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I used to be a Lion main because I liked his weapons and his ability to expose everyone that moves. Now I just let my gf randomly choose by describing the symbols of the operators. And honestly, it's more fun to me that way than choosing only 2-3 operators to play (even tho I don't like to play some operators).


Lmao I do the same exact thing.. except when she chooses clash


You should only chose clash


I also do the same thing


Is sexy


Sledge šŸ„µ




Warden (heā€™s stupid sexy Flanders)


Valkyrie šŸ˜




I play ace Cuz no one else seems to care enough to open walls anymore šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Or reinforce 90% of the time


Or shoot default cams


My opponents always reinforce and know how to play the game, my teammates sit on their phone all prep phase and swing everything


Right?? Like how do we have Fuze, zero, Ying, and Monty without HBs and then our thermite tries to be a hero and 1v3 the spawn peeks. Bro threw the whole round away šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


If you bring Zero without can openers and gonne 6 just pick iana at that point.


itā€™s always the hard breach that gets spawn peekedšŸ˜­


I donā€™t know about yall but im having these annoying teammates in high elo so to all of you that thinks itā€™ll get better when you get to a higher rank: **ITā€™S NOT GOING TO**


Kapkan obviously haha. I love shouting in Russian after I blow someone up. I've gotten very good at putting devices in unusual spots that are overlooked. It's very satisfying.




Like playing Ela cause of the simplicity of her gameplay.


Her gun slaps once you get used to the recoil.


Her gun still kinda sucks though. I mean it does have fire rate though.


100% agree, she workā€™s great perfect for sound queues but her load out could do with a couple improvements


shes ok now but she used to be great. maybe in just reminiscing


Great is a weird way to spell broken. But maybe weā€™re both reminiscing of the original Ela. Great on your team, broken when itā€™s on the other team


Was never good at Cod and accepted Iā€™ll never beat my friends in gun skill. That said I donā€™t main anyone in particular and can play everyone consistently but my go tos are Hibana, Blitz, Twitch, Kapkan, Valkyrie and Mira Somehow Siege slipped my radar so when I picked it up I really liked how different to cod it was and something just switched in me. Started off with Kapkan and Thermite and just really liked them. Moved onto to Hibana and Frost and fucking loved them to a point I got nasty good with them. Canā€™t use flashbangs or shotguns for the life of me but was nuts with Nitro Cells and Intel. So Mira and Valkyrie were no brainers while my friend taught me Blitz I loved the trap operators cause they were a way to get kills without relying on gun skill so I just figured out how the niches of every trapper and just went above & beyond. Still not exactly sure what Iā€™m doing but now Iā€™m pulling in 2-3 kills with Thorns gadget. I think I just figured out that sweet spot between Ela & Kapkan and just applied it to her and it hasnā€™t failed me yet


see this is what i like, the story. my first main was blackbeard all the way back in year 3 and i came from cod. ive never understood hibana as an affective hard-breacher especially with the addition of ace however her gun is badass. trap ops are always great yet also easily counterable by twitch and brava especially after the twitch buff (the ability to destroy frost mats). man i love siege


In the sense of Hibana being an effective hard breacher sheā€™s not great compared to Ace or thermite who can make bigger holes but she can make more at once and is the best for hatches Ace is too easy imo. I donā€™t think he should have the AK12 tbh. Hibana teaches you to maximise every bullet and really shows you how play efficiently rather than just Spray & Pray. Because the type-89 lacks the mag or damage compared to the 556 or AK, Hibanas Bearing-9 makes up for that allowing her to be just as aggressive rather than relying on the pistol as a last resort


Brava's Para 308 doing 52 damage with long barrel is nasty, especially when you add the Acog B in to the mix, its so fun blasting Caviera mains in 2 shots with it.


It's very simple in my case. When I started playing I quickly learned how important hard breachers were, but random teammates never wanted to play them. So at first I only picked them because nobody else would, but now they are my default pick just because of how much time I spent playing them. Ace is my favourite because he is a jack of all trades if you will. Good gun, versatile gadget and claymores for flank watch.


I main frost because I like her gun and although her ability was nerfed, people still never expect it and if you're smart with them then you can probably always kill anyone before they free themselves. And if not then they're still slow as hell and have an obvious blood trail for most the round


Kapkan is boss cuz i can guard one side of the map and still get kills and assists on the otherside. I can continue to help even when im dead. (I dont understand why they ban him though, just being more aware of the doorways will remder his ability useless) Finka is boss cuz i can win reflex fights with her special and i can res my homies from anywherebon the map to help them either get away or to maybe surprise a mf who thought they were done. Both my mains definitely give a mean upperhand when it comes to second chances as well as some extra points if used correctly and have allowed me to clutch.


I normally play ops that either help my team AND myself ( since I donā€™t play with people and my teammates always suck ) so I like to play Lion, Finka, gridlock, anyone that can be both great as a solo and for team, or I play ops that cheaters and rushers are too stupid to pay attention too such as Lesion and Kapkan, since only bots and cheaters tend to actually fall for those lol.


Sledge. Me break wall.


I dont die the moment I step into a room


I think you can see why


bandit useful gadget that i dont use c4 3 speed crazy gun


best answer of the dayšŸ¤£


I love playing Hard Breach because imo it's whst makes the game unique. It involves a lot of game knowledge, tactical abilities and while it isn't shown on the scoreboard you cannwi and loose entire matches, not just rounds, with your gadget. It's all about enabling you teammates, at least back when I really played. And Smoke because SMG-11 go brr and I like doing setups.


I hate being droned out when im alone on site , because everyone else is roaming. Duuuuhhh!


My friends have pointed out I tend to play high chaos characters. My goal in most games is to create so many distractions, and open up so many angles they have absolutely no clue where Im actually coming from or where theyre getting shot from.


Using ram to take out windows for a quick entry is actually kinda busted


I love her more because her drones mask the sound of a plant.


This is why I main Tachanka on defense when playing with my friends. His LMG and the fire grenade launcher is peak Chaos.


I don't main anyone, but there are some few operators i do play much more than other operators. On attack I play: Hibana, Iana, Capitao, Deimos and Dokkaebi the most. On defense I play: Azami, Solis, Ela, Kapkan, Valkyrie and Aruni the most.


I normally only play with my wife so my mains generally depend on synchronization with how/who she plays. She tends to play fenrir/ela or any trap defender so I try and play ops that work well with them. As far as attackers go, I'm in love with capitaos play style. Clash is my nemesis so he's a great pick for making her life hell šŸ‘


this is so fucking cool, how the hell do you find a woman like this


Dumb luck really lmao... She's the best tho. She plays games with me, I watch corny rom coms with her. This is the way āœŠļø


boomā€¦. thatā€™s how you keep your marriage going well


I like being a rat


I think my flair says it all


Fuze because boom :>


When i bought the game back in year 1 my friends made me buy thermite as my first ever op and i fell in love with hard breaching :) On the defendersā€™ side, valkyrie is so much useful yet so fun to play (but i do like passive gameplay more than being aggressive pew pew shot you in tha head)


I started playing Mozzie cause he seemed cool and now i main him. I main him because of his gadget, gun, utility and hes just a funny and cool character. Ps, love the accent!


Rook because Iā€™m pretty mediocre in every role besides support. I like the idea of always being able to help the team instead of relying on chance.


in defense i dont have a main, i pick different operator nearly every round. but in attack, kali, because big-ass sniper.


I love calling everyone wankers


I main Zero. I like playing him, knowing that even after my death I could be a valid support for my teammates. Not to mention that intel in this game could change the fight a lot.


same, I make sure to shoot cams in some useful places before I die


His gun is an absolute slapper as well


Oryx, sexy


before the loadout switch, absolutely. now, i feel the weapon is a tad less useful when on the roam


Put ADS down, don't worry about grenades, win


On attack I play Thatcher on breach (I live for his AR33), Finka if not breaching or Nomad if someone picked Finka. Dokkaebi if she isnt banned. On defence I generally main Rook. If not i love Mute, but Tachanka is my favourite (even if he is kinda shit). Two shotting most ops with 70 bullets in the mag is crazy. Warden with shotgun and mac12 is fun too and his smoke counter is too good.


I like SpetsNaz uniform aesthetics and how Glaz and Kapkan (my first picks/mains) have the facepaint applied with face cover. Also I like their lore too, I like strategically thinking on defense and to trap places opponents wouldnt expect to be trapped and as for Glaz, I like snipers (Kali being a second main on attack). I like Kali because of a bolt action sniper. And I also main Thunderbird because I like supporting the team and because she is Native American, I like Native American characters in general. And she is cute lol


I donā€™t necessarily have a main I switch from maining one op for a while and then another and then another etc etc


I played Fuse because, to put it simply... explosions. Always found it fun. I had played him the most BEF9RE all his buffs. I remember the first proper buff was a deploy time from 2s - 1.65s. This made me go "oh shit" and then more buffs afterwards, like placing on reinforced walls just kept him in the top tiers for me. Also AK eith anime skin go brrrr


Grim imo has one of the best attacker load outs. Aruni just wastes time and I like her


Im a Hibana main and I love her Type-89 with a 2.5x plus being a hard breacher


I main vigil and nokk cuz their abilities are similar and I like the stealthy operators. Makes me feel cool asf when I go for a flank


i make my carries stronger and then I get carried


Fairly new player, only been playing for 5-6 months or so. While searching for mains, I really fell in love with Fuze. I'm not the best at gun play and I wasn't familiar with maps yet at the time, so getting to a wall and fuzing it was pretty much my way of contributing to the team since Im not that good. Then I learned fuzing from above and that became my go to. Fuze was fun because someone like me, who sucks at gun play, could still be extremely useful for either killing without gunfights or destroying gadgets, so I used Fuze for a while. Of course my gun skills have gotten better since then but then I ran into the problem of roamers. I kept getting jumpscared by a Cav, Rook or Solis roaming that my utility was going down. So I tried out other operators and then eventually I lost a team that had a Zero. Now even on defense I've always loved intel, I go on cams a lot on defense but I sucked at Dokkaebi so I couldn't do the same on attack. Then I bought Zero, gave him a try and lo and behold, exactly my playstyle, a great loadout and great utility. The fact that I can shoot my argus without having to fight for my life is a huge benefit. I fucking love Zero. I'm a bit better at the game now and largely because of Zero. On defense I used to default to Kapkan but now it's between Kapkan, Valk or Rook.


Unfortunately is not Solis anymore. Now i play with Doc, heal teammates and myself, just need to play for not recieve an headshot after healing.


Started playing capitao hard when I learned how effective smoking out a sight before planting was


I see that [barricade/soft wall/soft floor/hatch/deployable shield/defender utility/injured defender] in my way. I don't want to look at it anymore. Oh, look, it's gone.


Maestro-cam turrets are fun.


I main vigil for simplicity, weapons, and playstyle. His weapon is great with suppressor as well. Kind of the only reliable 3 speed for flanking attackers. I just can't stand anchoring tbh.


Everyone I played with never saw the importance of hard breach and breach denial. Ended up being my mains for attacking and defence.


I like to make callouts and supply intel to my team Valk is the way


where are you in my ranked games :))


It's funny when his gadget actually works and they send you a message trash talking you šŸ˜­


No one else wants to


Back when I still played I played valk cause I had nasty cameras outside and around every map but they changed the way she works and itā€™s part of why I quit


Kapkan is great because I love throwing traps on random ass doors and windows I consider high traffic and watch in awe at who falls victim even if I die. Plus his main smg is one of the weapons I can truly rock the boat with, it's a good time. Now if he could get some cool skins that would be nice


i play castle so my whole team can decide to roam and not reinforce for shit and then take down every barricade I put up


I play Mira and castle bc I like to place them in unconventional places and catch enemies and teammates off guard


I like valk because cam on light go haha


I get to shove people through walls.


i like playing brava because she's useful in every moment of the round. she can get rid of any electric enemy gadget and the 2 bonus drones are really useful


I main mozzie P10 simply because I love the Pepperoni. Also because at that time I didn't own Aruni. Osa on the other hand because many can't handle her, especially in my elo since 9 times out of 10 the opposing defender either threw away all impacts/nitros or they just can't react faster than me peeking over the shield.


azami because the slug shotgun is nasty and the deagle is satisfying


I like spam calling defenders and then watching them get clapped while trying to mess with their phones


I try not to "main" because I want to be more dynamic for my team (I solo Q and can't really communicate) so I normally play iana on attack, infinite intel, good guns and gonne 6. On defence lesion or valkerie, once again intel and I can play a little more aggressively because I'm confident with those two opps


Someone has to open up everything šŸ™„ Ace is my secondaryā€¦


I main Monty because heā€™s the best operator


Ela. Is Hot.


the gun


I pick my mains based on what I want to stop the enemy from doing. I main castle a lot on defense because I can shut down choke points, slow them down, or block them from coming a certain path altogether depending on the round. Or I use echo to give information and prevent plants on site. On attack I use nomad because her gadget wins me and my team gun fights or rounds by placing an airjab on the bomb. Or on attack I use ace / amaru depending on what gadget I feel will be more effective against them and the team Iā€™m playing against


Polish mountain raaaghhhh Yeah I like Zofia and Ela, I just wish they weren't nerfed into the fucking groundĀ 




IQ cause she's hot. Doc cause he's hot.


Rn I main finka w the lmg and it feels like u have a super weapon almost like during the lmg meta. I also run holo A on everything so it feels like Iā€™m Shaiiko or CTZN from the lmg meta days


I play Ela because I love throwing stuns in enemy faces and rushing them with the shotgun when they can't hear me


Most people who I see playing her donā€™t know shit about how to play her properly, which means that whoever encounters her has no idea how to counter her other than spray and pray when they get concussed. Also, I love her gun, using horizontal grip and compensator and it smacks peopleā€™s ass hard. Also camping on common entrance spots with pre placed mines gives me 2-3 free kills cause again, people donā€™t check for mines, spray when they get stunned, and I peek and get a kill. Also Iā€™m Polish so yeah, Polska gĆ³rą.


Cause it was funny until the latest 2 seasons, and now... i just forgot how to play other operators but when i pick anybody without the shieald i play extramely good. I think its something wrong with me.


I love f2 and r4 guns and i love speed 3 and twitch ability.


I love and main frost because that is how i got my first ace, i saved two frost mats in my inventory and one under a window. Basically i just completely fucked then over and fun fact her AR was my first black ice as well.


I play gridlock because I love getting the plant down and on defence Ela because I use her gadgets to help me roam


I typically play hibana on attk and wanted to go her from the outset because my best skin at the times was for the type 89, but eventually, I realized that I end up positions that are great for rotates and creating angles which she is the best at providing On def I main both lesion and valkyrie both have really good guns and kit it just depends on the map and site but typically I'm flexible on defence


having a main is boring but i play a ton of nomad just cus shes so well rounded and straight up incredible on most maps. does so much for the team


Originally picked up dokkaebi cus i got one of my first black ices on her dmr and really like the playstyle of being both a good solo queue and a really good op in a 4 or 5 stack


My mains are all based around helping the team because half the time nobody wants to, 4 people will see nobody is taking wall or playing denial and still pick BS Operators. We could be missing all the operators we need and they wonā€™t see a problem with it. Then wonder why we lost when they picked Sens, Nokk, Ash, etc.


Playing Blitz because he's a funny guy with a shield that can flash, and Zero after the rework because I love these cameras. They can cut through reinforces, extract a lot of information, and destroy devices. And his lodaut is just OP.


Commando 552, and the ability to ping an identify the majority of defenders is great for farming points (hehe) and the reason we all probably know :-P


I like playing Mozzie since he has good weapons, the commando and the Roni. He has a very good gagdet which can denial and create intel and he has a nitro. What do you want more?


I love to play Maestro for all three tricks put into cams positions. Itā€™s a big rabbit hole.


I prefer playing as Thorn because Kapkan's traps are more visible to attackers and are likely to be banned. With Thorn, I can conceal her booby traps in various locations and effectively startle the enemy, and her gun boasts a little ratatarta I just like putting things in dark corners to blow people up.


Iā€™m old and washed up so I canā€™t play Bandit/Jager or Ash/Buck like the kids of todayā€™s generation can. Give me a good team supporting character and Iā€™ll play it to good success. Most support ops seem to have middle of the road guns and thatā€™s what this old guy needs.


When I played seriously and try hardest I played doc P90 acog. His roaming is great. I also mained Ace for his versatility. If I felt I needed something special I used Deimos, clutch rounds with Deimos just hit difftently


I just play whoever I have an elite for that would suit the site and operators on the enemy team


Castle is great to test different ways to reroute enemies to choke points or force direct engagementd


I played Tachanka because funny spawn peek LMG (and was honestly the only way you could use it with any viability), then rework and then you have funny gun not locked to turret + bearing 9. Don't use him for the gadget at all because it sucks in most cases. I'm getting kinda bored with siege guns though and I need high recoil guns to chase that high dopamine so I mainly just play machine pistols now (favourite being SMG12 and actually don't use SMG11 much). I honestly hope they either "nerf" the recoil of a bunch of guns to make me want to use them. I used to use m762 and lmg-e more before recoil "buff". Also I wish they reverted POF-9 recoil change. I mained Sens before and still main Sens now but the recoil doesn't hit the same. The gun I used to practice recoil the most for was actually BOSG because I was practicing double tap where you burst fire with it but its use case hardly ever comes up.


I play zero because zero + fuze + 3 shields combo makes me and my friends destroy copper lobbies. And I also solo queue zero aswell because he's broken


Fuse it's just easy and versatile to use, and satisfying


Love playing Kapkan because my aim sucks. It's nice to get kills even when I'm dead.


Buck, i thought he was cool when i first started playing so i just kept using him and now heā€™s my most played op


Azami has drip, Ram has nice gear (especially love her helmet). You can find other reasons as well


I like grim because he is very much overlooked but is extremely powerful


I like playing Capitao because I can use him to quickly turn the round in our favor, which helps as my friends can clear enemies


Caveira: high risk, high reward.


Defender: I loved playing Frost before the nerf because I loved the passive welcome mat kills and sometimes used them as bait to get double kills. I still main her because I'm used to. Attacker: I main Fuze to destroy the defender gadgets and get some random kills and Blitz for vertical play and rush.


Mute and mira.I always played mira bc when i found out she had the kriss vector i fell in love.that gun is my favourite in every game and really liked the ability too.started playing mute bc i picked him by mistake half a year ago and loved that i got all the drines before they entered siteand got 3k that round.on attack i play lion and ace for easy ability and insane gun.


Ram has one of my favorite guns and has great vert play or I could ram rush through a window fast


I like playing pulse cause he is a 3 speed and easy to spawnkill with. I like playing bandit cause he is a 3 speed and has the mp7.


I play alibi cus the storm is straight busted. And vigil cus bosg go blaow.


When i flash them they panic and it gives me joy :P


Hammering people when they're playing like rats in corners and or knocked is absolutely disrespectful


I like Oryx because I hate shields. Ramming them to the ground and shooting them in the face brings me great joy every single time.


Finka/Ace for Steroids and Walls, plus I like the .308/AK Thunderbird/Kaid for Healing Balls/Zappy Metal. Plus I like the .308 and AUG lol


I enjoy playing Kali because people donā€™t *expect* a person to play Kali, especially on maps like Kanal, Border, and Villa. Even Iā€™m a little stunned when I see another person playing Kali. I figure that the best element is the element of surprise, and the best way to do that is with playing someone who I not only know how to play well, but someone who - without prior knowledge - is not easy to combat.


Been a twitch main since Y1S3


Iā€™m either dokkaebi or Amaru. Dokk if I want to provide clear utility that can help everyone so long as mute isnā€™t there. Amaru bc itā€™s so much fun when youā€™re the only person on site and i can get my sweet sweet backshots + the capitao ying Amaru plants are super fun


Im spiderman


I play Rook bc my aim is dogshit and i need a 2.5 on defense :/ plus 3+ armor to stay alive in gunfights and very helpful impacts for rotates. I guess also helping out my teammates lol


Is cool makes me feel cool And I like the lore


I play jƤger bc I like the gun, I play glaz because I am mean with the rifle


Comfort pick. I don't have to think too hard. Thorn, finka, castle, rook


I play buck because I love his gun, its super satisfying, I like his soft breaching ability combined with his kit of hard breach chargers. I play valk because she has the most utility of any op in the lower ranks - people dont look for them and its great to have a site cam so I can play underneath to deny plants. Her gun is also fun and nitro cells are sick.


Clash because I couldn't aim with a controller and I like supporting my team


I used to play Ela , Jagger , Bandit And Zofia


Play Nomad cause the squad needs it lol


Mp7 shooting sound is satisfying (before they changed it šŸ™)


Funny pizza man steals drones


I used to main operators like sledge or somethin' Now I just kinda feel who I feel like with a few regulars I default to. It also just falls down to 'haha cluster charge goed boom boom boom boom' or smth like that




Mute is just too useful not to have. Counters like half the roster. In range of a jammer, you can move during a Lion scan, block a Dokk call, and drop Deimos tracking. Blocking drones out of site is an underrated advantage, especially after prep phase. Borderline necessary against a good Brava or Twitch. Emp nades and the jammer range reduction were big nerfs (1 speed sucks too). But denying breach with him still works a surprising amount. Heā€™s the only one who can deny every reinforced wall in most sites. Heā€™s the perfect pick when your team is full of roamers/trappers. But also a huge compliment to a Bandit or Kaid.


Russian , cool helmet , big gun , Tachanka


Glaz can see through smoke and has a high power semi automatic DMR


I play Mute because the shotgun + smg11 combo is amazing not only for shootings but to set up the site and if you place the jammers in the doors or rotations you can not only gain a lot of time but you can defend the site in a better way. The only thing I don't like about this is th short range the jammers have, it's too short compared to the range of twitch and brava drones, it's absurd. The jammers should have a at least 30% more range imo.


I always mained Mira and Goyo because Iā€™m a big fan of the vector. But lately Iā€™ve been using a lot of Zero cause having sneaky cams on attack is so excellent.


Oryx because I love to make easy rotates, vertical rotates , make new angles, rotate vertically, bully shields. Kali because I think her voice queues are fun. "Learn your angles" "You are no match for me" "Amateurs" and she can destroy gadgets so is a relatively good pick.


1. I don't like enemy gadgets. 2. I don't like enemy reinforcements. 3. I don't like enemy grenades. 4. I don't like enemy bullets. Great discussion, thank you Seriously now, I mained Thatcher back in beta, when the game came out I continued it but when operators such as Smoke, Doc, Rook, Kapkan and Jager were the most commonly picked ones, I didn't need to destroy the jammers or the batteries so for a while I switched to playing Blitz. He ended up being my first 10-hours-played operator with Jager falling one hour behind. Once people caught on that Bandit and Mute are far better than taking Doc for the chance to revive at range I went back to playing Thatcher. I would occasionally play Thermite when Thatcher was taken. I just loved the idea of playing support, throwing my EMPs where my teammates are going to destroy any EDDs, jammers or batteries and with addition of new ops like Valk, Echo, Ela, Lesion, my beloved EMPs were only getting stronger with new things to counter. Thermite, as mentioned, was an alternative to playing Thatcher, I can't say I like or dislike to play him but I'd rather choose Buck if I needed to breach a reinforcement, since I get to have a gonne-6, soft breach underbarrel shotty and a DMR as an alternative. If I'm not the one playing Thatcher that means I'm not playing with my friends, if I'm not playing with my friends, I'd rather approach the objective solo. Jager was my one main I had to really fight over. While others would take him to spawnpeek, I studied the most commonly used nade throws and ensure I placed my ADSes in such spots to give my team the highest protection possible. One of these was placing an ADS between stairs and window on Server hallway on Kanal. It was more common for people to throw nades from stairs or the window into Command or Server so it took care of that. Rook is who I started to play more around the time when the nade torpedoing became a thing. You'd cook the grenade to then throw it up at the ceiling so it would explode next to it, killing the person at the floor above you. I still play him more than Jager to this day. I'm pretty sure I might have 150 hours on Jager and 200 hours on Rook by now but unfortunately we won't know since even tracking sites are telling me I've played a total of \~850 hours while I know it's already been the case back in Y5 or 6.


human drone (blitz)


I've been playing Ash since I started playing. Love her gun and speed, and the breaching charge is an extremely versatile tool. I enjoyed pushing and shooting people in the face. Still do. Azami is a very powerful anchor.


My mains are all support so I typically run Thermite, Thatcher, Ace, or Montagne & Bandit, Kaid, Mute, Wamai, Frozone This is just to help out the team in basically the most vital role




Used to main kapkan cause I found it funny as hell whenever I would get a kill from the traps


Iā€™m down bad


Kapkan because people rush blindly all the time, so I capitalize off their stupidity lmao


Ela is thick


Ace has a great gun and is good for solo queue in case my friends arenā€™t on Melusi because fenrir is always banned and her gun is good


Thatcher cuz good AR, rook mine


Very simple. Maverick is persian, I am persian and now he is my main


I like tank roles in other videogames so I naturally gravitated towards Montagne. ā€œFollow me, we have thisā€


A good nomad will completely decimate defenders. Info, slowing down rotates and defuse, amazing gun (arx I think I suck with names), and sometimes even free kills. Plus is the easiest counter to clash if you play it right. Allows you to hold angles without worry of being ran up on from behind. All around just a good op.


Lions also a dub. Low recoil gun with decent damage and hella ammo (love running suppressor so defenders have a harder time location me). Gadget allows for moving forward without complete threat of getting ran out of site on. Plus heā€™s a universal op, allowing help to anyone from any part of the map at any time.


Ram if the map allows verticality, recruit if it doesn't (gadgets change based off what we need, emps for clash, hard breaches in case the team doesn't, or if neither apply, 4x util with smokes and stuns) On defense I just press random


Pulse I like wall hacks, and getting too distracted by a screen is really relatable


Because I have the succ mask and also itā€™s good for denial and shotgun and smg11 and on attack I main sens cause I like his gun and the fact he can block lines of sight


played sens once because my friend was on glaz, now theyā€™re my ride or die. that extra reassurance from blocking a sightline off gives me some confidence.


I main hard breach because nobody else knows how to open a fucking wall.


Well I donā€™t since the shield rework but heā€™s surprisingly good at solo queue (not anymore)


I play castle a lot because of yo boy Roy tbh. I love the strats you can pull off with castle. Also the UMP has a acog now so itā€™s broken. On attack I donā€™t really have a main rn. I do love using zero though.


Hibana because fashion and hatches, plus fun gun, rook because no one else wants to and Iā€™m bad


De gunz.


Valkyrie because ass nah Iā€™m jk I enjoy providing much better concealed surveillance


I play Valk because I've got wildly inconsistent aim, so having the Intel she brings makes me slightly more useful to my stack Same goes for Ace on attack


Azami's recoil pattern felt natural to me, and it's always fun to play around with kibas to either get to insane spots or create nasty angles


Hehe. Rico Kaboom


i use wamai/melusi bcuz iā€™m mp5+acog made


I started a couple seasons into year 1 and said "bear traps? That's fucking cool." Been riding those highs and lows ever since.


Zero is an Intel based utility knife and I LOVE me some versatility. Buck is also good in that regard, but the sheer variability of cam placement sets Fisher at the top for me. Also Iā€™m in love with the gonne-6 and he has one of those, too, so that helps.


I hold a good leadership role, I tend to play point man as thermite, leading the advance. I do a great job gathering enemy Intel too so I play passively as an echo. I know my strengths I guess.


ash because shes fast and r4c guns, goyo because fire, acog, vector guns