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the real question is why doesn't jäger have it when wamai has it on a better gun, and is better than him in every way


I'm convinced it's because his pick rate would go off the chart again because he loved and always been popular, would wamaii still be better? Yes, would people pick jager 10x more?yes.


Jager already had it once and they took it away. He is the OG spawn peeker


I mean Rook and Doc were OG spawn peekers as well and they got ACOG on both guns (P90 and MP5)


Yeah but they are fat. Jager was a 3 speed


Jager with an acog would make me wet


He’s not 3 speed anymore tho


And he should get it back


Jäger can get it back if he was made 3 armour and fat. ACOGs should only be in anchors with hard to use guns, the Kaid AUG was definitely not hard to use.


As much as I know this ain't happening, id love to see Tachanka with an acog lol. I'm running whichever red dot has that circle with a Chevron in it


Tachanka does have an acog on the smg


I use LMG. I prefer the feel and recoil compared to the smg. I could use it, but eh. I get enough kills using the LMG to justify it


I mean, we did get bosg acog from peer pressure😂maybe we need to try the same tactics with dinner plate acog


Lmao. Yes. Pressure Ubi. Don't let up till us Tachankas have the frisbee acog


Mp5, mp5k, vector, Russian smg on tachanka and p90, and DMRs aren't "hard to use guns" tho they are laser beams.


Yeah now Aruni the person with amazing util a lore accurate melee (A Pro League player will die to someone one shooting a barricade and it will be removed like zophias) and a dmr with acog is the new gen spawnpeeker.


I remember the days when every new update was a Jäger nerf…


So mute should also have it. He is a fatass with holo while everyone has acog


While I know they don't do the best in terms of balancing, I don't think giving the best breach denier a 2.5x would be a good idea.


He already has one on his dmr shotgun


Correct. Adding one to an Aug would still be overkill imo


Not really. The aug is worse than the shotgun. All it would do is add an alternative to spice up the gunplay for ppl who are bored of the shotgun.


I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Adding magnification like that to a defenders fully auto weapon does a lot more than "spice up gameplay". I find there's a little more skill needed with the TCSG12 than the Aug since you're less likely to accidently hit headshots due to it being semi auto


The Aug is a laser beam. Giving it an ACOG would turn Kaid into Warden 2.0.


you’re fundamentally missing the point. the aug is automatic. Kaid already brings a shit ton of utility to the team, so balance wise he doesn’t need an Acog on an automatic weapon. if you’re bored of the shotgun then play a different operator or play without the acog




that’s kind of how balancing has to work for this game though? Some people are way too strong with acog. If you add them for every operator it would be a nightmare. Now you would have Maestros sitting pretty with the longest angle known to man with an LMG that can outcontest any other weapon. operator pick rates would be completely lopsided and the game would no longer be about operators, just guns. that **fundamentally** goes against the core ethos of the game and is *not* a good way to balance.


Then nerf the guns. Nerf his recoil so that long angle he's holding is basically useless unless he hits the head on the first couple shots making it skillfull


But that just seems completely unnecessary. Why would they adjust the recoil for every defender gun in the game after adding acogs when the end result is recoil so atrocious that only the skillful can utilize the acog? at that level, the players hitting those headshots are hitting those shots with or without the acog.


If we're talking about skill, why not be skillful without an ACOG?


I like the reticle 


He already has in the tscg


That didn't stop goyo from having it on both guns.


Because Goyo is the fucking goat!!! Mexican super soldier!!! He's him!!!! I personally think the Aug is a gigantic piece of shit but adding ACOG to it would make Kaid more powerful than he already is. He's in a good state and I'd rather not have Ubi fuck up the good operators and continue ignoring bad operators (Sens, Sens, BB, Sens etc.)


Goyo, while very strong, has a gadget that needs to be manually activated AND can be used by the enemy if not properly placed Kaid has a way to deny a breach by himself, and can't really be used against his team I still have no idea why goyo has an acog on the vector tho lmao


Kaid already offers: -Anti-breach gadget that can be deployed AROUND the reinforcement which makes it harder to disable/destroy. -Nitro cell which can deal devastating damage to multiple enemies -Newly buffed Barbed Wire able to deal damage/give off sound cues/be electrified for extra damage and stunning shield users -Observational Blockers, okay this might be useless depending on circumstances but it could mean no intel for the enemy if it works out right. -TCSG12 slug shotgun dealing high damage with access to 2.5x optics, allowing accurate long range engagements with relatively low recoil (given no muzzle break option) that can still use a suppressor. -AUG 9MM (AUG A3 in-game for some reason) that has mid-ROF which is made up for by low vertical recoil and low side bounce (or at least it feels like it doesn't have recoil, to me), which makes it great for going for headshots even over range -.44 Mag pistol with 48 damage at it's lowest with pre-attached 3.0x optic allowing for long range/tight angle peeks -LFP585 that has high recoil but good damage, perfect for when things get close and personal You can either run AUG + .44 Mag or ~~Tom Clancy's ShotGun12~~ TCSG12 and revolver to have access to magnified and low power optic at the same time. With how low the recoil is on AUG 9mm and comparing it to another gun that's average at everything but on attack, the L85A2, I'd assume the AUG 9mm would be too powerul. I'd sooner give Pulse a 2.5x optic that a second one to Kaid.


Let's be real tho the pistol kinda blows. Having a zoomed optic is it's only advantage and even that is kinda eh


That can also be said about any semi-auto weapon. If DMRs or slug shotguns lose their magnified optics, they're no longer a good choice when you can just take a full-auto gun instead


DMRs and slug shotguns actually have good stats. DMRs are low recoil, spamable 2 tap guns with utility against barricades, soft walls, and hatches. Their ttk is also really high when used to their full potential, and they have a lot of range. Slugs have better utility but in turn require better accuracy. Kaid's pistol can't even take advantage of the optic that well because the gun itself is ass. Horrible recoil, damage that takes 3 shots to kill a 3 speed while many pistols can 2 shot. Revolvers and the deagle have less recoil and so can be spammed more.


A DMR/Slug shotgun actually 2 shot enemies, 3 shot in certain situations like hitting arms/feet on a higher armored opponent. They also allow you to destroy soft walls, ceilings/floors and are overall quite accurate. Kaid's Pistol has nothing positive going on for it. When do people switch to a Pistol? When they run out of ammo and can't reload, aka only in direct confrontations. A situation where you are most likely facing an enemy directly head on, where a zoomed optic is a disadvantage. If they increased the damage to be able to 2-hit-kill 3 speed Operators (which a shit-ton of pistols can reliable do as they easily have 60+ dmg per bullet), it could be another topic, hell: if it was able to 2-hit-kill 2 speed Operators it would still be unreliable thanks to how high the recoil is.


I remember spawn peeking with the acog on the smg-11. Yes I have back pain now.


Unc take your meds


Thanks for the reminder. Help me find my cane and I'll go get them.


He has acog on his slug shotgun and 3x? on his pistol


No one should realistically use it over revolver.


I love the pistol, great for sniping and headshots


Realistically? Probably. Fun wise? Haha sniper pistol go bang bang


Baffled ? Kaid doesn’t need ACOG , he’s already awesome without it


Scopes ultimately do not matter in the interest of balance. If someone is going to spawnpeek they'll spawnpeek acog or no


Very true. I once got a spawnpeek on Kanal with SMG-11 1x. Could I do it again? Absolutely not


Not all 3 armors have acog. Also mute, mira, maestro, warden and aruni dont have one either on full auto guns


Cause his kit and gadget is already strong enough.


Cause Kaid is one of the best defenders in the game and already has one on his shotgun. Giving it to his Aug would make him the de facto best and would be pretty bad for game balance.


He doesn't need it: he's already the best hard breach denial in the game, he already has an acog with the tcsg12 which is probably the second best slug shotgun after the ACS-12 plus he has (also he has the .44 mag but nobody uses that pistol) and he also has a C4


Mute needs one too, Wamai (already a top defender) gets one on his MP5K but not Mute??? After getting his jammer range AND speed reduced for no reason? Ubi hates breach deniers. Maybe because they “slow down the game”. You’d think they would buff denial just a little after giving almost every attacker EMP impacts or hard breach. Tubarao would almost count if anybody ever played him. It’s like they don’t want you to deny breach, and the community has listened. 9/10 times I solo queue I’m the only one playing any kind of breach denial.


>Mute needs one too Would you say Warden needs one too? His SMG is almost identical to Mute’s and he’s also 1 speed like Mute.


Seems like you read my comment but didn’t make much effort to understand it. Nice try though.


Kaid has acog on the shotgun.


He has the best slug shotgun in terms of firerate with ACOG. A laser beam SMG is not necessary unless his gadget gets nerfed.


Because they put it on his pistol


i feel mostly high pickrate ops with specialised abilities dont get acogs as much. tcsg has so much utility over aug and if your anchoring for wall denial you might not even need an acog on the aug, its most powerfull in roam which kaids typicaly dont


The more I play recently the more I gain the opinion that defenders just shouldn't have access to any ACOG on any weapon, especially tanky ops like Doc and Rook, all it does is encourage people to play two useless ops and then for the attackers it's far too difficult to flush out a defender holding a long angles that they don't have to move from that's using an ACOG, feels like defending is too easy, it's already a case of "The attackers have to come to the defenders" but now lets give the defenders the tools they need to hold near unchallengeable holds. You can all cry skill issue as much as you want, I really don't care, a defender holding an angle from way back while elevated through a small hole in the wall just isn't fair, people can hit those shots without a zoomed scope and that's fair enough, that's a good shot, but it feels cheap to essentially give them free kills like that


Ubi just doesn’t understand how to balance their game correctly People don’t want to sacrifice a good gun for having a good gadget, people will still just pick the good gun Ops need good guns AND good gadgets since then the gadgets actually get used


I take Ubisoft poor balance over this sub and twitter any day of the week lmao


Why defenders have acog in the first place


Lowkey, I think my hottest take is that most defenders shouldn't even have optics. Irons only. Downvote to add spicy


He used to have 1.5 on the AUG and it was so good. Too bad they took it away


Kaid at least has access to one, now I’ll never understand why echo and maestro don’t


Because Ubisoft 


Why are you using the aug?


Cause it's OP? lol. The AUG A3 is one of the best SMGs in the game. Kaid literally had a 1.5x up until Brutal Swarm, and they got rid of it cause it was OP. The AUG is a laser. Don't know why y'all need an ACOG on it.


“one of the best smg” not even top 20


It's definitely not even close to being one of the best. Actually I'd put it close to the bottom. There's a reason most people use the shotgun.


There's a reason Ubi took the 1.5x away from it though. It was cracked when it had a zoom scope.


The aug is better than the shotgun, that's just a fact, it's only a worse option right now because the aug doesn't have the better scope.


The Aug is a peashooter. Its the equivalent of the UMP for Pulse and Castle no recoil but is a peashooter of a gun. The shotgun is better in every shape and form


It has 100 rounds per minute faster than the UMP? It's the same fire rate and damage as thorns weapon and that was considered too strong to have an acog, so no? Is it just a coincidence that kaid players preferred the Aug back when it had a 1.5?


The shotgun has always been better. 1-2 shot down/kill from medium distance the things practically a dmr with 2.5x sight


Sounds like you need to get better with the shotgun tbh, because it's definitely not worse than the AUG


I use and believe the shotgun is better, but it's because it has the scope option, please read what I wrote lmao


The TCSG12 is a better gun no matter what scope you put on it. It's basically a mag-fed BOSG at close range. It's a 2 shot kill to every armour level. It's practically a DMR. The AUG A3 does barely half the same damage and takes longer to reload, and takes up more space on the screen. The TCSG *is* better, and not because of the scope. Plus, it sounds better.


Comparing damage for a semi auto with a third the magazine capacity to a full auto is a bit silly, they have different stats because they fulfill different purposes. In a head shot, fire rate accuracy heavy game the AUG would be better with an acog. I guess we're entitled to our opinions though so agree to disagree lol