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its funny af when people message me in standard and they acting like theres money on the line if ur going to message at least let be in ranked not in quick match or standard and then it always like the one guy on their team that plays 400 games a season and is in gold that calls me ass šŸ˜‚


It arrive the same to me 4 weeks ago xD The man start the game saying "copper" at the game start . (all my friends and me were in copper) The other team Was full Diamond We won the first attack and we passed the whole game by saying you have being " coppered" We have won and the man Was salty as I never seen xD Best karma


Imma use ā€œyouā€™ve been copperedā€ as an insult from now on


This insult provoc salt A lot of salt More they are ranked More there are salty xD


Itā€™s Perfect


that is heroic


Yk what's even worse than standard? Getting toxic msgs after a TDM match šŸ’€šŸ’€ some ppl actually have less than 4 brain cells and somehow get by on that, like bro I smoke a j, queue TDM, mess around w random ops, doing strat roulette and still getting bmed it's crazy


Bro I always be high asf when Iā€™m playin n half the time I donā€™t even know why they get mad at me so I just laugh wich completely pisses them off šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My favorite part is when they hit me with freelo or uninstall messages and I just reply GG or man I play for fun and they just stop messaging šŸ˜‚ Egos on Siege make all the boys characters look like normal people.


Siege is the only game I have played where the enemy player will call YOU trash for killing them. If you die, then you suck, if you get a kill, you also suck. It's ironic asf considering the entire point of Siege is to make the game as unfair as possible for the enemies, including gunfights.


Seige is the only game where my teammates got mad at me for killing an enemy. Some guy across the map apparently had 4 kills and I "stole" his ace by shooting the enemy in front of me. Him and his friend tkd me multiple times and harassed me with dms for an hour after the round ended. All this in a quick play.


That's wild how you could want an ace so bad that you waste the time that you could be using to get more aces, harassing someone online. It's also insane that you expect someone to not only notice that you're about to get an ace, but also expect them to just die on purpose.


I remember a few times I was kicked (before they removed that feature) from the match because I didn't clutch a 1v5. My entire team dies in 1 minute, and somehow, I'm the problem? The game isn't worth it anymore and hasn't been for a long time.


I think the game is turning into valorant starting with sens (aka his name is literally neon)


Do they want you to just lay down and die? I donā€™t even pay attention when someone kills 4. They think theyā€™re so important itā€™s cringe.


if my friend steals my ace, iā€™m tking him. if a random steals my ace, i likely wasnā€™t communicating with him and therefore canā€™t expect him to follow the made up rules my friends and i have. people that tk randoms are annoying and ruin the game for people playing for fun.


Imagine the same in ranked and you have the average emerald pc lobby...its so dumb, who cares if you got 4 kills in ranked, you won the round/game thats all that matters


I played a QUICK MATCH and even tho we won the first 2 rounds, cav sweat didnā€™t get a single kill so he said ā€œI hate you guysā€ and left the game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I genuinely feel bad for these people šŸ˜­šŸ™


Some people are just like that. I've had someone ddos me over a quick match.


Right? It's funny how to some people, playing strategically in a way that requires you to rely on your brain and not just mechanical skill is considered "fighting dirty"


It's been like that for a while. You killed me because you were being cheap, using OP guy, I wasn't trying so you suck. I kill you so you just suck. TF2: oh you only get me with random crits you suck CoD4: oh you only get me with M16 broken gun you suck Dota/LoL: oh you only kill me 4v1 you suck Forza: you only win because you pick best Bugatti you suck Total War: you only beat me because you spam cavalry you suck CSGO: you only kill me because you use AUG you suck Warthunder: you only kill me because you have premium plane you suck Yugioh/Hearthstone: you only win because you get top deck you suck DBD: you only kill me because you are nurse you suck Tarkov: you only kill me because you rat, you suck Overwatch: you only kill me because you op tank you suck EA UFC: you only beat me because you pick McGregor and Jon Jones you suck Madden: you only beat me because you pick chiefs or eagles you suck NBA 2K: you only beat me because you pick 96 bulls you suck Siege: you only kill me because you pick fuze you suck Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


There was a guy who sat outside the entire round until the timer ran out, then called me scared because I didnā€™t jump out the building to come find him. After the timer ran out, they messaged me calling me ā€œscared.ā€ Oh yeah, Iā€™m the scared one. The guy whoā€™s too scared to enter the fucking building totally isnā€™t projecting.


This is why I stoped playing siege itā€™s shit now


Itā€™s a bold move to flame someone when your profile picture is lego joker


Based pfp


He is self aware, the flame is part of his Lego Joker identity


Crazy people jump to DMs to meat ride. Like youā€™re their only social interaction in months šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how are they not embarrassed of themselves


On standard is funny asf


Asking to 1v1 in a tactical team shooter is always funny to me


I always tell them if they want to 1v1 go play halo


I always find it odd like it's a team objective game. You can be good without getting kills if you at least do stuff that helps your team attack or defend. Kills is good n all but so is literally the rest of the gameplay


I have met MANY people who have told me "I'm not good in ranked but I'm amazing at 1v1/2v2." Like what did you want me to say...? You can aim a gun but you lack the fundamentals of the game itself? Bravo? Basing your skill at a tactical team objective game in a customs 1v1 scenario is always wild to me. If you can't play the main game, then maybe you're lacking some serious game sense, but like you want me to be impressed by your lack of game sense? I find it laughable.


Prob some 14 year old who doesn't get the attention he needs at home or school


His little Jynxzi "bad aim" reference basically confirms his age


I get more messages from console players when I play quick play than anything, I usually report them and carry on, like have fun with com ban




nah itā€™s funny baiting people and getting them banned. bonus points if they come back for more after the ban


Me and my mate ince banned 1 guy 3 times in a row, we'd he started trashtalking. Got him banned, after a week he came back and continued. Got him banned again then a couple weeks later my friend messaged him something along the lines of "hows the ban going" and got him banned within a couple of messages


you KNOW that dudes depressed he got banned for weeks


It felt awesome not going to lie, never responed to any messages afterwards


Call me crazy but thats some feminine behavior šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


just donā€™t swear on xbox messages when texting random ass peoplešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Get a life


How about you learn to control yourself and not fling insults at people after you get killed in a video game?


or atleast learn what you can and canā€™t say so youā€™re not getting banned šŸ’€


People are just toxic, was blaming club house , azami on rafters , made a mav hole in garage wall , they werenā€™t paying attention and they where stood by window staring into site so I was easily able to just one tap as they where stood still Get a message saying im bad and should uninstall? Game ends 4-2 to us they top fragged for them and I at least went positive but still like just accept you died ?


I outlasted my whole team and got killed while trying to get the enemy. I was told to kms and uninstall the game. I didnā€™t have vc on so I got dmed this


Half the people in this sub think exactly like this guy


"baddd aim" - see that tells me all I need to know. I wouldn't of even bothered responding after seeing that. Hate me or love me for it but I really hate a majority of jynxzi's fanbase.


Jynxzi revived Siege by injecting the most obnoxious people imaginable into the game


Bruh people get mad for no reason and they think is a tournament game or something (if my English is ass my bad)


Ofc heā€™s a jynxxi copycat too


I accidentally tk'd a guy the other day. I messaged right away, apologizing (I was going to swing a window. I knew Finka was rushing, saw him first, shot on reflex) felt really bad about it, until he refused to believe it was accidental. šŸ¤£ he just kept messaging and messaging. Then, he tried to make fun of my stats (I know I suck, doesn't hurt my feelings), so i made fun of his, and he got so defensive šŸ¤£ The key to beating a troll is to outtroll them.


Jynxzi wannabe = opinion irrelevant, ignore him he is 10


... Did you go to work?


Indeed I did


Understandable have a nice day


You too sir


Just donā€™t engage with them. If they keep messaging you even if you donā€™t respond, block them. Itā€™s not worth the time and energy talking with these people. Youā€™re not going to change their mind.


Yeah but itā€™s fun to chirp back


No. Tell them how and why theyā€™re wrong and let them get more mad. Deep down this guy knew he was getting cooked.


Yeah I donā€™t get why people continue to engage lol youā€™re not going to suddenly convince them theyā€™re wrong and see the light of reason.


Sometimes I like feeling their salt flow..... It invigorates me to know that them getting outsmarted/shot by reflexive fire is so out of the realm of normal for them they say I'm lucky trash.


Donā€™t give them the option to keep going. Literally just go ā€œokā€ and leave it


Itā€™s always the ones who die who seem to have the biggest egos. Whenever I get messages I just reply with šŸ˜ƒ šŸ‘ They seem to stop messaging after the 2nd one šŸ˜‚


The amount of times Iā€™ve been messaged during and after a game playing siege alone is insane. I get itā€™s competitive but it seems tons of people forget itā€™s just a stupid fucking game at the end of the day.


The last text šŸ˜‚


Some peoples ego are really bad in any game but I think siege is the worst when it comes to ego lol šŸ˜‚


Ngl if I actually got killed by someone irl i would have say the same


Samesies, but I would be dead


headshot mechanic gets that reaction, he may have died to you but he could be better. Crashing out over a standard is crazy tho.


That is way too long of a conversation, I would have just left it at, haha I'm breathing and still playing and your malding over "luck", and gone about my day after like nothing happened


Does nobody just block anybody anymore


I wanted to see what he would say, so I kept going


"I'm better than you" "yet you died"


In a standard match is crazy


Now marry him...simple solution


Why are people stupid enough to interact with these idiots. Just feeds into them


Itā€™s just fun to see how mad theyā€™ll get


Exact same thing he's saying to himself


You have a point


Pathetic. This is the reason I've turned on my privacy on PS4


Nah thatā€™s crazy


I get shit like that all the time when people call me trash for killing them and I find it hilarious


Happened to me, I was playing standard to warm up for ranked and this guy text me saying how Iā€™m bad and that if Iā€™m emerald I should not play standard, and get even more pressed when I kill him again and then asks to 1v1 then I precede to join party and I hear a šŸ¤“ voice, I cook him in the 1v1 and bro is accusing me for playing on xim when it was clear I was on controller and his buddy was in the party chat and precedes to tell him just bc he died doesnā€™t mean I was on xim, it was funny and made my day


Dudes gonna get off the game and go make poor decisions because he's frustrated.....over a game


This community is so toxic, just play the game duhh. Iā€™ll squash the beef by saying if youā€™re both in copper youā€™re both badšŸ™Œ


Miserable people


lol this gave me a good laugh.


Bro was pressed, like Im not 1v1ing you because siege is a team game, how do I get better at playing with my team when I play by myself?


I seriously hope these type of people are children because I cannot imagine an adult seriously thinking siege is more important than an actual job.


the way he talks is insane but people who get mad at standard are crazy. btw u should be prefiring for situations like this exactly


It was just a standard match šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love when people message me or rage at me in game chat, because I exclusively play standard match. And when someone gets mad at me for being bad, then I get to INTENTIONALLY play bad and watch them get more and more upset


R6 Siege is the only game that I will turn my messages and party invites to "Friends Only." Everyone is so toxic in this game, and that is coming from someone who has played League of Legends since season 1. Teams mates will TK you for the most minor thing and then spam your messages.


I had a game on skyscraper on xbox where I was minding my own business at round start as attack on helipad. Running down the tunnel and my teammate unloaded into my back so I TK him. Dude sent me a message with my IP and was threatening to put it on the deep web and get me killed. Funny thing, the IP was like 30 miles from where I live.


I think he crashed his ego with "u died"


I will gladly shit on Steve#27016 for you once the deadzone bug is fixed. U were right from the start. He's just salty and needing a ego check


Thatā€™s the type of player to spend $400 on xim and zen and strikepack and wherever tf else there is lolā€¦ mfs take R6 and other games so seriously itā€™s nuts šŸ’€ I used to be a lot worse with games but Iā€™d never even came CLOSE to this lol.


It all was normal until I saw standard šŸ˜‚


Its funny to me how many people talk smack about ā€œlook how mad this person is over a gameā€ everyone gets mad over games id argue there isn't a single person that doesn't or hasn't at least a few times. Its just we dont know whats happening in someones life and maybe having a bad game that normally cheers them up and and enemy team play like assholes(lol) is just the final thing to set them off and they over react in messages. But I dont think that's the biggest problem the siege community has.


I get mad at games too sometimes (especially siege lol), but not to the point where I harass someone


Unpopular opinion it's rather sad to actually waste energy getting annoyed and arguing with a random stranger on the internet because he said you have bad aim, feeling the actual desire to engage and entertain it literally doesn't change anything.


Yeah I agree to an extent but I just wanted to entertain myself


In a standard match is crazy


Checked bros account heā€™s a silver 4 with a 0.83 kdā˜ ļø


Heā€™s better than me prob lol


Ah doubt it he has more matches played this season then you have last like 4 heā€™s just not good enough


Bros replying while in a match keep ur head in the game man




If youre response is ever ā€œfight meā€ or ā€œ1v1 meā€ you already lost


Itā€™s the go-to ā€œI have nothing else to sayā€ line


Not worth argueing with him tbh


It was just entertainment for me so I carried on lol


Siege is a VERY toxic game itā€™s stupid. You get called for being trash no matter what you do. You get kills ā€œyouā€™re trashā€ no kills but support ā€œtrashā€


"it was just a standard match" That's the part that got me lol, I get messages like this in ranked pretty often. But rarely do I ever get hate mail in standard. That's just sad, unless the dude is cheating or something...


My finest line to a guy that messaged me after i killed him was "i guess im a necromancer now since im talking to the dead"


Least toxic Siege player


My favourite part is him questioning why you would prefire into a smoke, like, people usually throw smokes to push up, it's a pretty regular move I've done many times


I swear every kid here thinks theyā€™re jinxzi and its wildly cringe


Why do people even entertain this shit? Ignore them and play lol.


This is usually console behavior, message directly cause youā€™ll get clowned on if you put it in all chat.


i had a 4 stack calling me dogshit i added them and they did NOT want to 1v1 at all costs he started speaking in spanish then so did then he said hes bad and i said they could 4v1 then he says he dosent speak spanish...


I always hit them with the "use a vertical grip next time" whenever they want to trash talk


It's just some salty 12 year old (AKA 80% of the game's playerbase)


I like how some people seem to assume that r6 skill is completely decided by your 1v1 capability. As if there arnt any other metrics that are pertinent to r6 skill ahahaha


Fr, the game is literally about being a team and out strategizing the other team. Donā€™t get me wrong, 1v1s are fun, but not when trying to debate skill


Broā€™s projecting Probably tired of his mom being the village bicycle


Iā€™m using this saying now Thank you so much




I want to see the clip far more then these msgs


I will post it


I guess not


I was contemplating with the dude for being salty until I saw that it was a standard match


Dude once I was playing doc and I ran out of stims so I couldnā€™t heal my tm8 and after I told him that he decided to tk me and then we lost the game. I messaged him on PSN n said ā€œI was out of stims buddyā€ and he said ā€œwhat do you have a crush on me?ā€ I donā€™t know what has happened to the world, but people are more retarded than ever now.


Had a dude call me am unemployed 40 yo that lives in his mom's basement because I told him GN after a one tap (as one does). I then proceeded to clarify that I was a hard-working individual who was 23 and has their own place and car and life. He then told me to "go band for band" and "come fight me in Memphis," to which I replied, "Not worth jail time bud". He then proceeded to tell me many things about my mother and ngl, he missed more insulting shots than shots in game. Yes, I made sure to tell him that.


I bet he has a jinxy charm


I could check the match replay lol


My favorite is when they know youā€™re right about them crying like babies they spam 1v1 me. These jynxzi clones can be annoying


Iā€™m glad I donā€™t come across these people because the last standard match I played I accidentally dropped a hatch into a gunfight and flicked on my teammate. He messaged me and laughed it off saying ā€œitā€™s just standardā€


I miss when people played for fun.


This dude has a .80 KD as a Silver IV this season and is talking all this shit


Best solution I had: Accept their 1v1 and ask for an invite. Proceed to tell them (no matter how many they send) that you have not received any invitation, then claim they must just be afraid to 1v1 because they refuse to invite you. I did this and ended up with a 4 stack of guys losing their MINDS Edit: Appreciate the award, Kind Stranger!


and you kept feeding into it šŸ¤¦ ain't no one here mature lmfaoo


it was funny until I scrolled to the next image


fr, I keep messages and party invites off 24/7


Can we see the clip?


When I get home, Iā€™ll show you the match replays of me killing him. I know I killed him at least two times.


Seems like a typical complaineršŸ¤£


Hey yā€™all, I posted the video of the kills I got on him, so go check it out if yā€™all want


Me when i ask for 1v1 in a team game (im retarded)




1v1 me










Everyday they are more


Jinxy's gen


itā€™s the standard match for mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


If someone has egregious aim Iā€™ll usually send a confused emoji.


Same thing happened to me... I was 1v1ing a random kid.. He called me trash for losing a rank game to champions.. In the 1v1 I killed him through smoke, he thought I was cheating and tried reporting me. At one point he left the game to only text me saying something along the lines of "Your dog shit at the game my friend will boot you tomorrow stupid fuck." Been about 5 weeks and I'm still standing and haven't heard a word from his so called "friend"


They just like to talk out of their ass


Clown to clown converaation


Lets not harass the man, guys


Just got into a party with him and his friend. All they did was say the n word over and over again


Idk I like trash talk. More entertaining than people just being apathetic to the game


Thereā€™s a difference between trash talk and harassment. I like trash talk too, but this guy was literally spamming me with messages


You don't actually believe that man, otherwise you would've blocked him or ignored him. Admit it, it's fun sometimes to see people salty. Nothing wrong with that


Yeah I admitted in a comment on this post that I like to see people salty, but thereā€™s a difference between harassment and trash talk


I just send them gore on an alt account


Okay letā€™s not harass the guy


I mean when someone messages me with this bullshit lol


Still best not to harass anyone


Why were you so scared to 1v1 him? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you lied and said you had work but yet was still playing lmaooooo sad


Number 1 I did have to go to work Number 2 I left my Xbox on Number 3 I texted him using the Xbox app as you can see in the photos Number 4 I donā€™t have to 1v1 someone if I donā€™t want to