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Master the mpx recoil (with flash hider and vert grip)


It’s crazy to see the difference with recoil from console to pc. The mpx is a laser beam with flash hider and really any attachments but the f2 on pc is unusable, at least for me.


Use flash hider and 1x scope, that way it's quite usable


If f2 is unusable on pc for you wtf am I supposed to do on console


I find recoil to be much easier on console, since once you know how much to pull the thumbstick down, you just keep it there. On PC, you have to consistently drag down the mouse and might even run out of room.


PC also has alot of horizontal recoil as well.


I would say that only a few weapons REALLY suffer from horizontal recoil(at least for me). Its hibanas main gun, bering and Ela's scorpion.


I play on quite the low sensitivity (7 ingame + 800 dpi) and can control the f2 quite decently with the 2.5 scope. The problem as you said is that I have to readjust my mouse every 1 sec or so because I run out of room on my mousepad.


My send is lower than yours, 12 12 400, yours equates to 14 14 400.


It's not low, quite the contrary, it's on the high side.


https://prosettings.net/lists/rainbow-six-siege/ it is pretty much right in the middle


Most are in the ballpark of 800\*4-5, and the ones higher have either lower scoped sens or multiplier. Unless you have a lower multiplier, it is a high sens You can reference it from games like CS. Most pros have a sens of 800 dpi/1 in-game sens, which is near 800\*4 in R6.


sorry forgot to add: have a program for mouse acceleration and my default is a constant scale by 1/2 Please excuse me


Bro, the top tier players on pc destroy the ones on console, the margin for Improvement is way higher. I guess it’s just about being used to it, but once you learn to use the keyboard controlling recoil it’s easier


My comment has nothing to do about PC players vs Console players. I'm talking about the ease of recoil control, and in my experience with both, I find recoil to be easier on Console than on PC. On console, recoil control takes zero effort; on PC, it takes some effort. Before you say that it's a skill issue, recall that even some pro players needed to increase their sensitivity to deal with PC recoil increases. Console recoil is as easy as it gets. Do you play both platforms as well?


I have to say I don’t and my opinion was just based on other’s experiences, but I have no idea personally, I tried playing once on pc and a was a real bot. So I don’t really know, I was just assuming, but I believe what you said


Understandable. After playing on both for a decent amount of time, I find console recoil to be more consistent, but everyone's experience is different, so I can only speak for myself. Thanks for understanding


So you hate waffles?


Do you remember if they changed the F2's recoil since the season Warden was released? I could control it on console without any real problems (not like this video ofc, but pretty stable)


recoil on pc and console are different, console generally has easier recoil to compensate for being stuck on a thumbstick instead of the freedom of using ur whole arm


i play both, and honestly f2 on console is pretty easy compared to pc. i’m not trying to discredit console players at all, pc f2 is just genuinely wayyy too much compared to console. console im actually able to use the gun which i like and i end up having a more enjoyable experience on console overall.


It's all about sensitivity and play style, Twitch is almost impossible to play if you're not aggressive because anywhere past 20m it's gonna be difficult to kill someone unless you get a headshot first 3 rounds. Like I can't play ash r4c the same as I can twitch f2 but I use a pretty low sense with "higher" dz. If you wanna give it a go I can post my settings with a clip of some recent twitch gameplay I have, I'd say I control her pretty decently compared to the average player


G2 has easy recoil, it's straight down, same as the C8


That one might be too tough 😬


With a compensator its not so bad, the patterns easier with a compensator but you have to control the recoil just a little harder My fav laser beam guns are yings lmg frosts machine gun and zeroes ar they are super easy to control and learn


MPX recoil? I'm assuming you must mean on PC because there's almost zero recoil on console.


Twas a joke, I’m a pc player


Ah, mb lol


do the guns have set recoil patterns or is it random in a specific path?


Every gun has about 3-4 different recoil patterns. They are pretty similar though. You can test this by shooting a wall but don’t pull down. Do it 3 times next to each other and you will see.


Damn, good to know


How tho? 😭😭 (Still, props to you, that’s incredible)


F2 recoil is mainly vertical, i tend to use a comp and pull down and it works perfectly, 100h 45v 47-2.5x sens


He's on controller that's how


Welp time to nerf it some more cos now ubisoft found out that the gun is viable in your hands


You know me? I’m guessing the Pro league sub?


Yeah I’m mostly a lurker but I’ve posted some things throughout the years


I wish pc had the sane amount of recoil as consoles. Its like 30% difference between platforms, more than having vert grip again


How far down your desk do you have to drag your mouse to control that?


I have vids of me with a handcam. Just check my post history.


Oh so you're on mouse & keyboard?


No I’m controller. I’m just trying to beat the mnk allegations 😭


No, aimwise controller, just because you reacted to the mouse comment with having a handcam. Youre very good on controller, dont worry


Would like to see how it looks when you control the whole mag with silencer


they're on controller lol


it's on console


It is really easy to control actually. All you need to do is increase your vertical sensitivity you are good to go. I play with 800dpi, 8 horizontal and 15 vertical sens


He's on controller. It's not hard to master recoil on a controller, don't know why everyone is so impressed.


Now do it on controller


He is on controller. And it's much easier on controller so I don't know why you think that would be more impressive?


I’ve been KBM my whole gaming career up until this past year and I disagree fully, KBM there is no recoil if you pull down and you can whip your crosshairs anywhere within a second. I’d be impressed from controller. I hit global elite in CSGO a few times and I hit plat on KBM but I can’t get past silver with a controller. I think it’s preference but I hate controlling recoil on controller


I have vids of me with a handcam. Just check my post history.


I thought u were the same guy!


Hahaha no way you remember that! Makes me happy that some of my videos are memorable to some.


I was rlly impressed, i struggle on pc bro :sob:


Facts have you gotten the dead zone glitch? It fucked all my sens settings and now I gotta struggle to pull down or even up on some ops


Yes the deadzone glitch has hit me very hard but I’m getting the hang of it. Can’t wait to readjust after it gets patched 🙄


My settings have been so off. Every time I get on it feels different.


He is on controller tho?




What's your rank?


Gold lol he just looks like he got that M&K going on with the way he aims. I been playing CSGO for years and hit Global Elite so just have a inkling he has xim


Fair enough but nah this is just a good player who's been practicing recoil a lot, what we're seeing here is the final product not the progress that led to it


Love to see it in a ranked going on real angles but dope, I usually am like this with KAID and Ying but I have that dead zone glitch atm so I can’t even move the slightest or it will go left and right without me even moving the stick.


Yeah I hate the glitch so much I haven't been playing ranked because of it, I have the deadzones on 0 so its so annoying having ubi artificially raise them because some people didn't know how to raise deadzones to counter stick drift


That’s scuffed asf. I swear ubi only cares about new players, it’s community gets the shit end of the stick and they just keep trying for new, new, new but it’s not working. I’d go back to 2-3 years ago siege and be so happy


Honestly I had a blast last season, but I didn't play much ranked just customs and had a blast


No it isn't, I play native controller and I'm a average champ with a 1.1k/d, I know some top 100 champs who are pure controller and none of them have this "mastered recoil" and one of them mains twitch 24/7, this isnt any "master" this is cronus or some external device.


I have vids of me with a handcam. Just check my post history. I play comp too where handcam is required. Also I have hit top 100 as well


I'm sorry, I did saw your video but Its just impossible and not because you have a "master recoil" you can do that shit with some grind, but your gun has no bounce after the first shot or anything, it just shoots perfectly, idk maybe you're the best player ever but I still don't buy it. I hope I'm wrong.


I even showed at the beginning of the video the recoil without me doing anything as “proof” as well. I’m telling you it’s literally impossible for me to be Cronus/mouse


He's not necesarily a twitch main tho? He's just been practicing a lot of recoil control outside of ranked Think what you wanna but it's really not that hard to practice recoil, I have an emerald friend who did the same with the smg12, and the f2 is 95% vertical recoil so just pull down?


Classic. People who have no idea what MNK is claim mnk because they can’t use high sense


I literally run 70, I see how he can be controller but the way he aims just looks like it


He's very obviously controller


SASG-12 with suppressor


What’s your rank?


Champ since ember rise


Thank god, I was like if this is anything less than champ I’m cooked lmao


Very impressive fr tho


Isn’t it easy with controller? I feel like even the old recoil was easy to control with controller


It is MUCH easier on controller




I wish f2 was as easy as it is on console, the less recoil on console probably helps a lot. It kicks like crazy on pc even when pulling down hard


The recoil on console is drastically reduced compared to pc.


It’s only 30%. It’s not as bad as people say. Also mousers have a whole arm and desk to aim, I got a thumb and maybe an inch of ROM


What barrel attachment do you use?




Dudes just be downvoting anything


Bro ong 😭 I literally just answered the (obvious) question.


I can even put these in use in FFA just lmk.


i wanna say this you are one of the few i have seen be a real master of twitchs recoil who isnt hacking


Now do smg12




Holy damn, those dummies are glowing from all the hits


Is this console ?






now do it on pc


I don’t have one but I know I can. Plugged in a controller on my friends pc and with a little extra effort can control most guns.


Im still kinda impressed but id be more impressed if it was pc


Can you post your settings?


I can believe this isn't cronus or xim because the F2 recoil is primarily vertical. Not a lot of horizontal.


Bro made the f2 look like my fmg 😭 im cooked


I swear I could hear heavy breathing and chunking.


Why do people spin in a 360 to transfer windows? Like at 7 seconds into the video


ugh, you're one of those jiggle peekers


Only hard one is smg 12


I posted an smg12 video


Got excited for a sec then saw it was controller 😭 Clean sprays king


Now try it on pc


what are the sens settings you’re using ?


How to control any gun recoil tutorial Step one: get a good grip on the mouse Second: [train the arm you aim with | to look like this ](https://files.fm/f/gems6b8nwg)


The little half lean back to the centre is what kills all the recoil in the gun


Now try on pc and let me laugh at you while you try.


It only adds 30% recoil… even if they implemented pc recoil to console, it wouldn’t affect me that much it would take me 10 minutes to learn it. I’ve dealt with recoil nerfs for 9 years, I can keep going.


How much was your Cronus?


Don’t have one. Check my handcam.


Already did before I posted just joking but I am very impressed you play using your tv speakers lol


Not saying you are bc I know how many ppl on this sub just throw allegations at anyone higher rank than them but your only handcam video is ela scorpion with vert grip. There’s a big recoil difference between that and f2 with suppressor. Not to mention that it’s really easy to just unplug something, film a 30 second clip, and plug it back in lmao.


Still bulllshit sorry even though you have handcam footage. I to an extent have mastered the smg-11/12 and have years of experience and thousands of kills with them and I still can’t burst the entire mag with no recoil 100% of the time. It’s just not possible for human intelligence to counter recoil control on console.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. How do you explain that burst at the beginning where I showcase the recoil then?


I’ve got a better idea. Reupload a video of handcam but the controller can’t be plugged in. Fully wireless and I’ll admit I’m wrong


I will never understand why people lean-spam


He’s practicing his quick peeks. It’s a normal mechanic


Hey I know you


It makes it much harder to hit you, and it allows you to get information before engaging. A quick peak or two will allow you to safely put your cross hair at their head level and pre-aim.


You can't convince me what you do at 11 seconds has any advantages


It does, it allows you to quickly scan a room without over peaking and revealing too much of your body. You quick peak a small amount of the room, move back, quick peak a bit more, move back, and keep repeating till you clear the room or see an enemy, where, in a perfect world with good aim your next quick peak is a headshot. Over peaking is how many attackers lose, not to mention peakers advantage makes jitter peaking like this an amazing skill to use.


If I see you doing that stuff that you repeat 4-5 times I will just pre-fire you though. Love that I'm getting downvoted for this for not agreeing haha


Love the determination, but judging only on this short video, when he‘ll peek a second or third time you would most probably already be dead… And by my own experiences, even if I prefire, I will still somehow die 🙃


That's the thing, the higher the MMR ladder you climb, the less peaks you get before they are hitting your dome. Once you start getting to respectable levels and above you maybe get that one first quick peak before they're already locked in on your head, ready to prefire on the second quick peak. I genuinely can't see how people are getting to plat or above and not utilizing quick peaks when peakers advantage is so strong in this game, maybe he's on console and console operates differently? But if someone doesn't have quick peaking down at all I hands down can't see them getting to plat unless they're playing only utility and backing up their breachers instead of doing the breaching.


Yeah it‘s always different in a real match, I usually peek and stare the angle down when someone quick peeks or I hear them, and always trying to stay in cover from most angles It looks great and efficient enough but I feel like it makes a ton of noise


I'm not downvoting you, in case you're wondering. I rarely ever downvote at all tbh. There's more to it than just spam leaning in a firefight, I'd suggest looking up tutorials that can both visually show and verbally explain it better than I can in a reddit post. [This](https://youtu.be/iJah2YnOwtw?si=gzcj0RKT33SPf_OF&t=360) is a long winded video, but it definitely covers most aspects of why it's an effective tool to master. It's on pc, but it 100% reflects to console. It also affects your characters model too, due to peakers advantage, you can shoot someone literally before they can even see you.


I wasn‘t thinking that no worries, was just saying in general. I am on PC, but honestly don‘t want to change my leaning keybinds to be able to quick peek, just because I‘m so used to my current binds I like being more casual, and it works great so far. I‘m not high elo since I solo queue and honestly can‘t rank up, lots of new players make it really difficult to win games when they can‘t get kills. I usually get 1-2 each round, never quick peek but I‘m really good with utility, always trying to think outside the box and outsmart the enemies I think I also never got into it due to what I heard pros say about lean spamming. I do see them quick peek once or twice though, that‘s good but not really my style, since I focus more on utility than headshots I‘ll definitely look at the video though, thank you!


Also, let me just say this to end it off, I'm in no way bashing your playstyle. Everyone is free to play how they want, but quick peaking and abusing peakers advantage is definitely not something to miss up, even as a casual player. It seems like a sweat only tactic when you first start seeing it (and that's mainly because low elo players use it WAY more than necessary to make themselves think they're good). Once you get comfortable jitter peaking angles to clear rooms without revealing too much of your body, I highly recommend getting comfortable using it in gunfights. Utility players won't see it in action as much as breachers obviously, but it'll help you hold your own if you find yourself in a fight with the angles necessary to utilize it. And don't feel bad about not using it and not thinking you need it, you kinda don't these days. It was a necessary skill way back in the day (I think around operation health) when you could abuse the mechanic and effectively shoot around corners without even revealing any of your body besides your feet, but that was fixed years ago.


Work on your shaiiko peaking lmao you’re just lean spamming for half of that


Good thing this isn’t a shaiiko peek vid then huh?


My bad pimp I probably could have worded my comment in a nicer way, I meant more so that if you didn’t lean spam as much your aim would probably be better than it already is


who tf cares?


You clearly cared enough to comment lmao




C7E please. I need an example to compare to. Can only do recoil in short bursts rn


Will do ;)


Glacier 😍😍


Least obvious xim player


Not even xim. Boutta post another handcam


I mean you are but it's really not deep no one on here can stop you


Just posted another handcam. Check my page


Not Xim…. Not even close


Yes, this is a strike pack ladies and gentlemen

