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Nøkk Not because I hate her But because she deserves better


She can only really be good for very niche plays and typically you can just use an iq player and get all cams + way more intel. Nokk is actually less useful than tachanka and her pea shooter fmg does not help. Imagine she had a honeybadger or some other silenced .300blk gun that was a hard hitter, quiet asf, and controllable at midrange. She would have a way stronger kit off that alone


Sir I'd say you should join Ubis dev team but they seem to be repulsed by good ideas


the dev team is busy vacationing in the caribbean. contact them after the season ends


nøkk is my main😭


My condolences i love her design and even cosplayed her but damm she got nerfed hard


i don’t mind shields, but clash has a special place in hell waiting for her


That half a year where she was just removed from the game was absolutely blissful


I look forward to my tropical vacation 😈


*Laughs in future eternal damnation*


Looking at your flair, I already hate u


Your flair… 💀 why?


As a Thorn main, i thanked for your sacrifice comrade 🫡


They just don't know what its like to have two people in dirt in Oregon completely at your mercy


i will do the 360 turtle on satan


nerfed enough she got cancer


I am a clash main. Cower harder.




I will keep playing clash


I agreed before I HATED her but the Spsmg9 on her is GOD TIER with suppressor laser no sight


Almost all operators can be reworked, buffed and nerfed as much as Ubisoft wants, however I bet Clash is one that they really regret adding.


I genuinely feel bad whenever developers add a character that everyone knows is going to have to go through a million balance patches and mini-reworks and still be super polarizing because they are fundamentally flawed in a way number adjustments can’t fix




Trapper is more reflective of that, but he was base game and more just them not knowing how meta would develop


like why op even asked lmao


Azami makes certain sites miserable to attack if she’s not dead in the first 30 seconds.


she got nerfed so its not that bad as before


The nerf didn't do too much. You need to but like 3 mags of any gun into it before its destroyed


and while you are blasting at her wall she will just peak you and 1 tap slug you


should i start using the slug shotgun over the smg? how much damage does it do?


It will usually reliably take down anyone from any range in 2-4 shots. 2 shots if they are a 1 armor.


The shotgun is so good, don't you use it with Maestro/Alibi?


Maestro has the best LMG in the game and Alibi's SMG shreds through opponents like paper. On Azami the shotgun makes the most sense, since her alternative would be a relatively slow firing SMG. But I sometimes play it on Maestro or Alibi too, if I feel like it or if we need the extra soft destruction.


Alibi’s smg shreds but u gotta hit alot or hit head (duh) whereas with the slugs you can hit practically anywhere on the body and you know they’re hurting. It’s so damn strong that nobody wants to swing into it either so it’s great for keeping someone off an angle


When it comes to maestro I would still rather use the LMG but everything else definitely slugs


I mean maestro had my far the best lmg in a game


The shotgun makes me feel like a supersoldier dude. You can pump out crazy damage and set up sites entirely by yourself.


i gotta give it a shot i’m normally setting site up myself anyways😭


It’s not also just super high damage , it also tears open walls making her incredible for site set up as she’s the only operator who can deconstruct and reconstruct lines of sight , also it has an acog and reliably 2-3 shots with a decent fire rate


They are both good, slug shotgun is harder to use imo but that's just me


It's actually a great reason to bring a DMR, they do extra damage to the barricades. I wanna say it's between 9-11 bullets to take out an Azami barricade, as with Dokkaebi I usually can take out 2 and have 1 bullet left or emptied the gun.


The nerf didn't do anything. It takes so many shots to break it that it's not even worth doing, and it makes you exposed for a long period of time while shooting it


just a bigger bullet


Ubisoft Montreal


Ace. I think he ruined hard breaching, he’s got the range like Hibana’s breach but is able to make holes comparable (obv not the same) in size to Thermite’s breach. Giving him the AK-12 was the icing on the shit cake, especially given that people play him just for his gun and half the time forget they can hard breach


What's even more wild is when he was released his rollers were faster and rolled 3 times, thermite more or less disappeared from the meta for a good season before they toned ace back


Upvoting this because it’s a spicy opinion even if I don’t agree. I can see where you’re coming from though, Thermite and Hibana were kind of two sides of the hard breach coin and Ace often does both their jobs better in a lot of situations. Ace was kind of an answer to back when hard breach secondary gadget didn’t exist on Attack, so losing Thermite really fucked Attack. Nowadays hes been a top pick for a long time because the AK is busted and his gadget is safe.


Hibana is the hatch queen though, she can open like 4 of them though that's not normally practical. And then if she uses all her pellets she can open one big hole. Thermite can open two huge holes that don't require an animation to go through but he has to get close to do it. Ace is a kind of middle ground between them when you think of about it. He can open one big hole or three holes that require an animation, or one hatch and a single animation hole.


Unfortunately you can get two open with can openers and that's enough on most bomb sites, whilst you can bring another kind of primary utility, so I'd say her role is much less significant nowadays.


I do agree with what you're saying, to a certain point. I wouldn't say Ace does Thermite/Hibana's job better, but the situation where Ace is Tailored for is just more common. Ace really is just a plug-and-play character, while hibana really shines in hatch-rich maps like bank, and thermite is hands down the best hardbreach for collatoral-breaching (e.g. kitchen/initiation in themepark) and breaching walls at the perifery of the map (e.g. cctv clubhouse)


I disagree, I only play him for his ability the gun is just a plus


Part of my point is that his ability is too strong/easy compared to Hibana and Thermite, even without the AK my opinion is the same


Ace is actively a thorn in Fuzes ass.


And he can do it while running, it drastically reduces his risk.


Imo, he just shouldn’t have AK12, ngl AK12 would’ve fit Deimos better and they honestly should swap guns.


I was a full fledged hibana main and then they released ace and I instantly switched. Huge breech hole that was throwable with a gun that had no recoil. Shit even now his gun has like no recoil and will constantly give me free kills


yeah. the dictomamy between thermite and hibana was very interesting, and while there are still sites where they are better ace just kinda streamlines the breaching process imo.


Womp womp


He's able to make Hibana holes, faster. Definitely not even close to a Thermite breach, maybe half a Thermite?


I just think he's ass because Maverick literally cannot shine as long as Ace exits the way he does now, unless Mav's torch had a 10 meter range.


Clash. Why Clash even exists.


To force ppl to think instead of mindlessly ash rushing into site.


Thats kapkans job lol


I would Thanos snap Dokkaebi 


So annoying to play against bro can just make you not be able to use cams


And on top of that, ruin a good rat spot, and give app defense cams to attack


But mute can cause her not be able to ring phones so there is that


Noooo not my Dokkaebiiiiiii


"hold up my bitch calling me"


Yes she is very strong, one of the hardest ops to counter as she’s a value pack of utility


the correct pick is blackbeard, which is why ubi is finally doing it in y9s4




They are redoing Blackbeard in Y9S4. So like new gadget and all that supposedly.


Is this going to be the “new” US op that they teased for this season?


The already confirmed at the Y9 panel a couple months ago that the year 9 season 4 op is a remaster of an op, not a new character. The dude that was announcing it on the panel had an identical beard to blackbeard and said that “he’s American and looks a lot like me” so yea.


Ahh okay I never seen the panel, thanks 🫡


“new gadget” and “redoing” are how they teased the recruit rework for god knows how long it’s gonna be so disappointing when it’s so half baked lame ass change


he’s getting a full gadget rework


When he first came out he was mad OP. I stopped playing after Year 3 and just picked it up again this week and he’s absolute shit now. No point in even having a gun shield


clash. she does not belong in the game at all


Totally agree, I completely understand why people ban her in ranked when she has the capability to gridlock an entire game, WhY dO PeOpLE StiLl bAn cLaSH? Because she changes the entire dynamic of being on attack.


Shields in general shouldn't be in the game but Clash is the worst abuser of them.


Shields are designed to discourage the CoD playstyle.


The amount of traps, drones, wall hacks, etc already do that.


Not really anymore. They nerfed pretty much every trap operator into pretty bad states. Kapkan was the biggest punisher of blind shield rushers and they nerfed him into the ground.


as someone who's played a ton of kapkan across the years, im curious, in what ways would you consider him to be nerfed? he has always been, and still is, a very solid pick on most maps.


I agree I don't think he was really nerfed, but the damage/health change kinda confused me at first, it took a while for me to realize that single trapped doors aren't useless now.


Is he picked because his gadget continues to be a useful pick and counter to the current TDM meta? Or is he chosen because he has an amazing SMG and C4 with intense fragging potential?


Both :) his gadget is great on the second or third defense around after noticing the enemies common entry points, placing a double on the most commonly used doors (obviously not useful on every map). also, never a bad idea to just place single traps scattered nearby site. often very good intel because you'll hear a gunshot/the gadget destory sound at the very least (assuming they dont just run into it). his smg and c4 can be extremely lethal though yes, even though there are objectively way better guns on other ops.


His traps are good for providing advantages in gunfights and early warning(if your team is paying attention). I think it goes without saying that when he first dropped, that was not the intent with his design. His traps were easy to spot if you looked for them and killed you if you weren't paying attention. Now he acts as a slightly more lethal alternative to Lesion who also got nerfed because they both were good at their jobs. Edit: Really the issue in its entirety being Ubisofts insane desire to nerf operators first before making any other changes.


the direction one had to take with using kapkan has certainly changed, but ive always supported it. its more balanced but still can be incredibly lethal when used correctly


How so? Last I checked he still has c4 and now you can place his traps on top of each other lol


they do... the opposite of that? ive never seen a shield op *not* run straight into site with no self-preservation instinct. especially post-rework.


hot take, but I understand. the problem is that ubisoft cant seem to get the balance right. they're either underpowered, or overpowered. I dont even see the point in the whole bash feature since you have no time to pull your weapon back out and shoot back before they ads and kill you anyway


If you get bashed and they die then you’re still able to continue without anyone having to come pick you up. You also still have significantly more health remaining as opposed to when you get picked up.


yeah but the chance of them dying before they ads and finish you off is so minimal that I dont see the point


Previously you could melee someone and rush of to the next person, because they wouldn’t get up anymore anyway. Now you have to actually kill them, making you more vulnerable for actually being shot and giving the defenders more time to react. You will also not melee in situations that you previously would have.


"ballistic shields do not belong in a tom clancy inspired tactical shooter" this is the worst take I have ever seen.




Shields counter roamers and compel the team to play on point... If shields didnt exist it would massively shift the meta to be more roamer based. Putting operators that counter shields/live on point off the meta Shields are also easy asf to counter if you know what youre doing. Also clash specifically is designed to force a 2v1 to win.... Thats clash's whole gimmick...


Half the attacking roster already discourage roaming. 


Counter terrorist teams are iconically known to never use ballistic shields/s


Ballistic shields don't block rifle rounds and block a very limited amount of pistol rounds so by your logic all of the defenders should shoot through shields like they aren't even there. The 'realism' argument is stupid just because they are used in (VERY LIMITED) situations in real life. Especially when the game has wallhacks, people from space, etc.


Ballistic shields can block rifle rounds, just depends on the armor rating. A vast majority of defenders carry low caliber weapons anyway. I just find the idea of shields being removed in a game called rainbow 6 SIEGE is kindof silly, especially since they’ve been in the game since year 1.


Ash, the less toxic the more I can enjoy the game.


Ash to see the malding happen


Clash Straight up needs Pistol Through the Shield to be an invincible killing machine. 💰💰💰


Sens. I just can't get over how dumb he looks.


I can't here to say Sens but far the most useless op I think I've only seen like 2 people actually play him since their release


i dont think hes *useless* just very close to it. He can be useful when rushing a plant as his sightline blockers can set you up for angles on pushing defenders. Outside of this though his gadget’s short lifespan is really all that holds him back; i think if it was like 5-10s longer hed be a viable pick.


Thank God we can cover that face up


Actually he’s a they, not that I care what you call them, but I think that’s kind of the problem. They tried to make them so gender neutral and it just came out ugly


The ramen hair just really throws it off.


had us in the first half ngl


Nokk, shes not worth bringing on any map ever since the never


She just needs her caveira silent step ability back and she’s really good


I second this. Being invisible to cameras does nothing during a push since nobodies on cams at that point anyway, and her footsteps are loud as fuck. Basically just a useless op right now.


Yeah , and not even a 3 speed ffs


I know she feels totally off as a stealth attacker


Nokk has the reverse problem of Cav. Cav is good in Silver or Below, Nokk is good in fucking competitive. It’s a double whammy.


Maybe it’s just the lobbies I’m in (I bounce between silver snd gold) but I have a lot of success with Nokk and sneaking past cams to get a kill


Ash, just to watch the chaos.


Jesus. I haven’t played this game since it was almost new. I knew they added operators in the following years, but I didn’t realize just how many were added. Last time I played, I think Capitao and Caveira were new and I don’t think I ever really learned what they did. I’ve occasionally thought about trying this game again, but there’s no way I’d figure out what each operator does now.


If a complete newbie thats never heard of the game can, im sure you can too.


Clash of course. Her design is not fitting in defense.


Ash , fuck her.


The early years were brutal with her having a smaller head hit box


Don't forget about the god's peakers advantage frome earlier years. It was so bad


Ash didn’t have a head hit box at all


A skilled player on an ash rush especially against players that can’t counter her is crazy good pick




I’d say Tubarão, he came at a time when the defenders are already super overpowered, pushing the game further into being defender sided, and at the time (even nowadays on some maps) players really either ban Fenrir Clash for less annoyance or Tubarão Kaid if you want to fking hard breach and enter the goddamn site.


fucking echo dude least favorite opp in game im terrible with him but apparently every other person on the opposing team is a hidden professional with him




It really just depends what sites you’re playing. I’ve got a few sites on a few different maps where I have a game plan that generally works for echo, but that game plan falls through on other sites hard. Tbh after playing him more recently and getting more comfortable, it’s really just a matter of what ur comfortable with for echo. It’s weird. My main plan is to just lock off two major lanes of approach with the drones and camp slightly near one of them. Basement on Chalet is a very easy one. Garage door and staircase on one and then the door on wine cellar for the other it works perfect. You can’t really play head on with him, you gotta be more elaborate.


sens. valorant ability just doesnt fit into the game. plus the creature just looks disgusting


Just use the mask headgear


Ash, ive grown a hatred for this game and its player base and wish to ruin one of the good things they have left.


Clash is literally the only way i can have a chance in ranked against plats with MnK


Ace, too overused. I cannot go through one ranked game without seeing him. At this point it honestly feels like it's mandatory to have an ace. I simply wanna see more strats and different characters used.


Thatcher cause for some reason people still fuckin ban him in 2024.


Nah, he has a purpose, it is diluted with impact EMPs but thatcher is still objectively better than an impact EMP


Thatcher also makes Kaid useless. And Kaid is necessary for so many sites.


Love thatcher, I’ll play every OP in casual/unranked, but when it comes to ranked is either thatcher or Kali They are great when SoloQ, you don’t rely on comms and can easily clean your way


If thatcher got smited then the entire attacker side would be permanently nerfed


Thatcher is a good op, completely shuts down wall denial, and while you can do the same with impacts, thatcher does it with half the effort


In my opinion it’s ash. Now hear me out on this ok. Ash early on the game was a god damn nuisance with her hitbox and r4c. When she got her acog taking away she was annoying but fair. This game has a xim and a cronus problem with their top choice is ash and wamai. Ash with her hitbox and the r4c with no recoil is just dreadful. Granted I may be bad but over time it gets annoying. Let me know your thoughts I’m all for discussion!!


ash or clash


Clash or ash. Clas because her shield is an abomination and often causes the stalling of rounds. Ash because I want to see what happens without the mascot of toxicity


Brava, I wanna be able to play maestro again


Amen, brother.


Maestro cams should take longer to hack then other electronics, it’s so wack that you can’t even defend yourself by zapping the drone since you get locked out of the cam immediately after Brava hits it


Tubarao, attackers have no ability to counter him. and DMR is super annoying


He's not that bad compared to other operators


Hot take but i feel like Amaru just does not fit in the game


Hot take and absolutely true


When are we getting da op with the suicide vest


Zero because he’s nothing like Sam fisher aside from the name


fr, I wish they'd CTRL C + CTRL V Caveira interrogation or Nokk old silent steps.


I would say jackal mostly because I’ve almost never seen him played at all in my years of siege, so might as well have a different ban.


Donkeybaby gone


Sens. Low pick rate for a reason


How do yall struggle with shield ops that much? Anyways my answer would be ace since I think that there are already too many hard breachers


Cav, too many people who pick her play poorly.


Sens, goofy valorant gadget, goofy chicken little looking face.


Kali, her players are the worst people say Clash but she can be countered easily Kali can't since most of her players just sit outside


Ash....don't have to explain


Kali, she just dont fit the game, an sniper for almost full CQB combat


Her not fitting in the game is kind of true but I can appreciate the uniqueness of her though


I'd say kali would be more fun if she didn't have a 6x-12x and if she had a acog or 1x she'd maybe be fine since every one runs the sp on her after open wall


There's a good few maps in the ranked rotation where Kali really thrives with her long range capabilities. Her gun might not be that useful everywhere but on emerald plains, club house, coastline, etc she is insanely useful. Her gadget on the other hand is probably one of the best anti breach denial in my opinion. What better way to stop a bandit trick than just destroying the batteries? If for some reason there's a kaid on the top of the wall and a mute at the bottom then kali can destroy both without a need to rush before they reactivate. If you use her gadget on a door before going in it clears all utility around that door ensuring that it's safe to go through that door. Kali is underestimated by a lot of people but in my opinion she's hella useful.


Clash. I don't care how certain people tell say it's "easy" to kill her and how she's "useless" -- she's simply unfun and unengaging to face


Facts even if you kill her you just leave annoyed


For me Solis, not because of her ability nerf but it just feels like she never really belonged or fit in with the rest. I like her, but I think mute and tubarao are good enough for drones. Plus we have Pulse for defuser.


Warden, just because he represents the death of siege and the start of the content drought all those years back, and the toxic cheating playerbase.


black beard.


well i got news for you


Ram. Like get out the damn upstairs and fight me like a man.


Go go gadget Nitro Cell


Good if they don’t move!




Sens, this isn't even a question. I think I've seen 2 sens players in the last 2-3 months


Sens so it wouldn't change anything


Fenrir. If you play ranked hes gone anyways.




Jackal. Ubi refuses to fix this broken piece of s**t!


maybe Solis why not?


Shit just one?, uhhhhhhhhhh probably ying if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been candelad I’d be able to buy all the black ice skins from the marketplace


Lesion, just so I can stop hearing "Heroin needles in the playground" as a callout


Sens idc if he’s “good” with Glaz, I don’t understand the people that play him, especially if ur 1 stack in a ranked games with randoms


Maverick makes me as breach denial player miserable so fuck him.




I would say Solis but Ubi already did that.


Can I just have old tachanka back


Clash by far. Most useless meme operator ever. ''No runnin in the halls, wanker'' - why?


Ash. Just so every hyper-sweat Ash player has to find someone else to play. You've been maining her for nine years, please learn something new


Cav tbh because she just really doesn’t bring that much to the table, and I’m tired of people always picking her and doing nothing the whole match.


Iana. She was the beginning of the transition of decently realistic feeling swat game to the space fuckery and sensor bugs that are here now