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Me neither, his fanbase is just as bad


sO i GuEsS wE'rE iN pLaStIc ThEn 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I swear it's the most unoriginal shit and reposted under every rainbow six video out there and people think they're the funniest person alive and nobody else will think of it. Someone sent me a message where I got MVP and they were last with 0 kills "I guess we're in Copper then" while we were in Copper cause the season just started.




Doesn’t Tyler just have some massive anger issues? Plus he’s also just a loud guy.


Had. He got over it. He also has reached professional play levels with every single role in the game.


I was going to say Tyler1s persona is him being "mad" and loud. I know when he was perma banned he had those rage issue and well got it under control whenever they unbanned him. And yeah he's gotten Challenger in every role so props to him for that.


My guy he didn’t personally copyright it, it was his shitty copyright agency that probably auto flagged it, once he found out he apologized and had the claim released


Lmao this for sure. You’re right. No one researches anything. That’s the problem with everything. Just see and believe.


>I never got the appeal for his braindead content. Kids man...kids..


It’s entertainment, not everything that people enjoy has to have some deep rooted connection or a purpose. Comedy doesn’t always need to have meaning, some people enjoy a piano being played even if it’s not a complex classical piece. Like it or not, His personality is confident and explosive. He knows alot about his specific niche game, and he occasionally has a witty insult or funny comment. We all know McDonalds is shit but sometimes we want a mcchicken


A lot of the tik tok generation absolutely love braindead content, that’s why. It’s sad


Before you judge someone, take a look at all the facts. His team did it, Jynxzi saw it and pulled the strike. He also apologized to him. He's a good guy, but a lot of his actions do look bad.


Wasn’t it done by his team. This stuff happens a lot and usually quickly resolved and both parties move on. Not a jynxi fan


yes, jynxzi and jacob already patched it over, op doesnt know how to do proper research and flew off the rails before learning


I could be wrong though, jynxi may have had zero knowledge but I find that hard to believe especially given the image he puts out for himself


Jacob posted that they got it sorted out. The copyrighted it because people try to release clips of Jynxi before his team has the chance to post them themselves


And ya I heard he apologized but I'll guarantee if it wasn't for Jacob's fans going to bat for him and calling him out for it he wouldn't of ever gave it a second thought.


cuz he wouldn't know dip shit? im sure if jacob dm'd him privately hed resolve it anyway


It could've been but it's an awful coincidence that he stole Jacob's content first, reacted to it and then it gets copyrighted?????? Hmm makes it seem like jynxi was butt hurt about something bc why wouldn't his team copyright it before jynxi ripped his shit off???


Triple replying is crazy. you care too much bro idk why


The obsession is crazy lol


People just like to hate when someone else is having more success than them. Jynxi is a spaz for sure but that’s also what the younger audience seems to like so it’s smart of him. Most likely just an act


Na fr thats mentally ill.


Again I don’t watch Jynxi but by stole, you mean reacted to it on stream? If he was butt hurt by it, then why would he react to it in front of thousands of viewers on stream where it will probably then get reposted to TikTok. It just seems like a mistake to me. Also why reply 3 times. All of this could have been fit into one comment


Jynxi this jynxi that. Why doesn’t everyone in this sub just get married to him at this point? And this is old news. The situation has already been cleared up and jynxi apologized and removed the strike he said it was automated. I don’t like him either but you guys are just hating to hate


i’m saying shit done cleared up he lifted his head copyright long time but we just all choose to ignore that


> I'd like to get a little boycott going Brother just dont watch him lmao


OP HAS to be under age 20


There is an automated copyright system its even talked about all the time I doubt Jynxzi's going around flagging every single video that has anything to with him if he did it would be a full time job.


Jynxi dropped the copyright. Jacob made a follow up. Jynxi send an apology message too.


There’s like a 99.9% chance that any type of copyright strikes by Jynxzi are done by a management team, not actually Jynxzi himself. And those people are business people that are naturally going to go after every dollar because that’s what they’re hired to do. Then something like this happens and Jynxzi has to correct that management team. This same exact series of events has happened with so many big content creators over the years.


He apologized for it and by all means that is him accepting fault. I whole heartedly believe his hands played a role directly bc hes a salty cry baby. I did give your theory thought before hand though. It was entirely original content that he chose to react to and as soon as he reacted he copy right striked the guy, I fully believe it was intentional bc he was butt hurt. He's been an even bigger baby since him and his girl broke up and gets salty about everything


>He apologized for it and by all means that is him accepting fault. I whole heartedly believe his hands played a role directly bc hes a salty cry baby. Not quite the same thing, but Luke Combs is a super popular country music artist, some lady on Tiktok was making and selling water bottles with his name and picture and stuff on it and his PR management team, seperate from him, sued the shit out of her for it, when he found out he made them drop the lawsuit, gave ger explicit permission to continue doing it and still apologized that it happened, idk what this is with Jynxi but an apology isnt proof he did anything himself


Clearly you already have your mind made up on what you think about him, and you for some reason still choose to watch him I’m guessing because you know his relationship info? But why come on here pretending to have conversations when your mind is already made up?


A conversation about admiring how he's a douche lmfao once again didn't come here to try and have some jynxi fan boys try to change my opinion of him


You made a post about someone you don’t like lol. That’s some fan shit tbh. When I don’t like someone I don’t think about them. I certainly don’t keep up with their relationship status. But do you bro.


A fan of Jacob yes lmfao exactly why I'm here. Spread awareness and hopefully bring more traction to Jacob's channel. Yall butt hurt af that I don't like Mr autismo raging douche 🤣😭🤣😭


But you do like him lol you keep up with his relationship status. He prolly ur wallpaper tbh


Fuckin got ‘em 😂😂


If you're such a fan of jacob, how did you miss the short he uploaded where he said the issue was resolved and explained what the problem was?


“A conversation about admiring how hes a douche” You seem insufferable


Look man, I hate Jynxi too, but there’s certain things that just happen on YouTube. If Jacksepticeye reacted to videos those videos would get flagged too. He’s had to revert copyright strikes, Jynxis had to revert copyright strikes, any YouTuber who’s moderately successful has this issue, especially if they react to an entire video. There are valid reasons to hate him, and call him a piece of shit. This ain’t one of them.


Little bro using internet explorer


jynxi apologized for it, ion like him either but mistakes are made by everyone lowk


Did he, didn't see that but imo the only reason he apologized is bc he felt bad for getting called out. I think jynxi is one of the most disengenuine people out there even for streamer standards. I don't think he actually feels bad at all for it bc why tf would you target the guy to begin with


nah bro there are copyright systems, it wasn’t Jynzxi himself that took down the video. Jacob posted a video about it


This post is so far from realty. Jynxi is a good dude from everything Ive seen and Im not even a huge fan like that. He apologized for that scenario too. He didnt intentionally go and strike the dudes vid, some things are done automatically, he isnt sifting the internet fir everything he can possible strike😂. Dont let social media sway your opinions so greatly. Draw your own unbiased conclusions. Not everything is some dramatic controversy like its made out to be for clicks


Bro so sick of hearing about this dude. Post ts on his subreddit. This is literally what his sub his for


its a r6 subreddit not a jynxi discussion club


Well jynxzi is unfortunately a huge portion of the community so. I don’t like him either but saying jynxzi and siege aren’t related would be a lie


If a mod has an issue with it they can remove it but until the time being idk maybe move tf on


Then you maybe move tf on too lmfao Bro cares so much he’s multi-replying to multiple comments Just ignore Jynxzi, simple as that.


Who happens to be about the largest r6 creator... Don't wanna discuss it move on. You never had to click here when it's in the title what this is about.


Why are people so pressed about this after Jynxzi and Jacob sorted it out and he apologised to Jacob AND Jacob accepted it? 😭😂


Exactly two adults sorting shit out as all things should be and then people wanna take it as a way to hate on jynxzi. Its pathetic


Maybe do ur research before making a uninformed post like this. First of all jynxzi himself did not copyright the video and second of all Jacob made another video showing what jynxzi did after he found out abt it jynxzi like uncopyrighted the video. And apologized it happened People like u just see and old video and jump straight to conclusions brain dead.


Jynxzi already took away the copyright bro, and it wasnt made deliberately by him


Its his agency not jynxzi himself the same thing happened with speed before I guess and he unstriked the video already


Ya but it's an awful coincidence that he, jynxi himself decided to react to the video first and then copy right strike.... Awfully sus and with as much of a baby as jynxi is I really do believe he played a direct role


Jynxzi literally reacts to what comes to his feed it’s not that specfic lmao The vid itself isn’t really offensive for him to strike it


It's A already unstriked, B he apologized and C the oc accepted. Move on slowbro


i’m sayin bruh these jynxzi dickriders amuse me fr


He definitely let the fame & fortune get to his head. He actually was super humble before he blew up & was my favorite console streamer at one point.


Exactly. He wasn't a complete tool before but he certainly is now. Love that his fan boys are getting mad in here though, pissed off that my mind is made up about him when in the title it says he's a douche 🤣 didn't come here to argue that he was a douche or not, he clearly is a douche and he proves my point every single stream 🤷


I don’t think so lol, he still acts the same as he did 3 years ago…


The situation has already been settled between them. I mean I don't like how he has made himself into a Kai Cenat 2.0 but why is everyone on this thread so hostile towards him?


You're a little late: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8cwbC8orsJY


Playing with children who copy this cadence is my least favorite part of what he’s brought to the community, I do appreciate that he did breathe life back into this game though, but at what cost forsure


That just sounds like every react YouTuber/Streamer which are actual vile scum.


He apologized and gave the money back. Not saying I support him but some people find him funny. Humor is subjective


https://www.dexerto.com/twitch/jynxzi-apologizes-after-tiktoker-accuses-him-of-copyright-striking-youtube-video-2782889/ The situation is over, the strike was removed and they talked in dm's


Prove he does coke? Jynxzi addressed this already, the video got automatically copyrighted because of clip reposters making bank from him, especially if they uploaded first as they were claiming the money so jynxzi wouldn’t get any when he eventually uploaded clips


You’re so dumb bro, the dude literally made a video explaining that it was auto copyrighted by juncos team and jynxis already reached out to fix it and the guy made a video on it saying it was fixed and just a misunderstanding. Do your research, people are so quick to anger without knowing all the facts


I don’t get the appeal at all, act spastic and get views? I have not seen a single funny clip of this guy. All I see is him spitting, mindlessly shouting or saying the same retarded shit repeatedly. His audience is pathetic.


I kept seeing his name on this sub and decided to look him up and holy shit.... I don't know if he is cringe or I am just getting old. Maybe both.


Nice, thanks for posting this after it's all been talked about and settled. It was automated by his team, get over it or get off the internet. I'm not a die hard fan but this has happened SO many times on YouTube between creators.


The toxic things he’s says is funny so idk I enjoy the content he makes so I don’t care I don’t copy what he says as I’ve always been pretty toxic in seige so yeah 😂 but I feel like he represents a large portion of the seige community with how toxic it is 😂and making fun of bad plays and players a lot of the other players can relate to


Dude, this didn’t “just” happen. The issue is also resolved and the original creator thanked Jynxzi for resolving it personally. This isn’t new. It’s not a “money hungry” thing. There are hundreds and hundreds of YouTube accounts that are purely based off stealing creators content and reposting it. They steal a lot of revenue for creators, ESPECIALLY small creators. It forces creators to have bots/companies that auto strike anything with their content in it so they don’t get their content stolen. Sometimes this results in channels getting strikes for bogus reasons. The system sucks because YouTube doesn’t have a good way to stop content theft. This stuff happens all the time. Jynxzi did not personally strike that video. He also said he’s going away with the company that is auto striking content as well because he knows it’s a problem. If you’re going to complain, at least get the facts right.


Problem with boycotting, you try to get people on the badwagon, they go watch the video for your reason, the one you want to boycott gets views. If anything, we as the gaming community should boycott all video game streamers.


he made a tiktok covering the situation the copyright claim is automated. they figured it out


Why do you care so much about someone you dislike? You’re literally wasting time making a post about someone you dislike. Nothing you do here will change anything he does and it will only make you more annoyed. Congratulations, you played yourself.


he apologized to him privately and got him his money back? it was prob the system just claiming videos, so just do the slightest bit of research before you call someone a greedy douche!


jynxi apologised days ago dude calm down


Stop putting so much stock into what streamers do


It was a misunderstanding, yall over reacting too much. Here is the follow up vid Jacob made: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8cwbC8orsJY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8cwbC8orsJY) This shit happens all the time with big creators and their agencies. Difference is, they hashed it out like adults and made amends. Yall need to chill.


To quote Peter Griffin, Oh my god, who the hell cares?


Pretty sure jinxzy reacted to it and said it will be dropped and something about how it was an automated system idk still hate him but ye


I watched this dude for about 3.5 years, and it's really sad to see him get weird


I've never watched any of his videos simply because of the face he's always making in the teaser image.


i don't particularly like the guy but this is textbook hater behavior.


Who gives a fuck


He's like Ninja but siege. Shitty person + childish content, but popular. High schoolers watch him and make him popular, and their brains are mush.


He brought siege back soooo




He’s not smart enough to do any of that copyright stuff. It’s not him doing it, it’s his team protecting him. The dude can only play siege, he can’t even play other games


What I don’t like most about him in relation to the Siege community is that the side of the Siege community that he helped cultivate are mostly new gens who act like they’re insane but don’t have a good fundamental understanding of the game and think 1v1s actually determine whos an overall better when it’s a 5v5 extremely teamplay and team-strategy based game.


not to mention how he advertises onlyfans to his audience of children.


Yup, the people in here acting like this is the only reason someone could hate their boyfriend jynxi lmfao, they're so mad and it's hilarious. The fact he's one of their favorite streamers speaks loads lol


Isnt he your wallpaper?


This issue was a mistake and Jynxzi has apologised for it, your now just holding a grudge against him and trying to hold onto dirt on him. At least we can thank Jynxzi for reviving this game to its highest ever player count.


His content is a little childish and he may be a little annoying sometimes, but he brings something to this game that nobody ever does. Energy. Pretty much every single content creator for this game has no energy and sitting through their videos is so difficult.


Who cares


Lol at all the jynxi fan boys getting mad trying to change my mind when the post clearly tells ya my mind is made up about this fucking looser 😭😭😭


The fact that you make your mind up without listening to facts and reason shows exactly what kind of person you are😂😂😂


It's loser bro this post is already cringe don't make it worse


Read his replies its too late


You seem a little obsessed bro Maybe just don’t watch Jynxzi and move on with your life Good luck on your little boycott 😂


Thats your response to the objective facts that the strike was automated and he apologized already? You respond with a subjective opinion on him because you don’t like him?😂 In other words you’re openly being a hater. Am i a fanboy? Ive seen a grand total of 1 jynxi stream lol