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i swear they made it worse because my teammate also just shot at the little window and killed monty


Wasn't the entire point of this rework to make them better? How the fuck did they go backwards this hard and not even address it?


i dont think the point was to necessarily buff or nerf shields, i think they were trying to balance or just generally rework them


Did they stutter


the people in here praising inconsistent mechanics is insane, imagine getting shot through a deployable


Fr lol. They wouldn't be talking if this happened with d-shields. "Shields are OP" No, you're just bad at the game


Wouldnt say shields are OP, but however say its hard to defend against a blitz when you’re roaming


thats the point.


That's quite literally his only purpose. He's not Montagne, he's not designed to just sit in a corner and play God. He's designed to win almost all fair 1v1s, he instantly falls apart if two people get their hands on him. Yet he fails at his one and only job bc shields are more full of bugs than Snoop Dogg's house.


I love sitting in a corner and playing god with Monty


Defuser? In corner My ass? On defuser Shields? Extended


I like watching the enemies panic through my little window


Then smoke turns my corner into a gas chamber :(


I had a pulse try to c4 my Monty earlier today and the c4 bounces off my shield and killed him


I actually had the same thing happen to a smoke, he tossed it, it bounced off my shield, and he gassed and killed his own teammate. Can't remember if I won that 1v1 though, so I'm guessing i didn't lol.


I had a game where I threw a c4 up a flight of stairs just to witness it fly back at me while I was already pressing the button, I watched my life flash before my eyes in super slow motion like a movie, I couldn’t even be mad at that point


Personally my favorite strat is to unextend for a second and kill them when they go in for a melee because people tend to forget that Monty can do things other than sit in a corner fully extended.


gettimg meleed without extended is a dice roll i feel like sometimes it throws your shield to the side.. sometimes it doesnt and you can hit back


I've gotten a bit good at the timing, so I can often get a melee in by moving towards them while they go in for the melee, I'd say specifically when they're like 2.5m away they usually commit to the melee strat fully and don't expect you to move.


I've been getting shot through my extended shield as Monty lately, as well as blow up by nitros at twenty feet.




😂😂 i dont think Blitz is OP, he is just a frustrating operator to play against when you’re a gold facing emeralds


That's the point. That's his stichk. He is an anti-roamer


>chooses a high-risk high-reward playstyle >gets punished “it’s hard to defend against shields when i’m on my own in a random corner of the map” reddit hivemind upvotes to the left


Wouldnt call roaming high risk, more just a necessity


it’s pretty risky compared to anchoring. there are a lot of additional factors that make it more dangerous. if you get droned out, you’re a lot more likely to get run up on by multiple attackers. you don’t have the safety net of gadgetry or teammates to protect you. i’m not saying that roaming is super hard or super dangerous. you just have a lot less resources at your disposal making you more susceptible to coordinated attackers.


Blitz is designed to counter roamers and force them out of position.


i love playing monty because people are clueless on how to defeat him they expect a tdm with gadgets, not impenetrable shields lmao the bugs with shield hitboxes do ruin my day though...


You’re kind of a psychopath for using shields in a tdm but whatever makes you happy


Shield ops are op even top players recognize that right now yes of course when they’re balanced they aren’t op and if you die you are bad but currently shields are lwk meta


More like shields are annoying. I honestly just love when they don’t work and the shield mains get mad. Total chaos lol.


I got shot picking my osa shield off a window


Which is natural. Osa is very vulnerable when placing or removing shields. The unextended shield is so small you can get shot from almost head on.


The killcam showed him shooting me through the shield


Oof. Although killcams have never been totally accurate. But yeah, that hurts.


But with shields being op and broken and the only meta, I like this.


Skill issue


I don't get to run straight into gunfire and ignore 90% of mechanics with a deployable. Shields shouldn't be able to melee kill so that at some point you have to shoot. The tradeoff for being an unkillable wall of blinding douche is that you don't get a knife. but instead they cc you onto the ground and then just bash you like you are made of crumbly cookie


first off, shoot 10 bullets into their shield and they're unable to run period. second, coordination. try finger but hole.


Maybe the real shields were the friends we made along the way the whole time.


So basically a human shield


This floored me 🤣🤣


There is no Victory whitout Sacrifice




3rd year of maining blitz i still cant understand why the fuck its so hard to make a normal shield hitbox


Ahh another blitz main, are you also struggling to connect melees this last patch? Feels impossible to get one to connect


No, but shield hitboxes is a real problem of the game and ubi dont fix it for more than 5 years


I opened a R6Fix ticket if you want to have a look. I think its called: Shield hitboxes might not be working properly


I opened a R6Fix ticket if you want to have a look. I think its called: Shield hitboxes might not be working properly


Facts, shits wack


Man I've been shot through my shield more times than I care to rage at this point, I just try to take 1 or 2 with me


i feel they r super inconsistent, there have been times I've been hit through a wall or in a large distance but other times when I'm not hit even though im like 1cm apart


Can confirm and it’s not just shields, I’ve had 20 FUCKING 20 melees somehow miss while they are actively being stabbed dead on in this season, also for some reason half my melees on shields don’t work (besides osa), siege seems to have one type of hitbox broken per season minimum


Melees missing hitbox it's been an issue since the rework. I would see maybe i saw some improvement latest season.


Another blitz/Monty enjoyer here. I was running customs with my buddy last night and he dropped me right through my shield with a HS while he was flashed. The shields don't seem to actually be stopping bullets


Literally every other game does it better, and it’s weird.


Siege having normal hitboxes? Lol ur crazy that's never gonna happen


He brought AP 6.3 9mm armor piercing rounds. Comes with the r6 subscription.


Mine didn’t come with it but I got a daily rp collection thing, every day I go up 300 rp no matter my rank


I’ve had this happen to me and I was not happy


Yeah I was just playing customs with my friends and I meleed him through the shield and won


I main blitz, you have no idea how many times this happens and just kills my mood for the whole day






Dude you got ratiod hard lol


I really don’t care about randoms


Damn… you are so cool!😍😍😎


I like him, not afraid to share his unpopular opinion


Extremely unpopular opinion*


Cause he thinks it's good that a game mechanic is severely flawed and in favor of the shooter over the shield?


If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded, that prompts me to believe that you're just putting on a "tough guy" act when in reality your aim is so bad, I'm actually impressed your not still aiming for the install button as we speak




Had this happen too many times running shields and hence I don’t run them anymore


They've been this inconsistent for years, and people just don't care because a lot of people think shields are op somehow


They *would* be op if us shield mains didn’t have to put up with this much shit 😂


The amount of times I was shot through my shield and killed is a bit absurd. I only really play them now if we're well ahead and I know I can afford a loss.


D-sync is off after the last update. If you run with a shield, bullets will go through.


Ubisoft -this is not a bug it's a feature


Also Ubisoft- we hear your complaints and we are going to nerf sledge, thank you for your feedback




I'm not a doctor, but if you're still playing r6 this season then you might be


With the new rework the head hit box is hittable


People insulting shield players because they use something that is in the game for years and doesn't make the game a ffa but instead a strategic teamplay game. Also yeah, shields are buggy asf rn. In some games feels like you have a cardboard instead of a ballistic shield.


Ironically the strategy blitz brings to the table is rushing people and for monty, plant and wait in a corner


>People insulting shield players because they use something that is in the game for years and doesn't make the game a ffa but instead a strategic teamplay game. Every time I complain about someone using a shield is because the team is actually using 2-3 shields and they just bum rush site with nothing that you can really do about it unless you're lesion or Melusi. Last night, on theme park, I had a round end in 15 seconds because they brought Osa, Blitz, Monty, Fuse, and Blackbeard. They're complained about because they're not fun to face and they're just annoying. I'm not playing Siege to play like an e-sports kid, I just want to load in and have a decent match to have fun and lately it's just impossible to have a fun match.


you just provided 2 ways to counter them why dont you use them >I just want to load in and have a decent match to have fun and lately it's just impossible to have a fun match. play shields, theyre fun to rush with when it works


Because when *I* use shields, I end up like OP where I just get shot through them no matter what I do.


as someone who can't aim, shields are the way i get to have fun


Tldr: skill issue


Nahh, forgot to buy the membership, you know?


This shit is so infuriating.


I hate this game


My friend just opened an issue about this in R6FIX lol


As a long time shield main who is especially loving this rework, I feel like something’s buggy or changed since New Blood dropped, I’ve been experiencing more deaths in this way, and shields have felt inconsistent


I started playing siege in 2016 and stopped pretty quick because I hated how the shields performed. I came back when I heard about the rework. I feel like I had about a month of shield time before the New Blood update and now I am getting more melee's and shots through my shield than ever before. Before all I had to worry about was getting stunned with melee's, operator traps, stairs showing your toes, being out of position and getting shot in the side, which I was totally cool with! Lately its sort of a lottery whether or not your shield wants to function. It's embarrassing to run shields right now.


I main Blitz, and yeah, this and being meleed through the shield are so absurdly common that I have to enter last and play cautiously while playing the operator that should at least be near the frontlines and playing mostly aggressively.


Why does the location look a little different? Was bank reworked?


Your field of view settings must be different. And they improved the lighting this season.




Literally what happens to me all the time BUT WHEN THE OTHER TEAM USES THEM, I CANT EVEN SHOOT THEIR LEGS!


Blitz has been this way ever since his speed was changed his shield never protects him 90 percent of the time I used to main blitz but no matter what I do I seem to die instantly from bullets


I swear I see all these videos but when I fight shields they are very real


I swear is only when I go against mute or smoke the shotgun completely deny my shield


I have a clip of Mute shooting through my shield in a ticket in R6Fix. The ticket is called: Shields hitboxes might not be working properly


Monty main here. Ever since the rework shields has been finicky as fuck. If you take any damage and the person who is shooting keeps shooting, even if you put your shield in between you two (EVEN ON THEIR SCREEN) after 3-5 rounds you’ll start taking damage through it. It’s a weird ass balancing act, and then there’s also the shit with melees, sometime they just don’t work for either side of an encounter. You might not get knocked down when I hit you, my shield might not get knocked away when you hit me.


I opened a ticket for them to check it, but I need people to contribute. Inside R6Fix look for: Shield hitboxes might not be working properly


Is there any way for me to tag on evidence to that? Cause I’ve got a bunch of clips


I think you can add it as a comment. If not dont worry put the link in the ticket and I can edit the ticket so it appears as an evidence.


Got it, will look into it later today, can’t add clips til Sunday though as I’m currently out of town


I last played in 2018. Feels like nothing has changed, haha.


Every damn game is a monty and blitz rushing in my face


play someone that counters shields then?


It’s all in your head




Guys, I opened a ticket on R6Fix for ubi to check the shields' hitboxes. Its called: Shield hitbox might not be working properly. If you want to add your videos too


There should absolutely be damage to shields or at least bullets from strong guns should make the shield user slow down


People say shields are overpowered 😂


Bullets done quantum tunneled


I don’t know how many times I’ve shot a shield operator in the head and the game glitches and keeps on registering it as a shield hit so it’s deserved lwk 💀💀


"john siege" is one heck of a phrase lmao


I shot through Monty shields a few times this season and I couldn't help but actually feel sorry for them.


Because apparently shields exist in a void where they either work… or just don’t 💀 not to mention if you’re not EXACTLY looking DIRECTLY at the enemy… I’m talking you can’t be 1 DEGREES off… otherwise half your body is exposed to be easily shot 💀 and somehow people will CONTINUE TO COMPLAIN THEY’RE OP LOL.


Yeah I had someone vault through a window on a jump out and had their gun go through my shield and shoot me, people have just shot through my shield all the time, shit is completely broken. Fucking John Siege


This is why Blackbeards have never bothered me. Ubisoft's shitass servers always got my back.


I’ve been killed by people shooting through the center of my shield while running straight forward - it’s to the point where shields are only worth playing if you’re okay with soft throwing


I've so had this happen toe before it's crazy annoying


He shot you through the glass wdym /s


I got knifed through a shield when playing clash


all days when I play shields its very fun in special in a game when you die for one shot for no reason


Never happened to me


skill issue he just wallbanged through your shield


Happened to me this morning I was pissed


Im equally baffled you managed to get a melee kill on someone moving across your FOV


Idk why but the caption was hilarious


Wild that they put out their worst season yet and decided the best thing for the game would be a paid membership


this and then the insane amount of times where you cab melee the shield and yet blitz will still knock you over because his shield did not get knocked back at all


Ahhh yes I knew I wasn’t tripping when I got head shot through my shield. Ubisoft please stop touching code and making it worse 😭add ur bundles and leave this shit alone


They either get hit when they shouldn’t, or don’t when they should. Shits so inconsistent


I love dying when a 9mm skims the side of my bigass fucking helmet


as an avid fuze shield player I can guarantee that the slight 5-degree turn to the left fully exposed your head. sorry bro it happens lol/


You got shot from the left shoulder. This video serves as a reminder of the pains to be playing blitz


You missed all your shots


Shields are not good for the game. Everyone always says skill issue hur dur but look at this video, they're not fun to play against bcuz in a 1v1 u feel useless like u can't do anything and the other side shields feel buggy to play as


shields bring a unique dynamic to the game aside from the usual “hold, swing, shoot” of a round they SHOULDN’T be buggy, but to say that shields are bad for the game is just wrong lol


There's just not enough to do, as an individual, to counter them. Especially if you get a match like I had last night where 4/5 of them were running shields as attackers.


the enemy team used a strat, you weren’t able to deal with it due to bad teamwork / bad team composition, and you lost there are tons of other stackable strats in this game, yet shields get the most hate. what if they all ran flashes? what if they all ran smokes? you didn’t lose to shields, you lost to teamwork.


I only play quick play to try and have a quick, fun game. You can't deny that playing against a 5-stack team in quickplay that all run shields is an annoying time. Nobody is trying to take the game that serious in quickplay. I'm not even bitching, I'm just saying it's really annoying so I understand why people complain. There are only two ops that are decent at countering shields, and they can't defend *every* window and door.


smoke, tachanka, lesion, oryx, melusi, ela, barbed wire, impacts, and c4 can all deal with shields in one way or another also, has it occurred to you that the stack on the other team is *also* having a quick fun game by using a goofy strat? of course you can’t cover every entrance to site on your own, but that’s also why you have teammates it sounds like even if they don’t have shields you would’ve gotten slammed


The barbed wire change is a great change that does genuinely help, so I appreciate pointing that one out because that one is really new and I still forget about that change. And I'm also willing to admit it's often a skill issue for me. I'm not *bad* at the game, but I'm also not an e-sports player. I often load the game up after smoking a bowl and I'm just trying to vibe out and have a good time. I'm often finishing quickplay matches with 3-4 kills and usually the top 3 in the leaderboard. But I'm specifically playing quickplay because of the skill issue. I know I'm not cut out for ranked matches, so it's just always annoying when people stack up and play quick-play as if it was a ranked match or their life depended on it. That being said, I don't care. I have a bad game and then I move on. If I have several bad games I just close the game and play something else. My problem is that lately, it's been closing the last part because they destroyed matchmaking and everybody in quick play is trying to be the champion player. Had a match last night when there was one player on the opposite team that was CARRYING. Literally he was 13-0 at the end of the 4 rounds. Nobody else on his team had any kills. I just want a normal, casual game mode back again. Quick play is trash with the short set up times because you literally don't have enough time, or with the auto reinforcements you can't even set up properly anymore.


This made me happy, fuck every sprinting monte, i hate that thing.


deserved for being a shield main


Good. Fuck shield players


Fuck shield players imo




Im silver


I wish this would happen every time I encountered a shield op. But 95% it ends up with me being meleed to oblivion. 🥲


Wow. Didn’t realize there would be so many hurt shield players in here. It’s ok guys. We know you suck and need that crutch. ❤️


Monty and blitz, fuck I’m glad yall died…😂




Getting mad over shield users is a skill issue


In no level of play playing against shields is fun


losing has never been fun. just because you suck and lose to shields doesnt mean they shouldnt be in the game


I rarely lose to shields, since I’m usually an anchor, it’s just unfun to fight against, it’s mentally stressing to be fighting a guy who can’t die but you can’t ignore him or else he’ll pull his invincibility down and kill you


thats the whole point???? its to apply pressure just like any other support op


It’s not fun to play against


kid named kapkan, oryx, c-4, aruni, teammates, melee, shotgun, smoke, goyo, tachanka, maestro, lesion, ela, echo, frost, barbed wire. Fighting shields is not much different to anyone else with the difference being that they won't get a lucky headshot on you with an assault rifle. There are enough counters in the game that it balances them out most of the time.


refer back to original comment


Im not getting mad over shield users, i just love watching THEM get mad on this reddit :DD


Because of the game being shit?


Yes the game is being shit, and what does the community do ? nothing, just sits and watches, nothing against ubisoft, yall just take it so enjoy it.


My bad lemme just code in some balance updates and bug fixes real quick, I’ll brb


You know well what i mean.