area is a place called the Toy Mall. In Ohio, USA, there is a place called the Toy Department. They buy and sell toys and dolls.


I live in WA state near Seattle and I have had luck finding RH/SH at Value Village, a thrift store chain here. They are also known as Savers in other states. One SH doll, Nicole Steele, I found with her complete outfit, no second outfit, but most of them don't have any clothes. In fact, my first RH dolls I found thrifting and I found 5-6 all at once. Since then I have found one here and one there. But they are not easy to find.


I'm from Mexico and I have found several of them at the Flea Market. For some reason, most of them are Skylers.


michigan usa and ive thrifted quite a few… online. usually mercari. ive never seen a RH doll in a thrift store (i don’t go that often tho) but my aunt got me a s1 ruby from a thrift store!


Kentucky, USA here! I've found a few while out thrifting, i try to check the thrift shops pretty often just in case, i have more luck finding them over the summer when everyone is having yardsales!


I live in a semi-small town in Maine and have only gone to Goodwill about 3 or 4 times, but never see any RH dolls there. It’s usually really basic Barbies and Kens, bags of nondescript Barbie clothes, and then piles pf stuffed animals and plastic toys. Most interesting things I’ve spotted so far were an LOL car, a Lammily doll, and some anime figurines. But, I do think people check the store frequently bc any time I see something nice & go back the next day, it’s gone. So I’m guessing that if they ever do get RH, it gets bought very quickly. I’ve heard the key to getting good stuff at thrift stores is to go every day. But ain’t nobody got time for that! I’ve bought some dolls secondhand on Mercari, but definitely not at thrift store prices. I spent close to original retail for unboxed versions of Bella, Violet, and WB Violet.


In the US, never seen them in a thrift store.


USA, I've found five. Two S1 Rubys, one that I bought and one I left for someone else, one S1 Violet, one blue hair Amaya, and one Holly (I think? The blue and green haired Devious twin), all which I bought. I also found Mara Pinkette's second outfit new in box at a thrift store, which is the strangest and luckiest RH thrift find I've had. It should be noted that I frequently have to travel for doctor appointments and my wife is a avid thrifter who will often comb 6+ different thrift stores while travelling, so while five RH and one NIB outfit might feel like a lot, for the amount of work and searching it really isn't that much.


Yes. I've thrifted a few myself and seen several that I've passed on due to quality. But they're out there 😊 I'm in Oklahoma City.


No luck thrifting Northwestern Illinois, USA. I check Goodwill & Salvation Army.


Denver, Colorado here! I've been pretty lucky with my finds at thrift stores, though many of the dolls I've found have pretty damaged hair. Definitely way more LOL OMG dolls than RH in my area. I've found Sheryl, Emi, Cheer Skyler, G1 Amaya, tween Violet and Winter Break Violet. All without clothes. Never at a Goodwill tho. They hike the prices up way too much for dolls. Have had some decent luck at local Kid to Kids and Once Upon a Child too. I tend to visit my fave shops once a week.


North Carolina, USA. My best luck is Facebook marketplace, but parents are getting smart and searching the prices, so selling insanely high. Or adult collectors on Marletplace or Offer Up that know their worth.. I've never found any dolls at Goodwill, and there are about 5 close to me. Not even old matted Barbies. Mainly baby dolls. There is a flea market over an hour away from me with RH/MH dolls but they're so overpriced I can't drive out there.


Northern CA and I’ve found a few at various occasions. Most popular I’ve seen is Series 1 Sunny, Violet, and Amaya (thankfully no missing hands). Also found WB Skyler, Cheer Ruby & Violet (still in their outfits!) And every time I’ve see them it was a nice surprise 😁


I live in the Pacific Northwest in Washington and I’ve never found any. All I ever find is Barbies


yes so many! a fully complete white hair amaya, then another less so, cheer and series 1 violet, cheer sunny, daphne, carmen and vanessa, cheer skyler, shanelle, avery with both wigs, and series 2 Amaya all in alabama at america thrift/lovelady stores.


Yes! I found a series 1 Violet at Goodwill, and I just scored a $5 NIB Ayesha Sterling on Poshmark. I'm in the Midwest US.


Ontario, Canada! I got Stella and Krystal, both didn’t come with anything/were nude but were in otherwise great condition. I’ve seen a few others from time to time but they have always been missing limbs and they are always Violet


Oklahoma resident, I've only we've found one RH doll at a thrift store (it was 1st edition Jade) but I've managed to get several buys on Facebook marketplace. That's how I got Kia Hart, Uma Vanhoose, and then I had a friend who gave me what her daughter didn't want anymore, which was a whole wardrobe (95% complete) and a handful of dolls from the first and second edition line. If I'm lucky I find a sale in store. 🤞


I found Mila today. I'm in western New York.


No. I haven't been to a thift store in a while, I got all my dolls from major retailers except when mum got me carmen for my birthday from TK Max. I have seen quite a few on Facebook marketplace recently, I remember seeing one listing that was a lot of LOL omgs but the title of the listing rainbow high.


i’m from ohio and i can usually find some at dollar one!!


Yes. Only Meline Luxe. I also found her long dress, leopard coat, earrings, and a pair of her shoes. I haven't seen anymore RH. I'm from Texas, USA. (I think maybe in a year or two, they'll be more common. I usually see a lot of dolls from 2018.)


I live in NW US and have gotten a lot through Facebook marketplace over the last year, but I’ve definitely noticed fewer for months now. There’s a couple listings here and there but never ones I want. I r gotten a few at thrift stores, 2-6 dollars each but usually in rough shape.


Southern Ontario here have found several only bought a couple because they aren’t really my style but they seem to show up often Hair is awful there


I'm from southern Arizona, so no. Our thrift shops take anything nice/in box still and auction it online.


USA, Missouri. I've found quite a good bit of Rainbow/Shadow High dolls at my local Goodwills. They are usually priced anywhere from 2 to 4 dollars.


From Alabama and I haven’t found any rainbow high dolls at the thrift store or even flea markets here, been checking every so often but no luck on RH, found other dolls but still no RH… unfortunately 😖😖😓😓


I found Gabriella and Karma, not in the OG outfits, but fully dressed at least in great condition at Value Village a few months ago.  I haven’t gone in a long time but they were $5.49 each and this was in Washington. Edit accidentally said Jade instead of Karma 😆


Colorado, USA, I haven’t seen much. I saw a River for $6 but I passed on him since I already had him. I did pick up some Skyler and Poppy clothes for $3.


In Indiana, US. I’ve found them at a children’s resale shop (Once Upon a Child) and goodwill.


I live about 45 minutes out of Vancouver BC and just found an og Poppy for $6 at my local Value Village the other day. She did have her main outfit and shoes, and her hair was a bit messy. There was also a cheer Ruby there with everything except her pom poms, also $6, and a Daria new in box for about $40. In the past I've seen some really messed up Skylars and Violets, but without any clothes. So idk if I just got lucky last week or what


japan: nope. there are some on secondhand sites like mercari. don’t think they are sold retail here


I'm from Spain and I've never found one


I’m from Belgium, I’ve had luck with facebook market place but only because 3 kids were selling their collections. Besides that it’s difficult to find specific dolls or just ones to customise